Patterns and Perceptions of Care for Treatment of Back and Neck Pain: Results of a National Survey

Patterns and Perceptions of Care for Treatment
of Back and Neck Pain: Results of a National Survey

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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FROM:   Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2003 (Feb 1); 28 (3): 292–297

Wolsko PM, Eisenberg DM, Davis RB, Kessler R, Phillips RS

Center for Alternative Medicine Research and Education,
Division of General Medicine and Primary Care,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
Department of Medicine, Boston

Researchers conducted a national telephone survey of 2,055 adults, asking if they had back or neck problems during the past 12 months, and if yes, what type of treatment was received and how helpful was it. 33 percent of those surveyed reported having back or neck pain during the last year; 20 percent sought chiropractic care. Chiropractic providers were perceived as having been very helpful for back or neck pain in 61 percent of the cases, in contrast to only 27 percent who perceived their medical care as being very helpful. 72 percent of those treated by a chiropractor reported the treatment as very helpful, compared to only 19 percent of those who had seen conventional providers.

STUDY DESIGN:   We conducted a nationally representative random household telephone survey to assess therapies used to treat back or neck pain.

OBJECTIVES:   The main outcome was complementary therapies used in the last year to treat back or neck pain.

SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA:   Back pain and neck pain are common medical conditions that cause substantial morbidity. Despite the presumed importance of complementary therapies for these conditions, studies of care for back and neck pain have not gathered information about the use of complementary therapies.METHODS Our nationally representative survey sampled 2055 adults. The survey gathered detailed information about medical conditions, conventional and complementary therapies used to treat those conditions, and the perceived helpfulness of those therapies.

RESULTS:   We found that of those reporting back or neck pain in the last 12 months, 37% had seen a conventional provider and 54% had used complementary therapies to treat their condition. Chiropractic, massage, and relaxation techniques were the most commonly used complementary treatments for back or neck pain (20%, 14%, and 12%, respectively, of those with back or neck pain). Chiropractic, massage, and relaxation techniques were rated as "very helpful" for back or neck pain among users (61%, 65%, and 43%, respectively), whereas conventional providers were rated as "very helpful" by 27% of users. We estimate that nearly one-third of all complementary provider visits in 1997 (203 million of 629 million) were made specifically for the treatment of back or neck pain.

CONCLUSIONS:   Chiropractic, massage, relaxation techniques, and other complementary methods all play an important role in the care of patients with back or neck pain. Treatment for back and neck pain was responsible for a large proportion of all complementary provider visits made in 1997. The frequent use and perceived helpfulness of commonly used complementary methods for these conditions warrant further investigation.



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