Conclusion, Appendixes, Glossary, and Index
This report has covered a broad spectrum of
alternative medical therapies and systems of medicine. Some of
these medical systems, such as Ayurvedic medicine and traditional
oriental medicine, are centuries old and are still in extensive
use in other nations and cultures of the world. Others, such as
osteopathy and naturopathy, evolved in the United States in the
not-too-distant past but were relegated to the fringes of
medicine because they differed from conventional biomedicine in
the concepts of health and illness they embraced. Still others,
such as some of the mind-body and bioelectromagnetic approaches,
are on the frontier of scientific knowledge and understanding.
Many alternative practitioners face numerous
economic, political, and scientific barriers that block their
acceptance by mainstream biomedicine. On the other hand, some
alternative medical practitioners do not expect to be brought
into the fold. Rather, they just want the opportunity to coexist
peacefully with mainstream medical practitioners and to be
allowed to offer consumers alternative health care options.
Consumers, however, are not waiting for mainstream science to
give them a "green light" on many alternative
treatments before using them. The fact is that today alternative
medicine constitutes a significant and growing portion of the
Nation's health care expenditures.
Recent surveys have demonstrated that most
people who opt to use alternative treatments or systems of
medicine believe that conventional medicine has not adequately
addressed their needs, or they want to supplement and thus
improve on their conventional treatment. This is especially true
of people with chronic, debilitating illnesses such as arthritis,
pain, cancer, and AIDS. People often are attracted to alternative
medicine practitioners who emphasize the patient's role in the
healing process as well as the importance of the
patient-practitioner interaction.
Studies also show that individuals who seek out
and use alternative medical treatments tend to be the better
educated and the more affluent. Thus the stereotype of the
alternative medicine consumer as an uneducated, poor person
succumbing to the sideshow lures of quacks and charlatans appears
to be greatly overblown. The reality is that because patients, in
general, are demanding more health care options at a lower cost,
a growing number of conventionally trained American physicians
have already begun incorporating alternative medical modalities
into their everyday medical practices.
The dominant biomedical U.S. health care system
has made countless technological discoveries and innovations in
the past half century, revolutionizing the way the body, the
mind, and the environment are viewed. By all measures, however,
it is an extremely expensive system offering limited
accessibility. In other words, the patients who have the most
money and live nearest the best health care facilities often
receive the best care. Increasingly, this situation will dictate
that the elderly, the disadvantaged, people with chronic
illnesses, and the very young go without adequate health
care--the populations that need health care most.
One of the simplest and most effective ways to
significantly lower health care costs and thus increase access is
through a major focus on preventive medicine. In this clinical
arena, many of the alternative health care systems may have much
to offer. Homeopathic and naturopathic physicians, for example,
strongly advise their patients about diet and other
health-promoting lifestyle choices as a matter of routine care.
In contrast, many conventional physicians do not routinely give
such advice until a patient has already become chronically ill,
by which time the patient may need expensive high-tech surgery
and face a lifetime of expensive drug therapy.
Another major factor contributing to the
skyrocketing health care costs in this country is the amount of
time involved in officially certifying a drug or medical
intervention as clinically effective and safe. Millions of
dollars may be spent, and years may pass, before a potentially
lifesaving drug, instrument, or intervention winds its way
through the complex Federal approval process. That same process
too often ignores or discounts related, potentially valuable
Canadian, European, and Asian data that could significantly
shorten the assessment process.
In addition, standards of testing drugs and
therapies in the United States are inconsistent with standards in
many other technologically developed countries. For example, U.S.
regulations on testing herbal medicines require a much more
circuitous testing process than is required overseas. There,
evidence of prior use without adverse side effects may be
accepted by medical authorities without data from extensive
clinical trials; preliminary clinical trials can therefore focus
immediately on the effectiveness of the herbal remedy. In the
United States, however, Phase I trials focus solely on safety
issues, and effectiveness is not dealt with until much later.
Furthermore, in many European and Asian
countries it is completely acceptable to test an herbal extract
as a single drug rather than require every potentially active
ingredient in the plant to be tested, as is the rule in the
United States. Thus in other developed countries significantly
less time and cost often are involved in bringing a potentially
beneficial herbal or naturally occurring remedy to market.
As U.S. consumers continue to use alternative
medicine, the challenge for health care policymakers and Federal
regulators is not only to protect the public from unscrupulous
medical practitioners but also to ensure the public's access to
the most effective treatments available. Certainly, patients
should have recourse if it can be shown that their practitioners
or the treatments they offer have no clinical or psychological
benefit. By the same token, patients with debilitating severe or
chronic illnesses should have the right to have access to--as
well as insurance to cover--an alternative therapy they believe
offers them relief.
Many of the alternative therapies described and
discussed in this report--hypnosis, art therapy, music therapy,
chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, and many herbal and
nutritional supplementations, to name a few--have already
received extensive and positive clinical evaluations. However, no
critical mass of researchers, clinicians, and policymakers has
formed to give them more exposure and recognition. Therefore,
many of these therapies should be included in any serious
discussions about developing a truly comprehensive health care
system. Others, as the report has indicated, need to be quickly
and thoroughly evaluated before any judgment can be passed.
However, they still may represent a great and largely untapped
resource for improving the Nation's health.
Appendix A: Participants at the Unconventional Medical
Practices Workshop
Westfields International Conference Center
Chantilly, VA
September 14-16, 1992
Jeanne Achterberg, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Saybrook Institute
San Francisco, CA
Irene Ansher, M.A.
Executive Director
Employee Assistance Coordination Organization
Potomac, MD
L. Eugene Arnold, M.D.
Special Expert
National Institute of Mental Health
Los Angeles, CA
Raymond Bahor, Ph.D.
Associate Chief
Division of Research Grants, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Becky Barbatsis, M.P.H.
Bethesda, MD
Ellen Barlow
Movement Therapist
Association for Body-Mind Centering
New York, NY
R. James Barnard, Ph.D.
Professor and Vice Chair
Department of Physiological Science
University of California, Los Angeles
Feneydoon Batmanghewidj, M.D.
Global Health Solutions
Robert Becker, M.D.
Lowville, NY
Berkley Bedell
Former Congressman
Spirit Lake, IA
Barbara Bemie, L.Ac.
American Foundation of Traditional Chinese
San Francisco, CA
Katy Benjamin, S.M., M.S.W.
Social Science Analyst
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
Rockville, MD
Brian M. Berman, M.D.
University of Maryland Pain Center
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
Robert Beutlich
U.S. Psychotronics Association
Chicago, IL
Stephen Birch
Research Director
New England School of Acupuncture
Watertown, MA
Richard A. Bloch
R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation
Kansas City, MO
Gerard Bodeker, Ed.D.
Director of Research
Lancaster Foundation
Fairfield, IA
Dean Bonlie, D.D.S.
Magnetico, Inc.
Calgary, Alberta
Jay P. Borneman, M.S., M.B.A.
American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists
Bryn Mawr, PA
Myrin Borysenko, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Mind Body Health Sciences
Scituate, MA
Jane B. Brady, M.S.
Well Mind Association
Silver Spring, MD
Carol Brenholtz, M.S.S.W.
Center for Mind-Body Studies
Washington, DC
Barbara A. Brennan, M.S.
Barbara Brennan School of Healing
East Hampton, NY
Seymour Brenner, M.D.
Radiation Oncologist
Radiation Therapy
Peninsula Hospital
Brooklyn, NY
Robert Brink, Ph.D.
Sykesville, MD
Dannion H. Brinkley
Theater of the Mind
Anniston, AL
Beverly Britton-Elkashef
Biofeedback Therapist
Behavioral Science Association
Association for Applied Psychophysiology
and Biofeedback
Baltimore, MD
Rosalyn L. Bruyere, D.D.
Healing Light Center Church
Sierra Madre, CA
Carola Burroughs
Health Educator
Brooklyn AIDS Task Force
Brooklyn, NY
Stanislaw Rajmund Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D.
Burzynski Research Institute, Inc.
Houston, TX
Dwight Byers
International Institute of Reflexology
Saint Petersburg, FL
Al Bymanis
Director of Public Relations
National Association for Music Therapy
Silver Spring, MD
Carlo Calabrese, N.D., M.P.H.
Research Department
Bastyr College
Seattle, WA
Faye J. Calhoun
Deputy Chief for Review
Division of Research Grants, NIH
Bethesda, MD
James A. Caplan
Bryn Mawr, PA
Aimee L. Carruth
Wellness Design
Evergreen, CO
Claire Cassidy, Ph.D.
Social Research
Traditional Acupuncture Institute
Bethesda, MD
Barrie R. Cassileth, Ph.D.
Consulting Professor
Community and Family Medicine
Duke University Medical Center
Chapel Hill, NC
Edward H. Chapman, M.D.
American Institute of Homeopathy
Newton, MA
Deepak Chopra, M.D.
South Lancaster, MA
Effie Poy Yew Chow, Ph.D., C.A.
East West Academy of Healing Arts
San Francisco, CA
Peter Chowka
San Diego, CA
George V. Coecho, Ph.D.
International Activities
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health
Rockville, MD
Roger B. Cohen, M.D.
Staff Fellow
Division of Cytokine Biology
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
Bethesda, MD
Mary Colligan-Stiff, B.A.
Legislative Analyst
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD
Jonathan Collin, M.D.
Townsend Letter for Doctors
Physician, Private Practice
Port Townsend, WA
Serafina Corsello, M.D.
Executive Medical Director
Corsello Centers for Nutritional-Complementary
Huntington, NY
Jerry Cott, Ph.D.
Chief, Psychotherapeutic Drug Discovery and
Development Program
National Institute of Mental Health
Rockville, MD
Martha Clayton Cottrall, M.D.
Kushi Institute
Becket, MA
Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.
Center for Empirical Medicine
Washington, DC
Jim Cox, D.Th.
Bethesda, MD
Michael L. Culbert, D.Sc.
Vice President/Information
American Biologics-Mexico SA
Chula Vista, CA
E. Morgan Culliton
Alexandria, VA
Patricia D. Culliton, M.A., Dipl.Ac.
Acupuncture Researcher
Hennepin County Medical Center
Minneapolis, MN
Jonathan Davidson, M.D.
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Program
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC
Etel E. DeLoach
Aesculapian Institute for Healing Arts, Inc.
Lilburn, GA
Alan Demmerle, M.S.E.E.
Rolf Institute
Chevy Chase, MD
Patrick M. Donovan, N.D.
Academic Faculty
John Bastyr College
Seattle, WA
Larry Dossey, M.D.
Dallas Diagnostic Association
Santa Fe, NM
Robert Duggan
Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Inc.
Columbia, MD
Sherry Dupere, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator
Fogarty International Center, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Michael Eck, M.S.
Consumer Safety Officer
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD
David Eisenberg, M.D.
Instructor in Medicine
Department of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Beth Israel Hospital
Boston, MA
Jacquelyn Eisenberg, M.D.
Mind-Body Medicine Engineering Research
Madison, VA
John M. Ellis, M.D.
Medical Director of Clinical Research
Titus County Hospital
Mt. Pleasant, TX
Judy Epstein
Nurse Massage Therapist
National Association of Nurse Massage
Therapists (NANMT)
Tucson, AZ
Mary Lee Esty, M.S.W.
Center for Mind-Body Studies
Chevy Chase, MD
Helga Fallis
"Health Links"
Arlington, VA
Mary A. Foulkes, Ph.D.
Mathematical Statistician
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Winston Franklin
Executive Vice President
Institute of Noetic Sciences
Sausalito, CA
Allan H. Frey, Ph.D.
Chairman of the Board
Randomline, Inc.
Potomac, MD
Viola M. Frymann, D.O.
Osteopathic Center for Children
La Jolla, CA
Adriane Fugh-Berman, M.D.
Taoist Health Institute
Washington, DC
Alan Gaby, M.D.
Board of Trustees
American Holistic Medical Association
Pikesville, MD
Marie Galbraith, B.A.
Gerson Clinic
People Against Cancer
New York, NY
Nath Gary
Mueller Medical International
Toronto, Canada
Satip Ghosh, B.S.
Center for Mind-Body Studies
Bethesda, MD
Natalie Golos
Associate Fellow
American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Derwood, MD
James S. Gordon, M.D.
Clinical Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Community and Family Medicine
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Director, Center for Mind-Body Studies
Washington, DC
Richard J. Grable, E.E., M.B.A.
Vice President
Research and Development
Lintronics Technologies, Inc.
Tampa, FL
Elliott Greene, M.A.
American Massage Therapy Association
Silver Spring, MD
Howard C. Greenspan
Annandale, NJ
Mary Gregg, M.S., M.B.A.
Cancer Program Specialist
National Cancer Institute, NIH
Bethesda, MD
M. Linden Griffith
Washington Seniors Wellness Center
Washington, DC
Stephen Groft, Pharm.D.
Acting Director
Office of Alternative Medicine, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Debra Grossman, M.A.
Project Officer
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH
Silver Spring, MD
Barry L. Gruber, Ph.D.
Medical Illness Counseling CT
Annapolis, MD
John Hammel
Health Resources Council
Morristown, NJ
Pat Hancock
Tai Chi Teacher
Body Balance
Clarksburg, MD
Sandra Harner, Ph.D.
Director of Health Research
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Westport, CT
Thomas E. Harries, Ph.D.
National Manager, TQI R&D
National VA Chaplain Center
Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Hampton, VA
D. Warren Harrison, M.D.
African Basic Food (Uganda) Limited
National Nutrition Program
AIDS Research
Hedgesville, WV
Carlton Hazlewood, Ph.D.
Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX
Carol Hegedus, M.S., M.A.
Director of Institutional Relations
Fetzer Institute
Kalamazoo, MI
Max Heirich, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Associate Research
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Mimi Herrmann
Quanta Dynamics
Research Investigator
University of Louisville Medical School
Louisville, KY
Mary Hessler, Ph.D.
Lintronics Technologies, Inc.
Tampa, FL
Yong Hi, M.D., M.P.H.
International Chinese Traditional Medicine
Exchange Association
Baltimore, MD
Richard Z. Hicole
Rockville, MD
Gar Hildenbrand
Executive Director
Gerson Research Organization
San Diego, CA
Peter Hinderberger, M.D.
Physicians' Association for Anthroposophical
Baltimore, MD
Sandy Hoar
Physician Assistant
George Washington University
Mind Body Center
Hyattsville, MD
Judith Ann Horman
National Foundation for Cancer Research
Bethesda, MD
David B. Howe
Executive Vice President
Lintronics Technologies, Inc.
Tampa, FL
Paul Hower, M.S.
ESS, Inc.
Atlanta, GA
Tori Hudson, N.D.
Associate Academic Dean
National College of Naturopathic Medicine
Portland, OR
Morgan Jackson, M.D.
Medical Officer
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
Rockville, MD
Jennifer Jacobs, M.D.
Department of Epidemiology
University of Washington School of Public
Edmonds, WA
Joseph J. Jacobs, M.D.
Office of Alternative Medicine, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Norma Jennings
Light and Living Series
Silver Spring, MD
Gary Johnson
Spring Valley, NY
Wayne B. Jonas, M.D.
Training Director
Medical Research Fellowship
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, DC
C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D.
Human Potential Foundation
Vienna, VA
George W. Jones, M.D.
American University
American Cancer Society--Unproven Methods Committee
Washington, DC
Judi Jones
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, MI
William Kammerer, M.D.
Anesthesia Section
Clinical Center, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Paul Kanofsky, Ph.D.
Systems Analyst
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Newark, NJ
Ted Kaptchuk
Research Associate
Beth Israel Hospital
Cambridge, MA
Patrice Keane
Executive Director
American Society for Psychical Research
New York, NY
George Kindness, Ph.D.
Laboratory Director/Immunologist
Great Lakes Association of Clinical Medicine
Bluffton, OH
M. Lucille Kinlein
Profession of Esca
Hyattsville, MD
Dorothy A. Kinzey, Ph.D.
Arlington, VA
Kenneth A. Klivington, Ph.D.
Assistant to the President
Salk Institute for Biological Research
La Jolla, CA
Fredi Kronenberg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University
New York, NY
Midge Krowiz
Taylor Associates
Fielding Institute
Vienna, VA
James R. Kuperberg, Ph.D.
Kuperberg Consulting Group
Reston, VA
Jody F. Kusek
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD
Joseph S. Latino, Ph.D.
Special Hematology/Oncology Laboratories
Brooklyn Hospital Center
Brooklyn, NY
Floyd E. Leaders, Jr., Ph.D.
The Leaders Group
Gaithersburg, MD
Peter Lechner, M.D., F.A.C.A.
Second Department of General Surgery
Public Hospital of Graz
David Yue-Wei Lee, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
Research Triangle Institute
Research Triangle Park, NC
Rachel Levinson
Office of Science Policy and Legislation, OD,
Bethesda, MD
Spafford Lewis, B.A., M.S.
Center at Center Valley
Center Valley, PA
Abraham R. Liboff, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Director of Medical Physics
Oakland University
Rochester, MI
Christeene Lindsay-Hildenbrand
Research Associate
Gerson Research Organization
San Diego, CA
Wayne A. Little, B.S.
National Institute of Dental Research, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D.
Medical Director
Maharishi Ayur-Veda Medical Center
Washington, DC
Darrcy A. Loveland, J.D.
Legislative Counsel
American Art Therapy Association
American Dance Therapy Association
Laguna Beach, CA
Carl D. Lytle, Ph.D.
Research Biophysicist
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD
Kyriacos C. Markides, Ph.D.
Department of Sociology
University of Maine
Orono, ME
Linda Markush, M.P.H.
Silver Spring, MD
Reverend Phyllis B. Martin
Maryland State Representative and Tri Area
National Federation of Spiritual Healers of
Clinton, MD
Robert S. McCaleb
Herb Research Foundation
Boulder, CO
Gladys Taylor McGarey, M.D.
Beth Taylor Foundation
Scottsdale Holistic Medical Group
Scottsdale, AZ
Michael E. McGinnis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Spelman College
Atlanta, GA
Kevin McNamee, D.C., L.Ac.
Center for Oriental Medical Research and
San Diego, CA
Ted D. Miller, D.O.
Osteopathic Physician
Private Practice
Silver Spring, MD
Kaiya Montaocean
Center for Natural and Traditional Medicine
Washington, DC
Jay Moskowitz, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Science Policy and
Office of the Director, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.
The Cancer Chronicles
New York, NY
Patricia Muehsam, M.D.
Bioelectrochemistry Laboratory
Department of Orthopaedics
Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
New York, NY
Laura Nader, Ph.D.
