. In this example, L5 is laterally flexed to the right, the pelvis is level, but there is a marked lateral bending of the lumbar spine to the right with a sectional lumbar scoliosis starting at the fifth lumbar segment. Since lateral flexion is nearly always accompanied by some degree of vertebral rotation, and vice versa, these segments also may be misaligned in a hyperrotary manner to the left or right.Chapter 2:
Physical and Spinal Assessment
From R. C. Schafer, DC, PhD, FICC's best-selling book:
“Basic Chiropractic Procedural Manual”
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Professional Participation: Its Implications and Responsibilities Professional Responsibilities Basics of Clinical Evaluation Clinical Analyses Common Chiropractic Orthopedic and Neurologic Examinations Muscle and Ligament Testing Clinical Records Objectives Proper Recording Entering Patient Data Types of History Recording History and Examination Forms Progress Records Particulars of the Case History The Chief Complaint and Present Illness Patient Profile Patient History Personal History Family History Accident History Systems Review General Considerations Body Size and Proportions Gait Pain and Related Symptoms Classifications of Pain Geriatric Considerations Pediatric Considerations Acute and Emergency Situations The Vital Signs Temperature Respiratory Rate and Rhythm Clinical Features of the Pulse Blood Pressure Weight and Height Physical Examination Outline The Cranium and Face The Nose and Sinuses The Nasopharynx and Laryngopharynx The Oropharynx The Temporomandibular Joint The Ears The Eyes The Anterior Neck The Thorax The Female Breast The Heart Area The Abdomen The Rectum Hernial Sites The Groin and External Genitalia Internal Gynecologic Examination Spinal Examination Outline Structural Balance The Cervical Spine The Lumbar Spine and Pelvic Girdle Appendicular Skeleton Assessment Outline The Upper Extremity The Lower Extremity Concluding RemarksChapter 2: Physical and Spinal Assessment
. We see a similar picture in this example. That is, the crest of the ilium, the sacral dimple, and the gluteal fold are lower on the right than on the left. However, the apex of the right trochanter is not, and the right posterior superior iliac spine is more prominent than on the left. Some of these features indicate a sacroiliac subluxation as a cause of pelvic unleveling and the compensatory scoliosis rather than the cause being a deficient lower extremity.
In comparison to other age levels in health care, geriatric patients are judged the most likely to suffer from a lack of knowledge. Much illness and disability seen in senior citizens are preventable. There is no doubt that much of the fault in application can be traced to the emphasis of many health provider groups to treatment by entities and to consider patients to be the sum of their parts rather than an individual in toto. Thus, the chiropractic profession has an opportunity to apply its knowledge not only to immediate care but also to concerns of preventive and rehabilitative care that have suffered from neglect in relation to scientific advances.
As primary-care physicians, our responsibilities to the patient go far beyond the procedures of finding spinal subluxations and treating them. We are also responsible for the examinations necessary to differentiate whether a particular patient is a chiropractic patient. We must apply the standard procedures of examination, analysis, and diagnostic differentiation that are accepted by the scientific community. These are taught by accredited chiropractic colleges, and they must be done in such a manner that our peers would derive a like conclusion.
Initial examination findings, progress records, adjunctive evaluations, and other judgments must be recorded in a credible manner. And therapy must be commensurate with the condition as it is differentiated by examination findings.
Basics of Clinical Evaluation
Before conducting the actual procedures of clinical evaluation, it is well to be reminded that the signs, symptoms, functional alterations, and morphologic changes revealed by our examinations are often evidence of the existence of a subluxation syndrome. The recognition of these changes and the tracing of the neurologic components active in creating them constitute the basic procedures necessary to understand the pathophysiologic processes involved. Admittedly, direct environmental physical, chemical, or psychologic factors may be present that require differentiation. In some cases, irreversible pathology, particularly in the geriatric case, may have developed. Differentiation of the chiropractic patient must be made from those possibly requiring the services of another school of healing.
Standard procedures of physical, orthopedic, neurologic, laboratory, and radiographic examinations must be used and enhanced by the incorporation of traditional chiropractic examination procedures.
Physical Examination
The general accent during screening should be on problems involving pain, disability, and the status of the(1) head, ears, nose, mouth, throat, eyes, fundus, intraglobe pressure, cervical lymph nodes;
(2) heart, blood pressure, vascular tone, pulse rate and rhythm;
(3) chest and lungs, cardiopulmonary sounds, air volume, expectorant, respiratory rate and rhythm;
(4) abdomen, fluids, masses, distention, adhesions, bowel habits, stool, digestive complaints;
(5) urinary frequency, amount, difficulty, blood, control;
(6) female genitals, menses, menopausal changes, hot flashes, fatigue. nervousness, breast and vaginal findings;
(7) male genital findings;
(8) rectal (visual, digital) and proctoscopic findings;
(9) sensory changes and reflexes;
(10) joint range of motion;
(11) regional strength; and
(12) gait.
Orthopedic and Neurologic Examinations
Degenerative changes occur in the spine that may appear on a x-ray film as errors of position or motion. However, these may be well adapted to and therefore not an active clinical subluxation syndrome. Orthopedic and neurologic findings must be correlated to such structural changes in order to make a clinical judgment of the significance of the radiographic manifestations. Minor positional and dynamic changes if accompanied by other features of a subluxation make these changes more significant. Conversely, particularly in the elderly, positional errors unaccompanied by neurologic or neurovascular manifestations as evidenced by the absence of other signs and symptoms must be challenged. They may be well compensated and not of clinical significance.. Here, landmarks include the crest of the ilium, the sacral dimple, the gluteal fold, and particularly the apex of the greater trochanter --which are all lower on the right than on the left. The compensatory scoliosis is well balanced with the shoulders and head fairly level and over the pelvis. The sectional lumbar scoliosis is convex on the right with the bodies of the vertebra rotated anteriorly to the left, shown by the ability to rotate the lumbar spine further to the left that to the right.Spinal Inspection. As we observe the patient in a standing, sitting, or recumbent position, we may see various structural or functional distortions in the spine. Although exaggerations of curvatures such as scoliosis, lordosis, or kyphosis are biomechanically significant, they may not be at the root of the patient's complaint. See Figure 2.1.
In considering the geriatric patient, some spinal distortions may be present from degenerative changes in the spine or from old compression fractures. Such changes may be well adapted and, therefore, not an active source of the neurologic interference of a primary subluxation syndrome. Otherwise abnormal gait, stance, and movements may be normal to a particular patient due to compensation. Functional scoliotic curves that improve with flexion or other motions should be differentiated from fixed structural changes. It is important that these findings, as well as all others, be recorded so that the written case history documents the final diagnosis and confirms it as the logical conclusion.
Palpation and Motion Studies. Soft-tissue tone and texture are apparent on palpation, and areas of subjective tenderness should be appraised. If stimulation produces reflex pain in another area, this should be noted. Swelling, bogginess, hypertonicity, spasm, as well as flaccid areas, atrophic tissues, and similar findings should be evaluated and recorded. These changes may be the result of direct trauma or disease or the result of a subluxation syndrome. Therefore, all findings should be correlated and traced to the neurologic origin of such responses.
Descriptions of positional changes should be explained in terms of motion. Subsequent chapters of this text that concern roentgenology will enlarge on this type of description. Although this terminology is applied more often to descriptions as visualized on a x-ray film, palpation (static and dynamic) may reveal the same changes.
Positional disrelationships as well as errors of motion can best be analyzed as the segment in question is put through various ranges of motion. Failure of normal articular motion in one or more planes (viz, flexion, extension, rotation, lateral bending) indicate a fixation type of subluxation; excessive motion, a hyperkinetic subluxation. Fixed misalignment as palpated in a static position can be made more or less evident on motion palpation.
Where there is a loss or excess of motion that can be measured, it should be done and recorded in degrees by use of a goniometer or similar device. Unfortunately, this is often difficult in the spine, and the individual segmental motion errors that are best perceived by motion palpation cannot always be measured in degrees. However, their existence should be noted, evaluated, and recorded. They may be confirmed, of course, on local stress x-ray studies of the spine.
Muscle and Ligament Testing. Certain tests have functions that are valuable depending on the condition being evaluated.
Strains. Muscle and tendon strains and inflammatory reactions become painful when the muscle must contract, with or without joint motion. When the joint is actively moved, pain increases in the involved tissues. When the patient resists counterpressure of the segments controlled by these muscles, the pain is increased. Deep pressure on the involved muscles or tendons is also painful. Spasm and myofibrosis without undue inflammation may be tender on palpation; but on exercise, they are less painful than a strain or inflammatory reaction.
Sprains. Overstress of ligaments is characterized by pain on motion. The pain is maximal during active motion and minimal when passive resistance is applied. Pressure on involved ligaments causes pain in the acute stage; in chronic sprain, pressure produces less tenderness. However, in either case, hypermobility or joint instability, as a form of subluxation, may be present with consequent proprioception nerve irritation periodically initiating protective muscle spasm (splinting).
Muscle Weakness. This also may be apparent on testing the strength of a muscle against counterpressure. Depending on which muscles are involved, the proper nerve pathway or reflexes to these muscles must be followed and evaluated to determine the cause of the neurologic interference. This cause may include neurologic diseases such as polio, central nervous system degenerations, peripheral nerve pressure, or other neurologic disorders. Peripheral nerve pressure is particularly common to an intervertebral disc syndrome or to other space-occupying lesions. In the elderly, overall strength may be poor and, therefore, we must qualify our findings. See Figure 2.2.
Measurements. It is often important to measure the circumference of the arm, forearm, neck, thigh, leg and chest, if indicated. These should be measured at their greatest girth and recorded. A lesser measurement later may confirm the original presence of a swelling such as in a neck injury. In other cases, a lessening of size may confirm, with other findings, the atrophy that often accompanies nerve root pressure. This may be caused by disc protrusion, a space occupying mass, or some type of malpositioned motion-unit syndrome. Lack of the normal difference between the chest measurements during inhalation and exhalation may indicate a pulmonary disease or possibly ankylosing spondylitis.
Muscle strength and/or weakness as a by-product of a subluxation syndrome is an area that has much to offer in our total evaluation of these conditions. There also are a variety of other orthopedic tests indicative or suggestive of certain conditions. Because of the standardization and nearly uniform acceptance of these tests, they should be used. A partial listing is given in Chapter 3.
As the spine is flexed into the Adams position, it tends to straighten, which indicates a functional scoliosis due to muscular asymmetry. Symptoms may not be present in the pelvis but express elsewhere in the spine. Complaints often arise at the apex of a compensatory sectional scoliosis where motor units are overly stressed due to resulting muscle and/or ligament overstress; therefore, symptoms of spasm, local pain and tenderness, radiating neuralgias, and other signs of inflammation may manifest. In time, this overstress may lead to degenerative joint disease.
Right posterior-inferior and left anterior-superior sacroiliac distortion
The major subluxated sacroiliac articulation may exhibit such features as marked joint tenderness, muscular hypertonicity in the pelvic muscles, reflex patterns of pain, and particularly a greater effort in flexing the thigh on the side of the subluxated innominate. This can be shown by having the patient attempt to raise one lower extremity and then the other; while he lays supine and the pelvis is stabilized by pressure on the anterior crests of the innominates. The extremity that is the more painful or shows the greatest effort at flexion usually indicates the side of symptomatic sacroiliac subluxation.
Level pelvis with L5 laterally flexed to the right
Muscle and Ligament Testing
Muscle and ligament testing has various functions, which are all valuable
depending on the condition being evaluated. Muscle and tendon strains and
inflammatory reactions are made painful when the involved muscle(s) must
contract, with or without joint motion. With support, they may be less
painful. When the patient resists counterpressure of the segments controlled
by the involved muscles, the associated pain is increased. Deep pressure on
the involved muscles or tendons is also painful. Spastic muscles or
myofibrosis, without undue inflammation, may be tender on palpation; but on
effort, they are less painful than a common strain or inflammatory reaction.
Note that spasm, myofibrosis, and atrophy or other degenerative changes may be
the result of a neurologic reaction initiated by a subluxation or the
irritation of its attendant proprioceptive mechanism rather than be the
consequence of direct tissue damage.
Cervical strain. If there is a strain of the lateral cervical muscles, the muscles would be painful on deep pressure and active lateral bending against resistance would be painful. However, supported passive movement produces little discomfort. In cases of spasm or myofibrositis, the involved muscles are tender on deep pressure. However, active or passive movement as well as isometric contraction will not produce undue pain as this usually depends on the degree of inflammation present.
Cervical sprain with subluxation. Overstress of ligaments is characterized by pain on motion. The pain is present when the joint is moved whether it be active or passive; ie, with or without support. Isometric contraction of the muscles (ie, without motion) may not be painful, particularly when the joint is supported to prevent the slight ligamentous motion in the initial stabilizing period before muscle contraction. Digital pressure on the ligaments causes pain in the acute stage; in chronic sprain, pressure may produce less pain. In either case, however, hypermobility or joint instability, as a form of subluxation, may be present and the consequent proprioception fiber irritation may initiate protective "splinting" periodically.
Cervical sprain without subluxation. Using the cervical spine again as an example, sprain would be painful on either active or passive motion. The involved muscles will be sensitive to pressure and tend to become spastic to protect (immobilize) the cervical spine. Pressure directly on the ligaments involved, if possible, will be painful. However, isometric muscle contraction would elicit little pain providing the involved vertebrae are adequately supported so they do not move. Many articulations and their attendant soft tissues may be evaluated using these principles.
The sprain or strain injury is extremely important in its relationship to
spinal subluxations. Inadequate treatment of these conditions allows weaken
supporting tissues and poor ability to stabilize and maintain normal
segmental static and kinetic relationships, thereby contributing to thedevelopment of a chronic subluxation syndrome with muscle fibrosis and
ligament shortening.
Professional health care makes many demands in observation, data
recording, communication, and therapeutic skill. Quality case management is
the result of accurate observation, thorough analysis and synthesis of
information, and appropriate action. Good records safeguard the quality of
these functions.
(1) enhance continuity of patient care,
Clinical records deal with the health-care aspects of the practice. The
entering patient data form, the patient history form, the case history and
examination form, case progress records, clinical laboratory reports, and
x-ray reports are examples. Administration records concern the business side
of the practice; eg, ledgers, practice analyses.
(1) convince the patient of the importance of the
interview and questioning, and
The examination begins with a review of the recorded initial data. During
consultation, the doctor further investigates this information, probing deeper
and wider, and arrives at an initial judgment of what examination procedures
are best suited for the particular patient and complaints involved. When the
patient interview is completed, the doctor proposes the type of examination
necessary; and on patient agreement, the examination will proceed. After
examination, the doctor records the results of the physical examination,
spinal analysis, laboratory findings, and other data necessary to profile the
patient's condition. Both normal and abnormal findings should be recorded.
(1) who the patient is,
The Chief Complaint and Present Illness
(1) how thoroughly the beginning and course
of the problem is understood,
(1) the patient may not be perfectly open and honest during the interview;
(1) life
history, including usual day's activities and education,
The purpose of the patient profile is for the doctor to form a picture of the
patient's present life-style such as home, work, and recreational activities
to see, first, if anything therein may be the cause of or contributing to the
patient's health status, and, second, to gain insight into the impact of the
patient's problems on his daily activities.
(1) presenting symptom,
As defined, a presenting symptom is the chief complaint: the major
problem for which the patient has sought relief. A detailed description of the
patient's current problem developed chronologically is the "present illness."
Every symptom and sign has a beginning and a course of development that may be
progressive or fluctuating. Since symptoms and signs are products of the body
that produced them, each body creates symptoms and signs in a unique way, and
each personality adapts to them in a unique way.
(1) a functional disorder (pathophysiologic disease without visible pathology);
The objective of a systems review is, first, to determine malfunction in
areas not covered in the present illness; and, second, to serve as a check for
a manifestation of the present illness previously overlooked or forgotten by
either patient or doctor. It is usually conducted at the end of the case
history, probing deeper into points elicited during the development of the
present illness. Whenever symptoms suggest involvement of a particular system
or organ, questions should be directed to determine if other possible symptoms
normally associated with such a dysfunction are or have been present.
Body Size and Proportions
Mensuration. One basic mensuration technique is as follows:
(1) Measure
the lower body segment by recording the distance from the symphysis pubis to
the floor. These three measurements are normally equal after 10 years of
age. The above measurements are made with the patient standing upright. It is
also helpful to measure the circumference of the head, thorax, abdomen,
thighs, arms, and obviously asymmetrical parts. Adiposis dolorosa is characterized by an accumulation of subcutaneous
lumps of fat that is extremely painful to the touch. Such patient's must be
helped with great gentleness. Adrenal cortical hyperfunction (Cushing's syndrome) features an obese
trunk and face associated with limb wasting; facial fat produces a plump,
rounded "moon face" demeanor. An accumulation of fat over the thoracic spine
and especially in the supraclavicular fossae is called a "buffalo hump." Other
characteristics include hypertension, thin skin that is easily bruised,
abdominal striae pigmentation, and excessive facial blood offering a
"blushing" appearance. When these signs are found, it is almost diagnostic of
the disease.
Wasting. A severe loss of fat and muscle bulk (wasting) is a common sign
of most chronic debilitating diseases. Striking localized signs commonly
appear in the face and abdomen. Loss of cheek fat and fat around the temples
give the zygomatic arches a prominent "gaunt look." Abdominal skin hangs in
loose folds. The skin of the upper arms also hangs in loose folds, and the
axillae hollow from tissue loss. A hollowing of the supraclavicular fossae is
an early sign. Wasting in children is called kwashiorkor; wasting in adults,
Atrophy. The term atrophy refers to localized wasting, a reduction in
part size. A reduction in innervation, blood supply quality or quantity, or
exercise to a limb, for example, produces atrophy, Generally, if a limb is the
same length as its partner, it is likely that bone is not involved and the
condition has occurred after bone maturity. If limb length is reduced, it is
probable that the condition began before bone maturity such as seen in
poliomyelitis, congenital deformities, birth trauma, dwarfism, rickets, and
progeria. Typical exceptions to this rule would be osteoporosis and osteitis,
which show a reduction or malformation of bone in the adult long after bone
maturity. When limb atrophy is segmental, peripheral nerve loss is probable.
For example, atrophy of the lateral interosseous muscles and the hypothenar
eminence is seen in ulnar nerve palsy. Muscle atrophy is often the result of a
dystrophy --a disorder due to defective or faulty cellular nutrition.
(1) a stance phase when the foot
is on the ground; and
(a) heel-strike, The swing phase is subdivided into
(a) acceleration,
More than half the walking cycle is used in the stance phase. As this
phase is the weight-bearing phase requiring the greatest stress, most problems
become apparent in its analysis. Observing a gait deformity and noting what
phase it occurs contributes diagnostic clues. Most stance-phase problems are
the result of pain and feature an antalgic gait where the patient spends as
little time on the affected extremity as possible.
1. Note walking base width. From heel to heel, this should not be more
than 4 inches. If wider, dizziness, unsteadiness from a cerebellar problem, or
numbness of a foot's plantar surface may be the cause for the wider base.
A limp may be a sign of disease or of malfunction or both. A common limp
is caused by a poor-fitting shoe, a corn, plantar wart, or bunion. Any
articular malfunction from the spine to the foot may result in a limp. Muscle
weakness or spasm, fascial contraction, fracture, a torn ligament or tendon,
bone disease, or a neurologic disorder may be cause for a limp. An
uncomplicated limp can usually be traced to a knee, ankle, or foot dysfunction
or deformity, a hip disorder, or a sacroiliac or lumbar lesion. A limp also
may be in compensation to another condition such as a sprained ankle, injured
knee, old fracture malunion or hip surgery. However, most limps seen are
"guarded" limps; ie, walking in a manner to protect or relieve stress on an
1. In the ataxic gait, named because it occurs in locomotor ataxia, the
patient walks in a stooped posture with the eyes looking at the feet. The foot
is raised unusually high, thrown forward with force, and brought to the ground
flat-footedly with a stamp. When in the air and before being lowered, the foot
wavers as if there is a degree of uncertainty in bringing it down. The patient
walks with his feet wide apart and is constantly looking at them. This is done
to supplement the loss of proprioception. It is sometimes called the tabetic
gait and characteristic of a lesion in the dorsal ganglia, dorsal roots, or
posterior columns of the cord; rarely in higher levels. The ataxia is
increased when the eyes are closed or when the patient must walk in a darkened
room. The gait is seen in tabes dorsalis, pernicious anemia, and other
disorders involving proprioceptive pathways.
