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Published online 2022 Apr 27.


The rehabilitation definition for research purposes produced with this work

In a healthcare context” (see note), rehabilitation is defined as a “multimodal, person-centered, collaborative process” (Intervention-general) including interventions targeting a person’s “capacity (by addressing body structures, functions, and activities/participation) and/or contextual factors related to performance” (Intervention-specific) with the goal of “optimizing” the “functioning” (Outcome) of “persons with health conditions currently experiencing disability or likely to experience disability, or persons with disability” (Population).


1. This rehabilitation definition focuses on services to address the healthcare needs of individuals. “Health care” can be defined as “…a general term comprising services provided to improve health in the general population as well as to cure diseases and relieve symptoms in diseased patients. Health care may denote the organization of services (e.g., private vs. public health care), a facility (e.g., hospital or healthcare center), as well as the actual delivery of care (e.g., to provide health care or to obtain health care)…” (Allebeck). This rehabilitation definition does not include reintegration into the society of a convicted person.

2. This definition follows the PICO framework in this order: Intervention, Outcome and Population.

3. According to this definition, rehabilitation is defined when all the definition elements are respected.

4. The expression “rehabilitation intervention” is commonly used to describe a single intervention. However, this abbreviation can be a source of confusion. According to this rehabilitation definition, the expression “rehabilitation intervention” is acceptable as an abbreviation of “an intervention within the rehabilitation process.” Conversely, it is not acceptable as an abbreviation of “intervention applied by a rehabilitation professional.” According to this rehabilitation definition, the expression “rehabilitation interventions” does not include single interventions provided by rehabilitation professionals out of the rehabilitation process.