Professor of Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Avery Nelson, Ph.D.
Bethesda, MD
Eta R. Nelson, B.S.
Taste and Smell Clinic
Falls Church, VA
Roger Nelson, Ph.D.
Research Staff
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
Princeton University School of Engineering
Princeton, NJ
Sandra Occhipinti, B.S.
Technical Information Specialist
National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Judith A. O'Connell, D.O.
American Academy of Osteopathy
Dayton, OH
Bonnie B. O'Connor, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Community and Preventive Medicine
Medical College of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Kathern H. Oddenino
President and Director
LIFEFORCE Corporation
A Holistic Health Retreat Center
Annapolis, MD
Anthony Paul Ortega
PHA-Traditional Medicine Specialist
Indian Health Services
Public Health Service
Rockville, MD
A. Michael Parfitt, M.D.
Bone and Mineral Research Laboratory
Henry Ford Hospital
Detroit, MI
Michael M. Patterson, Ph.D.
Professor of Osteopathic Medicine
College of Osteopathic Medicine
Ohio University
Athens, OH
Sally J. Phillips, Ph.D.
Department of Kinesiology
University of Maryland at College Park
College Park, MD
William H. Philpott, M.D.
Institutional Review Board
Bio Electro Magnetic Institute
Reno, NV
Kenneth Pittaway, N.D., Ph.D.
National Institute of Natural Health Sciences
De Pere, WI
Curt Pospisk
Program Analyst
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Vera Pratt
Center for Natural and Traditional Medicines
Washington, DC
Peter Preuss
Preuss Foundation for Brain Tumor Research
Solana Beach, CA
R.E. Prumphrey, M.D.
Clinical Professor
George Washington University
Washington, DC
John C. Reed, M.D.
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
Phoenix, AZ
Mary Faith Rhoads, B.A.
The Center at Center Valley
Center Valley, PA
Teresa Simons Robinson
Arlington, VA
Anthony L. Rosner, Ph.D.
Director of Research
Foundation for Chiropractic Education and
Arlington, VA
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.
Center for Frontier Sciences
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
John B.K. Rutayuga, Ph.D.
Center for Natural and Traditional Medicines
Washington, DC
Helen M. Ryan
American Indian Health Clinic
La Jolla, CA
David M. Sale, J.D., LL.M
Reiki Foundation
Arnold, MD
Nelda Samarel, R.N., Ed.D.
Associate Professor
William Paterson College of New Jersey
Wayne, NJ
Kenneth M. Sancier, Ph.D.
Vice President
Qigong Institute of
East West Academy Healing Arts
Menlo Park, CA
Savely L. Sawa
Executive Director
Monterey Institute for the Study of Alternative Healing Arts
Monterey, CA
Sharon Scandrett-Hibdon, Ph.D.
American Holistic Nurses' Association
Associate Professor
University of Tennessee, Memphis
Collierville, TN
Paul Scharff, M.D.
Medical Director
Rudolf Steiner Fellowship Foundation
American College of Anthroposophically Extended Medicine
Spring Valley, NY
Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas, Austin
Mico, TX
Gertrude Schmeidler, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, City College
City University of New York
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Dorothy R. Schultz
Hypoglycemia Association, Inc.
Ashton, MD
Mangala Searles
Natural Therapeutics
Austin, TX
Pam Selle, Ph.D.
Planning Office
Office of the Director, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Grace Shen, Ph.D.
Program Director
National Cancer Institute, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Oscar Carl Simonton, M.D.
Medical Director
Simonton Cancer Center
Pacific Palisades, CA
Janet I. Smith
National Wellness Coalition
Washington, DC
Sheleyh Smith, M.P.H.
Public Health Educator
National Institute of Mental Health, NIH
Rockville, MD
Sharon Snider
Public Affairs Specialist
Press Office
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD
Edward Sopcak
Howell, MI
Robert F. Spiegel
Psycho-Medical Chirologists
Silver Spring, MD
Leanna Standish, N.D., Ph.D.
Director of Research
Bastyr College of Natural Health Sciences
Seattle, WA
Daphne Stegmaier, B.A.
New Hope
Wheaton, MD
John Stegmaier
New Hope
Wheaton, MD
Vernon M. Sylvest, M.D.
Institute of Higher Healing
Richmond, VA
James Tanner, P.D.
Nutrient Surveillance Branch
Food and Drug Administration
Washington, DC
Liz Tarr, B.A.
Baltimore, MD
Jack O. Taylor, D.C.
Dr. Taylor's Wellness Center
Arlington Heights, IL
Jack Thomas, S.T.M.
Maryland Bodywork Reporter
Thurmont, MD
Virginia Thompson, D.C.
Countryside, VA
James C. Torgersen, M.D., D.Sc.
Dean, Wellness College
Director, Wellness Center
Hawthorne Foundation
Hawthorne University
Salt Lake City, UT
Wayne Trainer, B.A.
Health-Fitness Pioneer
Healthy Frameworkes
Garner, NC
Eleanor M. Vogt, Ph.D.
Vice President
National Pharmaceutical Council
Reston, VA
Jon D. Vredevoogd
Associate Professor
Michigan State University/ Upledger Institute
East Lansing, MI
Jeremy Waletzky, M.D.
Associate Clinical Professor
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Morton Walker, D.P.M.
Medical Journalist
Freelance Communications
Stanford, CT
Jan Walleczek, Ph.D
Staff Scientist
Research Service-151
Veterans Administration Medical Center
Loma Linda, CA
Jennifer Warburg, M.S.W.
George Washnis
Wheaton, MD
David Weiss, B.S.
Wellness Design
Brookline, MA
Judith M. Whalen, M.P.A.
Office of Science Policy
National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, NIH
Bethesda, MD
Gale White, M.S.
Senior Public Health Advisor
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD
Virginia Wiese
Lanham, MD
Frank Wiewel
Founder and President
People Against Cancer
Otho, IA
Angela Wozencroft
Osteo-Myofascial Therapist
Rockville, MD
William S. Yamanashi, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor and Assistant Director of
Research Section
Department of Surgery
University of Oklahoma College of Medicine,
Tulsa, OK
Cynthia Yockey
Ayurveda Health Education Services, Inc.
Silver Spring, MD
Michael F. Ziff, D.D.S.
Executive Director
International Academy of Oral Medicine and
Orlando, FL
Marvin C. Ziskin, M.D.
Professor of Radiology and Medical Physics
Department of Diagnostic Imaging
Temple University Medical School
Philadelphia, PA
Appendix B: Comments of the Panel on Mind-Body Interventions
on the National Research Council's Reports on Alternative
In 1991 the National Research Council (NRC)
issued an evaluation of some of the therapies examined herein
(Druckman and Bjork, 1991). The NRC in 1988 also reviewed certain
human-performance technologies designed to enhance human
abilities beyond normal levels, which are also the concern of the
Panel on Mind-Body Interventions (Druckman and Swets, 1988).
Because the conclusions of the NRC reports differ from our own,
and because these reports have been influential in shaping public
opinion about the effectiveness and benefits of certain mind-body
interventions, we believe it is important to comment on these
We shall focus on the NRC's treatment of
meditation, one of the approaches we have closely examined, and
parapsychology, an indirectly related area, to illustrate these
differences of opinion and describe how they have taken shape.
The 1991 NRC report stated, "Overall, our
assessment of the scientific research on meditation (primarily,
transcendental meditation [TM]) leads to the conclusion that it
seems to be no more effective in lowering metabolism than are
established relaxation techniques; it is unwarranted to attribute
any special effects to meditation alone" (Druckman and
Bjork, 1991). The NRC report reached this conclusion by drawing
primarily on two previous narrative reviews. One of these, by
Holmes, covered less than half the relevant studies on TM
available at the time it was prepared (Holmes, 1984). The other,
by Brener and Connally (1986), also appears to have ignored much
of the available and relevant research.
A meta-analysis by TM researchers Dillbeck and
Orme-Johnson on the effects of meditation, published in American
Psychologist, came to a different conclusion but was ignored in
the NRC report. Their quantitative approach showed that the
effect size for TM was more than twice that of resting quietly on
basal skin resistance, respiration rate, and plasma lactate
(Dillbeck and Orme-Johnson, 1987).
Furthermore, Eppley, Abrams, and Shear,
addressing psychological and physiological measures of anxiety,
showed that TM typically produces two to three times the
reductions in effects of chronic stress compared with other
meditation and relaxation techniques (Eppley et al., 1989). Yet
the NRC report said "no evidence supports the notion that .
. . meditation permits a person to better cope with a
Meta-analysis allows quantitative analysis of
various aspects of the literature. For instance, it allows one to
compare the results of studies done by experimenters who are
cordial, neutral, and negative toward TM. The Eppley
meta-analysis demonstrated that the distribution of effects was
normal, indicating that the positive conclusions reached in
studies of TM are not the result of selective reporting, and that
the NRC's characterization of researchers who are practitioners
of meditation as subjectively biased "devotees" is
without merit. The Eppley meta-analysis also contradicted the
Brener and Connally claim that meditation research suffered from
"weak design" by providing quantitative demonstration
that the results cannot be accounted for by subject selection,
experimenter bias, expectancies, or atmospheric effects.
The NRC report embodies some faulty assumptions
about meditation. It expresses the expectation that meditation
should "[lower] reactivity to challenge"--that is, to
make one less responsive to stressors, perhaps through
"distracting a person" or providing a "quiet
place." But this is neither the traditional nor the express
purpose of TM, which is to achieve "restful alertness, a
state of unifying capacity." These misunderstandings may be
due to the fact, acknowledged by the NRC, that no one on their
committee was personally familiar with the experience of any of
the meditation practices they reviewed. The difficulties this
created were also acknowledged by the committee: "It seems
appropriate to be mindful of the constraints that science, as
well as culture, background, and personal life experience, place
on how the committee views the field of meditation."_
The most glaring omission in the NRC report is
a large database (more than 40 published reports) of societal
impact studies on what the TM researchers call the consciousness
field. The theory underlying this research is that the field,
when supported by a sufficient number of meditators, produces the
effects and benefits of meditation in the larger population. This
is a nonlocal effect, a type of action-at-a-distance, and the TM
researchers describe a correspondence to aspects of quantum
nonlocality in their efforts to explain the results of these
On the positive side, the NRC report makes a
number of very sensible recommendations for research. In a
general observation, they state that "learning to relax and
enjoy good feelings may prompt a person to make positive changes
in his or her work and personal situation. . . . [I]t may be that
meditation and relaxation . . . effect cognitive change."_
Their overall conclusion restates a question about relative
efficacy and constitutes an implicit recommendation for more
incisive research, but they do not dispute the potential
therapeutic effects of meditation broadly defined.
In its 1988 report the NRC is strongly critical
of parapsychology, a field that studies, from an independent
perspective, the nonlocal events exemplified in prayer and
mental-spiritual healing that we have reviewed earlier. The NRC
emphasized their belief that more than 130 years of research have
failed to find any evidence of parapsychological phenomena.
Because of the relevance of this research to issues addressed by
the Panel on Mind-Body Interventions, the literature was
examined, revealing impressive evidence in clear disagreement
with the NRC's conclusion.
In the December 1989 issue of Foundations of
Physics, Radin and Nelson reported the largest meta-analysis of
parapsychological findings ever done--a total of 832 studies from
68 investigators, involving the influence of human consciousness
on microelectronic systems (Radin and Nelson, 1989). The results:
"Radin and Nelson's meta-analysis demonstrates that the . .
. results are robust and repeatable. Unless critics want to
allege wholesale collusion among more than 60 experimenters or
suggest a methodological artifact common to . . . hundred[s of]
experiments conducted over nearly three decades, there is no
escaping the conclusion that [these] effects are indeed
possible" (Broughton, 1991; Jahn and Dunne, 1987).
Meta-analysis has also been applied to research
studies in precognition, which typically involve card-guessing by
a subject before the targets are even prepared. Honorton and
Ferrari found 309 studies in English-language publications by 62
investigators, involving more than 50,000 subjects who
participated in nearly 2 million trials. Their findings were as
* Thirty percent of the studies produced
statistically significant results (where 5 percent was expected
by chance). The odds of this result happening by chance are
approximately 1 in 1,024.
* The results could not be explained by the
failure of researchers to report negative studies (the "file
drawer" effect).
* Studies with the most rigorous methodology
tended to produce better results (exactly the opposite of
critics' claims).
* The effect size remained constant over the
more than 50 years under consideration (Honorton and Ferrari,
An excellent summary of the techniques of
meta-analysis applied to several parapsychological databases was
published in 1991 by Jessica Utts in Statistical Science (Utts,
A charge frequently made about parapsychology
and the nonlocal therapies we have examined is that the quality
of research in these areas is low or substandard. In its 1988
report, the NRC commissioned psychologist Robert Rosenthal of
Harvard University to prepare an evaluation of all the
controversial areas of interest to the NRC committee.
Parapsychology researcher Richard S. Broughton describes this
Rosenthal is widely regarded as one of the
world's experts in evaluating controversial research claims in
the social sciences and has spent much of his career developing
techniques to provide objective assessments of conflicting data.
Neither Rosenthal nor his coauthor, Monica Harris, had taken any
public position on parapsychology. . . . The report by Harris and
Rosenthal determined that the "research quality" of the
parapsychology research was the best of all the areas under
scrutiny. . . . Incredibly . . . [the] committee chairman . . .
asked Rosenthal to withdraw the parapsychology section of his
report. Rosenthal refused. In the final document, the Harris and
Rosenthal report is cited only in the several sections dealing
with nonparapsychological topics; there is no mention of it in
the parapsychology section (Broughton, 1991).
The Panel on Mind-Body Interventions believes
it is necessary to acknowledge and document our differences of
opinion with the NRC reports. At the same time, we do not wish to
overemphasize or dwell on these conflicting points of view.
If the field of alternative medicine is to
progress, it is vital that any evaluation of mind-body practices
be comprehensive, rigorous, and unbiased.
Brener, J., and S.R. Connally. 1986.
Meditation: Rationales, Experimental Effects, and Methodological
Issues. Paper prepared for the U. S. Army Research Institute for
the Behavioral and Social Sciences, European Division, Department
of Psychology, University of Hull, London.
Broughton, R.S. 1991. Parapsychology: The
Controversial Science. Ballantine Books, New York, p. 291.
Dillbeck, M.C., and D.W. Orme-Johnson 1987.
Physiological differences between transcendental meditation and
rest. American Psychologist 42:879-881.
Druckman, D., and R.A. Bjork, eds. 1991. In the
Mind's Eye: Enhancing Human Performance. National Academy Press,
Washington, D.C.
Druckman, D., and J.A. Swets, eds. 1988.
Enhancing Human Performance: Issues, Theories, and Techniques.
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Eppley, K.R., A.I. Abrams, and J. Shear. 1989.
Differential effects of relaxation technique on trait anxiety: a
meta-analysis. J. Clin. Psychol. 45:957-974.
Holmes, D.S. 1984. Mediation and somatic
arousal reduction: A review of the experimental evidence.
American Psychologist 39:1-10.
Honorton, C., and D.C. Ferrari. 1989. Future
telling: a meta-analysis of forced-choice precognition
experiments, 1935-1987. J. Parapsychol. 53:281-308.
Jahn, R.G., and B.J. Dunne. 1987. Precognitive
Remote Perception. In Margins of Reality: The Role of
Consciousness in the Physical World. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
pp. 149-191.
Orme-Johnson, D.W., and C.N. Alexander. 1992.
Critique of the National Research Council's report on meditation.
Manuscript available from the first author. Maharishi
International University, Fairfield, Iowa.
Radin, D.L., and R.D. Nelson. 1989.
Consciousness-related effects in random physical systems.
Foundations of Physics 19:1499-1514.
Utts, J. 1991. Replication and meta-analysis in
parapsychology. Statistical Science 4:363-403.
Appendix C: WHO Guidelines for the Assessment of Herbal
Appendix D: Plant Sources of Modern Drugs
Species Family Type of Drug/Product
Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Leguminosae Gum
Agathosma betulina (Berg.) Pillans Rutaceae
Buchu leaf
(Syn.: Barosma betulina (Berg.)
Bartl. et Wendl. f.)
Ammi majus L. Umbelliferae Xanthotoxin
Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. Bromeliaceae
Aralia racemosa L. Araliaceae Aralia extracts
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.)
Spreng. Ericaceae Uva ursi
Atropa belladonna L. Solanaceae Belladonna
Avena sativa L. Gramineae Oatmeal Concentrate
Berberis vulgaris L. Berberidaceae Berberine
Calendula officinalis L. Compositae Calendula
Camellia sinensis L.
(Syn.: Theasinensis L.) Theaceae Caffeine
Capsicum annuum L. Solanaceae Capsicum
C. baccatum L. var pendulum (Willd.)
Eshbaugh Capsicum oleoresin
C. chinense Jacquin Capsicum oleoresin
C. frutescens L. Capsicum oleoresin
Capsicum pubescens R. et P. Solanaceae Capsicum
Carica papaya L. Caricaceae Papain
Cassia senna L. (Syn.: C. acutifolia Delile
senna leaf C. angustifolia Vahl) Leguminosae Sennosides A + B,
senna pods
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don Apocynaceae
Leurocristine (vincristine) and incaleukoblastine (vinblastine)
Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) A. Richard
Rubiaceae Ipecac fluid extract, ipecac syrup
Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium (Trev.) Vis.
Compositae Pyrethrins
Cinchona calisaya Wedd. Rubiaceae Quinine,
C. ledgeriana Moens Quinine, quinidine
C. pubescens Vahl Quinine, quinidine
Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. S. Presl Lauraceae
Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f. Rutaceae Pectin
Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck Rutaceae Citrus
Colchicum autumnale L. Liliacae Colchicine
Commiphora abyssinica Engl. Burseraceae Myrrh
C. molmol Engl. ex Tschirch Myrrh gum
Digitalis lanata Ehrh. Scrophulariaceae Digoxin
lanatoside C , and
D. purpurea L. Digitoxin , and
digitalis whole leaf
Dioscorea composita Hemsl. Dioscoreaceae
D. floribunda Mar. et. Gal. Diosgenin
D. deltoidea Wallich Diosgenin
Duboisia myoporoides R. Br. Solanaceae Atropine
hyoscyamine scopolamine
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Myrtaceae
Eucalyptol (cineole) eucalyptus oil
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench Polygonaceae Rutin
Frangula alnus P. Miller
(Syn.: Rhamnus frangula L.) Rhamnaceae Frangula
Gaultheria procumbens L. Ericaceae Wintergreen
Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) St. Hil.
