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Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 Nov 1.
Published in final edited form as:
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2016 Nov; 68(11): 1688–1694.
doi: 10.1002/acr.22890

Table 3

Factors associated with ≥10 healthcare visits in the past year in US adults with chronic low back pain (N = 700).

≥10 visits/year %
N = 172
<10 visits/year %
N = 528
Chi-Sq P-valueAdjusted ORAOR P-value
Medical Comorbidities
0–139.7 (6)63.6 (2.9)<0.00011 (Ref.)<0.0001
2–330.8 (4.8)26.4 (1.9)1.84 (0.95–3.56)
>329.5 (4.7)10.0 (1.8)5.00 (2.44–10.26)

Employment status
Working37.3 (5.9)62.3 (2.1)0.00041 (Ref.)0.0013
Not working59.7 (5.6)34.7 (2.2)3.00 (1.64–5.46)
Looking for work3.0 (1.8)3.1 (0.8)1.82 (0.37–8.96)

Income from disability24.9 (6.6)8.9 (1.6)0.00062.58 (1.41–4.73)0.0021

<2516.3 (3.9)27.7 (2.5)0.0311 (Ref.)0.255
25–3031.8 (4.3)30.5 (2.5)1.81 (0.87–3.74)
>3052.0 (3.4)41.9 (3.1)1.57 (0.86–2.86)

Smoking status
Never35.7 (4.1)44.7 (2.7)0.0371 (Ref.)0.075
Former34.1 (3.4)24.9 (1.9)1.62 (1.03–2.52)
Current30.3 (3.6)30.4 (2.7)1.12 (0.61–2.06)

PHQ9 score (depression)
1–4 (none)38.3 (5.3)62.4 (3.1)<0.00011 (Ref.)<0.0001
5–9 (mild)20.0 (3.1)21.7 (2.8)1.74 (0.82–3.65)
10–14 (moderate)14.9 (3.7)8.6 (0.9)2.63 (1.19–5.86)
15–19 (moderate-severe)18.9 (6.0)5.5 (0.9)5.09 (2.58–10.03)
20–27 (severe)7.9 (3.3)1.7 (0.4)5.55 (1.27–24.18)

Sleep disturbances72.0 (4.7)46.6 (2.7)<0.00012.29 (1.57–3.33)<0.0001

Unadjusted estimates given with standard error, adjusted odds ratios – with 95% confidence intervals; Chi-Sq – Chi-Square. AOR – adjusted odds ratio, adjusted for age, race, gender, education, number of medical comorbidities. BMI – body mass index. PHQ9 – patient health questionnaire 9. Reference category not displayed for binary variables.