(1) reception of the
pain stimulus by the pain receptors and conduction of impulses by sensory
The acuity of pain sensation interpreted depends greatly on the degree and
clarity of consciousness possessed by a particular individual; ie, the greater
the degree of mentality, the greater degree of estimating and interpretive
capacity of the individual. Other factors determining pain sensitivity are
ethnic dispositions, temperament, general integrity of the nervous system,
attitude and circumstance, age, and factors affecting one's pain threshold.
(1) chronic fatigue from spinal
distortions, neuromuscular strains, and overwork; On the other hand, the pain threshold may be
increased by a state of physical and mental well-being free from fatigue or
stress. It is also increased in high levels of stress (eg, battle).
(1) time of occurrence, as in
posttherapy pain;
From another viewpoint, pain can be classified into the two general
divisions of subjective pain and objective pain:
(1) Subjective pains are
those having no organic cause; rather, they arise through a mental process.
Subjective pain can be subdivided into emotional pains, hysterical pains,
habit pains, and occupational pains.
Objective pain can be divided into central objective pain and
peripheral objective pain. Central pain is pain for which no peripheral cause
exists at the time the pain is perceived by the patient. Peripheral objective
pain may be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Examples of intrinsic pain are the
parenchymatous type that arise from inflammation, masses, colic contractions,
or displacements. Examples of extrinsic pain are those that register from
pressure on nerves or nerve terminals such as new growths, entrapments,
swollen organs, tensed tendons, stretched ligaments, and contracted muscles.
(1) true visceral (splanchnic) and deep somatic pain,
which is felt at the point of noxious stimulation and may or may not be
associated with referred pain;
True visceral pain comes from a diseased organ.
Deep somatic pain is characterized by its segmental distribution and
originates from a lesion of vertebra, muscle, or other neuromuscular origin.
Referred pain is projected from a viscus or other structure deep to the
surface of the body. Secondary skeletal muscle contraction causes pain from
spread of excitation within the spinal cord. Associated symptoms of deep pain
are mainly those of autonomic response as sweating, nausea, vomiting, and at
times low blood pressure, bradycardia, syncope, faintness, hyperalgesia,
tenderness, and perhaps shock or abdominal muscular rigidity. The quality of
pain is primarily dull, aching, but it may be boring, crushing, throbbing, or
cramping. Its duration is often quite long, Localization is often diffuse over
a fairly broad area.
Pain sympathetic in origin. This pain occurs when the vital functions
are excessively stimulated. A basically sympathetic response occurs with pain
from low to moderate intensity or superficial pain. Observable signs and
symptoms include pallor, elevated blood pressure, dilated pupils, skeletal
muscle tension, and increased respiratory and heart rates.
Temperature Ranges. Average human oral temperature is 98.6°F (37°C) with
daily variations from 97°F around 4 am to 99.6°F near 6 pm, plus or minus 1°F.
In fever, this variation is often exaggerated. In the elderly and in miliary
tuberculosis, the daily variations may be reversed. Normal functions as
emotional excitement, exercise, digestion, ovulation, pregnancy, or being in a
hot room may result in a slight temperature rise. The rectal and vaginal
temperatures are about 1°F higher than oral, and axillary or groin temperature
is about 1°F lower than oral temperature. Pulse rate increases about 10 beats
per minute for every 1°F rise in temperature. Respiratory rate increases 2 or
3 per minute for each degree of temperature rise.
Respiratory Control. Control centers for respiratory rate and rhythm are
located in the brain, certain blood vessels and sinuses, in the pulmonary
apparatus, and in muscles and joints. Brain centers (essentially medullary)
are sensitive to carbon dioxide tension or blood pH changes; peripheral
sensors control through pressure and stretch receptors sensitive to blood
pressure fluctuations and oxygen tension. They control by increasing
ventilation such as seen in pain, emotional states, anxiety and apprehension.
The respiratory centers are highly responsive under all forms of mental stress.
Thus, anger, joy, and excitement are associated with an increase in the
respiratory rate. Very rapid respiration is often associated with hysteria.
the rate of the pulse,
Much information can be learned by comparing and associating pulse rate,
pulse rhythm, pulse amplitude, contour of the jugular vein, and the 1st heart
sound. Delay in one radial pulse when taken in connection with other signs may
furnish decisive evidence of aneurysm of the aortic arch because arterial
degeneration may betray its presence chiefly in the peripheral arteries.
1. Weight change related to polyphagia refers to a weight gain of fat
frequently associated with depression, a change in life-style, a nutritional
deficiency, or a metabolic disturbance. Weight loss related to polyphagia is
highly suspicious of diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism.
The Cranium and Face
Laryngitis. In acute laryngitis, the local mucosa will appear red and
edematous, the vocal cords will change from their normally pearly white color
to a pale or bright red depending upon the severity of the disorder and its
stage. The cords may be webbed with secretions, and coughing may have produced
ecchymotic spots. Repeated infections, heavy smoking, mouth breathing, and
overuse of the voice lead to chronic laryngitis featured by pale, boggy,
congested cords that are webbed with secretions. Tubercular laryngitis
presents pallor and ulceration of the laryngeal mucosa.
Teeth. Evaluate teeth for form, occlusion, and hygiene. If mobile teeth
are felt on palpation, it suggests advanced periodontal disease when trauma
can be ruled out. Localized looseness is an early sign of primary or secondary
neoplastic alveolar bone destruction, as is acquired malocclusion of the jaw.
A blue-grey tooth is likely dead from an old infection. Five-pointed bicuspids
(mulberry teeth) and notched incisors (Hutchinson's teeth) are characteristic
of congenital syphilis. Hutchinson's "screw-driver" teeth appear late or a
child may be born with them already erupted. A painful dental disorder may be
isolated by lightly tapping the suspected tooth with a mirror handle. A tooth
normally has a dull, limited sound on percussion; when ankylosed to the
alveolar, it becomes more resonant.
(1) the examiner can insert
three finger widths between the incisor teeth when the mouth is opened and
Continue by palpating the middle fibers of the temporalis muscles between
the eye and the upper ear. Palpate the body portion of the masseter muscles.
Palpate the external pterygoid muscle by having the patient open his mouth.
The Eyelids. Inspect the lids for edema, skin changes, and palpebral
fissure difference. Note position of each lid relative to the anterior orbit
and record the degree of ptosis. Check for entropion, ectropion, blepharitis,
hordeolum, edema, and blepharospasm. Evaluate the degree of exophthalmos and
the distance between orbits. Inspect for conjunctival edema, pallor, foreign
bodies, petechiae, and vascular injection both on the anterior eyeball and
posterior lid surfaces. Note pterygium, conjunctival congestion, bogginess and
episcleritis, signs of pemphigus, and scleral tint. Note the degree of
moisture on the inner lids.
The Carotid Pulse. Palpate the carotid pulse, found next to the carotid
tubercle, with the index and middle fingers. Note pulse strength and compare
bilaterally. Auscultate the anterolateral neck to assess carotid bruits and
venous hums. See Figure 2.8. (1) size,
Check symmetrical bony development,
inequality in intercostal spaces retracted by a possible unilateral fibrosed
lung, and the normality of the dorsal kyphosis and angles of the sternum.
Appreciate every visible and palpable abnormality. Check contours and for
consistencies, lumps or swellings. Refer to Figure 2.4.
The Nipples. Nipple ulceration points toward Paget's disease of the breast
(intraductal carcinoma) unless both nipples are involved (benign dermatologicdisease). Nipple discharge should be inspected for color and type. Nipple bleeding suggests a benign intraductal papilloma; chronic discharge usually
points to cystic mastitis. Nipple retraction features a dimpling of any skin
of the breast or nipple produced by a tumor shortening Cooper's suspensory
ligaments. The cause may be simple fat necrosis (traumatic in origin) or an
acute inflammatory process. If the breast does not give definite evidence of
acute inflammation, nipple retraction strongly suggests a malignancy.
Capillary Pulsation. A microscopic slide placed against the mucous
membrane of the lower lip to partially blanch its surface may show with the
beat of the heart a delicate flushing of the blanched surface beneath the
slide. This pulsation is sometimes seen beneath the fingernails or better
brought out by transilluminating the fingertip. The phenomenon of capillary
pulsation occurs in aortic regurgitation, anemia, thyrotoxicosis, conditions
associated with low tension in the peripheral arteries, and in any area of
inflammatory hyperemia. It also occurs in some healthy people.
(1) the levator and piriformis muscles in
the high lateral wall and
pouch of Douglas is a convenient collection area for infection and
intra-abdominal malignancies. Conclude by checking each lateral wall and by
making a final slow 360° sweep, searching for tumors and polyps. A retroflexed
uterus may be felt. Anoscopic and proctoscopic examinations following tactile
examination may be necessary to confirm palpable findings.
Structural Balance
The Upper Extremity
(1) external rotation-recurvatum,
Alpers BJ, Mancall EL
Structural alterations are also evident in the use of a variety of
examinations commonly referred to as orthopedic tests or signs and are
indicative of certain conditions. Because of the standardization and nearly
uniform acceptance of these tests, they should be used whenever applicable.
Awareness of the root(s) of the patient's problems is the first step in
rational health care. The second step is to have comprehensive records of the
patient's problems, the care administered, and monitored progress. Therefore,
more is needed besides a memory of the patient's complaints. Total recall from
visit to visit of existing problems and their ramifications over a period of
weeks or months is difficult to imagine.
Examination procedures and data recording should never be performed
without alert attention to detail. In today's society, it is a rare
practitioner who at some date will not find himself on the witness stand where
he must be prepared to defend his professional judgment and actions.
Clarity and honesty are good goals in both written and oral
communications. Good decisions are the result of accurate and complete facts
being at hand from which a logical course of action can be planned. Experience
shows that a successful practice is determined to a great extent by the
quality of the doctor's data gathering and retrieval systems.
Essentially, the case record is a compilation of data concerning patient
care. It should present a well-organized and carefully documented report of
the patient's progressive health status. The patient's complaint and other
subjective data must be supported by objective physical findings and data from
other diagnostic tests.
As many cases involve third parties, it is important to record all data in
acceptable terminology. All healing professions, as well as their specialties,
enjoy jargon that computers are unable to interpret. Thus, any terms that fall
outside standardized nomenclature can result in loss of time, effort, and
Proper Recording
Each practitioner must maintain adequate records for both professional and
legal reasons to
(2) document the
quality of the care given,
(3) justify payment for services rendered,
serve as a defense against malpractice suits, and
(5) function as a basis for
submitting reports to appropriate third-party agencies.
Entering Patient Data
As a new patient enters the typical chiropractic office, he or she is
greeted, seated comfortably, handed a clip board to which has been attached a
card or slip, and requested to record some basic information. Much of this
information is for administrative purposes such as the patient's address and
telephone number, employer's name and address, and referral and insurance
data. Some data such as date of birth, chief complaint, number and ages
of children, and occupation are of a clinical nature and likely will be
transferred to other records.
After the entering data are obtained, the next step is to obtain a record
of the patient's health history. An assistant may be responsible for the
initial gathering of this information that allows recording when symptoms
first appeared, how long the disorder has existed, what the patient has
previously done about the condition, and other facts helpful in case
evaluation that will be explored in detail later.
Types of History Recording
The type of information collected generally concerns the patient's chief
and minor complaints; the patient's medical, surgical, obstetrical histories;
and family, social, and accident histories. Other points recorded are of past
patient illnesses, operations, miscarriages, births, drug or food
sensitivities, congenital difficulties, past medical and chiropractic care and
the results obtained. The family history concerns the health status of
siblings and parents, offering possible clues to hereditary influences. The
social history of a patient relates to where the patient lives, marital
status, number and ages of children, type of work and work environment,
smoking and drinking habits, activity excesses and inhibitions. The history of
accidents and their effects are recorded. The doctor will later explore in
detail during consultation with the patient each point recorded by an
The two most common methods used in gathering a case history are
programmed questionnaires and direct questioning. A screening device such as a
printed form does not minimize the doctor's role in taking the history. It is
only an efficient means of supplying general data and serving as reference
points from which the doctor will investigate further so that the time saved
in asking standard questions can be used in more critical aspects of case
To save patient and office time, some doctors use a personal history form
that requires only a simple "Yes" or "No" answer that can be checked or
encircled by the patient. These forms are usually designed so that a group of
questions refers to a particular body system. Such questionnaires give the
doctor an opportunity to review basic data prior to seeing the patient so that
he may formulate some fundamental questions in his mind prior to patient
consultation. The patient should be assured that all information will remain
in confidence. It is obvious that a patient that is severely ill should not be
confronted with a printed form.
Some doctors feel that a questionnaire should be presented to a patient
only after the initial history has been obtained and rapport has been
established between doctor and patient. Any approach must be designed to the
patient, the problem at hand, and office policy.
The importance of a case history is directly proportional to its
completeness and accuracy. Thus, in questioning a patient, the doctor must
accomplish two tasks:
(2) establish the sequence and relationship of
events up to the present illness. If the first task is not accomplished, the
second cannot be achieved. As the history develops, the doctor must begin to
formulate tentative ideas about likely diagnoses.
This whole process may be achieved in a matter of minutes in simple acute
cases. In a severe chronic condition of an obscure nature, the process may
take from several days to several weeks before a working diagnosis and
prognosis are arrived at.
History and Examination Forms
Professional printing houses have a large selection of case history forms
to choose from, but some doctors prefer to design their own to meet personal
goals and specifications. Other doctors do not desire a restricted format, but
prefer, rather, to develop customized clinical records through dictation that
is later typed. When a printed form is used, all spaces must be filled else it
may appear that an oversight has occurred.
Progress Records
Once patients' conditions are recorded as they enter the practice,
progress, changes in treatment, or changes to previously given instructions
should be noted after each visit. Progress notations constitute a permanent
record of what was done and offer chronological patient status. While the
patient's history indicates the patient's status at the time of the initial
visit, progress records documents the patient's state of health at subsequent
points in time.
The case record (patient chart) serves as the basis of all intra- and
inter-office communications. The continuing case record (progress report)
(2) what care or procedures were given and
on what date,
(3) who provided the care,
(4) where the care was given,
(5) and
how the patient responded to the care given. Records document what humans may
The chief complaint is a brief statement, preferably in the patient's own
words, concerning his or her reasons for seeing the doctor. It also portrays
the patient's sense of priorities about his problems. The chief complaint is
the presenting symptom or major problem for which the patient is seeking help.
It is the response to such questions as "What seems to be the matter?" or "How
can we help you?"
The term "present illness" is actually a relic of the past in which a
patient saw a physician for a single illness. Years ago, patients rarely
sought relief for chronic, multiple, interacting problems as they do today.
Thus, "active problems" would be a better descriptor --but "present illness"
is commonly used today with a modern interpretation.
Chief Complaint
Once the chief problem has been defined, encourage the patient to offer
more details. After this explanation, you can direct specific questions to
profile the patient's problem in greater detail. Probing deeply into the
patient's chief complaint frequently uncovers problems that were predestined
in years past and could have been avoided or minimized if an efficient case
history had been obtained at that time. Thus, the doctor's role should be as
preventive as it is therapeutic.
If the patient is in pain, limit his questions at this time by asking
something to the effect, "What's bothering you the most?" In most instances of
pain, it is practical to concentrate on the acute condition during the first
visit. Keep in mind that the patient's symptoms represent only what the
patient feels to be wrong and what the patient is concerned with. You may find
a severe problem that is asymptomatic, but this should not be an excuse to
minimize what the patient is concerned.
Present Illness
If the patient is not in pain, seek what else has been troubling the
patient. The goal is to encourage the patient to relate all his problems so
that a description of the present illness can be made. It is also well to have
the patient describe his symptoms on subsequent visits. It takes time to build
trust and openness --and almost impossible to obtain a thorough case history
in the first visit. Retelling invariably adds facts not previously revealed or
recently remembered. If the patient has been involved in trauma, shock, or a
crisis (febrile or emotional) it is not unusual for a degree of amnesia or
faulty recall to exist.
Be confident at the end of the interview that the emotional and factual
substance of the interview was satisfactory and that the patient has been open
and truthful. If not, the information is probably incomplete or misleading.
At this time, you should have a list of the patient's problems: some that
are likely related to the chief complaint and others that are probably not.
Clinical judgment will determine priority considerations. The quality of this
judgment is determined largely by
(2) where the problem is and its radiation,
the problem's quantity and quality,
(4) what circumstances aggravate or aid
the problem, and
(5) what manifestations are associated. The answers to these
questions should be recorded for each complaint.
Avoid tendencies to jump to conclusions based on a few facts. The
interpretation of history, physical, and laboratory findings may be faulty;
(2) symptoms, being subjective, are a mixture of emotional and physiologic
(3) physical findings may be misleading; or
(4) laboratory tests are
not always accurate. All standard diagnostic procedures are helpful, none are
Patient Profile
The patient profile is the opening statement in the patient's record. It
usually has a brief narrative about the patient's way of life:
(2) marital status,
(3) occupation,
(4) finances,
(5) personality,
(6) habits,
(7) hobbies and
special interests,
(8) religion, and last but not least,
(9) habitual posture.
These factors, singularly or combined, may be a contributor of stress
leading to lowered resistance and disease. The life history may disclose
certain socioeconomic burdens or recent relocation frustrations. Marital
status may suggest a marital incompatibility or a divorce maladjustment.
Religion may have an influence on diet, on fears behind anxiety, or on guilt
behind depression. Financial strain may be contributing abnormal tension
within a personality that is habitually "high strung" without the added
pressures of money worries. Habits in diet, sleeping, or exercise may be a
factor. Habits and addictions to tobacco, alcohol, diet fads, laxatives, and
drugs may be causative or contributing factors. The patient's occupational
history may reveal peer or superior friction, postural strains, or chemical or
physical work hazards.
Patient History
The complete patient history consists of the
(2)present illness,
(3) personal history, including past sicknesses, hospitalizations, medications,
(4) family history,
(5) accident history, and
(6) a systems review. The aim is to have an accurate office record of,
understanding of, and appreciation for these factors.
Personal History
To assess the patient's personal health history, questions should probe
childhood diseases, major illnesses, operations, pregnancies (deliveries and
abortions), allergies (airborne, contact, medications, food), serious
accidents, and immunizations and reactions to such.
Prior Sicknesses
A patient's recount of hospitalizations may give clues to active
conditions. Surgery conducted several years previously may cause adhesion
troubles today. Record dates of surgery, hospitalizations, length of
confinement, and known complications.
Chronic diseases may be superimposed on an acute condition. For example,
infections hamper diabetes control, a sudden rise in blood pressure may bring
out a cardiac weakness, an acute abdominal strain may interfere with a
compensated lordosis, sneezing may aggravate a chronic spinal disorder, or
poorly adapted emotional overstress may exhibit in one or more conversion
Medical Care
Current medications direct attention to problems presently being treated
or controlled. Remember that medications interact with other drugs and certain
ingested vitamin and minerals. Some patients do not know the name of the
medications they are taking or why they are taking them. If this occurs, note
the prescriptions and look up the drugs actions and side effects. Determine if
the patient is following the instructions on the bottles or tubes.
Question the use of nonprescription drugs. Overuse of aspirin, for
example, is a common cause of gastritis, especially compounded with alcohol
intake. Many drugs interfere with gastric pH, enzyme quality, normal renal
excretion, intestinal bacteria, and normal blood chemistries. Drugs may also
confuse the significance of certain signs and symptoms; eg, a black tarry
stool may be the result of bismuth powders or an iron tonic rather than a sign
of upper GI bleeding.
Family History
Hereditary factors are common in the background of diabetes, renal
disease, hypertension, mental illness, heart disease, cancer, and allergies.
Questions should be aimed toward the health status of grandparents, parents,
and siblings. Age and cause of death are important information. Ascertain if
one or more members of the family is or has experienced symptoms similar to
those presented by the patient.
Accident History
A comprehensive accident history is important to an accurate patient
history. In detail, discuss the where, when, and how each accident or severe
strain occurred. Determine the care administered, the scope and degree of
trauma, the diagnostic tests taken, and the care administered. Allopathic
whiplash cases, for example, are sometimes dismissed on the relief of pain.