Loganiaceae Gelsemium extract
Glycine max (L.) Merr. Leguminosae Sitosterols
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Leguminosae Licorice
Gossypium hirsutum L. Malvaceae Cottonseed oil
Guarea rusbyi (Britton) Rusby Meliaceae
Cocillana extract
Hamamelis virginiana L. Hamamelidaceae Witch
hazel extract
Lavandula officinalis P. Miller
(Syn.: L. officinalis Chaix) Labiateae Lavender
Linum usitatissimum L. Linaceae Linseed oil
Malus sylvestris P. Miller Rosaceae Pectin
Melaleuca leucadendron L. Myrtaceae Cajeput oil
Mentha arvensis L. Labiatae Menthol
M. piperita L. Peppermint oil
M. spicata L. Spearmint oil
Myristica fragrans Houtt. Myristicaceae Nutmeg
Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms Leguminosae Tolu
M. balsamum var. pareirae (Royle) Harms
(Syn.: M. pareirae (Royle) Klotzsch) Peru
Olea europaea L. Oleaceae Olive oil
Papaver somniferum L. (Paregoric) Papaveraceae
Opium extract codeine, morphine, noscapine, and papaverine (33)
Pausinystalia yohimba Pierre ex Beille
Rubiaceae Yohimbine
Physostigma venenosum Balf. Leguminosae
Physostigmine (eserine)
Pilocarpus jaborandi Holmes Rutaceae
Pimpinella anisum L. Umbelliferae Anise oil
Piper cubeba L. f. Piperaceae Cubeb oil
Plantago indica L. Plantaginaceae Psyllium
P. ovata Forsk. Psyllium husks
P. psyllium L. Psyllium husks
Podophyllum peltatum L. Berberidaceae
Polygala senega L. Polygalaceae Senega fluid
Populus balsamifera L.
(Syn.: P. candicans Ait.,
P. tacamahacca P. Miller) Salicaceae Poplar bud
Prunus domestica L. Rosaceae Prune concentrate
P. virginiana L. Wild cherry bark
Quercus infectoria Olivier Fagaceae Tannic acid
Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz
Apocynaceae Reserpine alseroxylon fraction, powdered whole root
Rauvolfia R. vomitoria Afzel. Deserpidine,
reserpine, rescinnamine
Rhamnus purshiana DC. Rhamnaceae Cascara bark,
casanthranol, danthron(33)
Rheum emodi Wallich Polygonaceae Rhubarb root
R. officinale Baill. Rhubarb root
R. palmatum L. Rhubarb root
R. rhaponticum L. Rhubarb root
Ricinus communis L. Castor oil, ricinoleic acid
Rosa gallica L. Rosaceae Rose petal infusion
Salix alba L. Salicaceae Saligenin
Sanguinaria canadensis L. Papaveraceae
Sanguinaria root
Santalum album L. Santalaceae Sandalwood
Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees Lauraceae
Sassafras extract
Serenoa repens (Bartr.) Small Palmae Saw
palmetto berries
Sesamum indicum L. Pedaliaceae Sesame oil
Sterculia urens Roxb. Sterculiaceae Sterculia
gum (karaya gum)
Strychnos nux-vomica L. Loganiaceae Strychnine
Styrax benzoin Dryand. Styracaceae Benzoin gum
S. paralleloneurus Perkins Benzoin gum
Symphytum officinale L. Boraginaceae Allantoin
Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. Myrtaceae Clove
oil et Perry
Theobroma cacao L. Sterculiaceae Theobromine
Thymus vulgaris L. Labiatae Thymol
Urginea maritima (L.) Baker Liliaceae Squill
Veratrum viride Ait. Liliaceae Veratrum viride
extract, cryptennamine
Zea mays L. Graminae Cornsilk
Appendix E: The 20 Most Popular Asian Patent Medicines That
Contain Toxic Ingredients
1. Product Name: Ansenpunaw Tablets
Manufacturer: Chung Lien Drug Works, Hankow,
Toxic Ingredients: cinnabar (mercury chloride)
2. Product Name: Bezoar Sedative Pills
Manufacturer: Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical
Factory, Lanzhou, China
Toxic Ingredients: cinnabar 2% or 10%
3. Product Name: Compound Kangweiling
Manufacturer: Wo Zhou Pharmaceutical Factory,
Zhe Jiang, China
Toxic Ingredients: centipede (scolopendra) 10%
4. Product Name: Dahuo Luodan
Manufacturer: Beijing Tung Jen Tang, Beijing,
Toxic Ingredients: centipede (scolopendra)
5. Product Name: Danshen Tabletco
Manufacturer: Shanghai Chinese Medicine Works,
Shanghai, China
Toxic Ingredients: borneol
6. Product Name: Fructus Persica Compound Pills
Manufacturer: Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical
Factory, Lanzhou, China
Toxic Ingredients: cannabis indica seed (])
7. Product Name: Fuchingsung-N Cream
Manufacturer: Tianjin Pharmaceuticals Corp.,
Tianjin, China
Toxic Ingredients: fluocinolone acetanide (])
8. Product Name: Kwei Ling Chi
Manufacturer: Changchun Chinese Medicines &
Drugs Manufactory, Chang Chun, China
Toxic Ingredients: cinnabar
9. Product Name: Kyushin Heart Tonic
Manufacturer: Kyushin Seiyaku Co., Ltd., Tokyo,
Toxic Ingredients: toad venom, borneol
10. Product Name: Laryngitis Pills
Manufacturer: China Dzechuan Provincial
Pharmaceutical Factory, Chengtu Branch
Toxic Ingredients: borax 30%, toad-cake 10%
11. Product Name: Leung Pui Kee Cough Pills
Manufacturer: Leung Pui Kee Medical Factory,
Hong Kong
Toxic Ingredients: dover's powder (opium
powder) (])
12. Product Name: Lu-Shen-Wan
Manufacturer: Shanghai Chinese Medicine Works,
Shanghai, China
Toxic Ingredients: toad secretion
13. Product Name: Nasalin
Manufacturer: Kwangchow Pharmaceutical Industry
Co., Kwangchow, China
Toxic Ingredients: centipede 5%
14. Product Name: Nui Huang Chieh Tu Pien
Manufacturer: Tung Jen Tang, Beijing, China
Toxic Ingredients: borneo camphor
15. Product Name: Niu Huang Xiao Yan Wan
Bezoar Antiphlogistic Pills
Manufacturer: Soochow Chinese Medicine Works,
Kiangsu, China
Toxic Ingredients: realgar 19.23%
16. Product Name: Pak Yuen Tong Hou Tsao Powder
Manufacturer: Kwan Tung Pak Yuen Tong Main
Factory, Hong Kong
Toxic Ingredients: scorpion 10%
17. Product Name: Po Ying Tan Baby Protector
Manufacturer: Po Che Tong Poon Mo Um, Hong Kong
Toxic Ingredients: camphor 20%
18. Product Name: Superior Tabellae Berberini
Manufacturer: Min-Kang Drug Manufactory,
I-Chang, China
Toxic Ingredients: berberini HCI (])
19. Product Name: Watson's Flower Pagoda Cakes
Manufacturer: A.S. Watson & Co., Ltd., Hong
Toxic Ingredients: piperazine phosphate (])
20. Product Name: Xiao Huo Luo Dan
Manufacturer: Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical
Factory, Lanzhou, China
Toxic Ingredients: aconite 42%
Source: Oriental Herb Association, State of
California Department of Health Services. January 28, 1992.
: requires doctor's prescription.
Appendix F: A Guide for the Alternative Researcher
by Claire Cassidy, Ph.D., Barrie Cassileth,
Ph.D., Wayne B. Jonas, M.D.,
Richard Pavek, and Linda Silversmith, Ph.D.
The guidelines in this appendix are provided to
assist the alternative researcher. The topics presented were
selected from a broader array of methodologies and approaches.
There is no intention to be all-inclusive. Topics that were
omitted may nevertheless be appropriate tools for conducting
alternative research.
General Methodological Guidelines
Research studies on alternative medical
therapies should be held to the same rigorous scientific and
ethical standards that are applied to research on conventional
therapies. The guidelines in this appendix represent a summary of
major principles for new investigators as they begin to develop
research protocols or grant applications. It is recommended that
at least one investigator in each study of alternative medicine
be experienced in the therapy or research area to be
It takes as many years to learn how to conduct
good research as to become an accomplished practitioner of
alternative medicine. Alternative practitioners who wish to do
research need to increase their understanding of good research
design, but they should also seek out experienced researchers to
guide them as collaborators or resources.
Approaches for conducting research must follow
a logical sequence for gathering useful data. Typically, research
on a given topic is first exploratory, then descriptive and
qualitative, then correlative and comparative, and finally
experimental and quantitative. Interviews and surveys are
examples of descriptive research or possibly
correlative/comparative research; best case series fit the
correlative/comparative category; and clinical trials are
Once a decision has been made that a topic is
worthy of investigation and not duplicative of previous work,
preliminary or pilot studies (exploratory-descriptive) generally
are carried out to determine whether there are any promising
effects worthy of further investigation and to detect any
negative side effects or practical difficulties. These studies
may consist of anecdotal case reports, systematic case studies,
or uncontrolled single-group studies. Questions are then
formulated for use in controlled comparisons
(correlative-comparative) using controls such as the best
available "other techniques" or a placebo. A large
enough group of patients and sufficient time are necessary to
provide enough data to suggest whether the treatment is really
working and what conditions seem most practical. If effectiveness
is reported, then large studies (experimental-quantitative), such
as clinical trials, should be organized to find out whether the
earlier observations hold true with a more detailed examination
using a greater number of participants.
Whatever the research approach, the following
procedure generally applies:
1. Identify the paradigm, model, or pattern and
explanatory strategies that underlie the intervention under
consideration for testing and evaluation.
2. Carefully develop one or two precise
research questions to form the basis of the study. The research
questions are crucial because they lead directly to the study's
objectives, methods, implications, and so on.
3. Ensure that all components of the research
plan relate logically to one another. Research questions, goals,
subject groups, therapies (regimens, products, etc.) to be
studied, and methodologies must be mutually consistent and
appropriate. When conceptualizing study objectives, make them
consistent with research questions and assumptions of the
intervention; in turn, make the study design (the strategy for
conducting the study) consistent with research objectives. For
all procedures that are operator dependent, identify the skills
training and experience of the operator (e.g., teacher or
deliverer of treatment). Clarify the nature of the population to
be studied; in particular, identify whether the entry criteria
lead the study population to be different from the spectrum of
people being treated by practicing clinicians.
4. Conduct a library search and gather a
comprehensive collection of previous research in the specific
area to be studied. Because of incomplete archiving and indexing,
computer database searches are currently inadequate to capture
the information needed. It may be necessary to read published
articles in their entirety and to speak with representatives of
alternative medical organizations to locate some references and
information. Literature reviews should be comprehensive and
systematic (see the "Guidelines for Conducting Literature
Reviews" section below).
5. Explain explicitly the methods used to
obtain the literature. Simple citation of publications is not
adequate. Literature obtained through library search serves as
the basis for the "Background" section of grant
applications or manuscripts. Background sections should
incorporate accurate, high-quality summary evaluations of
existing literature. If a systematic review (see the
"Introduction to Systematic Reviews" section) or
meta-analysis (see the "Introduction to Systematic
Reviews" section) has been conducted to quantitatively
evaluate the literature, this point should be noted.
6. Clearly define (not just label) the
intervention to be tested or evaluated.
7. Include in the study any special diagnostic
or outcome aspects of the alternative medicine practice that can
be reliably measured.
8. Thoroughly and objectively document all
procedures and events that occur during the research study, from
subject accrual through data collection, data analysis, and
reporting of results.
9. In clinical research (studies involving
humans), include adequate control groups and provide followup of
subjects over time, with appropriate monitoring of both the
intervention group and the control group.
10. In clinical research, consider and minimize
any potential risks to subjects. Along with other required
information, these risks must be explained to potential subjects
in an informed consent document, provided by the sponsoring
institution's human subjects committee or institutional review
11. Before research begins, decide and indicate
in the research proposal what will be considered sufficient
evidence to recommend inclusion of the intervention in clinical
practice (if relevant).
12. Where appropriate, use standard comparative
outcome measures that will allow the new data to be compared with
previous and future information on the same topic.
13. Obtain expert guidance on computerizing and
analyzing research data. Biostatistics and computer programming
assistance will ensure proper management and analysis of data.
Guidelines for Conducting Literature Reviews
Summary information about previous work in a
given field is necessary for grant applications and publications.
In addition, literature reviews in and of themselves often are
useful additions to the literature.
Overview of Goals of the Review
The literature review must address a clearly
focused question. It should specify the particular population,
intervention or treatment, subject or diagnostic group, or the
like, on which the review will focus. A summary table of all
studies included in the review, along with their data, may be
appropriate. The review should address a specific and pragmatic
Literature Search
The process of collecting relevant articles
must be comprehensive and thorough. The search should use
bibliographic databases such as MEDLINE, Science Citation Index,
Social Science Citation Index, references from relevant articles,
personal communications with authors, and manual searches of
databases such as Index Medicus. Note that currently this
approach may locate only 25 to 50 percent of articles on
alternative medicine because most such articles do not appear in
standard medical journals (see the "Research Databases"
Search methods must be systematic and clearly
described. Possible selection bias must be addressed when
articles are obtained through personal contact. Negative studies
should be described along with others; their exclusion suggests
possible bias.
Selection of Articles for the Study
The chosen method for selecting articles must
be clear, systematic, and appropriate. Inclusion and exclusion
criteria should be preestablished in the form of a protocol to be
followed when reviewing articles for inclusion; the selection
process should then be followed systematically.
The selection protocol should address major
criteria that are relevant to the therapy or system under review,
including whether the population is adequately defined, whether
the exposure or intervention is clearly described, and whether
outcomes are detailed and comparable.
Articles should be reviewed in random order and
selected as they meet the preestablished criteria. The
reliability of the selection process can be measured by comparing
articles collected by at least two independent selectors (expert
and nonexpert). The extent of selection disagreement can then be
evaluated, and a method can be developed to deal with discordant
Research Quality
The quality of the methodology of each study
under review is evaluated according to a single set of standards
applied to all studies, whether or not the studies have been
published. Literature evaluation must be reproducible. It should
be conducted by evaluators who are blind with respect to authors,
institutions, and study results. These methods of assessment
should be described in the introduction to the literature review.
Combining of Results
Results across studies may be combined only
when the studies are adequately similar. Study designs,
populations, exposures, outcomes, and direction of effect should
be similar enough to warrant combining. If studies are
methodologically similar, it is less likely that chance
influences their results. Analysis of numerous subgroups matched
between studies should be avoided, as spurious statistical
significance is likely to result. Comparisons are more likely to
be valid if variation in the primary studies is considered when
results are combined. Differences in study design and components
(e.g., population, exposure or intervention, outcomes) should be
addressed. Any nonstatistical criteria used for comparison should
be explained.
Meta-Analysis and Systematic Reviews
A statistical review method that combines data
from several studies is termed meta-analysis (or statistical
meta-analysis). These quantitative analyses, which require
similar study samples, interventions, and outcomes, can evaluate
the magnitude of treatment effect (percentage risk reduction) and
the possibility that the differences were due to chance.
Meta-analyses can be used to determine the frequency (i.e.,
quantity) and the quality of the research method employed in
studying a specific factor or issue within a single research
field or across several fields of study.
Systematic reviews are another orderly approach
to reviewing research literature. Like meta-analysis and other
quantitative review methods, systematic reviews use clearly
specified methods to avoid the introduction of bias in the
selection and interpretation of the research literature being
reviewed. Clearly defined criteria for including or excluding
specific journals and articles are applied; additional criteria
are used to evaluate the quality of the measures applied in the
reported research to assess the topic of interest. Systematic
reviews differ from meta-analyses in that the studies selected
for review need not use strictly similar study samples,
interventions, or outcome measures.
For additional information, see the
"Introduction to Meta-Analysis" and "Introduction
to Systematic Reviews" sections.
Significance of Results
The importance of the results can be determined
by calculating an odds ratio (the odds of the effect occurring in
the exposure group divided by the odds of the effect occurring in
the control or comparison group). The resultant number should be
large to have any significance. The results should be reported in
a clinically meaningful manner such as the absolute difference or
the number needed to treat. The results also should be
reproducible and generalizable, with similar effects on different
types of subject groups. (The level of significance of results
could become a criterion for including studies in an alternative
medicine research database; such a database is proposed in the
"Research Databases" chapter.)
All clinically important consequences should be
considered, including other outcomes from the intervention or
treatment; these results should be discussed in the context of
those analyzed in the review.
Guidelines for Descriptive and Cross-Cultural
Studies Using Qualitative Research Methods_
Many alternative medical systems and practices
derive from other cultures or reflect models of health and
dysfunction that differ substantively from those current in
conventional medicine. As a result, research on alternative
medical systems often is in effect, if not explicitly,
cross-cultural. The fundamental issue of cross-cultural research
is that people who have different views of what constitutes
reality also experience reality differently. This means that
questions, concepts, diseases, treatments, and research protocols
that "make sense" in one setting may not make sense in
Before conventional quantitative techniques can
be validly applied to the scientific analysis of alternative
medical systems, enough must be known of these systems to
understand how their beliefs (conscious and unconscious) and
behaviors differ from those of conventional systems. These
differences can then be taken into account in research design.
Failure to know about and account for differences leads to
uninterpretable or inaccurate research, raises the potential for
misapplying findings to the care of patients, and violates the
criterion of model fit._
Methods for cross-cultural research--adjusting
for the existence of different models of reality--are most highly
developed in the social sciences, especially anthropology and
communications, and have been incorporated into medical outcome
studies. These methods are mostly categorized as qualitative, but
quantitative versions of some techniques are available. In
practice, most cross-cultural descriptive research demands the
use of qualitative methodologies or a mixture of qualitative and
quantitative techniques.
The focus of qualitative research is the
individual practitioner or patient, and the community. This form
of research is respondent centered, and researchers must take
care not to impose their own assumptions or biases on data
collection. Qualitative research requires the use of open-ended
research techniques or instruments. The research team should
include investigators who have had prior experience with
qualitative methods and have produced publications that provide
evidence of relevant expertise.
Methodological issues of clarity, validity, and
the testing of hypotheses are similar in qualitative and
quantitative research (see the "Guidelines for Clinical
Trials" section for a summary). Correspondingly, in
qualitative research as in quantitative research, concepts are
detailed, theory is constructed by the testing of hypotheses,
data are collected systematically, and criteria of soundness are
applied to design, data collection, and interpretation.
