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Published online 2024 May 27.

Table 3

Odds of chiropractic use in U.S. Population with chronic spine pain using MEPS

OR95% CIOR95% CI
Age SF-12/36 PCS
 18 to 301.00Reference Quartile 11.00Reference
 31 to 501.04(0.83 to 1.29) Quartile 21.39**(1.10 to 1.76)
 51 to 641.03(0.83 to 1.29) Quartile 32.15***(1.61 to 2.89)
 65 to 840.87(0.68 to 1.11) Quartile 42.88***(2.10 to 3.94)
 85 and above0.41**(0.22 to 0.75) SF-12/36 MCS

Sex  Quartile 11.00Reference
 Male1.00Reference Quartile 21.08(0.87 to 1.35)
 Female1.22***(1.09 to 1.36) Quartile 31.36*(1.07 to 1.74)

Race  Quartile 41.47**(1.11 to 1.94)
 Alaskan Native, or American Indian0.57(0.29 to 1.12) QALYs
 Asian0.59**(0.42 to 0.84) Quartile 11.00Reference
 Multiple Race1.02(0.66 to 1.57) Quartile 21.34*(1.05 to 1.71)
 Other Race0.58(0.19 to 1.76) Quartile 31.40*(1.03 to 1.90)
 White1.00Reference Quartile 41.32(0.93 to 1.88)
 Black/African American0.27***(0.21 to 0.34)

 Hispanic0.37***(0.30 to 0.46)
 Not Hispanic1.00Reference

*P≤0.05, **P≤0.01, ***P≤0.001

*Data from MEPS using 12,679 observations representative of 15,604,791 U.S. adults

OR=odds ratio; CI=confidence interval