Joint stiffness and fixation often result because of the compensatory
connective tissue effects of overmobilization --similar to traumatic arthritis
effects. Proper chiropractic care would prevent this: if not completely, then
to a large extent.
Following an automobile accident, for example, it is important to know
from which side the force came, the position of the patient at the time of
impact and after. Was a seat belt or shoulder harness fastened? Did the
patient's head strike anything? Was there unconsciousness? What were the
immediate symptoms? What were later manifestations? These and many more
similar questions should be deeply probed.
Systems Review
A physical examination cannot be conducted with the proper curiosity and
direction unless a proper case history has been developed. When the case
history is complete, the doctor should have a fairly good idea which one of
four important pathophysiologic groups the patient's problems fall:
(2)an organic disease (with or without overt pathology),
(3) a neurosis or psychosis; or
(4) a psychosomatic or somatopsychic disturbance. It is often
difficult to differentiate between functional and organic illness. In
functional disorders, there is undoubtedly a degree of chemical and
intracellular alterations preceding gross structural (organic) manifestations.
Many doctors begin a systems review at the head and work down through each
major system of the body in a check-list fashion. Others, however, start with
the most relevant systems and interrogate to the less pertinent. What is most
pertinent depends on the individual patient's chief complaint, present
illness, uniqueness of the patient, and degree of suffering. The goal of the
review is to evaluate the functional integrity of all body systems.
There are two basic methods used. The cross-examination technique is
probably the most commonly used and the least efficient of the two systems. It
uses direct questions such as "Do you have pain in your ...? Is it sharp or
dull? Does it radiate or is it localized? When did it first start? What were
you doing at the time?" The second method is that type described previously:
have the patient thoroughly explain and listen carefully. The weakness of the
first technique is that the doctor assumes the full responsibility of asking
ALL pertinent questions, yet there is no standard set of questions that
assures against failure. One cannot expect a patient to answer a question that
is not asked, and it's easy to miss an important clue in this manner. When a
patient is allowed to tell his story, and the proper atmosphere has been
established, he will rarely fail to miss an important point if properly
guided. A blending of both techniques may be the best technique; ie, using the
cross-examination technique to get the patient started.
In practice, the systems review is often conducted to a great extent as
the physical examination progresses from one system to another or from one
region to another, depending on the doctor's assessment technique. For
example, when a specific sign is elicited, the doctor will then question the
patient in depth to determine the relationship between symptoms and signs and
their pathophysiologic significance.
Growth and development normally involve both an increase in size and
changes in proportion. We readily recognize that a child is not a miniature
adult proportionately. Growth and proportion effects are common features of
genetic determinants, hormone balance, connective-tissue health, and
nutritional considerations.
Hormonal Influences
The pituitary growth hormone affects somatic growth. Thyroid hormone
promotes linear growth and has a direct influence on cartilage ossification,
epiphyseal maturation, and thus on skeletal proportions. During youth, an
overproduction of androgen stunts growth and an underproduction removes checks
on linear growth. In adolescence, however, androgens stimulate growth and
muscular development and are responsible for the development of secondary
sexual characteristics. Sex hormones influence epiphyseal maturation. If the
growth plates in the long bones close too early, longitudinal growth is
halted. Thus, several hormones influence body size and proportion.
Nutritional Influences
Nutrition, either beneficial or detrimental, also has a distinct effect on
growth and development due to its influence upon hormone and connective tissue
quality. Connective tissue development determines one's appearance to a large
extent. Genetics, hormone balance, and nutrition manifest themselves in
connective tissue quality as seen in bone, cartilage, collagen, elastin,
muscle, and fat.
Abnormal development bilaterally also offers diagnostic clues. With slight
variations, the body should be essentially symmetrical and balanced around its
center of gravity. Discrepancies in the size or shape of paired parts are
readily observed when one is different from its mate. It is of obvious
importance to determine which part is abnormal in size or shape and which is
normal. Yet it is often difficult to judge discrepancies from normal when
paired parts are equally abnormal or subnormal and the degree is subtle.
A comparison of the state of one part with its partner is a relative
thing. We often hear someone refer to another as having large ears or eyes,
but they may appear large relative to a small skull. We commonly refer to an
anatomical or functional "short leg" in chiropractic and rarely refer to an
anatomical or functional "long leg."
The evaluation of body size and proportion is made by inspection,
mensuration, and palpation during the physical examination. Note maturity and
size of features; overall sexual development relative to age; skin color;
asymmetry of paired parts; posture; biomechanics; and gait.
(2) Measure the upper segment by recording the distance from the
symphysis pubis to the highest point on the crown.
(3) Measure arm span by
recording the distance from the laterally outstretched fingertip to the
sternal notch.
Trunk:Limb Ratio. The trunk is normally longer than the limbs during
early youth. With age, the extremities grow faster than the trunk until the
limbs and trunk become the same length at near the age of 10 years and remain
so throughout adulthood. It is an abnormal sign when the trunk is longer than
the limbs after the age of 10 and usually indicates hypothyroidism or is seen
in certain chondrodystrophies. If the trunk is shorter than the limbs after
the age of 10, gonadal hormone deficiency can be suspected to have failed to
check long-bone epiphyseal closing at the proper age. Abnormal ratios may be
slight, yet they are distinct diagnostic clues. Minor degrees of atrophy are
determined by measuring the circumference at corresponding levels of each arm,
forearm, thigh, and leg. Take care that the limbs are in a state of
Fat Distribution. The distribution of fat also offers distinct diagnostic
clues. Fat normally tends to form centripetally in the visceral areas and
centrifugally in the extremities. Typical males have more muscle than fat, and
their center of gravity is through the shoulders. Typical females, on the
other hand, have more fat than muscle, and their center of gravity is in the
hips. The "baby fat" of childhood may be an indication of immaturity in the
apparent adult. Fatty appearing legs and ankles, however, may actually be
edema exhibited from protein depletion, caused by either malnutrition or
failure of the liver to synthesize ingested protein.
Specific diseases often present a characteristic fat distribution.
Abnormal fat distribution is an important sign in adiposis dolorosa and
adrenal cortical hyperfunction:
Atrophy and Hypertrophy. Atrophy and hypertrophy have a distinct effect
upon symmetry. Abnormal biomechanics, bone, muscle, fat, or connective tissue
may affect symmetry, and the abnormal distribution or tone of normal tissues
may affect symmetry. In chiropractic especially, the examination of symmetry
is important as it influences biomechanics and spinal balance, postural
stress, and functional tone.
Atrophy and hypertrophy also have diagnostic significance:
Hypertrophy. Enlargement or overgrowth of a part due to increase in size
of its components (eg, connective tissue) is called hypertrophy. There are few
known causes of hypertrophy except that which is a result of excessive
exercise of the part; eg, compensatory ventricular hypertrophy of the
myocardium is seen in a number of cardiovascular conditions. Two unusual types
of hypertrophy leading to asymmetry are hemihypertrophy and polyostotic
fibrous dysplasia. Hemihypertrophy features enlargement of one side of the
head and body. The overgrowth affects all organs and tissues on the affected
side. This syndrome is often related to various congenital anomalies and early
tumor. In its early stage, a slight limp and unilateral facial prominence may
be noted. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (Albright's syndrome) is
characterized by bone swelling and deformity, especially of the face;
structural weakness; "coffee-stain" skin lesions; and early sexual development
in females.
There are various modes of walking peculiar to certain disease that are
important diagnostic signs. The range of movements in the lower extremities
assists in recognizing specific diseases and helps the examiner determine
postural changes resulting from an unnatural gait. A shortened leg gives a
characteristic limp. A stiff knee causes the affected limb to swing outward
while walking. Intermittent claudication or limping is observed in chronic
peripheral vascular diseases (eg, endarteritis) because muscles in action
require more blood than muscles at rest.
The normal walking cycle has two phases:
(2) a swing phase when the foot is moving forward. The
stance phase is subdivided into
(b) foot-flat,
(c) midstance,
(d) toe push-off.
midswing, and
(c) deceleration --depending on the intent. See Figure 2.3.
During inspection, have the subject sit in a chair, arise, and then walk
across the room if you have not had an opportunity to witness this previously.
Note how the patient rises from the chair to the standing position. Observe
the necessary base of support: how far the knees are apart and how far the
forward foot is from the back foot. If the chair has arms, note how the hands
are used in arising from sitting to standing to assist weak knees, weak hip
extensors, or to maintain stability, balance, and coordination.
As the patient walks, observe any deviations from a normal gait. Normally,
the head and trunk are vertical, step length is even, and the arms swing
freely and alternate with the leg swing. The foot should be near a right angle
to the leg and the knee is extended but not locked at heel-strike. The trunk
should be vertical at stance. At push-off, the foot should be firmly flexed
with the toes hyperextended. The foot should easily clear the floor during the
swing phase.
As the body advances, note smoothness of the body's vertical oscillation.
A pathology may express itself in increased vertical oscillation and disrupt
the normally smooth pattern. During the stance phase, note heel-strike,
foot-flat, midstance, and toe push-off of each extremity. During the swing
phase, note acceleration, midswing, and deceleration of each extremity.
Normal gait presents smooth function without any sign of impairment or
affectation of parts of the body.
Compare patient's gait with normal walking base width, lateral shift of
pelvis, and hip rotation:
2. A slight lateral shift of the pelvis and hip to the weight-bearing side
is normal to center the weight over the hip. Lateral shifting is accentuated
in gluteus medius weakness.
3. When one hip is in the stance phase and serves as the fulcrum for
rotation, the other hip in the swing phase should rotate about 40° forward.
This normal hip rotation is not seen in patients suffering a stiff or painful
A guarded limp may point to a specific musculoskeletal or visceral
disorder. For example, walking in a stooped position with one hand supporting
the back is a frequent sign of a lumbar lesion. A female gait exhibiting rigid
buttocks is a sign of a uterus retroflexed or prolapsed, or of a lumbosacral
lesion. Walking on the toes is seen in cases of lumbosacral or cervical
lesions. A gait presenting lateral bending may be caused by a pericardial or a
pleural friction rub, a sacroiliac lesion, a shoulder condition, an affection
of the brachial plexus, or a lesion in the upper thoracic spine. A ram-rod
gait signals a thoracic lesion(s).
When a difference in leg length is suspected, measurements should be taken
in both the standing and the prone positions to determine if the "shortening"
is the result of structural or functional factors. With the patient standing,
measure the distances from the anterior superior iliac spines (ASISs) to the
inner malleoli with a steel tape. Measure from the notch just below the ASIS
to the depression just below the internal malleolus. Record these measurements
and measure again with the patient prone on a flat examining table. Before
taking the prone measurements, use light traction on each extremity to
eliminate any induced pelvic tilt. If measurements are taken only in the prone
position, a unilateral fallen arch, foot pronation, knock knee, hyperextended
knee, tibial torsion, pelvic subluxation, specific muscle weakness or tautness
will be reduced and offer a false impression. These functional disorders will
be more obvious in the weight-bearing standing position.
Several pathologic gaits deserve definition:
2. In an apraxic gait, motor power is present but the "memory" of how to
use the power is lacking or diminished. Steps are small, slow, and uncertain,
and the patient must be urged or assisted to initiate progress. The gait is
typical of frontal lobe lesions or bilateral lesions of the corticospinal
tract in the internal capsule, cerebral peduncles, or high brainstem.
3. A cerebellar gait resembles the actions of an intoxicated person. The
patient walks with the feet wide apart, takes short steps, and sways to and
fro so that progression in a straight line is almost impossible. The gait is
found in tumor of the cerebellum and disease of the semicircular canals. It
may suggest chronic use of alcohol or other drugs (jake legs) or
neurosyphilis. The gait resembles that of a person trying to walk on a
rolling ship, constantly trying to maintain equilibrium with little success.
Cerebellar lesions are invariably associated with vertigo. When the cause is a
unilateral lesion, deviation is to the involved side because of the hypotonia.
4. A propulsive gait, also called festination, is characteristic of
paralysis agitans or Parkinson's disease. The body and head lean far forward,
and the subject walks with short, hurried, shuffling steps making it appear as
if he is being pushed from the rear and about to fall. Progression is slow at
first, and then increases rapidly. It is difficult for the patient to stop
suddenly or to turn a corner. The hurried "sissy" tottle of parkinsonism is
due to the forward tilt of the trunk in the attitude of a stoop and the
attempt of the patient to maintain balance.
5. A senile gait is caused by shortening and loss of elasticity of
ligaments and tendons, and a stiffening of cartilage, muscle, and fascia
because of degenerative aging processes. Steps are short, shuffling, and
assumed in a stooped position if osteoporosis is present and causing a marked
dorsal kyphosis.
6. A spastic gait is common in upper motor neuron diseases that have a
spastic paralysis of the extensor muscles. This gait is characteristic of
spinal paralysis, lateral sclerosis, and some other forms of myelitis and
anterior tract or brain damage. The legs are firmly extended, the foot is
dragged along in a shuffling manner with the toes scraping upon the ground to
permit one foot to pass the other, and the pelvis is tilted slightly. The
upper extremity is flexed while the lower extremity is extended. Sometimes the
adductors contract causing the legs to cross (scissors gait), and the knees
often rub each other. This is seen in Little's disease, a congenital spastic
stiffness of the limbs, a form of cerebral spastic palsy resulting from
agenesis of the pyramidal tracts. There is a unilateral spastic gait in
spastic hemiplegia in which the pelvis is tilted and the leg is swung around
in front of the other with the toes often scraping the ground; sometimes
referred to as a "mowing" gait. The most common cause is hemiplegia due to
cerebrovascular disease, but any condition that produces an upper motor neuron
lesion can produce the gait.
7. A steppage gait is a prancing, high-stepping, foot-drop gait. The gait
resembles that of a person walking in tall grass, hence its name. The gait is
especially suspect of tertiary syphilis. It is often found in infantile
paralysis, multiple neuritis, peroneal nerve injury, and arsenic poisoning
paralysis, The flexor muscles of the foot are so flaccid that the toes hang
downward when the foot is raised from the floor. To prevent the toes from
dragging on the floor or catching upon objects, the foot is raised high and
brought to the floor forcibly before the toes can drop; thus, the foot strikes
the floor heel first.
8. The waddling gait occurs when there is extreme muscular weakness in the
thigh and hip muscles as commonly found in pseudohypertrophic muscular
paralysis and muscular atrophy or dystrophy. It is also seen in bilateral hip
dislocation. When walking, the subject swings from side to side in a very
noticeable manner; thus, it is often referred to as the goose gait. The
shoulders are thrown back, the lower section of the spine is hyperlordotic,
the pelvis is tilted greatly, and while in this state, the leg is brought
around and placed on the floor.
Pain and Related Symptoms
Many diseases begin either with pain or have pain as a prominent symptom
at some time during their course. Thus, a correct diagnosis can hardly be made
without an intensive study of the symptomatic expressions of pain, To have any
sensation (eg, pain, temperature, sight, touch, smell, proprioception,
hearing, taste), it is first necessary that the sense-receptive organs are
intact, the sense-conveying organs normal, the sense-interpreting centers
active, and the associative memory centers (consciousness) intact. Any type of
sense-receptive organ will register pain when irritated or hyperstimulated,
and any somatic, visceral, or mental stimuli that are inimical to the
well-being of the organism will provoke pain.
The sensation of pain has three general components:
(2) perception of pain in the higher brain centers, and
(3) reactions
to the pain such as physical, emotional, and psychologic responses.
One's pain threshold may be lowered by
(2) psychogenic stress from
worry, frustration, guilt, and anxiety; and
(3) subclinical toxic irritations
from catabolic accumulations, elimination deficiencies, dietary indiscretions,
and nutritional deficiencies.
Classifications of Pain
Pain may be viewed according to
(2) duration or length of time experienced, as in acute or
chronic pain;
(3) intensity, such as in mild pain or severe pain;
causative agent, as in self-inflicted pain or spontaneous pain;
(5) mode of
transmission, as in referred or projected pain;
(6) ease of transmission, as
in inhibited or facilitated pain;
(7) location, as in superficial, deep, or
central pain;
(8) source, as in gallbladder or sacroiliac pain;
(9) manner
experienced, as in sharp, burning, or dull pain; or
(10) general causation, as
in organic, pretended, or psychogenic pain.
(2) Objective pains are those arising
from some foreign agent or condition that is abnormal to the area in which it
is excited.
Peripheral pain can be divided into superficial pain and deep pain
syndromes. Superficial pain usually has a prickling or burning quality and
usually has a sudden onset. It is relatively uncomplicated because it is
directly perceived and can be readily localized. Associated symptoms may
include hyperalgesia, paresthesia, analgesia, tickling, itching, brisk
movements, rapid pulse, and a sense of invigoration. Nausea is rarely, if
ever, associated. The quality of pain is a sharp, bright sensation felt
superficially, Its duration is typically shorter than that for deep pain, and
localization tends to be more precise than that for deep pain. Pain produced
by external pressure results from trigger points, traumatic lesions of
sensitive subdermal tissue, or the development of a toxic accumulation or
deep-seated inflammatory irritation.
Deep pain originates in structures far below the surface, Three
varieties occur:
(2) referred pain, which is pain experienced at
a site other than the area of stimulation; and
(3) pain from secondary
skeletal muscle contraction.
Some authorities divide the overt and covert signs and symptoms of pain
into two groups: those essentially of sympathetic or parasympathetic origin:
Pain parasympathetic in origin. This pain occurs when vital functions
are excessively depressed. A basically parasympathetic response arises with
pain of severe intensity or deep pain. Observable signs and symptoms include
pallor associated with decreased blood pressure, contracted pupils, nausea and
vomiting, weakness and fainting, prostration, and possible loss of
Tenderness. A frequently encountered associated sensory symptom is
tenderness, which may be defined as pain upon pressure. Some conditions cause
tenderness when pressure is exerted, but no abnormal sensation is felt when
there is no pressure.
Paresthesia. Besides pain and tenderness, another type of abnormal
sensation is paresthesia: perverted sensations or uncomfortable sensations not
amounting to pain. The most common paresthesias are sensations of weight
(pressure), bearing down, fullness, coldness, faintness, itching, girdle
sensation, numbness, tingling, precordial constriction, and weakness.
Geriatric Considerations
In examining the elderly, concern must be given to obtaining the greatest
amount of information without subjecting the patient to excessive and/or
unnecessary strain. The elderly patient's joints do not bend with the same
ease as compared to younger patients. Geriatric bones are more prone to
fracture, and the stamina of the elderly is severely limited. The case history
should not be prolonged in the elderly in hopes of arriving at a diagnostic
conclusion on this basis alone, particularly if it is done at the expense of a
thorough physical examination. In geriatrics, especially, the case history may
be misleading because of vague recollection of past health problems or the
patient may tend to discount those problems he considers minor or of no
concern to the chiropractor.
The examination should be a systematic but not exhaustive survey of the
patient's general health status. Be alert to signs that a problem may exist
that would require other procedures. The examination should include a systems
review, with spinal examination and orthopedic and neurologic evaluations. It
should be conducted in a sequence that expedites the procedures. The geriatric
physical examination is not often intended as an end in itself in the arrival
of a diagnostic judgment, but it leads to the desired objectives when
correlated with roentgenographic, clinical laboratory, and other specialized
tests when indicated.
Pediatric Considerations
Examination of the very young is complicated in that the doctor must rely
on the parents for the history of the illness, and the examination itself must
be conducted entirely objectively without the assistance of verbal responses.
As the infant matures to childhood, these obstacles become lessened but fear
and anxiety are often increased. Facial expressions of pain, tenderness, and
nausea are rarely disguised as they are in adulthood. Questioning must be
conducted slowly, deliberately, and with words understood by the mental age
level of the patient. Keep in mind that a child does things and eats things
that an adult would never think of doing or eating.
Remember to check height and weight, extremities, the spine, postural
mechanics, secondary sexual characteristics during puberty, temperature, pulse
and respiratory rates, blood pressure, the skin and subcutaneous tissues, the
lymph nodes, the size and shape of head and its features, tonsils and
adenoids, the chest, heart, and liver edge, and both superficial and deep
The general pediatric examination should thoroughly assess any symptoms
and signs of fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, failure to gain weight or
height, stridor, mental retardation, dyspnea, a history of convulsions or
seizures, fatigue, hyperkinetic behavior, disorders of speech, visual
problems, upper respiratory disorders, hernia, or muscle disorders.