Uses of Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is a body of techniques
and assumptions concerning how to gather and analyze complex
real-world data so that they can be applied to real-world
problems (Bernard, 1993; Denzin and Lincoln, 1994; Marshall and
Rossman, 1989). All qualitative research shares a set of
assumptions or concepts about the research field (Marshall and
Rossman, 1989):
* To find out about people's behavior, it is
best to immerse oneself in the actual setting chosen for study.
* The participants in the study have values
that researchers must honor.
* The researcher's task is to discover these
values and perspectives and how they affect the participants'
behavior and experience.
* Research is an interactive process.
* Research relies on people's words, stories,
and actions as the primary data.
Accordingly, in qualitative or field research,
the investigator has direct contact with research subjects and is
directly and personally involved in data collection and analysis,
with the aim of generating realistic descriptions and
explanations. The choice of data collection methods, sampling
procedures, and analytic approaches during the research process
evolves into a question-specific research design (Crabtree and
Miller, 1992). As data are collected and analyzed, this iterative
process affects future decisions for additional sampling,
collection, and analysis.
Data collection in field research is
accomplished primarily through the use of observation,
interviewing, and recordings. The researcher may be required to
make relatively "unstructured" observations or
"structured" observations that depend on a particular
knowledge base. Observation is formalized in many ways, including
studying proxemics (how people use space) and kinesics (how
people move to communicate), participant observation, and various
unobtrusive observational measures in which participants are
unaware that they are being observed.
The basic approach for data collection usually
consists of interviews with individuals or groups. Focus-group
interviews are appropriate in some settings and for some purposes
but should not replace individual indepth interviews (McCracken,
1988). Sometimes questionnaires can be administered as
interviews. Interviews may be conducted at several
levels--unstructured (guided everyday conversation),
semistructured (more focused but still open-ended), or structured
(like spoken questionnaires). Conversations and events may be
recorded with audio or video equipment.
Surveys can be constructed on the basis of
interview data and, though not administered in a face-to-face
setting, can be personalized by offering respondents
opportunities to expand on their answers or to contact the
researcher for an interview if they want to say more than the
survey form permits.
Qualitative researchers have also developed
various projective instruments that elicit respondents'
unconscious knowledge and beliefs. For example, anthropologists
use card-sort and triad-sort techniques, geographers use
"mental map" techniques, and psychologists use various
picture-response instruments. Preexisting instruments are rarely
appropriate for studies across cultures or medical systems.
Much qualitative research also uses secondary
sources, such as films, videotapes, texts, and photos.
Historical, proxemic, and content analyses of these materials can
reveal the unstated values and assumptions of the producers and
To analyze the data collected, the researcher
must develop an organizing system, segment the data accordingly,
and then determine connections. If the data do not sort well into
the categories first selected, the organizing system must be
revised. Connections among the sorted data may be made either
statistically or interpretively.
Analytical goals
The goal of any analysis is to bring order to
what are often extremely complex data. Qualitative researchers
try to discover classes of behavior or responses, themes that
guide interpretation of events, and differing patterns of
response. The first step is descriptive--simply to disentangle
the data. Researchers then try to generalize, that is, to find
and name the rules under which a particular result may be
expected and to explain why this should be so. Much qualitative
research eventually is applied in efforts to improve the quality
of life, for example, by delivering health care in ways that make
sense to the target population.
To be considered useful, qualitative research
must fulfill certain criteria of soundness. It must be clear
under which circumstances a particular finding applies and
whether a finding works consistently. Another demand is that this
research be objective. Traditional criteria, such as reliability
and validity (see the "Guidelines for Clinical Trials"
section), are applied (Kirk and Miller, 1986). However, some
authors have defined different criteria of soundness for
qualitative research (Lincoln and Guba, 1985; Marshall and
Rossman, 1989):
* Credibility. The conduct of inquiry must
enable the subjects of the research to say, "Yes, that
question (or that interpretation) sounds right to me." This
demand can be met because qualitative research deals directly
with research subjects.
* Transferability. A researcher samples a
population and makes generalizations about the whole population.
If another researcher thinks this generalization applies to a
different population, tests it, and finds it to be true, then the
criterion of transferability has been met. Note that the
underlying concepts are transferred, not the specific data.
* Dependability. Rather than assume that
observed events can be replicated (the reliability assumption in
quantitative research), qualitative researchers want to be able
to account for events as they arise and change. When they do so
successfully, the criterion of dependability has been met.
* Confirmability. This criterion is met when
the findings of one researcher can be confirmed by another.
Qualitative researchers can easily bias their data collection by
becoming subjectively involved with the research field; this
criterion helps to ensure that excessive subjectivity is not
biasing the data, that is, that the data are objective.
Although analytical procedures in qualitative
research are not necessarily statistical (as they are in
quantitative research), some distinct statistical methods can be
applied to qualitative research (Bernard, 1993; Miles and
Huberman, 1994); software programs such as Anthropac, Ethnograph,
and NUDIST, are available to apply these analyses.
Qualitative Versus Quantitative Methods
Research design often requires a combination of
qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative and
quantitative research differ in the underlying assumptions that
researchers make (Cassidy, 1994). In quantitative research,
scientists are likely to detail (and often count) particularities
and therefore focus on strategies that limit the view, even if
they must do so artificially. The randomly assigned, blinded,
controlled clinical trial is an important example of this
approach; it is not like the real world, because patients
normally do not choose practitioners or treatments randomly, and
both practitioner and patient usually know what is going on.
Quantitative methods are useful for answering
the following types of questions: How many? How much? How often?
What size? What are the measurable associations? What will happen
if . . .? Does one variable cause the other? Is A more effective
than B? The quantitative approach serves to isolate variables so
that their influence on outcome can be separated from other
factors that might otherwise cloud the interpretation.
In contrast, qualitative researchers are
interested in complexity and pattern--the interactions among
variables--and purposely avoid approaches (such as the use of
controls) that simplify and focus. Qualitative methods are useful
for answering the following types of questions: What is going on?
What is the nature of the phenomenon? What variations occur? How
does it work? How did something happen? What patterns can be
identified? Is the original theory or hypothesis correct? Does
the original theory fit other circumstances? What difference does
this program or intervention make? Why does this intervention
work or not work?
In a real-world medical setting, these
questions might address the following issues:
* Differences in therapeutic effectiveness when
patients are assigned or freely choose their health care.
* How patient and practitioner interact, and
how this interaction affects the medical outcome.
* How the design of the health care delivery
setting affects patient or practitioner satisfaction.
* How patients compare care in two different
medical systems.
* How patients become acclimated in a new
(e.g., alternative) system of medical care.
There is another important difference between
qualitative and quantitative approaches. Quantitative research
depends on an assumption that a certain commonality or
unchangingness underlies how materials interact. This assumption
translates to a demand that a hypothesis be tested the "same
way" and "as planned" in different research
settings. Once the research has begun, the protocol cannot be
changed, for doing so introduces new variables that would
invalidate the work.
Qualitative research depends on the opposite
assumption, namely that the real world always involves flux and
change. Qualitative research protocols outline the goal and
approaches, but they are based on the assumption--indeed, the
expectation--that unpredictable events will occur and that the
research protocol can be changed as one means of dealing with
these events (Marshall and Rossman, 1989). Such changes do not
invalidate the qualitative research so long as researchers
recognize that change is necessary, document the reasons, and
create a logical means to deal with the novel event.
Qualitative methods can explain the real world
of alternative health care delivery. The qualitative approach is
an ideal way to elucidate outcomes issues (as in cost and
clinical effectiveness studies) and can be used in settings where
little is known about a practice and its theory, techniques,
practitioners, or users. When qualitative and quantitative
methods are linked, researchers are able to gather fruitful data
suitable for use in improving the delivery of health care.
Guidelines for Screening Best Cases
Many practitioners of unconventional therapies
for cancer and other illnesses have not documented the effects of
their treatments, yet they claim positive results. A process is
needed to screen such claims to determine whether each patient,
or case, provides enough information to qualify as part of a best
case series and then to determine whether there are enough cases
to meet criteria for a best case series.
The guidelines summarized below were adapted
from a National Cancer Institute publication (NCI, 1991) produced
to assist the development and reporting of best case series for
unconventional cancer treatments. These guidelines retain
references to cancer therapies, but a similar approach could also
be applied to some other unconventional treatments. Applying this
simple and reliable best case evaluation system should enable
many unconventional therapies to be screened for adequate
information. If available information were not found to be
adequate, further attempts to evaluate the therapy would be
postponed until better information could be obtained._
With sufficient information to create a best
case series, cases that meet NCI's criteria (or other designated
criteria for other health problems) can be determined. Necessary
information includes documentation--using standard measures--of
the patient's diagnosis, staging (severity of illness),
treatment, outcome, and so on. The procedure for determining
adequate best case information includes six steps.
NCI's best case criteria represent a specific
and reliable means of uncovering therapies worthy of study. This
approach uses a single standard to detail the amount of
information available and the response achieved.
This method is used to screen charts for
adequate information, estimate clinical response, and evaluate
practitioner judgment about clinical response. It provides a
systematic method for determining which one or ones of the
numerous unconventional approaches to cancer warrant further
evaluation through clinical trials. The method is applicable to
therapies for other problems besides cancer when appropriate
evaluators are available.
Guidelines for Clinical Trials
The following guidelines address major
methodological issues relevant to designing and conducting
clinical trials. The final guideline addresses how interactions
between the subject and the health care practitioner may affect
study results.
Model Fit
The basic assumptions about health and disease
intrinsic to the system under study should be noted, as should
the model for classifying and treating patients by that system.
For example, if clinical acupuncture care is under investigation,
a description of qi and meridians (see the glossary) and the
criteria for patient classification and outcome changes must be
The study population should be selected and
classified in a way that reflects the assumptions of the model
under consideration. For example, if the study addresses disease
outcomes, proper diagnostic categories must be used. If the study
involves assumed changes in energy patterns, pulses, or symptoms,
patients must be classified according to these criteria from the
outset. Outcome measures used must be consistent with these
The design and methods to explore the
intervention must be selected in a way that is consistent with
the model's assumptions and with the objectives of the study.
Methodologic goals include efforts to (1) demonstrate any effect,
(2) assess relative effects between therapies or therapeutic
systems, (3) test the utility of an intervention in actual
practice, (4) evaluate a possible mechanism of action, (5)
examine an assumption that underlies a practice, (6) examine
patient reports of satisfaction and relevant explanatory models,
(7) examine practitioner explanations of what happened and why,
and (8) examine the character of the practitioner-patient
relationship and how it affects the delivery and receipt of care.
The goals of the investigation in relation to
the system under study must be clearly delineated in the
protocol. The study's title and conclusions should reflect the
assumptions of the relevant model and the study goals that were
actually investigated.
Clearly established hypotheses should be
contained in the research description or grant application. These
should identify or predict the main results so that analyses can
test the hypotheses.
Patient Selection Bias
The means by which people are identified and
accrued to the study, as well as the numbers of potential
subjects who decline participation, must be carefully recorded.
For example, did subjects come to the study through
advertisements? Were they recruited from clinical practices? By
random dialing?
Eligibility and selection (inclusion/exclusion)
criteria should be clearly stated. Criteria used to diagnose or
classify subjects must be valid and reliable. A reference should
be given to document the established reliability of the
classification system used. In cancer studies, for example,
detailed and specific classifications are established (see the
"Guidelines for Screening Best Cases" section).
If no generally accepted classification system
exists, the system used in the study must itself be detailed and
defended in the methods of the current trial.
Randomization or Matching
Comparison groups are developed through a
specific process such as randomization, matching, or
stratification. Randomization (or a related procedure) applied to
a large enough group should distribute differences in the control
and treatment groups in a random fashion. In this way the two
groups are "equalized" and made as similar as possible
except for the intervention to be studied. The method used to
create the comparison group should be clearly described. The
method should be balanced at least by age, gender, specific
diagnosis and stage of disease, important prognostic factors, and
other factors relevant to the particular study.
Control Subjects
To obtain comparative data that will shed light
on results found in the treatment (or experimental) group of
subjects under study, an appropriate control group is needed.
Data from control and treatment group subjects are gathered
simultaneously by the researchers. Ideally, the groups are
identical except for the treatment or intervention to be studied.
However, because no two people are identical in every way that
may relate to the illness or therapy to be studied, subjects are
randomized or matched.
Evaluators of the condition of subjects should
be blind with respect to (1) whether subjects receive the
intervention or a placebo treatment, (2) how the outcome will be
measured, and (3) how results will be analyzed.
Crossover Bias
There should be no dilution or co-intervention,
that is, the treatment group should not receive any other therapy
or intervention in addition to that evaluated in the study. There
should be no contamination, that is, control subjects must not
receive the same treatment or one that is similar to the
treatment received by the experimental subjects.
Confounding Factors
Possible confounding variables (factors that
may influence the study's results) must be addressed adequately.
The study groups should be comparable on important prognostic
factors. All funding sources should be disclosed, and reports
should indicate whether these sources were independent of
potential profit from the type of treatment under study.
Sample Size
Estimates of the required number of subjects
must be made before the study begins and must be discussed in the
research proposal. The statistical basis for selecting the number
should be given, and the calculations that led to that number
should be described. The research proposal also should provide
information about how the researchers plan to attain the desired
sample size.
Outcomes and Measurement Errors
Outcome and measurement criteria must be
clearly defined and explicit. The validity of the outcome
measurements used should be established by references and by
verification within the study (against a "gold
standard" or parallel outcome measures). The measurement
methods used must be sensitive enough to detect the outcome or
change to be investigated. All important outcomes must be
The duration of effects must be considered in
evaluating outcomes. For example, if subjects of a treatment are
crossed over to a control group, consideration must be given to
whether they were still experiencing effects from their treatment
after the crossover. Statistical mechanisms for handling this
type of problem exist.
Loss to Followup
At least 80 percent of subjects brought into
the study should be shown to remain with the study long enough
for necessary followup to occur. Subjects who withdraw from the
study must be fully described. For the study results to be
acceptable, subject characteristics (including age, gender,
diagnosis, stage of disease, and other important factors) must be
similar for those who withdrew and those who remain in the study.
Statistical Methods
Descriptive statistics (data) are presented on
all prognostic and outcome factors. Inferential and
hypothesis-testing statistics (p-values) are calculated and
reported for all major treatment-outcome links. Confidence
intervals or probability distributions also are reported for
primary treatment-outcome links.
Multiple Measures
When more than one measure, variable, or
comparison group is assessed, appropriate analyses are applied.
Examples of such analyses include analysis of variance with
multiple comparison groups, post hoc analyses, subgroup analyses,
multiple hypothesis testing with serial t-or z-tests, and serial
dependent measures.
Clinical Significance
Clinical (versus statistical) significance
indicates whether research effects are important or meaningful.
Patient or physician satisfaction with treatment is an example.
Results that achieve statistical significance are not meaningful
unless they are also clinically important or meaningful in
clinical practice. For example, a very small difference in the
effectiveness of two treatments would not be likely to change
clinical practice or to influence physicians or patients to adopt
the new treatment.
The new treatment should have a low risk of
causing direct harm in comparison to the risks of not treating
the disease. If risks associated with the treatment are low, the
treatment is more likely to be used.
Results cannot be generalized beyond the type
of illness or patient studied. Any other studies that addressed
the same research questions should be discussed in the protocol.
If intervention X is shown to work for patients with diabetes,
for example, it cannot also be said to work for people with other
illnesses. If intervention Y produces good results in breast
cancer, it cannot be claimed to work in lung cancer. Broader
generalizability is possible only with very large research
projects that include adequate numbers of men and women of
different age groups, disease severity categories, and stages of
the illness.
As a general guideline, there should be at
least 40 people in each group for each treatment-outcome link
Disclosure Issues
The sources of funding for the research should
be disclosed, as should any additional sources of funding for the
participating investigators when these sources have the potential
to influence their work. Reports on the research should indicate
whether any of these sources might potentially profit from the
type of treatment under study or might profit from an alternative
treatment if the treatment under study were discredited.
Patient and Practitioner Beliefs and
Often in clinical trials, the beliefs of and
interactions between investigators and subjects are assumed not
to be important, but in alternative medicine these are valid
concerns. This guideline addresses such personal considerations.
One consideration is bias, which is not usually
intentional in research. The differences that could introduce
interference or bias in the conduct of the research should be
identified and evaluated. Among these are (1) whether the
treatment is delivered in the usual method and style used in
health care practice, (2) whether the health care practitioner
and patient have expectations about the treatment results, (3)
whether the patient has complied with the treatment regimen, and
(4) whether interference with normal spontaneity and flexibility
in patient-therapist interactions has been avoided or noted.
Utility of the treatment involves the question
of whether the treatment, as reported, could be applied by
practitioners other than those who participated. The
investigators' belief in the efficacy of the treatment should
also be assessed, and any idiosyncratic responses or beliefs
should be described.
Study subjects must be adequately prepared for
their participation. The view of each subject on the need for
treatment should be evaluated. For example, does the subject
regard the problem as a major or minor condition?
The possibility of transpersonal phenomena
should also be considered. Such phenomena might include cultural
or spiritual perceptions of the study's importance; cultural
disparities in treatment delivery; events that might affect
outcome, such as direct observer and evaluation effects_; and
possible field--that is, nonlocal--effects.
Introduction to Outcomes Research
Outcomes research evaluates the ultimate
effects of treatment systems on patients. This evaluation usually
involves a retrospective examination of records or databases
accumulated by health care practitioners, hospitals, insurers,
and government health programs in order to identify which medical
interventions produced the best outcomes (Wennberg, 1990). It is
also possible to conduct prospective research by tracking
clinical practices concurrently into the future. Outcomes
research has been described as the use of natural experiments to
find what works in medicine.
The databases under examination in outcomes
research may be developed by using various kinds of research
methods--descriptive (qualitative), best case (mixed qualitative
and quantitative), or quantitative. Clinical case records and
insurance claims data are often perused.
Advocates of outcomes research claim that it is
potentially cheaper and faster than clinical trials and can
provide data on treatments that would not otherwise be evaluated.
In fact, retrospective database analysis may be the only way to
obtain data on treatments with rare complications. Outcomes
research is also useful when dealing with "soft"
results such as effects on the quality of life. Consequently,
some advocates of alternative medical practices consider outcomes
research ideal for examining aspects of alternative medicine.
