Chapter 6: Commonly Used Abbreviations

Chapter 6:

Commonly Used Abbreviations


The abbreviations listed below do not represent a comprehensive listing, or an attempt to replace a medical dictionary. These abbreviations are often used by chiropractors , and originate in the following areas:

    1. Commonly encountered diagnoses
    2. Commonly used abbreviations describing patient symptomatology in daily or progress notes.
    3. Commonly used anatomic abbreviations.

Note that some of the abbreviations can take on different meanings, depending upon the context. For example, the abbreviation "P" can mean either "pulse" or "treatment plan", depending upon its usage.

>: greater than <: less than Ð : arc
d : frequency D : change ¯ : decreased
↑­ : increased Æ : none, no  â : right
L : left B : bilateral ~: approximately
1° : primary 2° : secondary 3° : tertiary
a.: before A: assessment a.c.: before meals
AAROM: active assisted range of motion ab: abdominal AC: acromioclavicular
ad feb.: fever present ad int.: in the interim ad lib.: as wanted
adj.: adjustment adl: activities of daily living agg: aggravate
ant.: anterior AP: anteroposterior AROM: active range of motion
AS: ankylosing spondylitis b.i.d.: twice per day B: bilateral
B/B: Bowel/bladder BCP: birth control pills BM: bowel movement
BP: blood pressure BX: biopsy c: with
c/o: complains of C: cervical CA: carcinoma
CB: contrast bath CBC: complete blood count CBR: complete bed rest
cerv: cervical cmt: chiropractic manipulative therapy COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP: cold packs CP: cerebral palsy cp: cervical pain
c-s: cervical spine c-t: cervicothroacic csa: chiropractic spinal adjustment
CT: computed tomography ctd: cumulative trauma disorder cts: carpal tunnel syndrome
CVA: cerebrovascular accident CVP: central venous pressure D: dorsal [syn. thoracic]
D/C: discontinue DD: differential diagnosis DDD: degenerative disc disease
DIP: distal interphalangeal joint dimin: diminished DJD: degenerative joint disease
DRG: dorsal root ganglion DSLR: double straight leg raise DTR: deep tendon reflex
Dx: diagnosis ECG or EKG: electrocardiogram EEG: electroencephalogram
EMG: electromyography ems: electrical muscle stimulation EPP: end point pain
ES: erector spinae muscles ESI: epidural steroid injection ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate
exacer: exacerbation ext: extension FBG/FBS: fasting blood glucose/sugar
FH: family history fix: fixation flex: flexion
FUO: fever of unknown origin Fx: fracture G-H: Gleno-humeral
GI: gastrointestinal GU: genitourinary HA: headache
Hb or Hgb: hemoglobin Hct: hematocrit HEENT or EENT: head/eyes,ears,nose,throat
hmp: hot moist packs HNP: herniated nucleus pulposis hpi: history of present illness
HR: heart rate HTN: hypertension hv: high volt
HVG: high volt galvanism Hx: history ice mass: ice massage
IF, IFC: interferential current im: intermittent imp: improved
inf.: inferior iso: isometric IT, IST: intersegmental traction
ITB: iliotibial band IUD: intrauterine device ivd: intervertebral disc
ivf: intervertebral foramen JVP: jugular venous pressure KJ: knee jerk
L or lum: lumbar L or Lt: left lat: lateral
LATX: long axis traction LBP: lower back pain lbp: lower back pain
LC: lower cervical LD: lower dorsal LE: lower extremity
llf: left lateral flexion LLI: leg length inequality LLQ: left lower quadrant
lm: lateral meniscus LMN: lower motor neuron lr: left rotation
lum or L: lumbar L/S: lumbosacral l-s: lumbar spine
LT: light touch [sensation] LUQ: left upper quadrant lv: low volt
m: muscle mass: massage mbp: midback pain
MCP: metacarpophalangeal joint MCRC: maximum cervical rotatory compression MCV: mean cell volume
med: medial MI: myocardial infarction MLR: maximum lifting restriction
mm.: muscles mm: medial meniscus mp: motion palpation
MTP: midthoracic pain or metatarsalphalangeal joint MVA: motor vehicle accident myo: muscle
n: nerve nad: no abnormalities detected NBM or NPO: nothing by mouth
NCV: nerve conduction velocity NKC: no know cause NKI: no known injury
n/l: normal limits nn.: nerves nr: nerve root
NSR: normal sinus rhythm O: objective OA: osteoarthritis
OB/GYN: obstetrics and gynecology OC: oral contraceptive oc: office call
occ.: occipital occ.: occasional OTC: over the counter
p: after P: Plan P: pulse
p.c.: after meals p.r.n.: as needed pap.: papanicolaou smear
PE: physical examination PERRLA: pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation PFA: patellofemoral arthralgia
PH: past history phono: phonophoresis PIP: proximal interphalangeal joint
PMI: point of maximum intensity pn, px.: pain PND: postnasal drainage
PNF: proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation PPD: permanent partial disability prn: whenever necessary; as needed
PROM: passive range of motion PT: physical therapy Pt. ed.: patient education
Pt., pt.: patient PT: physical therapist PVC: premature ventricular contraction
px, pn: pain q.a.m.: every morning q.d.: every day
q.h.: every hour q.i.d.: four times per day q.o.d.: every other day
q.p.m.: every afternoon/evening QL: quadratus lumborum R: respiration
RA: rheumatoid arthritis rad: radiate, radiation rlf: right lateral flexion
RLQ: right lower quadrant RTW: return to work RO, R/O: rule out
ROM: range of motion rr: right rotation RUQ: right upper quadrant
Rx: therapy or prescription Rx: medication s: without
S: subjective S: sacral SA: sacral apex
sa: spinal adjustment SB: sacral base SC: sternoclavicular joint
SCM: sternocleidomastoidious muscle sho: shoulder SI: sacroiliac joint
SLR: straight leg raise test sm: spinal manipulation smt: spinal manipulative therapy
SOB: shortness of breath SP: spinous process spondy: spondylolisthesis
SSLR: sitting straight leg raise test ST: sharp touch [sensation] Stat.: immediately, at once
STM: soft tissue massage sup.: superior SWD: short-wave diathermy
Sx: symptoms T: temperature T: thoracic
Telecon: telephone conversation t.i.d.: three times per day thor: thoracic
TIA: transient ischemic attack T/L: thoracolumbar TMJ: temporomandibular joint
tos: thoracic outlet syndrome TP: trigger point TPD: temporary partial disability
TPR: temperature, pulse and respiration TPT: trigger point therapy trap: trapezius
t-s: thoracic spine tt: taut and tender TTD: total temporary disability
ttt: tender to touch tx, txrn: traction Tx: treatment
Tx: telephone call UA, U/A: urine analysis UE: upper extremity
UMN: upper motor neuron URI: upper respiratory infection US: ultrasound
UTI: urinary tract infection UV: ultraviolet VSC: vertebral subluxation complex
WLR: well leg raise test WNL: within normal limits w/o: without
WP: whirlpool x: number of times performed [x2 = twice; x3 =three times, etc.] XR: x-ray
yo: years old z-joint: zygapophyseal joint  

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