Acute and Emergency Situations
The first goal of the doctor in cases of acute trauma is the preservation
of life. This is complicated by the fact that it may be impossible to obtain a
detailed history when the patient is in severe pain or not fully conscious.
Thus, the examiner may be forced to rely heavily on objective findings. First
acts should be directed to assessment of airway patency, hemorrhage, open
wounds, fracture, chest or abdominal injury, brain or spinal cord injury,
peripheral nerve injury, shock, or injury to the urinary tract. Prompt
recognition and action may be vital.
In cases of head injury, cerebral trauma must be evaluated with associated
character of respiration, degree of motor activity, body temperature, and
evaluation of deep tendon reflexes. A depressed skull fracture, penetrating
wound, extradural or subdural hemorrhage, or fracture of the zygoma require
referral for immediate surgical attention. Delayed intracranial hemorrhage is
not uncommon when cerebral concussion is associated with loss of consciousness
and amnesia.
Cord injury may be evident by paralysis. Peripheral nerve injury is always
suspect in severe extremity trauma involving deep soft-tissue wounds,
fractures, dislocations, and lacerations. Partial peripheral nerve damage is
usually associated with causalgia that may be immediate or delayed for several
days. Fractures and dislocations of the spine from violent trauma require
immobilization for transportation.
Chest and abdominal injuries are often serious. Rib and sternal fractures
may be suspect. Hemothorax may be associated with a nonpenetrating chest
wound, and pneumothorax may be related to an open wound in the chest wall.
Intra-abdominal hemorrhage is always a danger in abdominal injuries, as is
perforation of a hollow viscus. Severe blunt object injuries that do not
penetrate the skin may still lacerate internal organs. Bladder and urethral
injuries are often associated with pelvic fractures, but bladder injury need
not be associated with fracture if the bladder was quite full at the time of
Body temperature results from the balance between heat generation and heat
loss, determined by the set point of the temperature-regulating center of the
hypothalamus. Temperature is highest at the center of the body, diminishing
toward the periphery. When temperatures rise above the set point, the body
compensates through peripheral vasodilation, sweating, and hyperventilation to
enhance heat loss. When temperatures fall below the set point, the body
compensates by increasing the metabolic rate, tensing the muscles, and
shivering to promote heat generation. It must be determined if the cause of
abnormal body temperature is a dysfunction of heat production, heat loss, or
of the hypothalamic thermostat.
Hyperthermia. Any form of hypermetabolic condition can create a fever
through increased heat production. Interference with sweating also interferes
with normal heat loss. The most common cause of fever, however, is a change in
set point of the hypothalamic thermostat. For an unknown reason, infections
and inflammatory processes cause the hypothalamic temperature center to become
less sensitive to heat. A rise in temperature is commonly associated with such
disease processes as infection, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.
Features of Simple Fever. Simple (mild--moderate) fever may present
symptoms of a hot dry skin, flushed face, dry mouth with excessive thirst,
malaise, lassitude and languor, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, costiveness of
the bowels, scanty highly colored urine, weakness, headache and backache,
increased pulse rate, quickened respiration, and frequently herpes simplex.
There may be cerebral symptoms in high fever of delirium, stupor, or coma, and
a suppression of body secretions. Fever or feverish conditions are attended by
a relative preceding sensation of chilliness or by a chill with rigors.
Classes of Fever. Body temperature between 99°F and 100°F is spoken of as
feverishness; a temperature between 100°F and 101°F as slight fever
(hyperthermia); 101°F to 103°F, moderate fever; 104°F and 105°F, high fever. A
temperature above 106°F (hyperpyrexia) is considered a grave symptom.
Hypothermia. Subnormal body temperature results from poor heat production
or a thermostat abnormality, very rarely from exposure to cold unless alcohol
or drugs are in the body. Hypothermia is produced whenever the central nervous
system is depressed from drugs, primary brain disease, or toxins that alter
the internal thermostat.
A temperature below 98°F (hypothermia) is a common occurrence immediately
after the fall of fever by crisis and also observed in shock and collapse. A
subnormal morning temperature with a persistent rise during the afternoon is
highly suggestive of tuberculosis. In malnutrition, valvular heart disease,
myxedema, diabetes, cancer, comatose patients, drug intoxication, metabolic
acidosis, and epilepsy, a large number of cases will show subnormal
Respiratory Rate and Rhythm
Respiration consists of the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between
the atmosphere and the body cells, including inspiration and expiration,
diffusion of oxygen from alveoli to the blood and of carbon dioxide from the
blood to the alveoli, along with the transport of oxygen to the body cells and
carbon dioxide from the cells.
Normal respiratory rate at birth is 44 per minute. At the 5th year, it
is 26 per minute; and in the adult, it levels off near 18 per minute. A rate
increase or decrease from this at rest is considered abnormal as are
variations in depth, regularity, and effort. The ratio of the pulse to
respiration is 4 to 1 in the adult.
Note the type of breathing (thoracic or abdominal), degree of respiratory
expansion, signs of respiratory bulging or retraction, respiratory rhythm, or
signs of dyspnea. Signs noted during inspiration and expiration such as
abnormal rate or depth of breathing may point to serious impairment in the
control system from a defect in the brain, pulmonary apparatus, blood flow, or
blood pH balance. Besides breathing rate and depth, determine the type of
respiration (thoracic or abdominal), degree of chest expansion, type of
respiratory rhythm, and note if signs of dyspnea exist. See Figure 2.4.
Hypoventilation, a combination of shallow respirations and bradypnea, is
usually associated with CNS disease, primary or metabolic. Underventilation
results in decreased breathing rate and depth due to any factor reducing the
sensitivity of the medullary centers such as from carbon dioxide retention or
drugs. Intrinsic pulmonary disease and oxygen therapy may result in chronic
hypercapnia leading to symptoms of lethargy, headache, disorientation, and
ending in coma. On the other hand, anxiety, lung disease (eg, pneumonia,
pulmonary emboli), or congestive heart failure may result in hyperventilation.
Overventilation is often associated with symptoms of respiratory alkalosis
(eg, finger tingling, oral numbness, vertigo, syncope). Rapid deep respiration
is often related to metabolic acidosis and aspirin poisoning.
Clinical Features of the Pulse
Both radial pulses should be felt simultaneously as a matter of habit so
errors may be avoided in appreciating differences in the two pulses. When
the tips of three fingers (never the thumb) are placed on an artery, note
(2) the rhythm of the pulse,
(3) the amount of force
necessary to obliterate it (compressibility),
(4) the size and shape of the
pulse wave,
(5) the size and position of the artery, and
(6) the tension or
firmness of the artery's walls.
Pulse Rate
The typical pulse rate is about 72 per minute in the male and 80 in the
female, with normal variations extending from 60 to 100 per minute in some
patients. Pulse rate at birth averages about 130; and until the 3rd year, it
is usually above 100. In some families, a slow pulse (60 or less) is
hereditary; as may be a permanent pulse rate of 90 or more. Some young
patients may exhibit sinus arrhythmia: a mild variation in rate of no clinical
Pulse rate varies considerably from patient to patient and is normally
increased in apprehension (eg, during examination) and during pain. Exercise,
eating, and emotions markedly quicken the pulse. Increased vagal tone reduces
both heart rate and blood pressure. Fever exhibiting a slow pulse (very
unusual) is seen in some enteric infections in which there is an increase in
vagal tone. A general rule in relating fever with tachycardia is that an
increase of 10 beats per minute can be anticipated for every degree of
temperature increase. A rate increase greater than this points toward an
additional disease.
Reduced metabolic demands produce slow heart rates, while increased
demands for oxygen, heart disease, increased circulating catecholamines, and a
decreased blood volume result in tachycardia, as do common stimulants such as
coffee, tea, cigarettes, and many drugs. A compensatory tachycardia results
from any disorder that reduces the ability of the heart to pump blood.
Pulse Rhythm
Beat-to-beat variations in pulse amplitude usually result from changes in
left ventricular stroke volume into the central aorta initiating the pulse
wave transmission to an unobstructed peripheral pulse. The pulse may be
irregular in rhythm or force, but it is usually irregular in both respects. As
a rule, irregularities in force are the most serious, whether occurring as
alteration or in the absolute type of arrhythmia associated with auricular
fibrillation. Intermittence or irregularity in rhythm by itself is much less
It may be generally stated that
(1) irregularity in the force of pulse
beats is a serious sign if overexertion and temporary toxic influences
(tobacco, coffee, etc) can be ruled out,
(2) it is far more serious when
occurring with diseases of the aortic valve than in mitral disease, and
(3) it
often occurs with sclerosis of the coronary arteries and myocardial weakening.
A regular pulse with a constant amplitude does not prove cardiac health.
Atrial flutter and atrial tachycardia can be related to a pulse rate well
within the normal range. A regular pulse rhythm and a constant pulse amplitude
associated with a slow rate may represent several rhythms, as seen when a
premature beat is unpalpable. Conversely, a regular pulse rhythm and a
constant pulse amplitude related to a rapid rate may point toward sinus,
atrial, junctional, or ventricular tachycardia.
Vascular Tension
When arteries are contracted and small, the pulse wave corresponds; but if
they are large and relaxed, only a moderate degree of power in the heart is
needed to produce a high pulse wave. When tension remains constant, the size
of the pulse wave depends on the heart's contraction. Conversely, when heart
power remains constant, the size of the pulse wave depends on the degree of
vascular tension. Vascular tension is estimated in the diastolic blood
pressure reading; and once it is allowed for, the power of the heart's
contractions can be estimated from the height of the pulse wave.
Pulse tension results from diastolic arterial pressure. The degree of
contraction of the vascular muscles determines the size of the functional
artery and to a great extent the pressure of the blood within it. But if the
heart is acting feebly, there may be so little blood in the arteries that even
when tightly contracted they do not subject the blood within them to any large
amount of tension. Thus, to produce high tension, two factors are necessary: a
degree of muscle power in the heart and arteries. To produce low tension, only
arterial relaxation is necessary, and the heart may be either strong or weak.
Any anatomical change in the arterial walls (eg, arteriosclerosis) that
chronically diminishes their elasticity is manifested in the peripheral
arteries (especially the brachial) in the following forms:
(1) simple
stiffening of the arteries without calcification,
(2) tortuosity of the
arteries, and
(3) calcification. Simple stiffening without calcification is
due to fibrous thickening of the intima and produces an arterial condition
that is almost impossible to manually distinguish from high tension.
Thrills and Bruits
It may be possible to palpate low-frequency thrills within a vessel wall
that indicate a turbulent flow of blood within the vessel. Thrills may
originate within the vessel being examined or be transmitted from a site
proximal to the palpating finger. Palpable thrills and auscultated bruits are
caused by any condition that disturbs normal laminar blood flow. In aortic
insufficiency and hyperkinetic states, carotid pulsations may be striking. A
carotid thrill is often noted in cases of aortic stenosis and situations where
the carotid artery is partially occluded. Conversely, diminished or absent
carotid and brachial pulsations may be present when the aortic arch or its
major branches are involved in a diffuse process such as aortitis, aortic
aneurysm, arteriosclerosis, or congenital anomalies.
Jugular Pulse
The action of the heart can also be appreciated by examination of the
contour of the pulse of the jugular vein while auscultating the intensity of
the 1st heart sound. The tricuspid valve normally opens when the right atrium
contracts, and the pulse of the jugular vein coincides with this contraction.
However, a large "booming" type jugular wave and intense 1st heart sound
result if both the right atrium and right ventricle contract when the
tricuspid is closed. This occurs because the shorter the ventricular "filling
time" the more intense the 1st heart sound, and vice versa. A shortened
ventricular filling time may be the result of a shortened cycle interval or an
increased heart rate, or a combination of both. Such rhythm abnormalities may
be occasional or frequent, depending on the underlying cause and its degree.
Blood Pressure
Production Factors
Blood pressure results from two forces in the vascular system identified
as the propelling and the resisting forces. The average adult heart contracts
75 times per minute, and each contraction forces about 3 ounces of blood into
an already filled arterial system, inducing arterial wall stretching. The
pressure produced by the intermittent contraction of the heart is the
propelling force.
Measured blood pressure is the product of cardiac output times peripheral
resistance. Any given elevation in pressure may be the result of high flow and
low resistance or low flow and high resistance. The long-term determinant of
blood pressure is fluid intake counterbalanced by fluid excretion. Short-term
determinants include the baroreceptor-activated reflexes in the heart, aorta,
and carotid sinuses, the kidney and adrenal angiotensin-aldosterone systems,
and the intravascular and interstitial fluid shifts.
Four main factors increase systolic pressure in a natural way: exercise,
emotions, stimulants, and food. Some things ingested (eg, coffee) are always
stimulative, and all foods have a relative stimulative effect. Normal activity
is a form of exercise; and all humanity is more or less emotional. These
conditions raise the blood pressure by increasing the rate of the heart or
slightly increasing the tension of the arteries. Their effect is temporary.
Clinically abnormal blood pressure is always persistent. It does not vary
greatly from day to day nor at different times in the day.
Increased arterial tension throws added work on the heart and results in
its hypertrophy. The action of the hypertrophied left ventricle is the cause
of increased systolic pressure. This in itself is not dangerous since the
hypertrophy is adaptive to increased peripheral resistance. Conditions that
increase the peripheral resistance diminish the elasticity of the artery wall
and thus destroy its integrity. In time, the weakened part yields and either
stretches producing an aneurysm or ruptures permitting blood to escape.
In hypertension, arterial lumina are smaller and more force is
required to stretch them. Hypertension may be caused by the action of toxic
substances in the blood stream that irritate and injure the delicate nerve
endings. Pain, intracranial pressure, meningitis, and encephalitis induce a
rise in blood pressure due to hypertension. A hypertonic state of arteries or
arterioles throughout the body constitutes a state of systemic hypertension
that may occur exclusively from nerve irritation.
High blood pressure due to hypertension is commonly found in nephritis,
but it also occurs in diabetes mellitus, increased intracranial pressure,
toxic thyroid, angina pectoris, and impending uremia. When systolic pressure
is persistently 180 or over, an impermeable kidney is suspect. The function of
the kidney may become subnormal long before kidney structure begins to
deteriorate. Thus, urine examinations will not disclose the nature of a
failing kidney in its early stages.
In essential hypertension, an elevation in blood pressure may be the only
abnormality that can be discovered. It affects either gender and people of all
body types, but it predominates in those inclined to be fleshy. It is also
more common among people who live under high tension (eg, occupational or
emotional stress). The peripheral arteries in all parts of the body are
contracted. These include those of the kidney, which may well occur in advance
of vascular spasm elsewhere. Restriction of blood flow through the kidney
impairs proper filtration of impurities and the elimination of toxic
substances. Pioneer chiropractors felt interference with the flow of
vasodilating impulses through the lower thoracic nerves is a chief cause. In
advanced cases, the kidney is structurally damaged even if urinary pathology
is absent.
Arteriosclerosis may result from infections and toxic diseases, or it may
be preceded by hypertension. The lumen of the artery is diminished by a
thickening of its wall. This thickened wall may later be the site of
cholesterol and calcareous deposits (atherosclerosis), which further destroy
elasticity. Structural changes developing in the arterial system tend to
spread to and involve the heart. This weakens the circulatory pump and thereby
limits the extent to which the systolic pressure can be raised. High systolic
pressures are occasionally encountered in arteriosclerosis, but more often the
systolic pressure is less than 170. The continued development of fibroid,
fatty, and other changes in heart muscle may permit blood pressure to become
subnormal even in the presence of sclerosed arteries.
Abnormally low blood pressure is due to a decrease in the resisting or
propelling force, or both. It may be caused by a decrease in the amount of
blood (eg, extensive hemorrhage). Profound anemia tends to produce fatty
degeneration of the heart and blood vessels; consequently, it is a cause of
low blood pressure. Low blood pressure is also associated with dilatation of
the heart and chronic myocarditis (a generic term that includes both
inflammatory and degenerative processes of the myocardium).
Several conditions tend to reduce diastolic pressure. Aortic aneurysm
severely reduces diastolic pressure, but it may be associated with hypertrophy
of the heart that raises systolic pressure. Aneurysm of the aortic arch
between the innominate and left subclavian arteries is a common cause for a
wide variation in the blood pressure of the two brachial arteries. Dysentery,
hemorrhage, and large effusions into the serous cavities lower blood pressure
by decreasing the volume of fluid in the circulation. The most common states
giving extremely low blood pressure readings are shock, collapse, internal
hemorrhage, and toxic paralysis of the vasomotor center. Wasting diseases
lower blood pressure because of the weakening of the vital circulatory organs
and dehydration of tissues.
Weight and Height
A patient's general appearance can offer an overview of endocrine function
in many instances. This is because of the important role the endocrines play
in growth and maturity processes where abnormal signs in size and shape are
important. In appreciation of the vital signs, the endocrines are important in
energy production, temperature regulation, pulse rate, blood pressure, and
Assessment of a patient's weight and height is important if the patient's
general appearance leads one to suspect that a malfunction or structural
disease process is being manifested. An obvious underweight patient directs
the examiner to consider all the causes of weight loss. In symmetrical
overweight, evaluate possible diabetes or hypoventilation; Cushing's syndrome
if the weight distribution is asymmetrical. When an unusually tall and lanky
frame is presented, Marfan's syndrome is suspect. Temporal or interosseous
muscle wasting leads one to consider all causes of weight loss.
Weight change dues to an involuntary gain or loss of more than 7% in 1
year is often associated with polyphagia or anorexia:
2. Weight loss related to anorexia is associated with severe illnesses
such as cancer, malabsorption, infection, anorexia nervosa, hepatitis, severe
depression, and esophageal disease. However, even if there are anorexia and a
decreased food intake associated with a serious systemic disease, there may be
no weight loss because the loss of protoplasm weight may be compensated by an
increase in interstitial fluid mass weight. In cirrhosis, severe muscle
wasting is often balanced in terms of weight by associated ascites. In the
average person, the pleural, peritoneal, and subcutaneous fluid spaces can
easily hold from 5 to 11 pounds of fluid.
Inspect size and shape of the cranium for signs of microcephalia,
hydrocephalus, rickets, cretinism, Paget's disease of bone, myelomata, and
cranial metastasis. Note bulging or depression of the fontanels. Check
abnormal patterns of hair loss, skin lesions, signs of pediculi, scars, and
bony nodes. Auscultate for cranial and orbital bruits.
Seek general signs in the face of dehydration, edema, cyanosis, jaundice,
chloasma gravidarum, and skin lesions. Evaluate signs of anxiety, exophthalmic
goiter, paralysis agitans, lower lid renal puffiness, mouth breathing,
unilateral facial palsy, tongue protrusion, skin color, and abnormal movements
of the head and face. Check lip color and for mouth lesions, scars, lumps,
edema, telangiectasis, and hyperpigmentation.
The Nose and Sinuses
Externally inspect nasal shape, humps, broadness, unusual length,
distortions and deformities, bridge depression, scars and pits, skin growths,
drooping tips, discolorations, dilated vessels, and nostril size.
Internally inspect nasal patency. Look for septum deviation or other
airway blockage that may obstruct a passage, signs of epistaxis, perforations
resulting from chronic irritation or trauma, gummatous destruction, allergic
congestion, or other abnormalities. See Figure 2.5. Note color of the nasal
mucosa and judge whether the turbinates are normal, hypertrophic, or atrophic.
If a nasal discharge is present, classify it as watery, mucous, mucopurulent,
purulent, or bloody.
Palpate the bony and cartilaginous junctions of the nose, the roof of the
orbit of the eye, the ascending processes of the maxillae, and the canine
fossa. Transilluminate the sides of the nose for masses and the maxillary and
frontal sinuses. Percuss the paranasal sinuses (maxillary and frontal) for
The Nasopharynx and Laryngopharynx
Signs of inflammatory disease, neoplasms, polyps, cysts, and congenital
defects may be found in the nasopharynx. Changes in voice resonance will
usually be traced to an obstruction (inflammatory or neoplastic mass) in this
area, as will hearing loss and otalgia from obstruction to the eustachian
tube's orifice. Obstruction causes a negative middle-ear pressure leading to
serum transudation into the middle-ear chamber.