Outcomes research has other inherent
advantages. It does not interfere with the doctor-patient
relationship, does not require informed consent or permission
from an institutional review board (as do clinical trials), and
includes groups (such as the elderly, children, the poor, and
minorities) that might not be widely represented in clinical
Critics point out that any research based on
retrospective analysis of clinical records is flawed by hidden
biases in the data. They claim that researchers cannot correct
for the subtle reasons why doctors choose one treatment over
another for a given patient (or why patients choose their
doctors). Furthermore, the records under examination were made
for a different purpose and are likely to be incomplete in
describing all relevant conditions that may affect the patients
whose records are being analyzed.
Proponents and opponents of outcomes research
agree that some aspects of the research are useful--that it is
important to learn what doctors are actually doing in clinical
practice and that this knowledge can provide a basis for further
studies, including clinical trials.
One government agency, the Agency for Health
Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), was created in 1989 largely to
conduct outcomes research. However, in a recent article in
Science, Anderson (1994) reported that "after spending
nearly $200 million on outcomes research (about one-third of the
agency's budget . . .), AHCPR cannot point to a single case in
which its database studies have changed general clinical
practice." Anderson further noted that even the agency's
most definitive result--a guideline to physicians that
"watchful waiting" is more appropriate for some
patients than surgery for benign prostate disease (see the
"Research Methodologies" chapter)--was accompanied by a
recommendation for a clinical trial to confirm these findings.
Increasingly, it appears that AHCPR will use
its database analyses of outcomes to supplement and complement
other tools, including case control studies, meta-analyses of
previous studies, and clinical trials. Two new references are
expected to help researchers rank the value of outcomes research:
(1) the proceedings of a March 1993 conference sponsored by the
New York Academy of Sciences that analyzed the relative merits of
outcomes research and clinical trials (Warren and Mosteller,
1994); and (2) the results of an 18-month study by the Office of
Technology Assessment (OTA) analyzing AHCPR's outcomes research
(publication due September 1994)._
Introduction to Meta-Analysis
The term meta-analysis was first coined by G.V.
Glass, in a 1976 study of the efficacy of psychotherapy, as
"the statistical analysis of a large collection of results
from individual literature, for the purpose of integrating the
findings." Although meta-analytic procedures have been
widely employed in the social sciences since the early 1970s,
many did not consider it a valid tool for the natural sciences
until numerous retrospective studies accumulated that used
meta-analysis to analyze data that had previously been studied
with other statistical tools. As these studies illustrated both
the statistical power and the increased information provided by
meta-analysis, interest in its medical applications began to
increase significantly. Since then, meta-analysis has been
applied to questions of efficacy (e.g., chemotherapy in breast
cancer, patient education interventions in clinical medicine,
spinal manipulation); questions of cause and effect (e.g., effect
of exercise on serum lipid level); and, increasingly, public
health problems. Today meta-analysis is being used in a variety
of settings to draw conclusions from results collected from
literature or narrative reviews and from data pooled from
independent studies (often clinical trials).
In general, meta-analysis is a systematic
method that uses statistical analysis for extracting, comparing,
and combining results from independent studies to obtain
quantifiable outcomes. Meta-analysis also can help detect gaps in
knowledge in the published literature and thus can help provide
guidance for future research. Although there have been several
approaches to meta-analysis, each follows the same basic
1. Define the problem and criteria for
admission of studies.
2. Locate research studies.
3. Classify and code study characteristics.
4. Measure study characteristics quantitatively
on a common scale.
5. Aggregate findings to study characteristics
(analysis and interpretation).
6. Report the results.
Problem formulation includes explicit
definition of outcomes and potentially confounding variables.
Carefully done, this step enables the investigator to focus on
the relevant measures in the studies under consideration and to
specify the relevant methods for classifying and coding study
characteristics. The literature search uses a systematic approach
to locating studies. First, information is obtained from
colleagues in a particular discipline. Second, the various
indexes, abstracting services, and electronic databases are
searched. Third, references from the primary articles are used to
find secondary sources of information. Finally, information is
gathered from academic, private, and government sources,
including unreferenced reports and unpublished data.
In order to measure results across disparate
studies, several methods are used. The most common method is to
measure the effect size (i.e., an index of both the direction and
the magnitude of the effect of a procedure under study). One
estimate of the effect size for quantitative data is the
difference between the two group means, divided by the control
group standard deviation, (Xt-Xc)/Sc, where Xc is the mean of the
control group and Sc is the standard deviation of the control
group. Effect size expresses differences in standard deviation
units so that, for example, if a study has an effect of 0.2
standard deviation units, the overall effect size is only half
that of another study that has an effect size of 0.4 standard
deviation units. The appropriate measure of effect across the
research literature varies according to both the nature of the
problem being assessed and the availability of published data.
Pooling of data from controlled clinical trials, for example, has
been more widely used in the medical literature than for other
Effect size for proportions has been calculated
in cohort literature as either a difference, Pt-Pc, or as a
ratio, Pt/Pc. The latter has the advantage of considerable change
relative to the control percentage; in epidemiological studies,
it is equivalent to the concept of risk ratio.
Whatever combination statistic is used, a
systematic quantitative procedure to accumulate results across
studies should include the following:
1. Summary descriptive statistics across
studies, and the averages of those statistics.
2. Calculation of variance of a statistic
across studies.
3. Correction of the variance by subtracting
sampling error.
4. Correction in the mean and variance for
study artifacts other than sampling, such as measurement error.
5. Comparison of the corrected standard
deviation to the mean to assess the size of the potential
variation across studies.
The value of meta-analysis is that as evidence
begins to accumulate, meta-analysis forces systematic thought
about methods, outcomes, categorizations, populations, and
interventions. In addition, it offers a mechanism for estimating
the magnitude of the effect in terms of a statistically
significant effect size or pooled odds ratio. Furthermore, the
combination of data from several studies increases
generalizability and potentially increases statistical power,
thus enabling more complete assessment of the impact of a
procedure or variable. Quantitative measures across studies also
can give insight into the nature of the relationships among
variables and can provide a mechanism for detecting and exploring
apparent contradictions in research results. Further, because
meta-analysis is less subjective than other analytical methods,
it has the potential to decrease investigator bias.
However, like the value of all review methods,
the value of meta-analysis can be limited by a number of factors.
For example, the current use of parametric statistical methods
for meta-analysis is the subject of intense theoretical study.
Other methodological issues of concern include bias, variability
between studies, and the development of models to measure
variability across studies. One major concern about qualitative
reviews of the literature is that although meta-analysis is more
explicit, it may be no more objective than a narrative review.
Both critics and advocates of meta-analysis are concerned that an
unwarranted sense of scientific validity, rather than true
scientific understanding, may result from quantification. More
simply stated, use of sophisticated statistics will not improve
poor data but could lead analysts to an unwarranted level of
comfort with their conclusions.
Introduction to Systematic Reviews
The systematic review is an orderly approach to
reviewing research literature that minimizes the problems that
can arise with less scientifically rigorous review methods
(Larson et al., 1992). To avoid introducing bias in the selection
and interpretation of the literature under study, systematic
reviews spell out in advance the approach to be taken. Systematic
review entails defining criteria for (1) the selection of
journals and articles to include and exclude, (2) the quality of
the measures used in the selected literature to assess the factor
being reviewed, and, (3) the quality of each study's research
methodology. The technique also looks at the frequency of
assessment of a particular research question, variable, or
Systematic reviews, like meta-analyses and
unlike standard literature reviews, are replicable from one
reviewer to the next. This point is particularly important when a
potentially controversial research topic is being evaluated.
Systematic reviews differ from meta-analytical
reviews in two major ways. First, the systematic review costs
much less--only 10 to 20 percent of the expense of a similarly
sized meta-analysis. Second, systematic reviews can consider
single factors of interest within an inadequately developed
research field. In contrast, meta-analyses require a
well-developed research field with a large amount of experimental
or quasi-experimental research; they also require that an
adequate number of studies address essentially the same research
question using comparable study samples.
While systematic reviews can examine the key or
central findings in studies, they also permit analysis of
noncentral or peripheral factors. Thus systematic reviews are
particularly useful in examining an underdeveloped or
infrequently studied research issue.
There are five key steps in conducting a
systematic review: (1) selecting the factor or factors to be
studied; (2) deciding whether to use an exhaustive review or
field review approach; (3) assessing the frequency and quality of
measurement of the factor of interest; (4) evaluating the studies
that contain the factor of interest; and (5) determining and
maintaining reviewer reliability.
Selecting the factor or factors to be studied.
This first step involves formulating research questions based on
the topic the reviewer wishes to study. Each systematic review
should address clear research questions. For example, several
systematic reviews have focused on whether the quantity or
quality of research containing religious variables was
substandard in certain clinical scientific literatures (Larson et
al., 1986). Another review concerning the effects of pornography
asked whether existing research demonstrated harm--or lack of
harm--in assessing the associations in each literature report
between exposure to pornographic materials and changes in
attitudes concerning rape or aggression toward women.
Deciding whether to use an exhaustive review or
field review approach. Both types of systematic reviews use
research reports that have undergone a peer review process of
critique and revision prior to being published. However, criteria
for what to include and exclude are defined differently for the
two types of reviews.
The exhaustive review method involves
identifying every possible peer-reviewed study from every
relevant field of study that includes information about the
factor of interest. This review is carried out in three steps.
(1) First, an initial list of articles is prepared, based on a
multiple, overlapping, computerized literature search that uses
multiple key-word terms and indexes. (2) Next, other potentially
relevant articles are identified in the reference sections of the
articles obtained in the initial search, and these new articles
are also searched for relevant references. This repeated
reference review continues until no new articles can be
identified for addition to the master list. (3) The final step is
the circulation of the list of articles to identified experts,
such as the three to five researchers with the most publications
on the research study list; these researchers are asked to
identify additional relevant articles.
In contrast, field reviews involve selecting
only one field of study, the leading peer-reviewed journals in
that field, and the period to be reviewed (usually 5 to 10
years). The leading journals are identified as the ones most
frequently cited in a particular research field, by using the
Science Citation Index or the Social Science Citation Index as a
citation source. (These indexes provide ratings of journals in
various research fields based on the frequency with which their
articles are cited). If the goal is to define the most accurate
and up-to-date research in a specific field, then the field
review is the more appropriate type of systematic review to use.
The field reviewer obtains a proper sample by
manually searching through every journal issue and every article
in the journal to identify studies that include the review factor
of interest. Some topics of previous systematic reviews include
mental health factors in nursing home studies, AIDS research in
general medical journals, and religious factors in psychiatry,
family medicine, and pastoral care journals. The total numbers of
articles scanned and articles selected should be tracked.
Editorial articles, commentaries, and other nonquantifiable
opinion articles should be excluded.
Assessing the frequency and quality of
measurement of the factor of interest. In this step the factor of
interest is examined across the reviewed articles to determine
whether it is of major or minor importance--that is, whether it
is frequently or infrequently assessed. Additional information is
tabulated concerning whether the factor is being assessed through
use of one or several questions and--if through several
questions--whether reliability was reported or demonstrated.
Evaluating the studies that contain the factor
of interest. Next the research quality of the studies that
include the factors of interest is assessed. If a study is poorly
designed, its findings may be questionable.
Assessing the quality of the methods used
requires clearly defining each study factor, including such
variables as the response rate, size of the study population, use
of a control or comparison population, type of sampling method
used, and whether study measures demonstrated reliability. For
example, defining the response rate might entail grouping rates
in categories: low, less than 50 percent; medium, 50 to 69
percent; and high, 70 percent and more. Similarly, other factors
require some definition and grouping.
Determining and maintaining reviewer
reliability. Reproducibility of systematic reviews depends on
training multiple reviewers to appropriately assess the factors
of interest. The goal here is statistical reliability, so that
reviewers reviewing the same articles achieve the same
assessments. Training reviewers has been found to produce
replicable results with reliabilities above 0.90 (Larson et al.,
High reliability can be maintained through
periodic checks--especially if a large number of studies and a
large number of reviewers are involved--and, if necessary,
retraining of reviewers.
The kinds of information that systematic
reviews can provide about a specific research field or topic
include the following:
* Number of studies assessing the factor of
* Statistical reliability of measures assessing
the factor of interest.
* Approach most often used for assessing the
factor of interest.
* Frequency of assessing the factor as a
variable of major versus minor study relevance.
* Quality of the research studies that include
the factor of interest.
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Some Helpful References for New Investigators*
Altman, D.G. 1991. Practical Statistics for
Medical Research. Chapman & Hall, London.
Bernard, H.R. 1993. Research Methods in
Cultural Anthropology (2nd ed.). Sage Publications, Newbury Park,
Brink, P., and M. Wood. 1988. Basic Steps in
Planning Nursing Research (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett, Boston.
Briscoe, M.E. 1990. A Researcher's Guide to
Scientific and Medical Illustrations. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Educational Testing Service. Undated. Test
Collection Catalog No. 3 (a source for standard test and
evaluation forms; available from ETS, PO Box 7234, San Diego, CA
Gehlbach, S.H. 1993. Interpreting the Medical
Literature. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Haley, R.W. 1994. "Designing clinical
research". In Y.C. Pak and P.M. Adams, eds. Techniques of
Patient Oriented Research. Raven Press, New York.
Hulley, S.B., and S.R. Cummings, eds. 1988.
Designing Clinical Research--An Epidemiological Approach.
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.
Leede, P.D. 1992. Practical Research: Planning
and Design (5th ed.). McMillan, New York.
Lewitt, G.T., and D. Aldrich. 1993. Clinical
Research Methodology for Complementary Therapies. Hodder &
Stoughton, London.
Lincoln, Y., and E. Guba. 1985. Naturalistic
Inquiry. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Marshall, C., and G. Rossman. 1989. Designing
Qualitative Research. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, Calif.
McCracken, G. 1988. The Long Interview. Sage
Publications, Newbury Park, Calif.
Pocock, S.J. 1983. Clinical Trials: A Practical
Approach. Wiley, Chichester, England.
Schwartz, S.M., and M.E. Friedman. 1992. A
Guide to NIH Grant Programs, Oxford University Press, New York.
Yin, R.K. 1994. Case Study Research, Design,
and Methods (2nd ed.). Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, Calif.
Zeiger, M. 1991. Essentials of Writing
Biomedical Research Papers. McGraw-Hill, New York.
*These references were selected as basic
guides. An extensive methodological bibliography is provided at
the end of this appendix.
NCIs Suggested Steps for Screening Best Cases
1. Chart Selection
The practitioner or another individual in the
alternative medicine setting reviews clinic charts and selects
those that are believed to represent the best examples of
successful treatment. These charts are copied and brought or sent
to NCI, where an independent evaluator reviews them.
Alternatively, the evaluator may visit the clinic and review the
best case charts on site.
2. Chart Review
The evaluator judges the charts acceptable if
the needed information is present and rejects them if it is
lacking. The reason for either decision is documented. The
evaluator's specific criteria for adequacy of information also
can guide the practitioner to select best cases.
When a specified proportion of submitted charts
contains adequate information, outcome evaluation can be
considered. Charts that provide adequate evidence of response or
lack of response are then evaluated according to outcome
3. Inclusion Criteria
Evidence for the diagnosis of cancer (or
another illness under treatment) and details of the treatment
regimen are documented. Clinical information that demonstrates
the status and course of the illness, such as the malignancy and
the sites of metastatic disease, must be detailed. Minimum
evidence includes the following:
a. The diagnosis of cancer must be documented
by one of the following:_*
* A pathology report.
* Radiological, surgical, or blood evaluation,
and a specialist's written report diagnosing cancer or indicating
that it has recurred.
* A specialist's written report that standard
treatment is unlikely to be helpful or has failed, or that the
disease severity prior to alternative medicine treatment
indicated extremely poor prognosis.
b. The patient must have received the
unconventional treatment according to the alternative medicine
practitioner's regimen. Information about the treatment must
include the following:
* Detailed description of treatment source,
doses, method, and delivery frequency.
* Chart documentation of patient compliance,
such as pill counts and completion of at least 70 percent of
followup visits.
* Complete documentation of any other previous
or ongoing therapies, medications, and so on.
4. Exclusion Criteria
The following problems invalidate a chart for
inclusion in a best case analysis. If any of these are present,
the chart information is inadequate:
* No evidence of the disease under study when
the patient began alternative medical treatment.
* No pathology diagnosis or objective evidence
of disease recurrence as defined above when alternative medical
treatment began.
* Inadequate delivery (insufficient dosage or
treatment time) of the therapy under study, or current or recent
delivery of another therapy that could affect the disease.
* Followup less than 6 months from the start of
therapy, or less than 2 standard deviations beyond the patient's
expected survival, as determined by current estimates of life
expectancy for the same diagnosis and stage of the disease when
treatment was started.
5. Outcome Criteria
If criteria for adequate information as
described above are met, cases can be reviewed according to
outcome (clinical response) criteria. If outcome criteria also
are met, it can be concluded that the therapy is producing
positive results and that further study may be warranted. Outcome
criteria consist of complete or partial clinical response as
determined by the following standard oncology definitions:
* Complete tumor remission. Complete
disappearance of all evidence of tumor (all sites of measurable
disease) for a minimum number of weeks.
* Partial tumor response. Fifty percent
decrease in the size of the tumor. This is calculated as the sum
of the perpendicular diameters of all measured lesions, with no
progression of disease at any site and no appearance of new
lesions for a specific number of weeks.
* Prolonged quality-of-life expectancy.
Evidence that the patient has experienced good quality of life
(increased energy, improved appetite, greater mobility, and
reduced pain) since the start of treatment for longer than
expected by at least 2 standard deviations.
* Complete or partial tumor response.
Determined either by a pathology report of a biopsy showing no
evidence of disease, or by radiological, surgical, or blood
evaluation and a specialist's written opinion that evaluation
indicates disease reduction or elimination.
