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Table 1

Sample Characteristics [N = 25,621 unique patients]

Cohort of ProvidersMean Age in Years by GenderGender (% Female)Health Plan‡Region (Urban vs. Rural)†Primary Dx*
ChiroCare Network (CC) (22,066 patients)47 (females) 48 (males)55% (n = 12,079)

70% Private

30% Public

65% (Urban)

32% (Rural)

3% (Missing)

85% Biomechanical Lesions

9% Other Dorsopathies

3% Sprains

3% Strains

Centers of Excellence (3555 patients)

48 (females

49 (males)

59% (n = 2079)

68% Private


86% (Urban)

14% (Rural)

78% Biomechanical Lesions

14% Other Dorsopathies

6% Sprains

2% Strains

Note. the ‘Over 90’ age category is not reflected in patient mean age; ‡ Significant difference in Health Plan between the two Cohorts χ2 = 8.34, p = .004; †Significant difference between the two Cohorts on Region; χ2 = 533.9, p < .001; *Significant difference between the two Cohorts on Primary Dx (based on first visit) χ2 = 139.67, p < .001