Examine the nasopharynx with the aid of a warmed mirror directed up and
behind the uvula. Look anteriorly from the nasopharynx into the nose, and note
the posterior border of the nasal septum dividing into the two choanae. View
the posterior tips of the middle and inferior turbinates, Rosenmueller's
fossa, torus tubarius, and the salpingopharyngeal fold. Adenoidal tissue will
be seen in the upper posterior wall of the nasopharynx. If this tissue is
hypertrophied, the posterior aspect of the nasal passages will be obscured.
The eustachian tubes will be seen laterally. Keep in mind that what you see in
the mirror is a reverse image. A mass of lymphoid adenoid tissue (pharyngeal
tonsil), present on the posterior wall up to the age of about 16 years,
connects with the palatine and lingual tonsils by a band of lymphoid tissue
extending down the lateral wall of the pharynx. Note the quantity and quality
of the mucous blanket, and test the gag reflex.
Invert the mirror and inspect the laryngopharynx. The intrinsic muscles of
the larynx can be observed as they act on the larynx's cartilaginous framework
to relax, tense, adduct and abduct the local cords. The larynx can be brought
up and backward to be visualized by asking the patient to say "ah" and "eee."
Inspect the base of the tongue, the lingual tonsils, the epiglottic tubercle,
aryepiglottic fold, the vestibular fold, the laryngeal sinus, the false and
true vocal cords, and the cuneiform tubercle. The image in the mirror is
up-side-down; ie, the epiglottis will appear on top and the posterior
pharyngeal wall will appear at the bottom of the mirror.
Hoarseness. Hoarseness of at least over 2 weeks in duration is the chief
reason for conducting a laryngopharynx examination. Besides laryngitis,
hoarseness may be the result of partial paralysis from a unilateral recurrent
laryngeal nerve lesion, larynx carcinoma, a benign tumor, or a congenital
defect. Paralysis may be the product of trauma, an inflammatory disorder,
neoplasm, CNS lesion, or vascular abnormality affecting the nerve. Hoarseness
is often the first sign of larynx carcinoma and associated with throat pain,
dysphagia, stridor, cervical adenopathy, thyroid cartilage widening,
hemoptysis, and halitosis.
The Oropharynx
Evaluate the jaw muscles, mucosa of the cheek, teeth, occlusion, gums,
salivary duct orifices, the palate, the floor of the mouth, the tongue, the
tonsils, and the salivary glands. Inflammation, often bacterial, usually
presents with edema, ulceration, and a purulent exudate. The color of
oropharyngeal tissues will normally vary from pale pink to red.
The mouth, the "mirror of the body," frequently offers the earliest signs
of many degenerative, nutritional, and metabolic diseases that sometimes
appear many months prior to other manifestations. See Figure 2.6. Use a tongue
blade to retract the lips and cheeks. Use a penlight or direct reflected light
from the head mirror to the mouth recesses, inner cheeks, and lips. Inspect
the tonsils and immediate pharynx area for signs of inflammation, ulceration,
or swelling.
Move the protruded tongue laterally and inspect and gently palpate (use a
finger cot) the dorsolateral border of the tongue for a mass (common site)
with the cheek retracted with a blade. Judge the tongue for color, moistness,
papillae condition, coat, ulceration and cancers, fissures, muscle movements,
tremor, atrophy or hypertrophy, macroglossia, leukoplakia, and epithelial
desquamation. Release the tongue and continue to palpate the floor of the
mouth, cheeks, lips, and hard and soft palates with the opposite hand
supporting the jaw. Have the patient touch the roof of his mouth with the tip
of his tongue while his mouth is open. Inspect the undersurface of the tongue
and the anterior surface of the mouth. Palpate the base of the tongue and the
entire floor of the mouth. Lesions not observed are often found by palpation.
Palpate the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes for adenopathy.
Gums. Check gums for bleeding, pigmentation along gum line, sponginess,
gingivitis, hypertrophy, suppuration about the roots of teeth, alveolar
abscess, epulis, and sordes. Evaluate the breath for characteristic odors of
abscess, diabetes, uremia, or alcohol.
Mucous Membranes. Inspect the mucous membranes for salivation quality,
color abnormalities, swellings and cysts, ulcers, patches, spots, and other
lesions. Inspect the submaxillary, sublingual, and parotid ducts and observe
the amount of flow and appearance of the salivary secretion. The floor of the
mouth may indicate sublingual gland retention cysts. Palpate the glands. A
stone in the submaxillary duct will present obstruction symptoms and signs,
especially after drinking something sour.
The Palate. Inspect the shape and appearance of the hard palate. The
function of the soft palate is tested by the pharyngeal reflex. The first
trace of jaundice may be seen in the palate. Exostosis of the mandible will be
seen and felt as a hard mass projecting inferiorly from the bone supporting
the premolar teeth. A similar benign mass in the midline becomes more
prominent with aging atrophy, especially when the natural teeth are gone. It
is also a common (20%) congenital defect seen in the young. A malignancy is
the first suspicion of any mass not in the midline. Sometimes malignancy of
the posterior palatal vault will be revealed only by palpation and felt as a
submucosal nodular swelling. A high-arched palate is characteristic of
congenital defect and mouth breathers with nasal obstruction. Cysts in the
anterior third of the palate are associated with the nasopalatine canal. In
subacute bacterial endocarditis, the palate will commonly show evidence of
microemboli appearing as tiny petechiae. Chronic irritation by nicotine may
present a stomatitis characterized by elevated accessory salivary glands that
have dilated red orifices.
The Uvula. Note the size, color, length, and any deviation of the uvula. A
swollen uvula, with transparent edema of its tip, often complicates a
pharyngitis or any lesion with violent cough. Elongation of the uvula may
bring it into contact with the tongue and excite cough by tickling. In viral
pharyngitis, small vesicles surrounded by erythema will be seen.
The Sputum. Examine the sputum and determine its composition, color, odor,
and quality. Sputum is usually scanty in dry inflammations of the bronchial
tubes, pleura, larynx, and in asthma. Sputum is abundant in chronic
inflammation of the bronchial tubes, lungs, and larynx. Record the quality of
sputum as watery, viscid, mucous, purulent, rusty, yellow or green.
Distinguish between hemoptysis and hematemesis.
The Temporomandibular Joint
Jaw sprain is often the result of improper dentition or dislocation from
trauma. Relative muscle strain, capsule and ligament sprain, muscle spasm, and
soft-tissue swelling may be involved depending on the extent of injury. Poor
occlusion leads to a chronic sprain or strain as does bruxism. Overstress
results in pterygoid spasm and an asymmetric lateral motion of the jaw.
Restricted joint motion is the result of muscle spasm, rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis, joint ankylosis, scar tissue, trismus from spasm of the
elevating muscles of mastication from any type of local inflammation, hysteria,
tetanus, or congenital defect. TMJ dysfunction usually presents with a
unilateral dull ache of gradual onset, pain aggravated by chewing, a joint
click felt or heard, deviation of the jaw to one side, tenderness and muscle
spasm, a nervous bruxism, and pain on opening and closing the mouth.
Evaluate active joint motion by having the patient open and close his
mouth and observe the movement of the mandible from the front and sides.
Motion rhythm should be smooth, the arc should be continuous and unbroken, and
the mandible should open and close in a straight line symmetrically, with the
teeth easily separating and joining. An awkward arc, restricted range of
motion, and lateral deviation during motion suggest an abnormality.
Place the index finger of each hand in the patient's external auditory
canals and apply pressure anteriorly while the patient opens and closes his
mouth. Movement of the mandibular condyles will be felt on the fingertips. It
should normally be smooth and equal on both sides. Then palpate the lateral
aspects of the joints by placing the first and second fingers just anterior to
the tragi, have the patient open and close his mouth, and note any
abnormalities. A palpable crepitus suggests traumatic synovial swelling or
meniscus damage, and a slight dislocation (painful) may be felt when the
patient widely opens his mouth. If there is any doubt of the presence of
crepitus, auscultate the joint for clicks or grating sounds.
The adult range of motion is usually normal if
the patient can jut his jaw forward and place his lower teeth in front of his
upper teeth.
Place a gloved index finger posteriorly above the last molar, between the gum
and the buccal mucosa, on the mandibular neck. The external pterygoid will
normally be felt to tighten and relax as the patient opens and closes his
mouth. The patient will report tenderness and pain during palpation if the
muscle has been strained or is spastic. Palpate the internal pterygoid muscle
intra- and extra-orally simultaneously. Palpate the mylohyoid muscle beneath
the tongue. Check the related posterior cervical, sternomastoideus, and
trapezius muscles for spasm and tenderness during examination of the neck and
cervical spine.
Judge muscle strength by placing one hand on the patient's occiput to
steady the patient's head and your other hand, palm up, under the patient's
jaw. Ask the patient to open his mouth while applying resistance with your
palm. The patient should be able to open his mouth against increasing
resistance of your palm. If the patient is unable to close his mouth actively,
try to close it passively.
The Ears
Inspect the lateral and medial surfaces of the auricle and the lateral
mastoid process for abnormalities. Determine tenderness in the auricle by
pulling it in all directions and in the tragus by pushing it. In mastoiditis,
tenderness over the mastoid antrum is associated with the ear projecting
farther from the head than normal. In palpating the antrum, bend the ear
forward with one hand and insert the index finger of the other hand into the
triangular depression between the mastoid process and the attachment of the
ear on a level with the tragus.
An otoscope (or an ear speculum and head mirror) is used for examining the
ear canal and tympanic membrane. First examine the external canal for signs of
debris, inflammation, masses, discharge, foreign bodies, and patency. Next
note the eardrum and its landmarks or the absence of landmarks such as the
short process, handle, and tip of the malleus, and the light reflex. Note any
healed or active perforations, scars, or distortions of the drum. Examine the
drum for retraction of the pars flaccida or a fluid meniscus behind the drum
or internal bubbles. Angle the speculum in all directions so that a view may
be obtained of the entire drum, but the speculum should not be inserted past
the cartilaginous exterior portion. Benign bony exostoses may be found in the
external canal, but they have little diagnostic importance. Inspect for signs
of inflammation, perforation, tumors or polyps, and cholesteatomas. See Figure
Perform the general functional hearing tests to determine whether a defect
of hearing is present, the general degree of the impairment, and the general
location of the lesion; ie, whether the defect is in the conduction or
perception apparatus. Common tests used are the Weber, Schwabach, Rinne, and
Stenger tests.
The Eyes
Note the general facial expression and general eye features, then inspect
for details of eye structures. The external structures of the eye are examined
and recorded in the following order: the eyelids, orbit, conjunctiva, cornea,
anterior chamber, iris, pupils, lens, and lacrimal ducts. Inspect and palpate
the tear point at the medial end of each lid for function and size.
Examination of the eyes includes an evaluation of visual acuity, visual
fields, color vision, ocular movements, external structures, pupillary
responses, intraocular pressure, and the ocular fundus. By visual examination
alone, many diseases may be identified. For example, direct inspection might
reveal changes in the cornea, conjunctiva, iris and pupil that can be
immediately related to well-known disorders. A hand magnifying lens is helpful
in observing the smaller details of the external structures. A Snellen chart
is usually used for screening visual acuity.
Evaluate the cornea and note scars, color, vascular congestion, deposits,
and signs of inflammation. Observe the consistency and color of the iris, and
note pupil irregularities and signs of inflammation. Inspect the iris and
choroid for signs of congenital anomalies such as heterophthalmos, persistent
pupillary membrane, coloboma of the iris or choroid, irideremia, dyscoria,
hippus, or albinism. Use a penlight to inspect the depth of the anterior
chamber, and check to see that there is no visible opacity (cataract).
Tests for visual fields, pupil reflexes, accommodation, pupillary
constriction, extraocular movements, and the corneal reflex are conducted in
relation to cranial nerve tests. Failure to move the eye voluntarily in any
given direction indicates muscular incompetence caused by primary muscle
disease or a neurogenic factor. Note parallel coordination and signs of
strabismus or nystagmus.
Manually Screening Intraocular Pressure. A crude method for determining
potentially high intraocular pressure can be obtained by finger pressure. As
the patient looks downward, place the tips of both index fingers on the upper
led above the downturned cornea. One index finger presses against the eyeball
while the other rests firmly on the globe; then the active finger relaxes
slightly and the other finger indents the eyeball. This maneuver is alternated
several times in a slow piston-like manner, with pressure applied directly
toward the center of the eyeball. In this manner, a frank rise in pressure or
an extremely soft globe may be perceived. However, if it is allowed in your
state of practice to apply a local anesthetic for diagnostic purposes,
tonometry to evaluate intraocular pressure is the far more accurate procedure.
Ophthalmoscopy. With an ophthalmoscope, test the "red reflex" before
examining the fundus. The fundus is examined in a definite sequence: optic
disk, retinal vessels, and macula. Keep in mind that the fundus is the only
place in the body where a cranial nerve and arterioles may be viewed without
surgery. Inspect the fundus for retinal hemorrhages and signs of hypertension,
arteriosclerosis, optic neuritis, optic atrophy, cranial trauma or tumor, and
disease of the meninges.
The Anterior Neck
Inspect first for gross abnormalities and then for details. Check for
scars, blisters, discolorations, skin texture and lesions, and pulsatile
movements. Note congenital defects such as pterygium colli or congenital
torticollis. Evaluate any parotid or submaxillary gland enlargement. Check for
fixed or movable masses, and transilluminate if present. Have the patient
swallow, and note the function of the cricoid cartilage area and possible
superior movement of the thyroid gland. Check the trachea for midline
alignment. If the thyroid is visible, note its size, shape, symmetry, and any
sign of nodules. Venous thrombosis, mediastinal tumors, and inflammatory
exudates may produce visible and palpable edema in the neck.
Observe abnormal shadows, neck contours, curvatures, and restricted
movement. Note relationship of neck, head, and shoulders from an A-P,
lateral, and rotational standpoint. Check head tilt, sway, carriage during
rest and gait, and other abnormal postural expressions.
The neck should be palpated with the patient supine so that the muscles
are relaxed and the head may be passively controlled. With the patient supine,
the following landmarks should be noted: The C1 transverse process (the widest
in the neck) lies between the angle of the jaw and the mastoid process, the
hyoid bone is above the body of C3, the top of the thyroid cartilage (Adam's
apple) is above the body of C4, the bottom of the thyroid cartilage is above
the body of C5, and the first cricoid ring is above the body of C6. If
abnormal nodes or masses are palpable, they should be recorded according to
size in millimeters and number (single, multiple).
Palpate each sternocleidomastoideus muscle individually after passively
rotating the patient's neck first toward one direction and then the other,
opposite the muscle being examined. Check for possible strain (eg, trauma,
postural hyperextension) from its origin on the sternum and clavicle to the
mastoid process. Note any abnormal size, shape, tension, tenderness, or mass.
During palpation of the sternocleidomastoideus and cervical trapezius,
there is an opportunity to palpate the lymph node chain that bilaterally
extends along the anteromedial border of the muscles. The nodes are normally
not palpable unless inflamed (eg, upper respiratory infection) or calcified.
The vertebral bodies can often be palpated from the anterior by pressing
the index and middle fingers through an imaginary surgical approach to the
neck between the carotid sheath and the sternocleidomastoideus laterally and
the trachea, esophagus, and thyroid gland medially. While in this area,
palpate the hyoid, situated cephalad from the thyroid cartilage, by probing
from the midline laterally and posteriorly with thumb and first finger. Note
distinct movement when the patient swallows.
Move caudad from the hyoid and palpate the thyroid cartilage in the
anterior midline in the same manner. When diseased, cysts, nodules, swelling,
and/or tenderness may be noted. Next palpate the first cricoid ring, locatedjust caudad to the thyroid cartilage. Be gentle to avoid stimulating the gag
reflex. Slight movement should be palpable on swallowing. Then palpate the
small, deep carotid tubercles, located on each side about an inch lateral from
the carotid ring and just anterior to the transverse process of C6. Palpate
gently, quickly, and unilaterally (to avoid stimulating a carotid reflex) by
placing the fingers of one hand deeply posterior between the cricoid ring and
lateral cervical muscles.
The Thyroid Gland. The thyroid may be palpated from either the back of the
patient with bimanual palpation or at each side of the patient using one
active hand and the other offering counterpressure. Have the patient swallow
and check the normal upward movement. With the patient taking small slips of
water, search laterally and cephalad to determine if the upper lobes can be
delineated and if their consistency, size, and contour can be appreciated.
Increased firmness will be noted during inflammation or an early neoplastic
process. A bruit may be heard over the gland in hyperthyroid states.
The Supraclavicular Fossa. Palpate the supraclavicular fossa, beginning at
the sternum and moving laterally. Search for abnormal swellings (eg, traumatic
edema), masses (eg, tumors, swollen lymph nodes, cervical rib), or unusual
depth of the fossa (eg, clavicular fracture).
Neurovascular Tests. Perform the neurovascular compressions tests such as
rotary compression, hyperextension, costoclavicular maneuver, shoulder
depression, Adson's, Allen's, George's, Wright's, and Eden's tests. Then
perform other appropriate neurologic and orthopedic tests such as cervical
distraction and cervical percussion if advisable.
The Thorax
Inspect the chest for the following points:
(2) general shape
and nutrition,
(3) local deformities or tumors,
(4) respiratory movements of
the chest walls,
(5) respiratory movements of the diaphragm,
(6) abnormal
(7) color and condition of the skin, and
(8) the presence or
absence of glandular enlargement.
Evaluate the possibility of a clinical chest such as the paralytic chest,
the barrel chest, or the rachitic chest. Observe any flattening or prominence
of one side of the chest, local prominence, or effects of a spinal curvature.
Palpate the dynamics involved in respiratory movements with your hands
splayed widely above downward, anteriorly and posteriorly. Check respiratorymovements for normal respiration, anomalies of expansion, and dyspnea. Note
changes in respiratory rhythm such as asthmatic breathing, restrained or
"catchy" breathing, stridulous breathing, shallow and irregular breathing,
and sternomastoid breathing. Observe the excursion limits of the diaphragm.
Palpate for tactile fremitus communicated to the hand when it is laid on
the chest while the patient repeats some short phrase (eg, 99). Maximum
fremitus is obtained over the apex of the right lung in front. It is greater
in the upper part of the chest than in the lower, and somewhat greater
throughout the right chest than in the corresponding part of the left. A
small amount of fremitus can be normally felt over the scapulae behind and
still less in the precordial region in front. Crepitation can be palpated when
subcutaneous tissues contain fine beads of air caused by air escape from the
Percuss symmetrical points of the thorax and evaluate vesicular resonance,
the normal dull areas, tympanic resonance, "cracked pot" resonance, amphoric
resonance, and the sense of resistance. With percussion, determine the
movability of the lung borders.
With a stethoscope, evaluate vesicular breathing sounds, bronchial
breathing sounds, and seek signs of emphysematous or asthmatic breathing,
interrupted or cog-wheel breathing, metamorphosing breathing, exaggerated or
diminished vesicular breathing, amphoric breathing, and abnormal
bronchovesicular breathing. If rales are present, evaluate bubbling,
crackling, or musical causes. Listen for possible pleural friction rub.
Auscultate the whispered voice, the spoken voice, and for possible egophony.
Listen for succussion sounds, metallic tinkle, and lung-fistula sounds.
Circumference measurement of the thorax during inspiration and expiration
should be taken if not recorded previously.
The Female Breast
Note the size, shape, symmetry, contour, and position of the two breasts.
Inspect the relative position of the areolae and nipples along with signs of
skin retraction. Check for nipple irregularities and discharge, changes in
subcutaneous veins, and skin defects in color and texture. Redness indicates
inflammation or may show superficial lymphatic involvement (eg, inflammatory
carcinoma). Edema produces a bulging of the skin that will appear like pigskin
or the peel of an orange and is often associated with inflammatory carcinoma.
Rapidly growing tumors, benign or malignant, often present dilated
subcutaneous veins.
Gently palpate the quadrants of the breast with the fingertips in a
clockwise direction. The patient should be supine with arms abducted 90°.
First palpate with light touch to note any soft masses and then with firmer
pressure for the deeper tissues. Check for consistency, elasticity,
tenderness, and lumps. Tenderness suggests an underlying inflammation;
malignant lesions are seldom tender. Palpate the interspaces for a possible
small deep-seated mass. Check for thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of
the breast. A palpable mass within breast tissue is a significant sign of an
abnormality; however, while nodularity, thickening, and hardness are important
signs, they should not be considered as masses.
