Table 1
Frequency distributions (weighted percentages unless indicated otherwise) of socioeconomic, demographic, and health characteristics of respondents, and their health-care utilization, by country: Joint Canada/US Survey of Health, 2002–03*
United States Canada Variable Category Any DC care (n = 595) Total pop. (N = 5183) Any DC care (n = 448) Total pop. (N = 3505) Socioeconomic and demographic factors: Age (Years) 18–44 50.3 52.3 56.4 52.3 45–64 37.2 31.7 32.8 32.1 ≥ 65 12.5 16.0 10.8 15.6 Mean (SE) 45.2 (0.7) 45.4 (0.3) 43.4 (0.8) 45.1 (0.3) Median 44 43 42 43 Sex Male 43.4 48.0 47.0 49.1 Female 56.6 52.0 53.0 50.9 Race/ethnicity White only 80.2 69.3 86.8 81.0 Other/multiple 16.7 26.4 13.0 17.7 Education No high school degree or GED 8.4 11.3 15.1 19.4 High school degree or GED 35.8 35.8 32.4 30.6 Some college 14.1 35.3 20.2 21.2 4-year college degree or certificate 39.0 35.3 31.2 27.3 Marital status Married or living with partner 65.9 61.3 69.6 64.7 Widowed 4.6 6.1 3.9 5.7 Separated or divorced 11.4 10.4 7.8 7.7 Single 15.3 18.5 18.4 20.9 Household income (adjusted for household size) Lowest quintile 11.3 15.3 11.5 17.0 Lower middle 18.0 16.4 18.9 17.5 Middle 15.4 14.5 16.6 16.1 Upper middle 18.3 15.2 20.2 17.6 Highest 18.2 14.8 21.6 16.0 Main income source Employment 77.3 72.4 79.7 75.0 Health status and chronic conditions: Chronic conditions (lifetime history) Asthma 13.1 11.4 12.3 10.4 Arthritis 23.2 18.6 20.3 16.8 Hypertension 19.9 22.7 13.0 18.3 Emphysema or COPD 1.8 2.1 1.2 1.3 Diabetes 5.1 6.7 3.9 4.7 Heart disease 4.7 6.0 4.5 5.1 Coronary heart disease 2.1 2.4 1.4 1.8 Angina 1.5 2.9 2.1 3.7 1 or more conditions 38.4 36.8 34.2 33.4 Depression Episode in past 12 months 11.2 8.5 9.0 8.0 Mental health visit Visit in past 12 months 14.8 10.5 14.5 10.1 Emotional problems Happy and interested in life 77.7 77.9 84.8 80.8 Health Utility Index Mean (SE) 0.87 (0.01) 0.87 (<0.01) 0.87 (0.01) 0.88 (<0.01) Self-rated health Excellent 26.1 26.4 23.5 24.0 Very good 36.9 32.5 39.1 36.4 Good 24.9 26.5 25.3 28.0 Fair or poor 12.1 14.6 12.2 11.5 Activity restrictions and lifestyle factors: Pain/activity limits No pain or discomfort 75.2 80.6 75.3 82.0 Activity restrictions Often 9.9 10.1 10.0 9.6 Sometimes 24.4 18.6 25.4 19.8 Never 64.6 69.9 63.9 69.6 Back or neck problems Cause of activity limitations 16.3 9.1 20.1 10.4 Smoking status Current 19.7 22.3 23.6 24.8 Past 28.4 23.5 31.5 28.7 Never 51.5 53.7 44.7 46.2 Body weight Under/normal weight (BMI <25) 40.4 43.5 47.6 48.8 Overweight (BMI 25 – <30) 32.9 32.5 35.2 32.7 Obese (BMI > = 30) 22.9 19.8 14.8 14.8 Physical activity (past 3 months) Active 22.0 21.1 27.0 26.4 Moderate 20.7 20.2 25.2 25.5 Inactive 55.2 55.9 46.9 47.0 Activity frequency (past 3 months) Regular 56.2 55.0 67.1 65.8 Occasional 18.3 16.9 18.4 16.4 Infrequent 23.5 