>: greater than |
<: less than |
Ð : arc |
d : frequency |
D : change |
¯ : decreased |
↑ : increased |
Æ : none, no |
â : right |
L : left |
B : bilateral |
~: approximately |
1° : primary |
2° : secondary |
3° : tertiary |
a.: before |
A: assessment |
a.c.: before meals |
AAROM: active assisted range of motion |
ab: abdominal |
AC: acromioclavicular |
ad feb.: fever present |
ad int.: in the interim |
ad lib.: as wanted |
adj.: adjustment |
adl: activities of daily living |
agg: aggravate |
ant.: anterior |
AP: anteroposterior |
AROM: active range of motion |
AS: ankylosing spondylitis |
b.i.d.: twice per day |
B: bilateral |
B/B: Bowel/bladder |
BCP: birth control pills |
BM: bowel movement |
BP: blood pressure |
BX: biopsy |
c: with |
c/o: complains of |
C: cervical |
CA: carcinoma |
CB: contrast bath |
CBC: complete blood count |
CBR: complete bed rest |
cerv: cervical |
cmt: chiropractic manipulative therapy |
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CP: cold packs |
CP: cerebral palsy |
cp: cervical pain |
c-s: cervical spine |
c-t: cervicothroacic |
csa: chiropractic spinal adjustment |
CT: computed tomography |
ctd: cumulative trauma disorder |
cts: carpal tunnel syndrome |
CVA: cerebrovascular accident |
CVP: central venous pressure |
D: dorsal [syn. thoracic] |
D/C: discontinue |
DD: differential diagnosis |
DDD: degenerative disc disease |
DIP: distal interphalangeal joint |
dimin: diminished |
DJD: degenerative joint disease |
DRG: dorsal root ganglion |
DSLR: double straight leg raise |
DTR: deep tendon reflex |
Dx: diagnosis |
ECG or EKG: electrocardiogram |
EEG: electroencephalogram |
EMG: electromyography |
ems: electrical muscle stimulation |
EPP: end point pain |
ES: erector spinae muscles |
ESI: epidural steroid injection |
ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
exacer: exacerbation |
ext: extension |
FBG/FBS: fasting blood glucose/sugar |
FH: family history |
fix: fixation |
flex: flexion |
FUO: fever of unknown origin |
Fx: fracture |
G-H: Gleno-humeral |
GI: gastrointestinal |
GU: genitourinary |
HA: headache |
Hb or Hgb: hemoglobin |
Hct: hematocrit |
HEENT or EENT: head/eyes,ears,nose,throat |
hmp: hot moist packs |
HNP: herniated nucleus pulposis |
hpi: history of present illness |
HR: heart rate |
HTN: hypertension |
hv: high volt |
HVG: high volt galvanism |
Hx: history |
ice mass: ice massage |
IF, IFC: interferential current |
im: intermittent |
imp: improved |
inf.: inferior |
iso: isometric |
IT, IST: intersegmental traction |
ITB: iliotibial band |
IUD: intrauterine device |
ivd: intervertebral disc |
ivf: intervertebral foramen |
JVP: jugular venous pressure |
KJ: knee jerk |
L or lum: lumbar |
L or Lt: left |
lat: lateral |
LATX: long axis traction |
LBP: lower back pain |
lbp: lower back pain |
LC: lower cervical |
LD: lower dorsal |
LE: lower extremity |
llf: left lateral flexion |
LLI: leg length inequality |
LLQ: left lower quadrant |
lm: lateral meniscus |
LMN: lower motor neuron |
lr: left rotation |
lum or L: lumbar |
L/S: lumbosacral |
l-s: lumbar spine |
LT: light touch [sensation] |
LUQ: left upper quadrant |
lv: low volt |
m: muscle |
mass: massage |
mbp: midback pain |
MCP: metacarpophalangeal joint |
MCRC: maximum cervical rotatory compression |
MCV: mean cell volume |
med: medial |