6. Tabulation
Using forms available from NCI, a specific
procedure is followed to record all patient data:
a. Information is carefully tabulated on a
standard Best Case Series Form.
b. Each chart selected is evaluated and results
are recorded on a Score Sheet.
c. All reasons for inclusion or exclusion are
noted on the Score Sheet and recorded on a Spread Sheet.
d. If a chart displays adequate information,
outcome criteria also are recorded on the Score Sheet and Spread
e. The proportion of cases submitted to cases
included in the best case series is calculated by dividing the
accepted cases by the total number of cases submitted. This
calculation provides a "discrepancy index," which is an
estimate of the accuracy of practitioners' judgments about the
success of their treatment. The amount of discrepancy due to
inadequate information or faulty outcome estimation can be
Abbreviations and Glossary
AA--Alcoholics Anonymous
AC--alternating current
ACS--American Cancer Society
AHCPR--Agency for Health Care Policy and
AIDS--acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AMA--American Medical Association
AMTA--American Massage Therapy Association
BRM--biological response modifier
CCE--Council of Chiropractic Education
CHD--coronary heart disease
CoQ10--coenzyme Q10
DC--direct current
DMT--dance/movement therapy
D.O.--doctor of osteopathy
DRG--Division of Research Grants
ECT--electroconvulsive therapy
EDTA--ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
ELF--extremely low frequency
EMS--eosinophilia myalgia syndrome
FDA--Food and Drug Administration
FDCA--Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
FTC--Federal Trade Commission
GSR--galvanic skin response
HDL--high-density lipoprotein
HIV--human immunodeficiency virus
Hz--Hertz, (see hertz)
IgA--immunoglobulin A
IgE--immunoglobulin E
IND--investigational new drug
INF-A--interferon alpha
INF-G--interferon gamma
IU--international units
LDL--low-density lipoprotein
MEDLARS--Medical Literature Analysis and
Retrieval System
MRI--magnetic resonance imaging
NAMT--National Association for Music Therapy
NCI--National Cancer Institute
NCNM--National College of Naturopathic Medicine
NCSA--Network Chiropractic Spinal Analysis
NHLBI--National Heart, Lung, and Blood
NIOSH--National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health
NLM--National Library of Medicine
NRC--National Research Council
NSAID--nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
NSF--National Science Foundation
OAM--Office of Alternative Medicine
OTA--Office of Technology Assessment
PEMF--pulsed electromagnetic field
PET--positron emission tomography
PRC--People's Republic of China
RF--radio frequency
RFA--request for applications
SD--standard deviation
SHBG--sex hormone binding globulin
TCES--transcranial electrostimulation
TENS--transcutaneous electrical nerve
TIMPs--(proteins that are) tissue inhibitors of
TM--transcendental meditation
TNF--tumor necrosis factor
USAID--United States Agency for International
WHO--World Health Organization
adiposity: the state of being fat.
adjustment: the chiropractic adjustment is a
specific form of direct manipulation of joint (articular) areas,
using either long or short leverage techniques with specific
contacts. It is characterized by a dynamic thrust of controlled
velocity, amplitude, and direction (see thrust). Colloquially
referred to as "bone cracking."
adrenergic: activated by, characteristic of, or
secreting adrenaline (scientific name, epinephrine) or similar
substances that constrict blood vessels and raise blood pressure,
preparing the body for "fight or flight."
adrenochrome: a red oxidation product of
epinephrine that slows the blood flow because of its effect on
capillary permeability. It is currently being tested as a
psychomimetic drug (a drug that imitates natural substances that
can affect a person psychologically).
allergic rhinitis: hay fever; significant nasal
drainage and inflammation of the eyes in susceptible subjects,
caused by inhaling allergens (usually pollens).
allopathy: substitutive therapy; a therapeutic
system in which a disease is treated by producing a second
condition that is incompatible with or antagonistic to the first.
May be used to describe Western medicine as currently practiced.
amide: an organic compound in which the
hydroxyl (-OH) of a carboxyl group (-COOH) of an acid has been
replaced by the nitrogen-containing group-NH2. For example,
amine: an organic compound containing nitrogen,
equivalent to replacing one or more atoms of hydrogen in ammonia
by an organic hydrocarbon. For example,-NH2.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a disease marked
by progressive degeneration of the nerve cells that conduct
electrical impulses, leading to degeneration of the motor cells
of the brain stem and spinal cord and resulting in a deficit of
motor skills among other symptoms; it usually ends fatally within
2 to 3 years. Also called Lou Gehrig's disease.
anabolism: constructive metabolic processes in
which new substances are built.
anaphylaxis: a major type of allergic reaction
to a substance, resulting in difficulty breathing and followed
usually by shock and collapse of the blood system.
angina pectoris: a spasm with sudden chest
pain, accompanied by a feeling of suffocation and impending
death, most often due to lack of oxygen to part of the heart
wall, and caused by excitement or activity.
angiography: the study of the cardiovascular
system (heart and blood) by radioscopy after the introduction of
a contrasting material, such as radioactive iodine, into the
anthropology: the study of human beings and
their origin in relation to social, cultural, historical,
environmental, and developmental aspects.
antipsychotic drug: a substance effective in
the treatment of psychosis, a severe type of mental disorder
involving total disorganization of the personality.
apoenzyme: the protein portion of an enzyme
that can be separated from any cofactor but needs the cofactor
present to function properly as an enzyme.
arrhythmia: any variation from the normal
rhythm of the heartbeat.
ascorbyl palmitate: a derivative of vitamin C
that is being tested as a preventive agent.
autism: a condition characterized by
preoccupation with inner thoughts, daydreams, fantasies,
delusions, and hallucinations; egocentric, subjective thinking
lacking objectivity and connection with reality; a disorder of
currently unknown origin characterized by such activities.
benzopyrene: a highly carcinogenic organic
chemical that is produced when carbon compounds are incompletely
bind: an increasing resistance to motion in the
problem area (in manual therapy the practitioner uses feedback
obtained by touching the problem area to guide the medical
procedure). See also ease.
bioelectromagnetics: the scientific study of
interactions between living organisms and electromagnetic fields,
forces, energies, currents, and charges. The range of
interactions studied includes atomic, molecular, intracellular up
to the entire organism.
biofeedback: the process of furnishing an
individual with information, usually in an auditory or visual
mode, on the state of one or more physiological variables such as
heart rate, blood pressure, or skin temperature; it often enables
the individual to gain some voluntary control over the
physiological variable being sampled.
biofield: a massless field (not necessarily
electromagnetic) that surrounds and permeates living bodies and
affects the body. Possibly related to qi. See qi.
bioflavonoid: a generic term for a group of
anti-oxidant compounds that are widely distributed in plants and
involved in animals in maintaining the walls of small blood
vessels in a normal state. See flavenoids.
biogenesis: Thomas Huxley's theory that living
matter always arises by the agency of preexisting living matter.
The opposing theory is spontaneous generation.
biomechanics: the study of structural,
functional, and mechanical aspects of human motion.
biophoton: a small amount of electromagnetic
energy emitted by molecules in living organisms. Biophoton
emission is associated with processes, such as mitosis (cell
division), and possibly with the vibrations of certain large
molecules; It may also be used to communicate information over
relatively large distances, as the firefly does.
biorhythm: the cyclic occurrence of body
processes, such as in daily, or circadian, rhythm. Other rhythms
may be monthly or yearly.
biostatistics: the science of applying
statistics in biology, medicine, and agriculture.
botanical medicine: another term for herbal
cardiac catheterization: the passage of a small
fluid-gathering tube through a vein in the body into the heart to
gather blood samples, to measure internal blood pressure, or to
obtain other intracardiac information.
catabolism: destructive metabolic processes in
which substances are broken down.
catecholamine: chemical messengers, such as
dopamine and norepinephrine, that stimulate various receptors in
the sympathetic and central nervous systems in the body.
catechu: an extract from the heartwood of the
Acia catechu tree that contains catechin, a crystalline,
contraction-causing chemical. Formerly used as an antidiarrheal
cell proliferation: growth by the reproduction
of similar cells.
cellular metabolism: the sum of the chemical
processes of a cell, including the transformation of sugars into
energy and related processes.
cervical dysplasia: deviations in the cells
that cover the uterine cervix, which may begin as unusual
increased cell growth and progress to the loss of the unique
characteristics of a cell; tends to lead to a tumor.
chakra: one of the areas of rotation in the
biofield, first elaborated in ancient Indian metaphysics.
chelation: formation of a complex molecule
involving a metal ion and two or more polar groupings of a single
molecule. Chelation can be used to remove an ion from
participation in biological reactions, causing a change in the
chemopreventive: the attempt to prevent disease
through the use of chemicals, drugs, or food factors, such as
chemotherapy: treatment of disease by chemical
compounds selectively directed against invading organisms or
abnormal cells.
chiropractic practice: a discipline of the
scientific healing arts concerned with the development,
diagnosis, treatment, and preventive care of functional
disturbances, disease states, pain syndromes, and
neurophysiological effects related to the status and dynamics of
the locomotor system, especially of the spine and pelvis.
chiropractic science: the investigation of the
relationship between structure (primarily of the spine) and
function (primarily of the nervous system) in the human body.
cholecystectomy: surgical removal of the gall
chronic fatigue syndrome: an illness
characterized by long periods of fatigue, often accompanied by
headaches, muscle pain and weakness, and elevated antibody titers
to some herpesviruses. The cause or causes are unknown.
chronic hepatitis: a persistent inflammation of
the liver.
circadian: a phenemenon being, having,
characterized by, or occurring in approximately 24-hour periods
or cycles (as of biological activity or function).
clairsentience: the ability to use touch to
sense subtle variations in the biofield.
clairvoyance: the ability to perceive things
that are out of the range of normal human senses.
closed system: a field or system that does not
react with other fields or anything outside that system.
cochlear reflex: a contraction of the
cochlea--a spirally wound tube that forms part of the inner
ear--when a sharp, sudden noise is made near the ear.
cofactor: a non-protein chemical that is not an
enzyme in its own right but must be present for an apoenzyme
(i.e., the protein component of the enzyme) to function.
collagen: an insoluble, fibrous protein that
occurs in bones as the major portion of the connective tissue
fibers. Yields gelatin and glue on prolonged heating with water.
complementary medicine: another term for
alternative medicine; frequently used in Europe.
congenital: something that exists at, and
usually before, birth.
corpus callosum: the mass of white matter in
the brain that connects the two hemispheres, linking the
"creative" (or left-brained) side with the "raw
intelligence" (or right-brained) side.
coumarin: an odorous material found in tonquin
beans, sweet clover, and woodruff; used for scenting tobacco and
as an anticoagulant to prevent excessive blood clotting.
cryosurgery: the application of extreme cold to
destroy tissue.
cyclotron resonance: the resonant coupling of
electromagnetic power into a system of charged particles
undergoing orbital movement in a uniform magnetic field.
cytokine: a generic term for various small
proteins that are released by cells and that act as intercellular
communicators to elicit an immune response. Examples include the
interferons and the interleukins.
cytokinesis: the contraction of a belt of
cytoplasm, bringing about the separation of two daughter cells
during cell division in animal tissues.
cytotoxicity: the degree to which a chemical is
toxic, or lethal, to a cell, such as how toxic a chemotherapy
agent may be to cancer cells.
Delphi method: a consensus procedure in which
participating experts are polled individually and anonymously,
usually with self-administered questionnaires. The survey is
conducted over a series of "rounds." After each round,
the results are elicited, tabulated, and reported to the group.
The Delphi process is considered complete when there is
convergence of opinion or when a point of diminishing return is
diabetes mellitus: a disorder of metabolism in
which the lack of available insulin causes an excess of sugar in
the blood and urine, as well as excessive thirst and loss of
weight. Various long-term problems can result.
diagnosis: the art of distinguishing one
disease from another; the use of scientific and skillful methods
to establish the cause and nature of a person's illness.
dietetics: the study and regulation of the
direct technique: any manual medical method or
maneuver that engages and passes through and beyond an area of
increasing tissue or joint motion resistance, commonly called a
"direct barrier." (Physical penetration of the body
surface is not involved.)
dosimetry: the process of measuring doses of
radiation (e.g., x rays).
double-blind: a term pertaining to a clinical
trial or other experiment in which neither the subject nor the
person administering treatment knows which subjects are receiving
actual treatment and which are receiving a placebo.
dysfunction: a term used in medicine to
describe abnormal, impaired, or incomplete functioning of an
organ or part.
dysmenorrhea: a condition characterized by
difficult and painful menstruation.
ease: a region of decreasing resistance to
movement. In manual therapy the practitioner uses feedback
obtained by touching the problem region to guide the medical
procedure. See bind.
echocardiography: a method of graphically
recording the position and motion of the heart walls or the
internal structures of the heart and neighboring tissue by the
echo obtained from beams of ultrasonic waves directed through the
chest wall.
eczema: an inflammatory skin condition
characterized by itching and the secretion of liquids from
subdermal pockets of pus and water.
electroencephalogram (EEG): a recording of the
electrical potentials on the skull generated by currents
emanating spontaneously from nerve cells in the brain.
electromagnetic field: the force or energy
associated with electromagnetic interactions, charges, and
currents. EM fields include electrostatic, magnetostatic,
radiation, induction, vector-potential, and scalar-potential
fields, and Hertz and Fitzgerald potentials. The EM field is
usually said to comprise two components: an "electric
field" and a "magnetic field." However, according
to apparently well-established theorems (e.g., Maxwell's
equations), these two components are closely coupled and not
truly independent of each other.
electromagnetic radiation: one type of EM
field, namely, an oscillating EM field that has free motion in
space at a distance from its source.
electromagnetism: the magnetism produced by an
electric current.
electrophysiology: the study of the mechanisms
and consequences of the production of electrical phenomena in the
living organism.
electropollution: EM fields produced by sources
that may have harmful effects on humans, such as electric power
transmission and radio transmission.
electrosurgical excision: surgical removal of
an organ or tissue by electrical methods.
embolism: the blocking of a blood vessel,
usually by a blood clot or thrombus originating from a remote
part of the circulatory system.
emission tomography: a computer-constructed
image of the body, created by measuring radioactive presences in
the body.
end play: discrete, short-range movements of a
joint, independent of the action of voluntary muscles, determined
by springing each vertebra or extremity joint at the limit of its
passive range of motion; also called "joint play."
endocrine: a material that is secreted
internally in the body, most commonly through the bloodstream
rather than through the various ducts; of or pertaining to such a
endorphin: any of three compounds found
naturally in the brain that may have adrenaline-like effects,
such as a burst of energy or an analgesic effect.
endoscopy: visual inspection of any cavity of
the body by means of an endoscope (an instrument to examine the
interior of a hollow cavity inside the body, such as the
enzymes: proteins that catalyze many
biochemical reactions, necessary in all life forms.
epidemiology: the medical study of the
incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population;
the conditions controlling the presence or absence of a disease
or pathogen.
esophageal motility: the muscular movements of
the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the mouth to the
stomach. Orderly and rhythmic esophageal motility is necessary
for swallowing; any disorder in this process may result in pain
and dysfunction.
ethnobotany: the science of plants in relation
to ethnic groups of humans.
etiology: the medical study of causes of
faith healing: healing that occurs because of
the patient's belief in a supernatural being or the healer.
fascia: a sheet of fibrous tissue that envelops
the body beneath the skin; it also encloses muscles and groups of
muscles, and separates their several layers or groups.
fibromyalgia: a poorly understood illness
characterized by fibrous muscular pain.
fibrositis: an inflammation of fibrous tissue.
flavonoids: a large group of metabolic
byproducts of mosses and other plants, based on
2-phenylbenzopyran (a particular type of organic compound with a
ring structure); for example, the chemicals that give yellow,
red, and blue colors to plants.
forensic: evidence or material gathered for or
used in legal proceedings or in public debate.
free radical: a molecule or atom in which the
outermost ring of electrons is not complete, making it extremely
chemically reactive.
galvanic skin response: a change in the
electrical resistance of the skin, recorded by a polygraph;
widely used as an index of autonomic (involuntary) nervous system
gastroenteritis: an inflammation of the mucous
membrane of the stomach and the intestines.
gauss: a unit of magnetic flux density. In
colloquial terms, the strength of a magnetic field is specified
in terms of gauss; for instance, the strength of a typical
household magnet that holds papers on a refrigerator is about 200
glycyrrhetinic acid: a derivative of vitamin A
that is being tested for its disease preventive activity.
Hawthorne effect: the observation that
experimental subjects who are aware that they are part of an
experiment often perform better than totally naive subjects.
heavy metal: a metal of high atomic number; may
be used to measure electron density in electron microscopy; high
concentrations of heavy metals can harm plant and animal growth.
hematology: the medical specialty that pertains
to the anatomy, physiology, pathology, symptomatology, and
therapeutics of blood and blood-forming tissues.
Hertz (Hz): the unit of measure used to specify
the frequency of complete waves of electromagnetic radiation,
such as light, radio waves, and x rays; expressed as cycles per
second. These waves take on the property of a sinusoid (see
sinusoidal). Table 1 in the "Bioelectromagnetics
Applications in Medicine" chapter shows the electromagnetic
spectrum ranging from 0 Hz to over 1020 Hz.
heuristic: anything that encourages or promotes
investigation; that which is conducive to discovery.
high sense perception: a system of diagnosis
based on clairsentience and clairvoyance.
hippocampus: a particular part of the gray
matter of the brain; in humans, it extends from the olfactory
lobe to the posterior end of the cerebrum.
homeopathy: an alternative medical system that
treats the symptoms of a disease with minute doses of a chemical.
In larger doses, the compound would produce the same symptoms as
the disease or disorder that is being treated.
homeostasis: the maintenance of a static,
constant, or balanced condition in the body's internal
environment; the level of physiological well-being of an
humoralism, humorism: an ancient theory that
health and illness are related to a balance or imbalance of body
fluids or "humors."
hydrocortisone: a complex chemical secreted by
the human adrenal cortex which has life-maintaining properties
and is important to sustaining blood pressure and the balance of
fluids and electrolytes in the body.
hydrotherapy: treating a disease with water,
externally or internally.
hypercholesterolemia: an excess of cholesterol
in the blood.
hyperlipidemia: an excess of lipids (fatty
components, such as cholesterol or triglycerides) in the blood.
hypertension: a persistent state of high
arterial high blood pressure.