25.2 13.7 16.7 Health-care use and perceptions: Hospitalization 1 or more in past 12 months 10.3 10.2 7.7 9.1 No. of prescriptions 1 or more in past month 66.6 57.5 57.8 55.2 No. of different prescription medications <3 in past 2 days 47.3 37.5 44.4 39.9 3–5 in past 2 days 15.6 14.2 9.8 11.7 6+ in past 2 days 3.7 5.6 3.0 3.3 Health insurance Insured in past 12 months 89.2 86.9 NA NA7 Unmet health-care needs Any in past 12 months 12.5 13.1 11.6 10.7 Regular doctor Yes in past 12 months 84.3 79.5 89.2 84.7 Health care quality (past 12 months) Excellent 41.6 38.2 33.6 36.5 Good 44.4 42.5 48.1 43.3 Fair or poor 11.1 10.5 16.7 13.9 Health care satisfaction (past 12 months) Very satisfied 50.8 48.5 41.2 40.8 Somewhat satisfied 35.9 33.3 40.7 40.4 Less than satisfied 10.3 9.1 16.1 12.1 Quality of MD care† (past 12 months) Excellent 59.6 56.6 52.3 58.3 Good 32.6 32.6 36.0 33.1 Fair or poor 5.2 6.8 11.1 6.9 Satisfaction of MD care† (past 12 months) Very satisfied 69.2 65.2 61.0 64.8 Somewhat satisfied 23.2 25.7 29.2 27.0 Less than satisfied 4.2 4.8 8.9 6.1 Health-care use‡ (past 12 months) Any chiropractic care 100 11.4 100 12.9 GP care only 0 67.2 0 68.8 Both GP and DC care 85.3 9.7 87.7 11.3 Chiropractic care only 14.7 1.7 13.3 1.6 No GP or DC care 0 20.7 0 17.5 Chiropractic visits (past 12 months) 0 0 88.5 0 86.8 1 20.9 2.4 14.7 1.9 2–5 34.9 4.0 34.1 4.4 6–10 15.8 1.8 20.4 2.6 11–20 18.0 2.1 19.5 2.5 21–30 4.6 0.5 6.8 0.9 31+ 5.8 0.7 4.5 0.6 Mean, median 8.22, 4 0.94, 0 8.80, 5 1.14, 0 General practitioner or family doctor visits (past 12 months) 0 14.7 22.5 12.3 19.1 1 22.4 22.8 19.8 21.8 2–5 50.0 41.8 49.7 42.8 6–10 8.2 7.4 9.0 7.9 11–20 2.7 3.9 8.0 6.6 21–30 1.1 0.7 1.0 0.7 31+ 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.5 Mean, median 3.18, 2 2.84, 2 3.69, 2 3.31, 2 All health-care visits (past 12 months) 0 0 6.9 0 5.2 1 0.7 7.3 0.9 7.9 2–5 14.6 38.6 11.4 39.0 6–10 24.1 22.1 22.4 22.3 11–20 28.7 15.3 32.3 15.5 21–30 14.7 4.9 17.6 5.7 31+ 17.2 4.9 15.5 4.5 Mean, median 17.11, 14 8.69, 5 17.97, 15 8.66, 5 * Weighted percentages may not sum to 100 because of missing data or exclusion of certain categories; percentages weighted to account for age, sex, region (Canada only), and race/ethnicity (U.S. only); 595 and 5183 represent 23,513,576 and 206,417,185 adults, respectively, in the U.S.; 448 and 3505 represent 3,105,017 and 24,046,837 adults, respectively, in Canada.
† Most recent visit among respondents reporting at least one visit to a physician in the past 12 months.
‡ Weighted percentages sum to greater than 100 because categories are not mutually exclusive.
DC = Doctor of Chiropractic;
SE = standard error;
COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
BMI = body mass index;
NA = not applicable;
GP = general practitioner or family doctor;
MD = medical doctor.