Table 2

Health insurance and healthcare utilization among US adults, ages 20–69, with and without chronic low back pain (N = 5103).

% Total (SE%)
N = 5103
% with cLBP (SE%)
% w/o cLBP (SE%)
Chi-Sq P-valueAdjusted OR (95% CI)AOR P-value
Have medical insurance76.7 (1.1)76.7 (2.0)76.7 (1.3)0.760.91 (0.64–1.28)0.58

Type of insurance
Private76.7 (1.1)61.1 (2.9)79.0 (1.2)<0.00011 (Ref.)<0.0001
Medicare7.0 (0.4)13.2 (1.6)6.1 (0.4)2.25 (1.57–3.22)
Medicaid7.2 (0.5)14.1 (1.4)6.2 (0.6)3.23 (2.19–4.75)
State-sponsored3.6 (0.6)4.0 (0.9)3.6 (0.6)1.51 (0.90–2.54)
Other govt-sponsored5.5 (0.9)7.7 (1.5)5.1 (0.9)1.94 (1.28–2.95)

Healthcare visits in the past year
<237.0 (1.0)23.8 (2.5)39.0 (0.9)<0.00011 (Ref.)<0.0001
2–950.9 (0.9)52.4 (2.9)50.6 (0.8)1.55 (1.12–2.16)
≥1012.1 (0.7)23.8 (1.8)10.4 (0.7)3.35 (2.40–4.67)

Hospitalized overnight in the past year9.8 (0.6)16.5 (2.0)8.8 (0.6)<0.00011.95 (1.47–2.59)<0.0001

SE – standard error. cLBP – chronic low back pain. AOR – adjusted odds ratio, adjusted for age, race, gender, education. CI – confidence interval. Govt – government. Reference category not displayed for binary variables.