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Published online 2022 Jul 16.

Table 1

Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Individuals

Sex (n, M/F)36/22
Age (y)31 ± 10.91
Height (m)1.68 ±. 09
Weight (kg)71.47 ± 12.55
Body mass index (kg/m2)25.01 ± 3.42
Beck Depression Inventory (0-63)8 ± 6.48/7 (7)
Symptomatic side (D/ND)34 D/24 ND
Duration of symptoms (mo)20 ± 18.85/17.50 (59)
Penn Shoulder Score, total (0-100)65.11 ± 11.78
Penn Shoulder Score, domains
 Pain (0-30; 0 = worst possible pain, 30 = no pain)17.60 ± 5.58
 Satisfaction (0-10; 0 = not satisfied, 10 = very satisfied)4.81 ± 2.44
 Function (0-60; 0 = worst function, 60 = better function)42.69 ± 8.49
Self-reported pain (0-10, 0 = no pain, 10 = worst possible pain)
 Pain at rest2.70 ± 2.30/3(8)
 Pain during normal activities3.85 ± 2.25
 Pain during strenuous activities5.43 ± 1.91
Pain during range of movement (0-10, 0 = no pain, 10 = worst possible pain)
 Sagittal flexion4.51 ± 2.46
 Scapular flexion4.12 ± 2.34
 Internal rotation3.57 ± 2.50/3.50 (8.50)
 External rotation3.99 ± 2.46/3.50 (9)
Pain during strength (0-10, 0 = no pain, 10 = worst possible pain)
 Sagittal flexion4.44 ± 2.75/4 (10)
 Internal rotation3.30 ± 2.47/3 (10)
 External rotation3.20 ± 2.74/3.75 (9)
Active MTPs (sum of individuals)
 Upper trapezius43 (0.74, 0-2)
 Lower trapezius36 (0.62, 0-3)
 Infraspinatus59 (1.01, 0-4)
 Supraspinatus28 (0.48, 0-2)

Parametric data are described as mean ± standard deviation. Nonparametric data are described as mean ± standard deviation and median and interquartile range. Sex and symptomatic side are shown as frequency. Active MTPs are shown as the sum of MTPs of individuals and mean and range of MTPs.

D, dominant; F, female; M, male; MTPs, myofascial trigger points; ND, nondominant.