With the patient sitting on the edge of the examining table with her arms
raised and her hands clasped on top of her head, again palpate each breast in
a clockwise direction. Palpate the nipples for central lumps or duct
thickening. Gently elevate different parts of the breast with your fingertips
under the breast and note any abnormal nipple or skin changes. Palpate the far
lateral aspects to the axillae while passively moving the extremity through a
full range of motion. Then have the patient lean far forward and note any
subtle skin changes, dimpling, or nipple deviation.
Next, place the patient in the relaxed position with her hands loose at
the sides, and palpate the supraclavicular areas for lumps and tenderness. The
deep jugular chain of nodes is a frequent route of metastatic spread of breast
cancer. Then have the patient place her bands on her hips and press toward the
midline contracting the pectoral muscles. Note any abnormal signs, and palpate
the deep axillae tissues for lumps, edema, swellings, or tenderness.
After inspection and palpation of the breasts, transilluminate the breasts
with a flashlight as a final check.
The Heart Area
Inspect the normal cardiac impulse area, and seek evidence of displacement
of the impulse, apex retraction, epigastric pulsation, and visible pulsations.
The precordium is relatively prominent in 25% of normal people; thus,
allowance should be made for this normal deviation from the average chest
conformity in estimating prominence due to such conditions as cardiac
hypertrophy, pericardial effusion, aneurysm, or pleural effusion.
With each systole of the heart, most chests show an outward movement of cardiac impulse is produced by the impact of a portion of the right ventricle
against the chest wall and not by the apex of the heart.
The point of maximum impulse (PMI) in adults is usually in the 5th
intercostal space just inside the nipple line when erect, in the 4th space
when recumbent. In children under the age of 6 years, the PMI is often one
interspace lower and outside the nipple. In people with a low diaphragm, it
may descend as low as the 6th interspace. Unless there is an unusual body
shape, the PMI in health is not over 9 cm to the left of the midsternal line;
it is usually less, according to the size of the subject. Keep in mind that
the position of the impulse varies to a certain extent depending on the
position of the body. The PMI is occasionally absent in adults in perfect
health and under certain pathologic conditions.
Note displacement of the cardiac impulse and signs of apex retraction,
epigastric pulsation, or visible pulsations due to uncovering of portions of
the heart normally covered by the lungs. Palpation is considerably more
effective than inspection in giving us information of the nature of the
cardiac movements that produce the apex beat.
Palpate the site of the observed apex beat, which is normally an area
about the diameter of a half dollar just below the left nipple. The fingers
should conform to the contour of the chest to appreciate the gross movements
of the heart and confirm or modify what was learned by inspection. The
powerful, slow, widespread impulse of a hypertrophied heart, the diffuse slap
often felt in dilatation of the right ventricle, and the sudden rap of mitral
stenosis may thus be evaluated. Note regularity and character of the beat.
Palpation may localize a cardiac impulse that is not visible; on the other
hand, pulsations can be seen that are not felt in some cases. Simultaneously
monitor the pulsation of the carotid artery, and judge ejection time.
During palpation of the cardiac impulse with the palm of the hand, you are
in a good position to notice the presence or absence of a "thrill" that is
usually confined to a small area in the region of the apex pulse but sometimes
felt in the 2nd right intercostal space or elsewhere in the precordial area.
In right ventricle hypertrophy, a precordial "heave" near the sternum may be
felt. Strong pulsations in the suprasternal notch point toward aortic aneurysm
or dilatation. Areas of marked tenderness in different parts of the chest may
be found in mitral disease, dry pleurisy, necrosis of the rib, and sometimes
in tuberculosis.
Next, carefully palpate the 2nd right intercostal space over the ascending
aorta, just right of the sternum. In cases of hypertension, closure of the
aortic valve can usually be perceived. Thrills from aortic stenosis are best
felt in this area. Move over to the 2nd left intercostal space and palpate the
pulmonary area, just left of the sternum. In cases of hypertension, closure of
the pulmonary valve may be felt. Thrills from pulmonary stenosis are also best
sensed in this site. Thrills near the lower left sternal border suggest a
ventricular septal defect, while a diastolic thrill at the apex suggests
mitral stenosis.
Shocks produced by the closure of valves and by thrills can be
distinguished best by holding the palm of the hand rigid with the fingers
hyperextended, allowing the vibrations to be transmitted to the bones of the
hand. A normal heart after exercise or other stimulus may transmit a distinct
"jar" to the hand palpating the PMI that lacks the truly snapping quality
found in mitral stenosis. A diastolic shock may be felt at the aortic area in
the presence of hypertension, congenital stenosis of the aorta, or aneurysm.
An aneurysm or dilated aorta may also transmit pulsations to the chest wall.
Aneurysm, a dilated aorta, or pulsating pleurisy may cause abnormal
thoracic pulsations. Pulsations due to a dilated aorta or an aneurysm are most
likely seen in the 1st or 2nd right interspace near the sternum, but not
infrequently the clavicle and the adjacent parts may be seen to rise slightly
with every beat of the heart. In cases of purulent pleurisy in which fluid has
worked its way between the ribs so that it is covered only by skin and
subcutaneous tissues, a pulsation transmitted from the heart may become
visible. Such a pulsation is commonly seen in the upper and front portions of
the chest.
In inflammatory roughening of the pleura, a grating or rubbing of the two
surfaces on each other may be felt as well as heard during the movements of
respiration, especially at the end of inspiration. This friction is usually
felt at the bottom of the axilla, on one side or the other, where the
diaphragmatic pleura is in close apposition with the costal layer. Likewise in
roughening of the pericardial surfaces, it may be possible to feel a grating
or rubbing in the precordial region more or less synchronous with the heart's
movements. Such friction is most often felt in the region of the 4th left
costal cartilage. Sometimes low-pitched snoring rales communicate a sensation
to the hand placed on the chest in the region beneath the area where the rales
are produced.
Related Inspection
Note vascular phenomena apparent in the neck and extremities because such
phenomena have a direct bearing on the interpretation of conditions within the
chest. Look for venous, arterial, and capillary abnormalities. Peripheral
pulsation in the healthy is usually seen over the carotid arteries, under the
outer ends of the clavicles, in the episternal notch, and frequently over the
brachial arteries, especially in the elderly. When the tissues of the neck are
wasted, the veins may be quite prominent even when no disease exists within
the chest; and in such cases, the veins may distend during each expiration,
especially if dyspnea or cough is present. If these overdistended veins are
completely emptied bilaterally during deep inspiration, overdistention of the
right side of the heart is inferred. When a similar phenomenon occurs
unilaterally, something causing pressure on one innominate vein should be
Deviation from the normal appearance of jugular waves may offer a vital
clue about cardiac status, Venous changes need not be synchronous with
respiration, however. A presystolic pulsation or undulation may be seen either
in the external jugular vein or in the bulbus jugularis between the two
attachments of the sternocleidomastoideus. Pulsation seen just before each
cardiac systole may not be abnormal and must be distinguished from systolic
venous pulsation. Systolic venous pulsation in tricuspid regurgitation is more
often seen on the right side than the left side of the neck. There may be a
visible wave during systole of the auricle and another during the systole of
the ventricle, the latter closely following the former. If doubt arises
whether a pulsation in the veins of the neck is due to tricuspid
regurgitation, empty the vein by stroking it from below upward. If it
immediately fills from below, tricuspid regurgitation is likely.
Sometimes carotid pulsations are seen in thin or nervous patients
independent of any abnormal condition of the heart. Violent throbbing of the
carotids occurs in severe anemias and occasionally in simple hypertrophy of
the heart, and visible pulsation may occur in the subclavian, axillary,
brachial, and radial arteries, as well as in the large arterial trunks of the
lower extremities. Also judge jugular pressure.
Percuss the precordial area to determine the extent of deep cardiac
dullness that marks the approximate border of the heart and the superficial
cardiac flatness, which represents that portion of the heart not covered by
the lung.
Auscultate the heart for the first, second, and third heart sounds. The
"mitral" first sound is increased by whatever induces increased vigor of the
heart and by valvular diseases (especially mitral stenosis). It is weakened or
reduplicated when the heart is weakened. These changes may occur temporarily
from physiologic causes. The "pulmonic" second sound is usually more intense
than the aortic in children and up to early adult life. Later, the aortic
second sound predominates. Pathologic accentuation of the second pulmonic
sound usually points to obstruction in the pulmonary circulation (eg, mitral
disease, emphysema, etc). Weakening of the pulmonic second is characteristic
of serious failure of the right ventricle. The aortic second sound is
increased pathologically by any cause that increases the work of the left
ventricle (eg, arteriosclerosis, chronic nephritis). It is diminished when the
blood stream entering the aorta by the left ventricle is abnormally small (eg,
mitral disease, cardiac failure). Changes in tricuspid sounds are rarely
recognizable. Changes in the first sound heard in the aortic and pulmonic
areas have little practical significance.
During auscultation of the heart, listen for signs of gallop rhythm,
protodiastolic gallop, presystolic gallop, and midsystolic clicks. Seek the
presence of a reduplicated first sound, a physiologic third sound, or the
opening snap of mitral stenosis. If a murmur exists, record its time,
localization, transmission, intensity, quality, length, and the effects of
position, exercise, and respiration. Differentiate functional from organic
murmurs. Auscultate the peripheral vessels, especially the carotids,
subclavian, femoral, brachial, and radial.
The Abdomen
Judge body type tendency and general abdominal shape and size. Inspect the
skin and note any abdominal veins, pulsations, visible peristalsis, or
respiratory movements. Note any distention, mass, or scars. Observe the color
of the skin, pigmentation, eruptions, skin texture, and hair distribution.
Seek evidence of vasomotor instability such as erythema, ischemia, or
dermographia. Inspect the lineae alba, nigra, semilunaris, and presence of
linea albicantes.
Palpation should thoroughly survey the abdominal viscera. Begin in the
lower left quadrant and palpate the colon, transverse colon, and ascending
colon, Note if the spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, or pancreas are palpable,
Determine the presence of localized or generalized tenderness. Seek signs of
possible fluctuation, peritoneal crepitus, or masses. Note signs of restricted
mobility with tenderness that may indicate postsurgical adhesions.
Use light and gentle palpation, and elicit muscle resistance. In many
cases, no part of the normal intestine, including the appendix, can be felt
through the abdominal wall. The same is true of the stomach, spleen, left
kidney, pancreas, bladder, and pelvic organs, except in certain very thin
patients. The tissues that can usually be perceived are the abdominal aorta,
the spinal column near and above the umbilicus, the lower edge of the liver in
some people, the tip of the right kidney at the end of long inspiration in
thin youngsters, the iliopsoas muscle, and sometimes the beginning of the
iliac arteries in lean people.
Percussion and Succussion
Percuss the abdomen for signs of tympany or ascites and to outline the
borders of the liver, spleen, or a possible tumor. Use succussion to determine
signs of fluid.
Auscultate for aneurysm, bruits, hums, gurgling borborygmi, and friction
rubs. Percussion and tuning fork auscultation may be necessary for
confirmation of various phenomena. Carefully evaluate any signs and symptoms
pointing toward an acute abdomen.
The Rectum
Rectal examination is essential in low back pain, bleeding, diarrhea,
pelvic disease, bowel symptoms, female complaints, urinary symptoms, and
suspected carcinoma. Inspect the perianal skin and palpate for evidence of
fistula, hemorrhoids, abscess, prolapse, and pruritus. Palpation of the
perianal area should precede digital examination of the rectum. Note sphincter
resistance on inserting the gloved finger into the anus.
Carefully palpate along the rectal wall for undue dilation or narrowing.
In checking the posterior wall, note
(2) the mobility and sensitivity of the coccyx and
lower sacrum. Check the anterior aspect, noting the prostate or cervix.
Hernial Sites
Seek any bulging mass in the groin indicating hernia. Have the patient
cough, and note any bulge that develops. Note if the mass returns to the
peritoneal cavity when the patient is supine with knees flexed. In the male,
invert the scrotum on either side and enter the inguinal canal along the
course of the spermatic cord. Judge the size of the external ring. With the
patient again coughing, check for hernial bulges against either side of the
examining finger (direct hernia) or at the tip of the finger as it nears the
internal ring (indirect hernia).
The external opening of the femoral canal is deep to the inguinal ligament
and medial to the femoral artery. On patient coughing, a palpable mass felt
within the femoral canal suggests femoral hernia, but it must be
differentiated from psoas abscess, lymphadenitis, or saphenous varix. The most
common form of female hernia is that in the femoral canal. It is always good
procedure to auscultate any abdominal or groin swelling for bowel sounds.
Hernia through the umbilical ring, epigastric hernia through a weakness in
the linea alba between the xiphoid process and umbilicus, incisional hernia,
and spigelian hernia at some point in the semilunar line at the lateral margin
of the rectus muscle are infrequently presented. More common are diaphragmatic
hernia where a defect in the diaphragm allows the protrusion of some abdominal
structure into the thoracic cavity. Other rare varieties include sciatic
hernia, obturator hernia, lumbar hernia, perineal hernia, and hernias within
the peritoneal cavity.
The Groin and External Genitalia
Palpate the two sets of inguinal glands: one arranged along the lower half
of Poupart's ligament; the other lower down, around the saphenous opening.
With the male patient, inspect pubic hair distribution, general appearance
of external organs, the retracted glans, and the spread out urethral meatus.
Inspection of the urethral meatus may show stenosis, condylomata, or other
lesions. The corpora will feel dense and fibrotic in Peyronie's disease. Note
the presence of scrotal masses, undescended testes, hernial inguinal bulge,
balanitis, chancre, chancroid, phimosis, abscess, malformations, hypospadias,
ulcers, or urethral discharge. Palpate the groin for swellings and enlarged
lymph nodes. Palpate the penile shaft and follow the urethra as far as
possible into the perineum. Note any thickened periurethral fibrosis. Palpate
the scrotum gently and note size, position, and shape of testicles, which are
normally smooth, firm, and tender. Check the epididymis, located posterior and
slightly medial to the testicle. Follow the spermatic cord to the internal
inguinal ring. Scrotal masses should be transilluminated in a darkened room.
The scrotum is normally cool but usually warm in inflammatory processes. See
Figure 2.9.
With the female patient, inspect pubic hair distribution, the perineum,
external genitalia, and upper thighs for lesions. Carefully examine the labia
majora. Check the anterior hooded clitoris for ulcers, irritation, abnormal
swelling or enlargement. Note any atrophy of the labia minora and vaginal
introitus. Search for signs of inflammation below the clitoris in the midline.
Inspect the skin between the posterior vaginal fourchette and the anus. To
check pelvic musculature integrity, spread the labia widely and have the
patient bear down hard. See Figure 2.10.
Internal Gynecologic Examination
Continue the examination in the nonvirgin with a vaginal speculum. Warm
the speculum prior to insertion and lubricate only with water. Check the
quality of the lateral walls. Inspect the cervix for erosion, eversion,
polyps, cysts, ulcerations, lacerations, cervical enlargement, bleeding and
menstrual discharge. Note the direction in which the cervix points. Inspect
the character of any discharge, and seek signs of inflammation, the presence
of polyps, warts, ulcers, debris, or bleeding.
Palpate the lower abdominal, pelvic, and upper-thigh glands for
tenderness, distention, hernias, and masses. Palpate the lower part of the
labia just inside the introitus between the thumb and index finger for the
Bartholin glands. Next, insert the index and middle fingers along the anterior
vaginal wall toward the base of the bladder with firm anterior pressure toward
the symphysis pubis. While pressure is applied to the urethra, note any
discharge of pus from the external urethral meatus or tenderness or induration
of the periurethral tissues and glands. After this, gently press downward on
the posterior perineum with the palpating fingers and ask the patient to
strain and cough to determine the integrity of the supporting musculature.
Palpate the medial border of the levator muscles. To test strength of these
muscles, have the patient tighten them around the palpating fingers in the
Palpate the cervix, noting its location and consistency. Then, with the
supporting hand on the abdomen, palpate the body of the uterus anteriorly.
Note size, shape, mobility, consistency, and symmetry. Examine the adnexal
region surrounding the uterus for masses, tenderness, and indurated tissue.
Normal ovaries are sometimes palpable in thin patients sufficiently relaxed.
The palpating fingers are placed to the side of the cervix and directed
anteriorly. The tubes are rarely palpable. Change gloves and introduce the
thumb into the vagina and the well-lubricated index finger into the
rectum. Check the pouch of Douglas between your fingers. No pelvic examination
is complete unless a bimanual examination is done with a finger in the rectum
as the rectal finger can reach beyond the posterior vaginal fornix and palpate
the uterosacral ligaments, the paracervical tissues, the broad ligaments, the
ovaries, and side walls of the pelvis.
Bimanually palpate the bladder, checking for a mass, abnormal induration,
or tenderness. Then palpate the coccyx and lower sacrum.
Anterior-Posterior Balance
To evaluate A-P balance, estimate the depth of each curve and classify as
normal depth, moderately flat, definitely flat, moderately deep, or definitely
deep. Inspect the length of the dorsal and lumbar curves, noting position of
the apices and the smoothness of the cervicodorsal and dorsolumbar junctions.
Note any flattening or abnormal appearance of the anterior thoracic wall such
as a hollow, funnel, pigeon, or barrel chest. Check head carriage, and
estimate depth of the cervical curve. Judge head carriage relative to the A-P
gravity line and not the position of the shoulder tip because the shoulders
may not be level. Observe the patient's carriage of the pelvis. Refer to
Figure 2.1.
Lateral Balance
Evaluate lateral balance. The lateral gravity line should pass through the
occipital protuberance of the skull, the 7th cervical vertebra, the cleft of
the buttocks, and between the medial surfaces of the knees and heels. This
line should ideally bisect the body into two symmetrical halves. Inspect the
outline of the flesh covering the iliac crests for evidence of unequal lower
Screen the length of the lower extremities by having the patient bend
forward as far as possible without bending the knees, and note differences in
the height and contour of the flesh of the pelvis at the level of the
posterior superior iliac spines (PSISs). When the lower extremities are
unequal, the lumbar spine usually sags toward the side of the short extremity.
Check the heights of the lower limbs by placing your pronated fingers on the
iliac crests. Evaluate the level of the PSISs with your thumbs on the spines.
Note any unleveling and anteriority or posteriority of the two. Compare the
greater trochanters for unleveling by placing your index fingers on the
superior margin of each trochanter.
Inspect the contour of the trunk between the lower ribs and the iliac
crests. Compare sides because differences in contour suggest a curvature in
the lower thoracic and lumbar regions. Note the length, depth, and apex of any
scoliosis. Observe the outlines of the scapulae, comparing them for symmetry.
Compare the positions of each scapula to the line of midthoracic spinous
processes. Compare scapular height inequality by placing your thumbs under the
tips of the patient's scapulae or at the medial ends of the scapular spines.
Note the length, depth, and apex of any dorsal curve present, and judge the
height of the shoulders bilaterally.
Note the contour of the flesh of the neck. Judge the direction of the
neck, carriage of the head, and level of the earlobes. Check the length,
depth, and apex of the cervical curve. Note head carriage relative to the
lateral gravity line and not the shoulder tip as the scapulae may be projected
forward. Normally, a line visualized horizontally between the ear lobes should
be at right angles to the plumb line.
Observe the knees for genu valgum, genu varum, and hyperextension. Inspect
for tibial torsion. Check for flattening of the longitudinal arches, and for
foot pronation, which may be associated with a fallen arch. Note the existence
of hammer toes or a marked deviation of the large toe toward the midline of
the foot (hallux valgus).
Rotational Balance
To evaluate rotational balance, have the patient assume the Adams
position. Inspect the contour of the flesh on each side of the line of spinous
processes in the lumbar and lower dorsal sections. Note the depth of grooves
and height of ridges. Check the length and approximate apex point when
scoliosis is seen. If the patient has previously demonstrated unequal lower
extremities, judge this section in the sitting position if the innominates are
Inspect the contour of the middorsal section, noting the ridges for
comparison. Bent spinous processes in this section may make comparison of the
grooves unreliable. Prominent areas of paravertebral muscles may indicate
single or group vertebral rotation. Inspect the contour of the upper dorsal
section, having the patient bend as far forward as possible. Note the length
and apex point of rotations when found in middle and upper dorsal sections.
