A. Risk factors (Documentation):
1. Abnormal illness behavior (Waddell's, SF-36)
2. Job dissatisfaction
3. Past Hx of >4 episodes
4. Symptoms > 1 wk w/o health provision
5. Severe pain intensity (Triple VAS) (>69%)
6. New condition / injury related to pre-existing
structural pathology or skeletal anomaly
7. Weak back extensor musculature
(Static back endurance test)
8. Smokes 1 pack or greater / day
9. Poor self-rated health (SF/HSQ-36 or -12)
10. Heavy Job Classification
B. Yellow Flags
Yellow Flag |
Reference |
Number of pain sites |
Linton, 1998; Linton, 1997 |
Duration of symptoms |
Cherkin, 1996; Von Korff, 1993; Linton 1998; Linton 1997 |
Duration of symptoms before the 1st visit |
Van den Hoogen, 1997 |
Past history of numerous episodes |
Frank, 1996; Cherkin, 1996; Hazard, 1996; Burton, 1995 |
Past hospitalization or surgery for similar complaint |
Van den Hoogen, 1997; Hazard, 1996; Lancourt, 1992 |
Severe pain intensity |
Frank, 1996; Cherkin, 1996; Von Korff, 1993; Linton, 1998; Hazard, 1996 |
Frequency of painful episodes over the last 3 months |
Linton, 1998; Linton, 1997 |
Sciatica |
Frank, 1996; Cherkin, 1996; Burton, 1995; Salim, 1998; Lancourt, 1992 |
Anxiety |
Cherkin, 1996 |
Locus of control |
Burton, 1995 |
Depression |
Cherkin, 1996; Linton, 1998; Linton, 1997; Klennerman, 1995 |
Catastrophizing |
Burton, 1995 |
Self-rated health as poor |
Cherkin, 1996; Waddell, 1996 |
Heavy smoker |
Waddell, 1996; Cats-Baril, 1991; Hazard, 1996 |
Belief that you shouldn’t work with your current pain |
Linton, 1998; Linton, 1997 |
Job dissatisfaction |
Cherkin, 1996; Cats-Baril, 1991 |
Anticipation of trouble sitting or standing at work 6 weeks into the future |
Hazard, 1996 |
Anticipation of disability 6 months into the future |
Hazard, 1996 |
Does physical activity make your pain worse? |
Linton, 1998; Linton, 1997 |
Tolerance for light work |
Linton, 1998; Linton, 1997 |
Is sleep affected by your pain? |
Linton, 1998; Linton, 1997 |
Heavy job demand |
Waddell, 1996 |
Past disability for the same/similar complaint in prior 12 months |
Hazard, 1996 |
Disabled at present |
Hazard, 1996 |
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