Table 3

Primary outcome measures results
StudyIntervention (N)Comparator (N)HI scaleHI: MCID reached for Intervention group (Mean change at short term)HI: MCID reached for Intervention group (Mean change at long term)HF scaleHF: MCID reached for Intervention group (Mean change at short term)HF: MCID reached for Intervention group (Mean change at long term)P value between-groupsRoB
Bodes-Pardo et al. []Trigger point therapy + stretching (10)Sham trigger point therapy (10)NPRS 0–10MCID reached (− 5.4/10 at 1 week)P < .001Unsure

Chaibi et al. []Cervical manipulation (4)Sham manual therapy (4); Control (4)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− 2.3 at 3 months)Days/month− 6 at 3 monthsP values not calculated due to small sample sizeHigh

Dunning et al. []Cervical and thoracic manipulation (58)Cervical and thoracic mobilization and cranio-cervical flexion exercises (52)NPRS 0–10MCID reached (− 4.5/10 at 4 weeks)MCID reached (− 4.3/10 at 3 months)P < .001 at all time pointsLow

Esin et al. []Kinesiotaping (34)Sham taping (34); Education and autonomous rehabilitation instructions (33)VAS 0–100MCID unknown (− 2.3/100 at 4 weeks, − 29.5/100 at 8 weeks)Days/monthMCID reached (− 8 at 4 weeks, − 9.7 at 8 weeks)P < .01 for both comparisons at long term, and for HF at short term. P > 0.05 for HI at short termHigh

Haas et al. []Cervical and thoracic manipulation—8 sessions (20)Moist heat and light massage—8 sessions (20)MVK 0–100MCID unknown (− 21/100 at 12 weeks)MCID unknown (− 18/100 at 24 weeks)Days/4 weeksMCID reached (− 9 at 12 weeks)MCID reched (− 7.6 at 24 weeks)Analysis comparing both intervention groups ot both control groups found P < .05 for all outcomes at all time points, besides P > .05 for HF at 24 weeksLow
Cervical and thoracic manipulation—16 sessions (20)Moist heat and light massage—16 sessions (20)MVK 0–100MCID unknown (− 21/100 at 12 weeks)MCID unknown (− 23/100 at 24 weeks)Days/4 weeksMCID reached (− 9.6 at 12 weeksMCID reched (− 9.4 at 24 weeks)

Haas et al. []Cervical and thoracic manipulation—6 sessions (65)Sham massage (64)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− .5/10 at 6 weeks)MCID unknown (− .6/10 at 24 weeks)Days/4 weeksMCID not reached (− 3 at 6 weeks)MCID not reached (− 5.2 at 24 weeks)P > .05 at all time pointsLow
Cervical and thoracic manipulation—12 sessions (64)Sham massage (64)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− .7/10 at 6 weeks)MCID unknown (− .7/10 at 24 weeks)Days/4 weeksMCID not reached (− 5 at 6 weeks)MCID not reached (− 5.5 at 24 weeks)P > .05 at all time points
Cervical and thoracic manipulation—18 sessions (63)Sham massage (64)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− .9/10 at 6 weeks)MCID unknown (− .6/10 at 24 weeks)Days/4 weeksMCID not reached (− 7.7 at 6 weeks)MCID not reached (− 7.2 at 24 weeks)P < .05 at all time points for HF. P < .05 at 6 and 52 weeks for HI

Hall et al. []C1-2 SNAG (16)Sham SNAG (16)CGH indexMCID unknown (− 21/100 at 4 weeks)MCID unknown (− 28/100 at 24 weeks)CGH indexMCID unknown (− 21/100 at 4 weeks)MCID unknown (− 28/100 at 12 months)P < .001 at 4 weeks and 12 monthsHigh

Jafari et al. []Trigger point therapy (9)No treatment control (10)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− 2.4/10 at 3 weeks)Days/2 weeksMCID reached (− 1.8 at 3 weeks)P < .05 at 3 weeksUnsure

Jull et al. []Spinal mobilization and manipulation (51)No treatment control (48)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− 3 at 7 weeks)MCID unknown (− 2.3/10 at 12 months)Days/weekMCID reached (− 2 at 7 weeks)MCID reached (− 2.2 at 12 months)P < .001 at 7 weeks for both outcomes, P < .05 at 12 months for HI and P < .01 for HFHigh
Low load endurance exercises for cervico-scapular muscle (52)No treatment control (48)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− 3.3 at 7 weeks)MCID unknown (− 2.8/10 at 12 months)Days/weekMCID reached (− 2.4 at 7 weeks)MCID reched (− 2.5 at 12 months)P < .001 for HF at all time points, P < .05 at 7 weeks and P < .01 at 12 months for HI
Combination of the above (49)No treatment control (48)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− 3.4 at 7 weeks)MCID unknown (− 2.7/10 at 12 months)Days/weekMCID reached (− 2 at 7 weeks)MCID reched (− 2.1 at 12 months)P < .001 at all time points