Ask the patient to return to the erect position and focus his eyes at an
object directly ahead. Inspect, from the rear, any rotational carriage of the
Next, have the patient stand relaxed with the knees extended and the feet
an acetabular distance apart. Place your thumbs on the patient's PSISs, and
ask the patient to bend forward slowly as if to touch the floor without
bending his knees. While the patient flexes, note the excursion of your thumbs
and if one thumb moves more anterosuperiorly than the other. When the patient
has assumed maximum flexion, note any unilateral posteriority in the lumbar
section, any change in the lumbar lordosis (fixed, minimal, reversed?), and
the relative positions of the posterior rib angles.
Have the patient sit on a low stool with the feet and knees a shoulder
width apart. The subject's knees should be flexed at a right angle, and the
feet should be flat on the floor and directly under the knees. The subject's
elbows should be flexed, tucked in, with the hands placed gently on the sides
of the face. Place your thumbs on the patient's PSISs, and ask the patient to
bend forward slowly as if to place his elbows between his legs. While the
patient flexes, note again any excursion of your thumbs and if one thumb moves
more anterosuperiorly than the other. When the patient has again assumed
maximum flexion, note any unilateral posteriority in the lumbar section, any
change in the lumbar lordosis (fixed, minimal, reversed?), the relative
positions of the posterior rib angles, and how these findings compare with
those found in the standing test.
The Cervical Spine
Palpate the posterior aspect of the occiput generally and then for
details. Note tissue tension and tenderness by palpating laterally from the
inion across the nuchial areas to the mastoid process. Palpate the
suboccipital ligaments for tenderness, tension, and signs of acute or chronic
sprain. The greater occipital nerves are usually palpable by probing both
sides at the base of the skull from the inion laterally. Search for signs of
Next, palpate the cervical spinous processes, beginning at the base of the
skull and progressing to T1. Note any bifurcations. The superior nuchial
ligament is palpated simultaneously with the spinous processes. If possible,
palpate the cervical facets lateral to the spinous processes beneath the
trapezius muscle. Note tenderness and trigger points. Check the C5 and C6
area especially for possible spur formations.
Palpate the trapezius, and compare one side with the other. Note abnormal
tension, size, shape, and tenderness. Check the muscle's origin along the
spinous processes from the inion to T12 and then to its insertion at the
clavicle, acromion, and scapular spine. Examine its superior aspect from the
neck to the acromion. Check the point of insertion at the scapular spine for
possible hematoma or strain from whiplash.
The lymph nodes of the neck are best evaluated when standing behind the
sitting patient during bimanual palpation. This position also gives an
opportunity to examine the nodes in the axilla. Palpate the following chains:
subocciput, around the ears, below the jaw, along the anterior
sternocleidomastoideus and trapezius muscles, posterior sternocleidomastoideus,
and the supraclavicular space.
With motion palpation, palpate each cervical vertebra during flexion,
extension, rotation, and lateral flexion to assess mobility. The amount of
motion in any particular joint depends on the shape and integrity of articular
surfaces, the laxity or tautness of supporting ligaments, and the condition of
the related musculature. Essentially, the extent of movement below the axis
depends on ligament and muscle laxity and the distortion and compressibility
of the IVDs. Note signs of fixation or hypermobility.
Test active and passive ranges of cervical motion. If active motion is
normal, passive motion need not be tested. Passive motion should never be
tested if spinal fracture, dislocation, advanced arteriosclerosis, or severe
instability is suspected.
Active cervical flexion and extension are tested by having the patient
lower and raise his chin as far as possible without moving his shoulders. Note
smoothness of motion and the degree of limitation bilaterally. Observe active
rotation when the patient moves his nose as far as possible to the left and
right without moving his shoulders. Again, note smoothness of motion and the
degree of limitation bilaterally. Active lateral flexion is tested by having
the patient attempt to touch each ear on the respective shoulder without
moving the shoulders. To evaluate muscle strength, offer increasing resistance
to active motions. Grade findings.
Passive cervical flexion and extension are examined by placing your hands
on the sides of the patient's skull and rolling the head anterior-inferior so
that the chin approximates the sternum and posterior-superior so that the nose
is almost perpendicular to the ceiling. Passive rotation is examined by
placing your hands on the patient's skull and turning the head first to one
side and then to the other so that the chin is almost in line with the
shoulder. Passive lateral flexion is tested by placing your hands on the
patient's skull and bending the head laterally toward the shoulder on each
The Thoracic Spine
Thoracic assessment follows the same procedures used for the cervical
spine; ie, inspection, palpation, and percussion if indicated. Inspect the
dorsal spine during gait and other movements for carriage, deformities, and
functional deficiencies. It is often helpful to mark each spinous process from
C7 to L5 with a skin pencil. Note any exaggeration or loss of normal kyphosis
and abrupt changes at the cervicodorsal and thoracolumbar junctions.
Place the patient in the sitting or prone position, and inspect for gross
abnormalities and then the details. Scan the skin for local swellings, cafe au
lait spots, hair patches, skin dimples, ecchymoses, and other defects. Note
any abnormal skin shadows and contours. Check the relationship of the head to
the sacrum in the sitting position for A-P and lateral balance. Then have the
patient stand, and seek signs of scoliosis as the patient assumes the Adams
position. Note compensatory curves and transition points.
Palpate the spinous processes and ligaments from the vertebra prominens to
the 12th dorsal. Note tenderness, muscle spasms, bent processes,
irregularities, exostoses, thick aponeuroses, and bifurcations not in the
midline. Palpate the posterior paravertebral muscles throughout the dorsal
spine. Palpate the costovertebral articulations for tenderness and possible
subluxation, dislocation, or fracture. Conclude bony and soft-tissue palpation
with the lateral musculature.
In evaluating the range of thoracic motion and muscle strength, the
principles are the same as for other areas. Have the patient perform passive
range of motion tests for flexion, extension, right and left rotation, and
right and left lateral flexion. Then have the patient perform the same motions
against resistance, and grade muscle strength.
With the patient sitting, palpate vertebral motion by placing the
thumbtips inferior to the spinous process of the segment being examined and
the fingers extending over the paravertebral muscles. The ball of the thumb
can be placed near the corresponding zygapophysis for further kinetic
awareness. Have the patient slowly and completely flex and extend his spine
while you evaluate the corresponding segmental kyphosis and lordosis. Failure
of or incomplete symmetrical motion, ankylosis, fixation, or excess motion
should be noted.
Extension subluxations show a less degree of kyphotic movement on flexion
and a greater degree of extension on hyperextension. In flexion subluxations,
the motion is opposite; ie, flexion of the segment shows a greater tendency of
segmental kyphotic movement, and hyperextension produces less segmental
Next, ask the patient to rotate to both the right and left. A rotary
subluxation, by being further accentuated, may be confirmed. Excessive lateral
flexion to the right or left helps to confirm a fixated form of subluxation as
the patient bends laterally right and left.
Nerve Tracing
Nerve trace by palpating any tender nerve from an inflammatory zone to its
spinal exit. It is necessary in nerve tracing to perform deep palpation with
considerable pressure to elicit tenderness along the nerve pathway and thus
determine its course. Once a sensitive point along a nerve pathway is found by
digital exploration, continue palpating along the anticipated course of the
nerve. If tenderness is lost, apply pressure above or below the expected
course by palpating in a half-moon direction. The nonactive hand holds a skin
pencil to mark the course of tenderness. If a tender nerve passes under a bone
or thick muscles where tenderness cannot be elicited, try to anticipate its
route and pick it up past the obstruction where the nerve will again be
elicited by tenderness. This is common when a nerve passes under the scapula
or clavicle and where the pathway must be reaffirmed.
The Lumbar Spine and Pelvic Girdle
Inspect the skin for discolorations, bulges and masses, lipomata and hairy
patches that may be associated with underlying bony pathology, birth marks and
large port-wine blemishes suggesting spina bifida, and skin tags or
pedunculated tumors suggesting neurofibromatosis when associated with
caf-au-lait spots. From the posterior, note level of the PSISs, iliac crests,
greater trochanters, ischial tuberosities, gluteal folds, pelvic rotation, and
general stance. Check the depth of the lumbar curve from the side. From the
front, observe the level of the ASISs and any pelvic sway, and compare with
other aspects noted from the posterior and lateral.
Squat in front of the standing patient. Place your palms on the lateral
waist of the patient and your thumbs on the ASISs. Note level and tenderness
of the area. With your fingertips, locate the iliac tubercles at the widest
points on the iliac crests. If the tubercles are not level, pelvic obliquity
is shown. Next, keep your thumbs on the ASISs, drop your fingertips to the hip
joints, and palpate the area of the greater trochanters posteriorly,
laterally, and anteriorly. Check the level of the trochanters and for area
tenderness, spasm, or masses. Palpate the pubic tubercles by keeping the
fingertips anchored on the trochanters and dropping your thumbs medially and
obliquely along the inguinal creases to the pubic tubercles under the pubic
hair and fat pad. Note the level of the tubercles and any area tenderness.
Palpate the posterior aspect of the lumbar spine with the patient
standing. Locate the L4--L5 interspace at the level of the tops of the iliac
crests, then palpate from below upward each spinous process and interspace.
Next, palpate inferiorly the small spinous processes of the sacrum. Check the
posterior aspect of the coccyx and correlate with rectal findings. Palpate
the sacral triangle formed by the two PSISs and the coccyx. Especially note
tenderness in the sacrotuberous ligament between the PSIS and the ischium.
Place the patient prone, and examine the supraspinous ligaments that
connect the spinous processes of the lumbar and sacral vertebrae. The
interspinous ligaments between the spinous processes are not usually palpable,
but midline lipomata may be found. Next, deeply palpate the superficial
paraspinal muscles. Note tenderness, defects, and spasm bilaterally, and judge
relative size and consistency. Palpate the hip extensor group in the posterior
quadrant of the pelvis. Hamstring origins are best felt when the patient is
laterally recumbent.
Palpate the anterior aspect of the lumbar spine with the patient supine
and his knees comfortably flexed. With the patient's arms crossed on his
chest, instruct him to do a quarter situp while you palpate the anterior
abdominal muscles. Palpate the anterior hip flexor group of muscles, and then
check the rectus femoris muscle area that serves as both a hip flexor and knee
extensor. Examine the hip adductor group in the medial quadrant. Next, flex,
abduct, and externally rotate the subject's hip on the side being examined by
placing the patient's lateral ankle on his opposite knee.
Examine the femoral triangle formed superiorly by the inguinal crease,
medially by the adductor longus muscle, and laterally by the sartorius muscle
ridge. Portions of the adductor longus, pectineus, and iliopsoas muscles form
the floor of the triangle. Palpate superficially for medial lymph nodes,
tenderness from abscess, the inguinal ligament between the ASIS and the pubic
tubercle, under the inguinal ligament for signs of hernia, and below the
inguinal ligament's midpoint for the femoral artery and pulse, which is
normally quite strong. The femoral nerve lateral to the artery and femoral
vein medial to the artery are not usually palpable.
Assess the origin of the sartorius muscle located slightly below the ASIS.
Check the adductor longus muscle, which is felt as a ridge extending from the
symphysis pubis toward the midline of the thigh. Its proximal end will feel
like a prominent cord and sometimes is tender from strain. Palpate deeply for
the femoral head beneath the femoral artery, but it is usually not palpable.
With the patient on his side with his upper knee flexed, determine the
state of the trochanteric bursa, which is normally not tender unless inflamed
and then has a boggy feel. Check the insertion of the gluteus medius muscle
at the upper lateral portion of the trochanter. The sciatic nerve may be
palpable deep at a midpoint between the ischial tuberosity and the greater
trochanter when the patient's hip is flexed. Differentiate sciatic tenderness
from possible ischial bursitis.
Assess the hip abductor group in the lateral quadrant of the pelvic
girdle. Palpate the origin of the gluteus medius under the lip of the
posterior iliac crest completely around from the PSISs to the ASISs. Note
spasm, fibrofatty nodules (often trigger points), or tenderness suggesting
neuromata of the cluneal nerves. Palpate the belly of the gluteus medius to
its insertion at the anterior and lateral aspects of the trochanter. Have the
patient bring his knee to his chest and palpate the origins of the hamstring
muscles on the ischium. Note size, shape, consistency, and symmetry
To assess intrapelvic mobility, place the patient in the sitting position
where the sacrum readily flexes and turns between the two ilia. To produce
this movement, your stabilizing arm grasps the opposite shoulder of the
patient across his chest and rotates the patient to a maximum while your
palpating fingers follow the sacral spinouses in their movement. The lumbar
region will also rotate and flex in order to follow the line of the thoracic
vertebrae, which move laterally in a wide arc. The emplacement of the sacrum
can also be roughly judged by the direction of the buttocks line. Partial
iliac mobility in the sitting position can be palpated by putting the thumb on
the crest or on the PSIS and following it forward and downward as the thorax
rotates in that direction. In lateral flexion, a similar movement of the
sacrum takes place, with a maximum of flexion and a minimum of rotation. To
feel this, the patient's shoulders must be put into lateral bending and an
attempt must be made to concentrate the movement in the area being palpated.
The ilia again make an effort to follow this movement into lateral flexion,
with the distal ilia flaring away.
When lumbar active range of motion is normal, there is no need to test
passively. If a patient is seen who replaces normal lumbar motion by
exaggerated hip motion, or vice versa, the range of motion of the restricted
lumbar or hip joints should be passively tested. To measure flexion, have the
standing patient flex forward and attempt to touch the floor with his
fingertips. Measure the floor-fingertip distance. To test lumbar extension,
have the standing patient bend backward as far as possible. Give the patient
support by placing one hand firmly on the patient's sacrum and the other hand
on the patient's anterior chest.
Keeping in mind that lateral bending is always accompanied by a degree of
rotation, stabilize the standing or sitting patient's right iliac crest and
have him lean to the left as far as possible. Then do the same maneuver for
the other side, and note the degree of lateral flexion. To test for lumbar
rotation, stabilize the patient's pelvis and ask him to turn as far as
possible to the left and then to the right.
All hip maneuvers should be tested bilaterally. Ask the standing patient
in the neutral position to spread his legs as far apart as possible to
evaluate abduction. To test active adduction, the standing patient in the
neutral position is asked to alternately cross the left leg in front of the
right and then the right leg in front of the left.
To test hip abduction passively, place the supine patient in the neutral
position and stand at the patient's side, Place your stabilizing forearm
across the patient's pelvis while your active hand grasps one leg of the
patient and slowly abducts the limb as far as possible, At the end of
abduction, notice that the pelvis under the stabilizing arm will begin to
move. Passive hip adduction is tested in the same manner by bringing the
patient's limb horizontally across the other limb. Very muscular or fat upper
thighs will restrict arc of adduction.
In testing active hip flexion, instruct the patient to alternately draw
each knee up to his chest as far as possible without bending his back. The
knee should normally come near the thorax. Flexion and extension can be
grossly judged by having the patient sit in a chair and cross one leg over the
other, first one side and then the other. Flexion, abduction, and external
rotation can thereafter be tested as a group motion by having the patient
uncross his knees and place his lateral ankle on his opposite knee, first one
side then the other. But passive hip flexion is a better measure.
Next, the supine patient should be placed in a straight line with the
trunk square to the pelvis so that a line drawn between the ASISs strikes the
midline at right angles. Place a stabilizing hand under the patient's lumbar
spine and flex both of the patient's hips by bringing them toward the abdomen
as far as possible with the knees flexed. The thighs should normally rest
against the patient's abdomen and almost touch the chest. Then perform the
Thomas test by having the patient hold one flexed knee with his hands while
the other limb is allowed to extend fully. If the extended limb does not
extend fully or if he rocks his chest forward or arches his back (felt by the
stabilizing hand) during the maneuver, a fixed flexion contracture of the hip
is suggested. Test bilaterally.
Active extension can be tested roughly in the sitting position by having
the patient fold his arms across his chest and keep his back straight while he
arises from the chair. Judge passive extension with the patient prone and his
ankles on a small roll to relax his hamstrings. Stabilize the pelvis by
placing an arm horizontally across the upper pelvic area about the level of
the iliac crests. Your active hand is placed under the patient's thigh above
the knee and an upward lifting motion is made to extend the hip with the
patient's knee kept extended.
It is difficult to test active internal and external rotation of the hip.
To test passive internal and external rotation in extension, place the patient
supine in the neutral position and place a dot with a marking pencil in the
center of each patella. Stand at the foot of the examining table and grasp
each leg of the patient just above the ankle. The legs are rotated internally
and externally, noting the movement of the dot on each patella to judge the
range of motion. To test passive hip rotation in hip flexion, have the patient
sit upright with knees hanging from the edge of the table. Stabilize the
patient's femur with one hand while your active hand, placed just above the
ankle, moves the limb laterally and medially in an arc to test internal and
external rotation of the hip.
In testing lumbar area muscle strength, the principles are the same as for
other areas. Have the patient perform active range of motion tests for
flexion, extension, right and left lateral flexion, and right and left
rotation. Then have the patient perform the same motions against resistance
and grade muscle strength. In assessing hip muscle strength, evaluation is
made of the muscle groups controlling flexion, extension, abduction, and
adduction to judge the integrity of the muscles and their nerve supply. All
muscles should be tested bilaterally.
Observe general characteristics and then inspect for details. Inspect
overall bilateral symmetry, rhythm of motion, arm swing during gait,
smoothness in reach, and patterns of pain, and confirm general circulatory and
neurologic symptoms. Check for abnormal limb rotation or adduction. Note skin
discolorations, masses, scars, blebs, swellings and lumps, abrasions, and
signs of underlying pathology. Check the relationship of the neck to the
shoulder girdle.
With the patient sitting, inspect the anterior aspect of the shoulder
girdle starting with the clavicle. Note the normal symmetrical fullness and
roundness of the anterior aspect of the deltoid as it drapes from the acromion
over the greater tuberosity of the humerus. Stand behind the patient and
observe the symmetrical dimensions of the scapulae such as size, position,
conformity with the rib cage, and outline.
Note the carrying angle of the elbow. Inspect the arm, elbow, and forearm
for scars that may have resulted in contractures. Seek needle-puncture marks.
Observe overall contour, lumps, and skin texture. Inspect the hands in their
rest attitude and during function such as in writing, undressing, and shaking
hands. Note the bony framework, contours, finger webbing, muscle development,
color and texture of the skin. Inspect for swellings, nodes, asymmetrical
development or deformities, nail abnormalities or discolorations. Check for
nodes and swan-neck deformity. Inspect the fingertips and nails for signs of
Screen bilateral skin temperature and for abnormal protuberances,
crepitation, abnormal continuity and asymmetry. Soft-tissue palpation should
evaluate tissue firmness, muscle tone and size (hypertrophy, atrophy),
tenderness, and normal relationships with bone. Seek masses, lumps, exostoses,
or other anatomical variations. See Figure 2.11.
Stand behind the sitting patient and begin bilateral anterior palpation at
the suprasternal notch and sternoclavicular junction, then move laterally
along the anterior superior surface of the clavicle. Palpate the bony anterior
and posterior portion of the acromion, then the greater tuberosity of the
humerus lying below the lateral edge of the acromion. Three of the four
muscles comprising the rotator cuff present palpable insertions at the greater
tuberosity of the humerus. To palpate the cuff as a whole, place your active
fingers slightly inferior to the anterior border of the acromion while your
other hand grasps the patient's lower arm and moves his elbow posteriorly.
Gently palpate the bicipital groove with the fingers of one hand while
your other hand grasps the patient's forearm and rotates the humerus in and
out. Note crepitation on movement, tenderness, or unusual mass. Next, palpate
the deltopectoral groove. The tip of the coracoid process, level with the
lesser tuberosity, will be found below, posterior, and lateral to the deepest
portion of the lateral clavicular concavity in the deltopectoral triangle
under the pectoralis major muscle.
Starting at the shoulder tip, palpate the acromion posteriorly and
medially as it tapers into the scapular spine. Next, probe the scapula's
superior medial angle, the entire medial border of the scapula, the inferior
triangle, and the entire lateral border until it disappears under the heavy
shoulder muscles. From the superior-lateral border of the scapula, begin to
palpate the axilla. Probe for tenderness, lymph node enlargement, muscle tone
and size, masses, and other abnormal findings. Roll the soft tissues gently
between your thumb and fingers to check tone, consistency, enlarged nodes,
tenderness, or masses.