MI: myocardial infarction |
MLR: maximum lifting restriction |
mm.: muscles |
mm: medial meniscus |
mp: motion palpation |
MTP: midthoracic pain or metatarsalphalangeal joint |
MVA: motor vehicle accident |
myo: muscle |
n: nerve |
nad: no abnormalities detected |
NBM or NPO: nothing by mouth |
NCV: nerve conduction velocity |
NKC: no know cause |
NKI: no known injury |
n/l: normal limits |
nn.: nerves |
nr: nerve root |
NSR: normal sinus rhythm |
O: objective |
OA: osteoarthritis |
OB/GYN: obstetrics and gynecology |
OC: oral contraceptive |
oc: office call |
occ.: occipital |
occ.: occasional |
OTC: over the counter |
p: after |
P: Plan |
P: pulse |
p.c.: after meals |
p.r.n.: as needed |
pap.: papanicolaou smear |
PE: physical examination |
PERRLA: pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation |
PFA: patellofemoral arthralgia |
PH: past history |
phono: phonophoresis |
PIP: proximal interphalangeal joint |
PMI: point of maximum intensity |
pn, px.: pain |
PND: postnasal drainage |
PNF: proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation |
PPD: permanent partial disability |
prn: whenever necessary; as needed |
PROM: passive range of motion |
PT: physical therapy |
Pt. ed.: patient education |
Pt., pt.: patient |
PT: physical therapist |
PVC: premature ventricular contraction |
px, pn: pain |
q.a.m.: every morning |
q.d.: every day |
q.h.: every hour |
q.i.d.: four times per day |
q.o.d.: every other day |
q.p.m.: every afternoon/evening |
QL: quadratus lumborum |
R: respiration |
RA: rheumatoid arthritis |
rad: radiate, radiation |
rlf: right lateral flexion |
RLQ: right lower quadrant |
RTW: return to work |
RO, R/O: rule out |
ROM: range of motion |
rr: right rotation |
RUQ: right upper quadrant |
Rx: therapy or prescription |
Rx: medication |
s: without |
S: subjective |
S: sacral |
SA: sacral apex |
sa: spinal adjustment |
SB: sacral base |
SC: sternoclavicular joint |
SCM: sternocleidomastoidious muscle |
sho: shoulder |
SI: sacroiliac joint |
SLR: straight leg raise test |
sm: spinal manipulation |
smt: spinal manipulative therapy |
SOB: shortness of breath |
SP: spinous process |
spondy: spondylolisthesis |
SSLR: sitting straight leg raise test |
ST: sharp touch [sensation] |
Stat.: immediately, at once |
STM: soft tissue massage |
sup.: superior |
SWD: short-wave diathermy |
Sx: symptoms |
T: temperature |
T: thoracic |
Telecon: telephone conversation |
t.i.d.: three times per day |
thor: thoracic |
TIA: transient ischemic attack |
T/L: thoracolumbar |
TMJ: temporomandibular joint |
tos: thoracic outlet syndrome |
TP: trigger point |
TPD: temporary partial disability |
TPR: temperature, pulse and respiration |
TPT: trigger point therapy |
trap: trapezius |
t-s: thoracic spine |
tt: taut and tender |
TTD: total temporary disability |
ttt: tender to touch |
tx, txrn: traction |
Tx: treatment |
Tx: telephone call |
UA, U/A: urine analysis |
UE: upper extremity |
UMN: upper motor neuron |
URI: upper respiratory infection |
US: ultrasound |
UTI: urinary tract infection |
UV: ultraviolet |
VSC: vertebral subluxation complex |
WLR: well leg raise test |
WNL: within normal limits |
w/o: without |
WP: whirlpool |
x: number of times performed [x2 = twice; x3 =three times, etc.] |
XR: x-ray |
yo: years old |
z-joint: zygapophyseal joint |