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis: the
interaction involving chemical and neuronal signals between the
hippocampus, pituitary gland, and the cortex (outer layer) of the
adrenal glands, with significant impacts on the body's state of
iatrogenic: an illness, injury, disease, or
disorder induced inadvertently by physicians or their treatments.
ichthyosis: a group of skin disorders
characterized by increased or aberrant development of keratin,
resulting in noninflammatory scaling of the skin.
immunocompromising: anything that interferes
with the healthy function of the immune system.
impedance: the state of resistance in
electrical circuits.
incontinence: the inability to control one or
both excretory functions (i.e., defecation and urination).
indirect technique: any manual medical method
or maneuver that engages and passes through and beyond an area of
decreasing resistance, commonly called an "indirect
barrier." (Physical penetration of the body surface is not
indole: a type of nitrogen-containing organic
compound with a double ring structure; a breakdown product of the
amino acid tryptophan and related biologically active compounds.
infrasonic energy: energy waves transmitted at
a frequency lower than the frequency at which humans are normally
aware of sound.
innate: something that inborn or hereditary.
innate intelligence: the intrinsic biological
ability of a healthy organism to react physiologically to the
changing conditions of the external and internal environment.
interferon: one of a group of small immune
system stimulating proteins produced by viral-infected cells or
by noninfected white blood cells; it is used as an anticancer
agent in some clinical trials because of its ability to inhibit
further viral replication.
interleukin: one of a group of small proteins
that are involved in communication among white blood cells and
that activate and enhance the immune system's disease-fighting
internal validity: the certainty that the
treatment or regimen under study, rather than something else, is
responsible for producing study results.
irritable bowel (spastic colon) syndrome: a
condition characterized by sudden, involuntary contractions of
the colon.
ki: the Japanese term for qi.
kinesthetic senses: the senses by which
movement, weight, and position are perceived; commonly used to
refer specifically to the perception of changes in the angles of
L-dopa: the naturally occurring form of the
amino acid dopa, which is a precursor of epinephrine and other
biologically active compounds. It is used in the treatment of
Parkinson's disease.
leukocytes: a group of blood cells that have a
nucleus but lack hemoglobin and that are involved in fighting
disease; also known as "white blood cells."
limbus: a general term for describing border
structures, such as the limbic region of the brain.
lipids: a generic term for organic compounds
based on fatty acids, such as fats, waxes, fat-soluble vitamins,
and steroids.
local healing: biofield healing that uses the
practitioner's hands on the subject's body.
lymph: a clear, transparent, or
yellowish-opaque liquid found in the vessels of the lymphatic
system; this liquid returns proteins and other substances from
tissues to the blood.
lymphatic system: the system of the lymph,
including the lymph nodes, and the vascular channels that
transport lymph.
lymphocyte: a white blood cell formed in
lymphatic tissue; in normal adults, lymphocytes comprise
approximately one-quarter of the white blood cells.
macrophage: a class of white blood cells, found
in tissues, that are scavengers. Macrophage can wander the system
or migrate to points of infection in the body.
magnetic resonance imaging: the use of nuclear
magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density maps or
images of tissues or organs in the human body.
magnetite: a spinel (metal oxide) of iron
(Fe3O4); a naturally occurring magnet.
manipulation: a term used in connection with
the therapeutic application of manual force. Spinal manipulation,
broadly defined, includes all procedures in which the hands are
used to mobilize, adjust, manipulate, apply traction, massage,
stimulate, or otherwise influence the spine and nearby
(paraspinal) tissues with the goal of positively influencing the
patient's health.
materia medica: a collection of descriptions of
products that are usable medically as drugs. In homeopathy,
substances are included that may not be in the official
pharmacopoeia (drug registry), as are descriptions of how to
physically prepare the substances as drugs.
mental healing: a process whereby one
individual endeavors to bring about the healing of another by
using conscious intent, without the intervention of any known
physical means. The term is often used synonymously with
spiritual healing.
meridian: In Asian traditional medicine, the
body has a channel with 12 portions, or meridians, which loop
through the body in an endless circuit, connecting the principal
organs and other body parts. The meridians are said to carry
ching qi, which regulates the relationship between, and the
functioning of, the various body structures.
meta-analysis: a method for combining the
results of several or many studies to see if the combined results
provide significant information that was not obtainable by
examining individual studies.
metabolism: the sum total of the chemical and
physical changes constantly occurring in a living body.
metaphysics: the branch of philosophy that
systematically investigates first causes and the ultimate nature
of the universe. Such investigations are generally of
insubstantial elements and are outside physics, thus difficult to
metastasis: the movement of cancerous cells in
the body from a primary site to a distant site, usually through
the blood or lymph system, with the subsequent development of
secondary cancers.
mobilization: the process of making a fixed
part movable; a form of manipulation characterized by nonthrust,
passive joint manipulation.
modulation: the change of amplitude or
frequency of a carrier signal of given frequency.
molecular biology: the study of the structure
and function of macromolecule in living cells.
morbidity: the state or condition of being
diseased, for an individual or community.
mortality: the death rate within a given
motion palpation: a term used in connection
with using touch to diagnose passive and active segmental joint
ranges of motion.
motor hand: the hand the practitioner uses to
induce passive movement in the subject. See bind.
mucosal: a term for cells of or pertaining to
the mucous membrane, a tissue layer that lines various tubular
cavities of the body, such as the viscera, uterus, trachea, and
multivariate analysis or multivariate
statistical treatment: a method of statistical analysis that
employs several measurements of various characteristics on each
unit of observation.
musculoskeletal manipulation: a hands-on
procedure to physically correct or reset abnormalities of joint
muscle and connective tissue function.
mutagenic: an agent that causes change or
induces genetic mutation in the DNA of cells.
myocardial infarction: a sudden shortage of
arterial or venous blood supply to the heart due to blockage or
pressure; it may produce a sizable area of dead cells in the
myofascial: of or relating to the sheets of
fibrous tissue (that is, fasciae) that surround and separate
muscle tissue.
necrosis: death of cells or groups of cells in
a living body.
neurodegenerative disease: a disease that
involves deterioration in the function and form of nerves and
related structures. Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis
are examples.
neuropeptide: a small chain of linked amino
acids with neurological activity.
neurotransmitter: a chemical messenger used by
neutrophil: a granular white blood cell having
a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads
of chromatin and cytoplasm containing fine, inconspicuous
nocebo effects: a toxic or negative placebo
noetic: a thought process based on pure
intellect or reasoning ability, (e.g., a noetic doctrine).
noninvasive: not involving physical penetration
of the skin (e.g., a noninvasive diagnostic or therapeutic
nonlocal: something that occurs at a distance;
in physics a nonlocal effect is a form of influence that is
unmediated, unmitigated, and immediate. Nonlocal healing is
healing that occurs at a distance.
oncology: the study of all aspects of cancer.
open system: a system that interacts with other
fields or systems, giving off or receiving energy or materials.
The opposite is a closed system.
orthomolecular medicine: a system of medicine
aimed at restoring the optimal concentrations and functions at
the molecular level of certain substances normally present in the
body, such as vitamins.
osteopathic: a system of therapy that
emphasizes normal body mechanics and manipulation to correct
faulty body structures.
otitis media: inflammation of the middle ear.
oxidation: the addition of oxygen to a compound
or the removal of electrons from a compound.
p-value: the probability that the observed
outcome of a particular experiment is due to random chance. Also
known as uncertainty level.
Paleolithic: of or belonging to the period of
human culture beginning with the earliest chipped stone tools,
about 750,000 years ago, until the beginning of the Mesolithic
period, about 15,000 years ago.
palpation: the physical examination of the body
using touch.
paradigm: an explanatory model, especially one
of outstanding clarity; a typical example or archetype. See
Introduction of this report.
parapsychology: the field of study concerned
with the investigation of evidence for paranormal psychological
phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis.
pathogen: any disease-producing microorganism
or substance.
pathogenesis: the cellular events and reactions
and other pathologic mechanisms occurring in the development of
pathology: the medical study of the causes and
nature of disease and the body changes wrought by disease.
pellagra: a clinical syndrome due to deficiency
of niacin, characterized by inflammation of the skin and mucous
membrane, diarrhea, and psychic disturbances.
peptide: any of various amides that are derived
from two or more amino acids when the amino group of one acid is
combined with the carboxyl group of another; peptides are usually
obtained by partial breakdown of proteins.
peroxidation: the process by which enzymes
activate hydrogen peroxide and induce reactions that hydrogen
peroxide alone would not effect.
person-years: a unit of time used in various
statistical measurements of the aggregate effects of agents or
events on people, as in epidemiology.
phagocyte: a cell (e.g., a white blood cell)
that characteristically engulfs foreign material and consumes
debris and foreign bodies.
pharmacology: the science that deals with the
origin, nature, chemistry, effects, and uses of drugs.
pharmacopeia: a book describing drugs,
chemicals, and medical preparations, especially one issued by an
officially recognized authority and serving as a standard for the
preparation and form of drugs; a collection or stock of drugs.
phenomenology: the study of phenomena; in
psychiatry, it is the theory that behavior is determined by the
way the person perceives reality rather than by external reality.
physics, classical: the branch of physics that
studies mechanics and electromagnetism. It includes kinetics,
optics, hydraulics, aerodynamics, and astrophysics.
physics, quantum: the branch of physics that
deals with atomic and subatomic particles.
placebo: an inert substance that is given to
the control group of patients in a blinded trial. A placebo is
used to distinguish between the actual benefits of the medication
and the benefits the patients think they are receiving.
platelet: a disk-shaped structure found in the
blood of all mammals, chiefly known for its role in blood
plethysmography: the recording of the changes
in size when an organ or other structure is modified by the
circulation of blood through it.
polarity: the differences between portions of a
biofield, similar to the polarity or directionality of magnet
fields; a form of manual healing that incorporates this feature.
positron emission tomography: a form of
diagnostic imaging that makes use of the electromagnetic energy
transitions of "excited" molecules to indicate changes
in the function of tissues under investigation.
postoperative: something that occurs after a
surgical operation.
potentized: in homeopathic pharmacy, a
substance that is prepared by dilution while the diluting fluid
is being agitated in a standard fashion; widely believed by
practitioners to impart additional medical value to higher
propranolol: a chemical that decreases heart
rate and output, reduces blood pressure, and is effective in the
preventive treatment of migraine.
proprioceptive: stimuli produced by movement in
body tissues. Proprioceptive nerves are the sensory nerves in
muscles and tendons that detect such movements.
prospective study: a scientific study that is
planned in advance, as opposed to looking back at previous
situations to collect data for analysis.
psoriasis: a chronic disease of the skin in
which red scaly papules and patches appear, especially on the
outer aspects of the limbs.
psychic healing: a term for biofield and mental
healing, used especially in England.
psychogenic: anything that is produced or
caused by psychic or mental factors rather than by organic
psychoneuroimmunology: the study of the roles
that the mind and nervous system play in various phenomena of
immunity, induced sensitivity, and allergy.
psychopathology: the medical study of the
causes and nature of mental disease.
psychosomatic medicine: the branch of medicine
that stresses the relationship of bodily and mental happenings,
and combines physical and psychological techniques of
pulmonary: anything pertaining to the lungs.
qi (chi, ki): in Eastern philosophies, the
energy that connects and animates everything in the universe;
includes both individual qi (personal life force) and universal
qi, which are coextensive through the practice of mind-body
disciplines, such as traditional meditation, aikido, and tai chi.
qigong (qi gong): the art and science of using
breath, movement, and meditation to cleanse, strengthen, and
circulate the blood and vital life energy.
quantum domain: the atomic and subatomic
dimension dealt with in the science of quantum physics.
Raynaud's disease/phenomenon: a disorder
characterized by intermittent, bilateral attacks in which a
restriction of blood flow occurs in the fingers or toes and
sometimes the ears or nose. Severe paleness, a burning sensation,
and pain may be brought on by cold or emotional stimulation;
these symptoms sometimes are relieved by heat. The condition is
due to an underlying disease or anatomical abnormality.
reduction: any chemical process in which an
electron is added to an atom or an ion, or an oxygen is removed.
The opposite process is oxidation.
retrospective study: a scientific study that
collects data for analysis after events, rather than during
rheumatoid arthritis: a chronic inflammation of
the joints, which may be accompanied by systemic disturbances
such as fever, anemia, and enlargement of lymph nodes.
sacrum: the part of the vertebral column
(backbones) that is directly connected with or forms a part of
the pelvis; in humans it consists of five united vertebrae.
secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA): the
predominant immune system protein in body secretions such as
oral, nasal, bronchial, urogenital, and intestinal mucous
secretions as well as in tears, saliva, and breast milk.
sensing hand: the hand used by the practitioner
in manual therapy to detect changes (see bind); the sensing hand
is used to assess the subject's increasing and decreasing
resistance to the passive motion demands of the practitioner's
motor or operating hand.
serial t-or z-tests: various types of
statistical measurements that are used to determine whether data
have significance.
serotonin: a naturally occurring body chemical
that can cause blood vessels to contract; it is found in various
animals, bacteria, and many plants. Serotonin acts as a central
neurotransmitter and is thought to be involved in mood and
short leg: an anatomical, pathological, or
functional leg deficiency leading to dysfunction.
sinusitis: the inflammation of any of the
air-containing cavities of the skull, which communicate with the
sinusoidal: of, relating to, shaped like, or
varying according to a sine curve or sine wave, which is a
waveform of single frequency and infinite repetition in relation
to time.
sleep latency: the interval before sleep.
sociogenic: anything arising from or imposed by
somatic: pertaining to or characteristic of the
body; distinct from the mind.
somatic dysfunction: impaired or altered
function of related components of the somatic system (the
skeleton, joints, and muscles; the structures surrounding them;
and the related circulatory and nerve elements).
spiritual energy: energy that comes from a
supernatural being or the cosmos.
structural diagnosis (osteopathic): an
osteopathic physician's use of hands and eyes to evaluate the
somatic system, relating the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction to
the state of a patient's total well-being, according to
osteopathic philosophy and principles.
subatomic: something pertaining to the
constituent parts of an atom.
subluxation: a situation in which two adjacent
structures involved in joints have an aberrant relationship, such
as a partial dislocation, that can cause problems either in these
and related joints or in other body systems that are directly or
indirectly affected by them.
symptomatology: the study of symptoms.
syndrome: the signs and symptoms associated
with a particular disease or disorder.
synergistic: entities working together or
cooperating to produce a positive effect greater than the sum of
the contributing individual entities.
systemic review: a method of analyzing a group
of scientific studies that may individually be weak, producing
results with more significance than the individual studies may
theosophy: a doctrine concerning a deity, the
cosmos, and the self that relies on mystical insights by
unusually perceptive individuals; it teaches that its
practitioners can master nature and guide their own destinies.
thromboembolism: an obstruction of a blood
vessel with clotting material carried by the bloodstream from the
site of origin to plug another vessel.
thrombus: an aggregation of blood factors that
creates an obstruction; more severe than a clot.
thrust: the sudden manual application of a
controlled directional force on a suitable part of the patient's
body, the delivery of which effects an adjustment (see
transcranial electrostimulation: a method of
clinical treatment involving electrical stimulation of the brain
through the skull.
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation: a
clinical treatment modality involving electrical stimulation of
nerves through the skin.
trigger points: specific points in the muscular
and fascial tissues that produce a sharp pain when pressed; may
also correspond to certain types of traditional acupuncture
triplet states: a state in which there are two
unpaired electrons.
turnover: the movement of a substance into,
through, and out of a place; the rate at which a material is
depleted and replaced.
vascular system: the system formed by the blood
visceral: pertaining to the soft interior
organs in the cavities of the body.
