Appendix A: HCFA Guidelines for Patient History Level Selection (E&Ms)

Appendix A
HCFA Guidelines for Patient History Level Selection (E&Ms)


The Health Care Financing Administration has recently produced guidelines which address the level of history recommended for each particular evaluation/management code. The HCFA guidelines specify which factors must be included to qualify for a particular history, as well as the documenting factors which must be included. The history is one factor which determines proper evaluation/management code selection. The factors and their use are summarized in the chart below:

Possible choices for E/M code

Type of History [used to determine proper E/M code]

History of Present Illness [HPI]

• the location of the problem

• the quality

• the severity of the problem

• the duration of the problem

• the timing of the problem

• the context

• modifying factors

• associated signs and symptoms

Review of Systems [ROS]

• eyes

• ears, nose, throat and mouth

• cardiovascular

• respiratory

• gastrointestinal

• genitourinary

• musculoskeletal

• integumentary

• neurologic

• psychiatric

• endocrine

• hematologic or lymphatic

• allergic or immunologic

Past Family and/or Social History [PFSH]

• Past history

• Family history

• Social history

99201 (New) *

99212 (Established)


Brief (1-3 of the above factors)



99202 (New)

99213 (Est)

Expanded problem-focused


(1-3 of the above factors)


(1 of the above systems reviewed )


99203 (New)

99214 (Est)



(4 or more of the above factors)


(2-9 of the above systems reviewed)

Pertinent (1)

99204 (New)

99205 (New)

99215 (Est)



(4 or more of the above factors)


(10 or more of the above systems reviewed)


(2 or 3)

* A "New Patient" (NP) is that patient which has not received any treatment in your clinic...ever, or for at least 36 months prior to today. After the use of a "New Patient" E&M code (99201-05) at the first visit, the patient then becomes an "Established Patient", and the 99211-99215 servies should be used to describe all re-exams and reassessments.

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