Check the major muscles throughout their origin, belly, and insertion (eg,
the pectoralis major, deltoid, biceps, triceps, serratus anterior, trapezius,
rhomboids, and latissimus dorsi). Recheck the sternocleidomastoideus if
abnormalities have been found in associated muscles. Probe for anatomical
deviations, gaps, tone, spasm, swelling, and lumps. Always compare signs
In the elbow, carefully palpate the medial and lateral epicondyle of the
humerus, the medial and lateral supracondylar line of the humerus, the
olecranon process and fossa, and the posterior ulnar border. The limb should
be hanging in a relaxed position during palpation. Check general bony
relationships by placing your thumb on the lateral epicondyle, index finger on
the olecranon, and middle finger on the medial epicondyle. With the elbow
flexed, palpate the radial head located within the depression medial and
posterior to the wrist extensors while you pronate and supinate the forearm
with the stabilizing hand. See Figure 2.12.
Palpate the soft tissues of the elbow and forearm in a linear fashion,
proximally to distally, beginning with the medial aspect. Then palpate the
posterior aspect, lateral aspect, and finally the anterior aspect of the
forearm. The patient's elbow should be flexed 90°, and the patient's shoulder
should be slightly extended and abducted to make the medial soft tissues
available throughout palpation.
Gently palpate the soft, tubular ulnar nerve within the groove between the
medial epicondyle and the olecranon, and follow its course until it
disappears. Then palpate the wrist flexor-pronator muscles from their common
tendon at the medial condyle down the forearm throughout their course into the
wrist. Check the deeper medial soft tissues for tenderness, lumps, gaps, etc,
both with the patient's fist tight and relaxed. Check for enlarged lymph nodes
along the medial supracondylar line. Move to the posterior aspect and palpate
the olecranon bursa area for signs of inflammation or rheumatoid nodules.
Trace the distal triceps muscle heads to their origin.
Palpate the wrist extensors on the lateral aspect of the forearm, felt as
a mobile mass originating from the lateral epicondyle and its supracondylar
line. Check the area over the lateral collateral ligament. The biceps belly
and tendon is best palpated when the patient tightens his supinated fist and
lifts upward against the examiner's resistance. The musculocutaneous nerve
lies just lateral to the biceps tendon but is not palpable because of its deep
location. Medial to the biceps tendon is the brachial artery (and pulse), and
medial to the artery is the median nerve, which is felt as a round tube.
Palpate the bones of the wrist as a whole, and probe around the radial
styloid process. Have the patient extend his thumb away from his fingers and
palpate the anatomical snuffbox. Note if the radial artery is palpable as it
crosses the carpal navicular bone. A palpable nontender ganglion may be found
on either the dorsal or volar aspect of the wrist. Palpate each of the six
wrist tunnels and their tendons along their course. Check for rupture of the
tendon in the third tunnel. Check the easily fractured scaphoid by sliding it
out from under the radial styloid by ulnar deviating the wrist. Have the
patient flex and extend his thumb while you lower your fingers to check the
trapezium and 1st metacarpal articulation.
On the dorsum of the waist, palpate Lister's tubercle of the radius and
down around the lunate, capitate, and third metacarpal, with the wrist
slightly flexed. Palpate the ulnar styloid process, then radial deviate the
wrist and check the cuneiform --a common site of fracture. Palpate the
dorsal extensor tendons as the patient extends his wrist and fingers.
Turn the patient's hand over and inspect the plantar surface of the wrist.
Palpate the pisiform and over the hook of the hamate. Next, palpate (with the
patient's wrist flexed) above the pisiform for the enclosing flexor carpi
ulnaris, which may contain calcific deposits. The pulse of the ulnar artery is
felt just proximal to the pisiform as it runs along the ulnar bone. Palpate
the palmaris longus as it bisects the anterior wrist and the deeper carpal
tunnel. Move radially to palpate (with the patient's wrist flexed) the flexor
carpi radialis as it crosses the navicular. Note any atrophy of the thenar or
hypothenar eminence. Probe the palmar aponeurosis for nodules leading to
flexion deformity. Note any audible or palpable snapping of tendons as the
patient flexes and extends his fingers. Then, with your thumb and 1st finger,
bidigitally palpate each metacarpal and interphalangeal joint.
Joint Ranges of Motion
Active ranges of joint motion should be tested for the shoulder girdle,
elbow, wrist, and fingers. If active motion is normal, there is usually no
need to test passive motion unless unusual circumstances exist that make
active motion difficult. As in all range of motion tests, passive motion
should not be attempted if there is possibility of fracture, dislocation, or
severe tissue tears.
Test shoulder girdle elevation and depression by having the patient hunch
his shoulders and return to the normal position. Test active external rotation
and abduction by having the patient reach up and over his shoulder and attempt
to touch the spinal border of the opposite scapula. External rotation and
abduction can be tested bilaterally at the same time by having the patient
place both hands behind his neck with interlocking fingers; then the elbows,
which are initially pointing forward, are moved laterally and posteriorly in
an arc. If you wish to check solely glenohumeral joint passive abduction, your
stabilizing hand should anchor the scapula while your active hand passively
abducts the patient's arm with his forearm held horizontal.
Check internal rotation and adduction by having the patient reach across
his chest, keeping his elbow as close to the chest as possible, to touch the
opposite shoulder tip. Test full active bilateral abduction by having the
patient abduct his arms horizontally to 90° while keeping elbows straight and
palms turned upward, then continuing abduction in an arc until his hands meet
in the middle over his head. During passive flexion and extension, the
stabilizing hand should be placed on the acromion to fix the upper shoulder
area and scapula.
Active flexion of the elbow is judged by having the patient touch his
ipsilateral shoulder with his supinated hand, and extension is checked by the
patient straightening his elbow as far as possible. Test active pronation and
supination with the patient's elbow flexed 90° and firmed against the waist.
Instruct the patient to turn his closed fist first downward so that the palmar
surface is parallel with the floor and then upward so that the dorsal surface
is parallel with the floor. If a blockage is obtained in active motion, check
passive motion and note the type of block and degree of restriction.
Active flexion, extension, ulnar deviation, and radial deviation of the
wrist are tested simply by having the patient flex and extend his wrist, and
then deviate the wrist medially and laterally. Supination and pronation tests
have been described previously with the forearm.
Test finger active metacarpophalangeal motion by stabilizing the patient's
wrist and having him extend and flex with your hand holding the digits
straight. Judge active proximal interphalangeal motion by stabilizing the
metacarpophalangeal joints and having the patient extend and flex his proximal
interphalangeal joints. Check active distal interphalangeal movement by
stabilizing the proximal interphalangeal joints and having the patient extend
and flex his distal interphalangeal joints. Observe finger abduction and
adduction by having the patient place his hand flat and spread his fingers
apart and then tight. Judge individual joint motion restriction in all normal
directions and test passively if necessary.
Test active overall thumb flexion, extension, abduction and adduction by
having the patient touch the tip of his thumb to the base of his little
finger, to each fingertip, then extending the thumb as far as possible
laterally. If joint restriction is noted, check both joints passively.
Muscle Strength
Test muscle strength of the shoulder by applying increasing resistance
against shoulder flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, external rotation,
internal rotation, scapular elevation, scapular retraction, and scapular
protraction. Test muscle strength of the elbow by applying resistance to elbow
flexion, extension, forearm supination, and forearm pronation. Test muscle
strength of the wrist muscles in extension and flexion. Test muscle strength
of the hand through finger flexion and extension, finger abduction and
adduction, thumb extension and flexion, thumb abduction and adduction. Finish
by testing general grip strength with a dynamometer.
While described separately in this chapter, muscle strength is generally
tested immediately following joint range of motion tests. This conserves
examination time.
The Lower Extremity
Observe the weight-bearing knee, and note carriage, stance, and swing
during gait. Inspect for loss of normal contours and signs of possible muscle
atrophy, especially above the knee. From the anterior, note symmetry and level
of patellas. Check degree of genu varum or valgum bilaterally. Compare
quadriceps bilateral symmetry and seek signs of atrophy. From the side,
observe any degree of hyperextension and possible genu recurvatum.
Before the ankle and foot are inspected, check the patient's shoes for
unusual wear, scuffing, creases, bulges, and deformity. Palpate the foot
within the shoes for stress points. Observe the patient's foot posture first
in the standing position with shoes on, both A-P and P-A. Note inward and
outward roll of foot and ankle. Check shoe size by placing an index finger at
the widest part of the shoe. Check shoe length by palpating for the longest
toe in the shoe. Then, check shoes for heel balance and slippage. Next, check
for shank strength, heel and sole wear, and inside the shoes for sharp
fasteners or rough stitching.
Remove the patient's shoes and inspect again the A-P and P-A foot posture,
and the degree of pronation or supination. Drop a plumb line from the center
of each patella and note deviation from the midline of the ankle. Insert an
index finger under the inner longitudinal arch to a point midway under the
foot and palpate the plantar fascia for tension. Rotate the foot to its outer
border and the knee laterally, then repeat plantar palpation. Check the
effects of foot pronation by measuring the amount of knee rotation.
Place a mark with a skin pencil in the middle of each patella, and measure
the distance between the marks. Then roll the feet to outer borders and
measure the distance between patella marks.
Count the toes, and note gross deformities. The toes should be straight,
flat, equal bilaterally, and proportional to each other. Note any swelling,
redness, abnormal skin texture, overlapping toes, and the general shape of the
dorsum of the foot and longitudinal arch in both the weight-bearing and
relaxed positions. Inspect the toes for ingrown nails, claw toes, or hammer
Circulatory Screening
An elevated pink foot that markedly deepens in color in the standing
position suggests arterial insufficiency or vascular disease. Note venous
filling time on the dorsum of the foot simultaneously. Collapsed veins should
fill within 12 seconds on standing. If pulses are absent in an ankle, seek the
most distal palpable pulse and auscultate for an audible bruit (suggesting the
site of obstruction).
Apply finger pressure to the medial dorsal area of the weight-bearing
foot, and note time for the white spot to disappear. Then rotate weight to the
outer border and repeat the test. To evaluate capillary filling time of the
toes, compress a selected toe until it blanches white, then release pressure
quickly. Normal color should return within 6 to 10 seconds.
The major bony areas to palpate on the medial aspect of the knee are the
medial tibial plateau, the tibial tubercle, the medial femoral condyle, the
medial epicondyle, and the adductor tubercle. See Figure 2.13. Check such soft
tissues as the medial meniscus and collateral ligaments bilaterally. Then
palpate the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles. Examine the
infrapatellar tendon from the patella to the tibial tubercle. Assess the
superficial and deep infrapatellae bursae and the prepatellar bursa. Try to
locate for the small coronary ligaments. It is helpful to rotate the tibia
internally during palpation; retraction of the meniscus is often felt when the
tibia is externally rotated.
Next, palpate the medial collateral ligament located between the medial
femoral epicondyle and the tibia. It is usually unpalpable unless torn by
valgus stress. The medial femoral condyle is medial to the patella, below the
junction of the femur and tibia. Check for possible signs of osteoarthritis in
this area. Move slightly upward, check the medial epicondyle, then move
further upward and check the adductor tubercle located on the posterior part
of the medial femoral epicondyle. Check tautness and tenderness of the tendons
of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles that form a visible
ridge on the posteromedial aspect of the knee prior to inserting into the
lower portion of the medial tibial plateau.
On the anterior aspect of the knee, check the quadriceps insertions, the
infrapatellar tendon, and the bursae of the knee. Palpate upward along the
femoral condyles to above the patella, and then palpate the midline trochlear
groove in which the patella glides. With the knee extended, check patellar
mobility, and attempt to palpate the tissues under the medial and lateral
sides of the patella. To test the quality of the articulating surface of the
patella in the trochlear groove of the femur, perform the patella "grinding"
test. Check for possible patella subluxation, dislocation, and subpatellar
edema. Next, palpate the insertion of the quadriceps along the upper and
medial borders of the patella, and then check the quadriceps tendon over the
patella as it becomes the infrapatellar tendon. Examine for transverse tears
just above the patella in the rectus femoris and vastus intermedius.
Palpate each thigh simultaneously to check symmetry and possible
unilateral atrophy. If doubtful, measure the circumference of each thigh with
a flexible tape.
On the lateral aspect of the knee, palpate the lateral tibial plateau, the
lateral tubercle, the lateral femoral condyle, the lateral femoral epicondyle,
and the head of the fibula. Then check such soft tissues as the lateral
meniscus, the lateral collateral ligament, the anterior superior tibiofibular
ligament, the biceps femoris tendon, the iliotibial tract, and the common
peroneal nerve. Palpate deeply into the lateral joint space for the lateral
meniscus, which is attached to the popliteus muscle rather than the lateral
collateral ligament. Before palpation of the lateral aspect is concluded, roll
the common peroneal nerve very lightly between your fingertip and the neck of
the fibula to check its integrity.
On the posterior aspect of the knee, examine the popliteal fossa, wherein
is found the posterior tibial nerve, the popliteal vein and artery, and the
two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. Examine the area of origin of the two
heads of the gastrocnemius found above the lateral and medial condyles.
Next, palpate the ankle (Fig. 2.14) and foot. Note any bony excrescences,
masses, deep callosities, or tenderness. Check skin moisture, note skin
texture and tone, evaluate muscle tone, and seek tight ligaments. The head of
the 1st metatarsal bone is easily palpated at the ball of the foot. Palpate
the joint of the first metatarsophalangeal and the head of the 1st metatarsal.
Check for hallux valgus, bunion, or gouty tophi. Then proceed proximally to
the 1st metatarsocuneiform bone. Move to the navicular tubercle, which is felt
as the next bony prominence. Next, place your fingers on the head of the
talus, which is found midway on a line between the medial malleolus and the
navicular tubercle.
Move palpating fingers to the small sustentaculum tali (if palpable),
which is less than an inch below the malleolus. Move to the medial malleolus
at the distal end of the tibia. The medial collateral ligament may be palpable
just distal to the malleolus and will be quite sensitive in sprain. Palpate
the often visible long saphenous vein just anterior to the malleolus, and note
signs of varicosity. Move your fingers to the small medial tubercle of the
talus, and then palpate the medial aspect of the calcaneus.
In palpating the sinus tarsi area anterior to the lateral malleolus, fix
the heel with one hand and place the thumb of the active hand in the
soft-tissue depression in front of the lateral malleolus. Palpate the
underlying aspect of the calcaneus and the cuboid articulation. With the thumb
in the same position, invert the foot and deeply palpate the neck of the
talus. Invert and plantar flex the foot, and palpate the dome of the talus.
Then examine the area over the inferior tibiofibular joint located just above
the talus.
Passing between the malleoli from medial to lateral is the prominent and
medial tibialis anterior tendon, which is best felt during foot inversion and
dorsiflexion; the next lateral extensor hallucis longus tendon, which is best
felt during extension of the great toe; the superficial dorsal pedal artery;
and the extensor digitorum longus tendon, which is best felt when the toes are
extended. The pulse of the dorsal pedal artery can be felt between the
extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum longus tendons of the dorsum
of the foot.
Palpate the joint of the 5th metatarsophalangeal and the prominent head of
the 5th metatarsal. Carefully palpate the bursa overlying the lateral side of
the head of the 5th metatarsal. Next, proceed proximally to the styloid
process, to the cuboid bone, to the peroneal tubercle on the calcaneus distal
to the lateral malleolus, to the lateral malleolus, to the lateral aspect of
the calcaneus, and then to the sinus tarsi area. Then palpate the easily
injured lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle.
Palpate the tendon of Achilles as it inserts on the calcaneus and its
course in the lower third of the calf. Signs of tenderness, swelling,
tenosynovitis, or crepitation should be noted. To test the integrity of the
gastrocnemius and soleus, firmly squeeze the calf of the prone patient.
Normally, foot flexion results, which will be diminished or absent if a tendon
rupture exists. Palpate the area of the retrocalcaneal bursa located between
the anterior surface of Achilles tendon and the top of the heel. Lift the skin
away from the tendon with one hand while you palpate anterior to the tendon.
Then check the calcaneal bursa situated between the insertion of Achilles
tendon and the skin.
The soft-tissue depressions at the sides of the Achilles tendon should be
examined. Within the depression are found the tibialis posterior tendon, the
flexor digitorum longus tendon, the posterior tibial artery and nerve, and the
flexor hallucis longus tendon (which is usually unpalpable). The pulse of the
posterior tibial artery is often difficult to locate. If the pulse is found,
compare bilaterally. Next, palpate the dome of the calcaneus from above
plantarward. Examine the area of the medial tubercle lying on the medial
plantar surface of the calcaneus and check for spurs in adults or signs of
epiphysitis in children. The peronei tendons, passing behind the lateral
malleolus, are best palpated during active eversion and plantar flexion.
Start palpation of the plantar surface at the medial tubercle of the
calcaneus and proceed distally along the medial longitudinal arch to the end
of the toes. The plantar aponeurosis should feel smooth without areas of acute
tenderness. Palpable nodules within the fascia suggest Dupuytren's contracture
(tender under deep pressure) or plantar warts (tender to pinching).
Callosities, as are contractures, are tender to pressure but not to pinching.
Soft corns are often found between the toes, especially between the 4th and
5th toes. Hard corns most often arise in areas of excessive pressure,
especially near the 5th interphalangeal joint. Deep palpation within the
flexor hallucis brevis tendon may elicit signs of sesamoiditis. Palpate each
metatarsal head laterally and the transverse arch immediately proximal. Note
abnormal prominence of any bone, which is especially common at the 2nd or 5th
metatarsal heads and associated with callosities, Check for Morton's neuroma
between the heads of the 3rd and 4th metatarsals.
Stability Screening
When palpation is concluded for the lower extremity, test knee joint
stability for
(2) anterolateral rotary
(3) anterior drawer sign,
(4) posterior drawer sign, and
posterolateral rotary instability. Apply the draw test and lateral/medial
instability tests to the ankle.
Ranges of Motion
To assess active and passive range of motion of the knee, test active
flexion by having the patient attempt to slowly squat in a deep knee-bent
position. Active extension is tested by having the patient arise from this
position to the standing position. Note dominance of one knee over the other
and the smoothness of movement, especially of the last 10° of extension. Test
flexion and extension passively if necessary with the patient prone. Stabilize
the popliteal space with one hand, and grasp the patient's ankle with the
other hand. Flex the leg as far as possible bilaterally, noting the distance
from the heel to the buttock. In testing active knee rotation, have the
patient flex his knee slightly and rotate his foot laterally and medially.
Passive rotation is tested with the patient supine. Place your stabilizing
hand just above the knee and rotate the tibia internally and externally with
your active hand.
Screening tests for active range of motion for the ankle and foot can be
made by toe walking to test plantar flexion and toe motion, heel walking to
test dorsiflexion, lateral-sole walking to test inversion, and walking on the
medial borders of the feet to test eversion.
To test passive ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, firmly stabilize
the heel and hindfoot with one hand and grip the forefoot with the other hand.
Then push the foot into dorsiflexion and plantar flexion with your active
hand. To test passive subtalar inversion and eversion, stabilize the distal
end of the tibia with one hand and firmly grip the patient's heel with your
active hand. Alternately invert and evert the calcaneus. To test passive
forefoot adduction and abduction, stabilize the heel and ankle with one hand
and grip the forefoot firmly in the active hand. Then manipulate the forefoot
medially and laterally to test passive range of motion of forefoot adduction
and abduction. In testing flexion and extension toe motion, first test the
great toe. To test motion of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, stabilize the
foot with one hand while the active hand flexes and extends the joint.
Muscle Strength
To generally evaluate muscle strength of the knee, apply increasing
resistance during knee extension and flexion. Test muscle strength of the
ankle and foot during dorsiflexion and plantar flexion against resistance.
Concluding Remarks
It takes only a few seconds to throw a baseball. Yet, to describe the
biomechanics involved accurately would take scores of pages. The same has been
true for the descriptions in this chapter. The time necessary to complete a
comprehensive physical examination is only a small fraction of the time
necessary to read a description of the procedures involved. With practice,
examination time can be shortened without jeopardizing thoroughness.
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Arlington, VA, American Chiropractic Association, 1988.
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