Abbreviations, 359
Abortifacient plants, 195
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
cartilage product treatment, 163
dietary research needs, 253
orthomolecular treatment, 220-221
ozone therapy, 165-166
Acupressure, 72, 130
Acupuncture. See also Electroacupuncture
bioelectromagnetic effect, 78
description, 72
key issues, 79
overview, 75-76
research base, 76-78
research opportunities, 78-79
safety issues, 77
Alcoholics Anonymous, 101-102
Alexander technique, 131
Alternative dietary lifestyles
cultural diets, 240-242, 250-251
macrobiotic diet, 237, 238-240
research needs, 250-251
Seventh Day Adventists, 236-238, 250
vegetarian diets, 236, 238, 240
Alternative researcher guidelines, 335-355
Alternative systems of medical practice
background, 67-68
community-based health care, 68, 95-102
cultural sensitivity, 102-103
illness types, 69
popular health care, 68
professionalized health care, 68-69, 70-95
research barriers, 102
research issues, 102-103
research priorities, 103-104
American Indian health care practices. See
Native American Indian health care practices
Amino acids, mental and neurological disorder
treatment, 226-227
Anthroposophically extended medicine
homeopathy and, 86
naturopathy and, 86
overview, 85-87
research base, 87
research opportunities, 87-88
systems of, 86
Antineoplastons, 161-162, 177
Antioxidant therapy, 225-226
Apitherapy, 172-175, 178
Applied kinesiology, 147
Arrhythmias, vitamin and mineral treatments,
Art therapy
description, 29-30
research accomplishments, 30
research needs and opportunities, 30
Arteriosclerosis, vitamin and mineral
treatments, 223-227
Articulin-F, 195
Asia. See also specific countries by name
biofield therapies, 139
herbal medicine, 184, 187-188
patent medicines that contain toxic
ingredients, 333-334
Asian diet, 240, 241
Ayurvedic medicine
overview, 79-80
research base, 80-81
research opportunities and priorities, 81-82
yoga and, 80-81
Baical skullcap root, 191
Bee venom. See Apitherapy
Behavior therapy, 10
BEM. See Bioelectromagnetics
Benzopyrones, 224-225
AIDS treatment, 221
recommended intake, 217-218
Bilberry extract, 188-189
acupuncture and, 78
barriers to research, 59
basic research, 53, 57
bone repair and, 50
clinical trials, 57-58
description, 45-46
electroacupuncture, 52
electropollution, 47
endogenous fields, 46, 47-48
exogenous fields, 46-47
immune system effects, 52-53
literature citations, 54-56
medical applications, 48-50
medical controversy, 58
microwave resonance therapy, 49-50
nerve activity stimulation and measurement,
neuroendocrine modulations, 53
nonthermal applications of ionizing radiation,
osteoarthritis, 52
regeneration, 52
research issues, 59-60
research priorities, 60
scientific controversy, 58-59
soft-tissue wound healing, 51-52
summary, 60-61
Bioenergetical systems, 133
background, 22-23
clinical applications, 23
cost-effectiveness, 23
definition, 22
research accomplishments, 23
research needs and opportunities, 23-24
Biofield therapeutics
applied physics equivalencies, 140
arm and spine polarities, 141
in Asia, 139
barriers and key issues, 145
combined with physical healing methods, 147-149
diagnostics, 135-136
equivalent terms, 134
in Europe, 139
explanatory models, 139-141
faith healing comparison, 134
international research, 143-144
metaphysical approaches, 139-140
normal-qi patterns in the body, 142
overview, 133-135
recommendations, 144-145, 146
research base, 141-142
in the United States, 136-139, 142-143
Biological treatments. See Pharmacological and
biological treatments
Biomechanical therapies. See Physical healing
Bletilla rhizome, 192-193
Bloodroot, 196-197
Body-oriented therapy, 10
Bronchial asthma, orthomolecular treatment, 222
Buckthorn, 168
Burdock, 168, 169
Caida de mollera, 100-101
Calamus, 196
Calcium, recommended intake, 215
dietary research needs, 253-254
food and macronutrient modification diets,
orthomolecular treatment, 222-223
pharmacological and biological treatments,
161-162, 167-171, 175-177
spontaneous remission, 8-10
Cardiovascular disease
dietary research needs, 254
fat-modified diets, 232-235
vitamin and mineral treatments, 223-227
Cartilage products, 162-163, 177
CATS, 286
Chelation therapy. See EDTA chelation therapy
China, herbal medicine, 184, 190-194
Chinese foxglove root, 191
back and other pain research, 122-123
barriers and key issues, 123-124
demographics, 121
description, 120
educational requirements, 122
history and context, 120-121
network chiropractic spinal analysis, 147
reliability studies, 123
somatovisceral disorders, 123
techniques, 121
Cinnabar root, 193
Coenzyme Q10, cancer treatment, 223
Cognitive therapy, 10
Coley's toxins, 170, 178
Common teak tree, 194
Community-based health care
definition, 68
journeying, 95, 96
Latin American rural practices, 99-101
Native American Indian health care practices,
overview, 95-96
powwowers, 96
professionalized health care comparison, 96
research opportunities, 102
shamans, 95-96
urban systems, 101-102
Coneflower, 189, 197
Coptis rhizome, 191-192
Corydalis rhizome, 193
Craniosacral therapy, 148-149
Cultural diets, 240-242, 250-251
Cupping, 72
Curanderismo, 99-100
Dance therapy
applications, 25-26
definition, 25
research needs and opportunities, 26-27
Deep-tissue massage, 126
Developing countries, herbal medicine, 188
dietary research needs, 254
fat-modified diets, 232-235
Diet and nutrition
alternative approaches, 214-242
alternative dietary lifestyles, 236-242
alternatives to Federal and other
"institutionalized" programs, 244-249
arteriosclerosis, heart attack, arrhythmia,
sudden cardiac death, strokes, and toxemias of pregnancy, 223-227
barriers and key issues, 242-249
conclusion, 254-255
definitions, 208
energy consumption and disease relationship,
federal dietary guidelines, 211-214
food and macronutrient modification diets,
Food Guide Pyramid, 211, 213-214
government feeding and food support programs,
health care provider education, 247-248
intervention information, 252-253
mass media role in education, 245-246
modern "affluent" diet, 209-211
orthomolecular medicine, 219-223
patient counseling, 247-249
patient education, 252
public education, 245-246
RDAs, 211-213
research in the United States, 207, 209
research needs and opportunities, 249-254
school-based educational programs, 246-247
traditional oriental medicine and, 73
vitamins and nutritional supplements, 214-219
worksite programs, 247
Dineh or Navajo healing practices, 98-99
Distant hypnosis, 33
Dryopteris root, 193-194
Echinacea, 189-190
Eclipta alba, 194
EDTA chelation therapy, 163-165, 177-178
Electroacupuncture, 52
Electroencephalography, 51
Electromyography, 51
Electroretinography, 51
Empacho, 100-101
Endogenous electromagnetic fields, 46, 47-48
Energetic illness, 69
England, herbal medicine, 187
Environmental medicine
adaptation phenomena, 92
diagnostic and treatment techniques, 92-93
food allergies, 90
future research directions, 94
overview, 90-91
principles, 91-92
research accomplishments, 93-94
sick building syndrome, 90-91
summary, 95
Essential fatty acids, mental and neurological
disorder treatment, 227
Essiac, 169, 178
Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid chelation
therapy. See EDTA chelation therapy
biofield therapies, 139
herbal medicine, 186-187, 188-190
Evil eye, 100
Feldenkrais method, 131-132
Folic acid
mental and neurological disorder treatment, 225
recommended intake, 218
Food allergies
dietary research needs, 254
environmental causes, 90
food elimination diet, 235-236
Food and macronutrient modification diets
cancer treatment, 227-232
fat-modified diets for cardiovascular disease
and diabetes treatment, 232-235
food elimination diets for food allergy
treatment, 235-236
Food Stamp Program, 245
France, herbal medicine, 187
Fresh ginger rhizome, 191
Garlic bulb, 194
Germany, herbal medicine, 187
Gerson therapy, 227-229, 253-254
Ginkgo biloba extract, 189
Ginseng root, 190-191
Glossary, 360-367
Hand tremblers, 98
Hatha yoga, 24
Healing "sings," 98-99
Herbal medicine. See also Essiac; Hoxsey method
in Asia, 187-188
barriers to, 197-198
in China, 190-194
description, 73-74
in developing countries, 188
in Europe, 188-190
history, 183-185
in India, 194-196
key research issues, 199-201
Native American Indian, 97, 196-197
plant species loss, 199-200
recommendations, 202-203
regulatory issues, 186-187, 201
research base, 188-197
research needs and opportunities, 198-199
safety, efficacy, and appropriateness, 201
traditional knowledge loss, 199
in the United States, 185-186, 197-198
use in practice, 200-201
Homeopathic medicine
anthroposophically extended medicine and, 86
overview, 82-83
recent accomplishments, 83-84
research opportunities, 84-85
Hoxsey method, 168-169, 178
Human immunodeficiency virus
immunoaugmentative therapy, 167
ozone therapy, 165-166
Huneke phenomenon, 172
clinical applications, 20-21
definition, 20
distant hypnosis, 33
research needs and opportunities, 21-22
Ilex guayusa, 189
assessment tools, 18-19
clinical applications, 17-18
definition, 16
research issues, 19-20
visualization and, 16-17
Immune system, bioelectromagnetics effects,
Immunoaugmentative therapy, 166-167, 178
India, herbal medicine, 184, 194-196
Indian gooseberry, 195
Iron, recommended intake, 215
Iscador/mistletoe, 87, 175-176, 178
Japan, herbal medicine, 184, 187-188
Jin shin do, 130
Jin shin jyutsu, 130
Journeying, 95, 96
Kampo, 187-188
Kelley regimen for cancer, 229-230
Lakota healing practices, 97-98
Latin American rural practices
components, 99-100
Mexican-American folk illnesses, 100-101
Licorice root, 193
Listeners, 98
Livingston/Wheeler regimen for cancer, 232
Lobelia, 197
Low-energy emission therapy, 51
Lymphedema, vitamin and mineral treatments,
Macrobiotic diets
for cancer, 230-232
description, 237, 238-240
Macronutrient modification diets. See Food and
macronutrient modification diets
arteriosclerosis, heart attack, arrhythmia,
sudden cardiac death, strokes, and toxemias of pregnancy
treatment, 223-224
bronchial asthma treatment, 222
mental and neurological disorder treatment, 226
recommended intake, 215-216
Maharadis amrit kalash 4 and 5, 81
Mal de ojo, 100-101
Manual healing methods
biofield therapeutics, 133-146
combined physical and biofield methods, 147-149
description, 113
physical healing methods, 113-133
physical therapy, 149-152
recommendations, 152
research methodologies, 294-295
Manual lymph drainage, 126, 128
Massage therapy
barriers and key issues, 129
basic approach, 124-125
contemporary Western methods, 127
current research, 127
demographics, 125-126
description, 124
methods, 126
recommendations, 128-129
remedial massage, 72
research base, 127-128
research opportunities, 128
structural, functional, and movement
integration methods, 127
traditional European methods, 127
Mayapple, 197
Medicine wheel, 98
cost-effectiveness, 15
current clinical use, 15
healing and, 15
relaxation response, 14-15
research needs and opportunities, 16
transcendental meditation, 13-14
underlying mechanism, 15-16
yoga form of, 24
Mediterranean diet, 240-242
MEDLINE, 283-285
Mental and neurological disorders, vitamin and
mineral treatments, 225-227
Mental and spiritual healing
definition, 30-31
distant hypnosis, 33
nonlocal model of consciousness, 31-34
rationale, 31
research accomplishments and major reviews, 33
research needs and opportunities, 34-35
Metabolic-limb system, 86
Mexican-American folk illnesses, 100-101
Microwave resonance therapy, 49-50
Milk thistle, 188
Mind-body interventions
art therapy, 29-30
biofeedback, 22-24
cancer spontaneous remission and, 8-10
dance therapy, 25-27
definition, 4
healing and curing compared, 4-5
human factors in healing, 4
hypnosis, 20-22
imagery, 16-20
meditation, 13-16
music therapy, 27-29
panel comments, 321-323
perceived meaning relationship to health, 6-7
placebo response, 7-8
prayer and mental healing, 30-35
psychotherapy, 10-13
recommendations, 35-36
religion and, 8
social isolation and, 5
spirituality and, 8
summary, 35
work status and, 5-6
yoga, 24-25
Mistletoe, 87, 175-176, 178
Moxibustion, 72
MTH-68, 170-171, 178
Music therapy
applications, 27-28
description, 27
research accomplishments, 28-29
research needs and opportunities, 29
Myotherapy, 126
National School Lunch Program, 245
Native American Indian diet, 241, 242
Native American Indian health care practices
Dineh or Navajo practices, 98-99
herbal medicine, 97, 196-197
Lakota practices, 97-98
shamanistic healing, 97
sweating and purging, 96-97
Naturalistic illness, 69
Naturopathic medicine
anthroposophically extended medicine and, 86
overview, 88
principles, 88-89
research base, 89
research opportunities, 89-90
Navajo healing practices. See Dineh or Navajo
healing practices
Neem, 195
Network chiropractic spinal analysis, 147
Neural therapy, 171-172, 178
Neuromagnetic stimulation, 51
Neuromuscular massage, 126
Nonlocal model of consciousness, 31-34
Nonthermal applications of ionizing radiation,
Nutrition. See Diet and nutrition
Oak, 196
Ornish diet, 233, 234
Orthomolecular medicine
description, 219-220
disease treatment examples, 220-223
Osteoarthritis, 52
Osteopathic medicine
barriers and key issues, 119-120
demographics, 115
educational requirements, 115-116
facilitated segment concept, 117
history and context, 114-115
inter-rater reliability studies, 118-119
methods, 116
research base, 116-119
total patient care, 116
Ozone therapy, 165-166, 178
Peer review
appeals, 300
application procedure, 299-300
1993 grant review process, 301
potential concerns, 300-301
recommendations, 301-302
Personalistic illness, 69
Pharmacological and biological treatments
antineoplastons, 161-162, 177
apitherapy, 172-175, 178
cartilage products, 162-163, 177
Coley's toxins, 170, 178
criteria, 159-160
EDTA chelation therapy, 163-165, 177-178
Essiac, 169, 178
future research opportunities, 177-178
Hoxsey method, 168-169, 178
immunoaugmentative therapy, 166-167, 178
iscador/mistletoe, 87, 175-176, 178
marketing problems, 159-160
MTH-68, 170-171, 178
neural therapy, 171-172, 178
ozone therapy, 165-166, 178
Revici's guided chemotherapy, 177, 178
714-X, 167-168, 178
themes, 158
Physical healing methods
bioenergetical systems, 133
chiropractic, 120-124
combined with biofield therapeutics, 147-149
description, 113-114
massage therapy, 124-129
osteopathic medicine, 114-120
postural reeducation therapies, 130-132
structural integration (Rolfing), 132-133
Physical therapy
background, 149-150
current practice, 150-151
current research, 151
philosophy, 151
summary, 151-152
Picrorhiza kurroa, 195
Pine, 196
Placebo response, 7-8
Plant sources of modern drugs, 329-332
Pokeweed, 168, 196
Polarity therapy, 147-148
Popular health care, 68
Postural reeducation therapies
Alexander technique, 131
description, 130
Feldenkrais method, 131-132
Trager psychophysical integration, 132
Powwowers, 96
Pranayama yoga, 24
Pregnancy toxemias, vitamin and mineral
treatments, 223-227
Pressure point therapies
acupressure systems, 130
description, 129
reflexology, 129
traditional Chinese massage, 129-130
Pritikin diet, 233-234, 250
Professionalized health care
acupuncture, 75-79
anthroposophically extended medicine, 85-88
ayurvedic medicine, 79-82
community-based health care comparison, 96
definition, 68-69
environmental medicine, 90-95
homeopathic medicine, 82-85
naturopathic medicine, 88-90
traditional oriental medicine, 70-75
Psychodynamic therapy, 10
clinical applications, 11
cost-effectiveness, 11
research needs and opportunities, 12-13
support groups, 11-12
types, 10
Public information activities
accessing information, 305
information clearinghouse, 304
information sources, 303-304
media activities, 305
recommendations, 305
description, 73, 74
longevity exercises, 148
Rabbit tobacco, 196
Regeneration, bioelectromagnetics and, 52
Relaxation response, 14-15
Religion. See also Mental and spiritual healing
relationship to health, 8
Remedial massage, 72
Research databases
CATS, 286
data collection and dissemination, 288
enhancement of, 286-288
MEDLINE, 283-285
National Library of Medicine journals, 286
OAM research project database, 280
other indexes, 285-286
recommendations, 288
Research infrastructure
alternative medical investigator training,
conventional medical school exposure to
alternative medicine, 277
conventional research institutions, 275-276
improving, 277-279
incentive activities, 279
interactions with other countries, 281
interactions with Public Health Service,
nonconventional research institutions, 276
OAM research project database, 280
research project funding, 279
upgrading medical education, 281-282
Research methodologies
enlarged prostate surgery guidelines, 292
evaluating alternative medical systems, 290-296
manual healing methods, 294-295
mixing physics and biology, 295
new or unusual biochemical substances, 295
options, 290
patient bias, 296
patient perspective measurement, 291, 293
procedural issues, 297
quality of life issue, 296
recommendations, 297
systematic therapeutic learning, 293-294
systems with unconventional paradigms, 295-296
Revici's guided chemotherapy, 177, 178
Rhubarb, 169
Rhythmic system, 86
Rolfing, 132-133
Salvia, 193
Sassafras, 196
Saw palmetto, 190
Schizophrenia, vitamin and mineral treatments,
225, 227
Selenium, mental and neurological disorder
treatment, 226
Sense-nerve system, 86
714-X, 167-168, 178
Seventh Day Adventist diets, 236-238, 250
Shamanistic healing, 97
Shamans, 95-96
Sheep sorrel, 169
SHEN therapy, 136, 138, 139, 143
Shiatsu, 129, 130
Shield fern, 193-194
Sick building syndrome, 90-91
Singers, 98-99
Slippery elm, 169
Social isolation, relationship to health, 5
Soft-tissue wound healing, 51-52
Special Supplemental Food Program for Women,
Infants, and Children, 245
Spiritual healing. See Mental and spiritual
Spirituality, relationship to health, 8
Sports massage, 126
Star gazers, 98
Strokes, vitamin and mineral treatments,
Structural integration, 132-133
Sudden cardiac death, vitamin and mineral
treatments, 223-227
Supportive therapy, 10
Susto, 100-101
Sweating and purging, 96-97
Swedish massage, 126
Sweetflag, 196
Systems therapy, 10
Szechuan aconite, 193
TCES. See Transcranial electrostimulation
Teak tree, 195
TENS. See Transcutaneous electrical nerve
Touch therapies. See Manual healing methods
Traditional oriental medicine
acupressure, 72, 130
acupuncture, 72
cupping, 72
herbal medicine, 73-74
moxibustion, 72
nutrition and dietetics, 73
overview, 70-72
qigong, 73, 74
remedial massage, 72, 129-130
research base, 73-74
research opportunities, 74-75
Trager psychophysical integration, 132
Transcendental meditation, 13-14
Transcranial electrostimulation, 51
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, 51
Trigger point massage, 126
Trikatu, 195-196
Tsubo, 130
Unconventional medical practices workshop
participants, 311-320
United States
barriers to herbal medicine, 197-198
biofield therapies, 136-139, 142-143
herbal medicine, 185-186
Vegetarian diets, 236, 238, 240, 250
Visualization, 16-17
Vitamin A, AIDS treatment, 221
Vitamin C
bronchial asthma treatment, 222
cancer treatment, 223
recommended intake, 216
Vitamin D, recommended intake, 216
Vitamin E
recommended intake, 216-217
treatments, 223
Vitamins and nutritional supplements, 214-219,
249. See also specific vitamins and minerals by name
White willow, 197
WHO. See World Health Organization
WIC. See Special Supplemental Food Program for
Women, Infants, and Children
Wigmore treatment for cancer, 232
Wild cherry, 197
Wild chrysanthemum, 192
Witch hazel, 197
Woad leaf, 192
Work status, relationship to health, 5-6
World Health Organization, herbal medicine
guidelines, 186-187, 325-328
Yellow links, 191-192
Yellowdock, 197
ayurvedic medicine and, 80-81
research, 25
types, 24
typical session, 24
The data show that the TM-trained body
operates at a lower baseline level of activity and has
more adaptive reserves; hence, the meditator may respond
more powerfully and recover more rapidly when challenged
by stressors.
The above observations on the NRC report
on meditation are based on Orme-Johnson and Alexander's
"Critique of the National Research Council's Report
on Meditation" (1992).
The subsequent sections of this appendix
present several types of research in the same sequence in
which they are usually applied, providing guidelines to
literature reviews, descriptive and cross-cultural
studies, "best case" screening, clinical
trials, and outcomes research. These are followed first
by introductions to two sophisticated approaches to
analyzing research--meta-analysis and systematic
reviews--and then by a selected bibliography, information
on the National Library of Medicine, and useful contact
Descriptive research is sometimes called
"qualitative research," but descriptive
research actually uses a mixture of qualitative and
quantitative techniques.
The design and methods chosen for
conducting research must be consistent with the
assumptions of the model used in generating the
hypothesis under study. Model fit is explained more fully
in the "Guidelines for Clinical Trials"
Since preparing the best case screening
guidelines in response to a request from Congress, NCI
has reviewed three series of best cases--for nutritional
therapy (Nicholas Gonzales), antineoplastons (Stanislaw
Burzynski), and insulin potentiation therapy (Steven
Ayre). As a result of these reviews, NCI determined that
antineoplaston therapy is a suitable candidate for
clinical trials (see also the "Pharmacological and
Biological Treatments" chapter); clinical trials
began in winter 1993-94.
An example is the Hawthorne effect, the
observation that experimental subjects who are aware that
they are part of an experiment often perform better than
totally naive subjects.
The working title of the OTA report is
Searching for Evidence: The Effort to Identify Health
Care Technologies That Work.
The diagnosis of any other illness must be
similarly documented with measures appropriate to that