Malo-Urriès et al. []Upper cervical mobilization (41)No treatment control (41)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− .6 post TTT)P < .05Low

Nilsson et al. []Cervical manipulation (28)G2: Deep friction massage, trigger point therapy to upper back and neck, laser light therapy (26)VAS 0–100MCID unknown (− 16/100 at 5 weeks)P < .05Low

Sedighi et al. []Sub-occipital and trapezius dry needling (15)Sham sub-occipital and trapezius dry needling (15)CGH indexMCID unknown (− 8.4 At 1 week)CGH indexMCID unknown (− 8.4 At 1 week)P > .05Unsure

Sharma et al. []Multimodal therapy (spinal mobilization, low load and mobility exercise program for the cervical spine, postural correction intervention) (9)Postural correction (9)VAS 0–100MCID unknown (− 71 at 4 weeks)Days/weekMCID reached (− 5.2 at 4 weeks)P < .05 for both outcome measuresUnsure
Exercise therapy (low load and mobility exercise program for the cervical spine, postural correction intervention) (9)Postural correction (9)VAS 0–100MCID unknown (− 71 at 4 weeks)Days/weekMCID reached (− 5.2 at 4 weeks)P < .05 for HI, P > .05 for HF

von Piekartz et al. []Manual therapy + exercise (TMJ manual therapy, TMJ coordination and ROM exercises) (22)Usual care (cranio-cervical manual and exercise therapy) (21)CAS 0–10MCID unknown (− 3,9 at 3 months, − 4.9 at 6 months)P < .001 at all time pointsUnsure

Yang and Kang []Hot pack and low frequency therapy on trapezius + cranio cervical flexion exercises (10)Hot pack and low frequency therapy on trapezius (10)VAS 0–100MCID unknown (unclear results at 4 weeks)P < .05 reported despite wrong results reported at weel 4High
Hot pack and low frequency therapy on trapezius + sub-occipital relaxation (10)Hot pack and low frequency therapy on trapezius (10)VAS 0–100MCID unknown (wrong 4 weeks measureP < .05 reported despite wrong results reported at weel 4

Youssef and Shanb []Cervical mobilization and exercise (20)Massage and exercise (18)VAS 0–10MCID unknown (− 4.9 at 7 weeks)Days/4 weeksMCID reached (− 4.1 at 7 weeks)P < .05 for both outcome measuresLow

Abdel et al. []Exercise Therapy (stretching, isometric contractions, postural correction) + Graston technique (30)Exercise Therapy (stretching, isometric contractions, postural correction) (30)VAS 0–100MCID unknown (MD = 36.7/100 at 4 weeks)Days/weekValues expressed in median, difference of median for the Intervention group reaching MCID (− 80% from baseline)P = 0.0001 for HI, P = 0.001 for HFLow

Dunning et al. []Spinal manipulation and electrical dry needling (74)Spinal mobilization and scapular and cranio-cervical exercise (68)NPRS 0–10MCID reached (MD = 3.9 at 4 weeks)MCID reached (MD = 4.9 at 3 months)Days/weekMCID reached (MD = 2.9 at 4 weeks)MCID reached (MD = 3.5 at 3 months)P < 0.001 at 4 weeks and 3 months for HI and HFLow

Lerner-Lentz et al. []Spinal manipulation, cranio-cervical and scapular exercise (21)Spinal mobilization and scapular and cranio-cervical exercise (24)NPRS 0–10MCID reached (MD = 4.3 at 1 month)P > 0.05 at all time points. Within-group P < 0.05 for both groups at all timepointsUnsure

Moustafa et al. []Myofascial release, spinal mobilization, cranio-cervical and scapular exercise, Dennerol cervical extension traction (30)Myofascial release, spinal mobilization, cranio-cervical and scapular exercise (30)Days/2 weeksMCID reached (MD = 5.5 at 10 weeks)MCID reached (MD = 10.4 at 1 year)P < 0.001 at all time points for HFHigh

For each trial, the intervention and comparator(s), the number of participants for each group, the measurement scales used for HI and HF, the RoB score, and mean changes with statistical and clinical significance values (P value and MCID) at each time-point are described N number of participants, TMJ temporo-mandibular joint, HI headache intensity, HF headache frequency, MCID Minimal Clinically Important Difference