Integrating Chiropractic Care and Tai Chi Training
for the Treatment of Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain
in Nurses: A Single-Arm Mixed-Methods Pilot Trial

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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FROM:   J Integr Complement Med 2024 (Aug 22) [EPUB] ~ FULL TEXT


Wren Burton • Peter M Wayne • Dan Litrownik • Cynthia R Long • Robert Vining
Pamela Rist • Karen Kilgore • Anthony Lisi • Matthew H Kowalski

Brigham and Women's Hospital and
Harvard Medical School,
Osher Center for Integrative Health,
Boston, MA, USA.

Objectives:   Chronic nonspecific neck pain (CNNP) is prevalent among health care workers, with particularly high rates among nurses. Nurses experiencing CNNP often report decreased job satisfaction, increased absenteeism, and reduced productivity. In recent years, nonpharmacologic approaches have gained attention as effective treatments for the management of CNNP, with exercise and manual therapies representing two of the most common. Early evidence shows that multimodal treatments may be more effective than unimodal strategies. The purpose of this current study was to assess the feasibility and observe the clinical outcomes of combined multimodal chiropractic care (MCC) and Tai Chi (TC) for CNNP in nurses.

Methods:   A single-arm mixed-methods pilot trial was conducted including 16 weeks of MCC and TC in nurses with self-reported CNNP. Feasibility outcomes were recruitment, retention, and adherence to the interventions. Clinical outcomes of interest included neck pain and related disabilities. Secondary outcomes of interest were functional, affective, and work-related performance. Qualitative interviews were also conducted.

Results:   Of the 59 screened, 36 met the eligibility criteria, and 21 were enrolled. The retention rate was 71.4%, and adherence rates were 85.3% for MCC and 62.5% for TC classes. Multiple pain and disability-related outcomes exhibited modest improvement from baseline to 16-week follow-up.

Qualitative analysis identified six emergent themes:

(1)   neck pain being an inherent part of nursing,

(2)   nurses push through their pain,

(3)   MCC relieves pain and is instructive for preventing pain,

(4)   TC provides overall relaxation,

(5)   both interventions increased body awareness and improved posture, and

(6)   scheduling difficulties were a key obstacle for participating.

Conclusions:   Observed reductions in neck pain and disability suggest the potential utility of combined MCC and TC interventions for managing CNNP. Along with qualitative feedback regarding facilitators and barriers to participation, the findings support and inform a future randomized trial evaluating the combined benefits of MCC and TC for CNNP in nurses.

Clinical Trial Registration:   NCT06523036

Keywords:   Tai Chi; chiropractic; exercise; integrative medicine; manual therapy; neck pain; nurses.


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