Research on Coenzyme Q10 in Clinical Medicine and in Immunomodulation

Research on Coenzyme Q10 in Clinical
Medicine and in Immunomodulation

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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FROM:   Drugs Exp Clin Res 1985; 11 (8): 539–545

Folkers K, Wolaniuk A

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a redox component in the respiratory chain. CoQ10 is necessary for human life to exist; and a deficiency can be contributory to ill health and disease. A deficiency of CoQ10 in myocardial disease has been found and controlled therapeutic trials have established CoQ10 as a major advance in the therapy of resistant myocardial failure. The cardiotoxicity of adriamycin, used in treatment modalities of cancer, is significantly reduced by CoQ10, apparently because the side-effects of adriamycin include inhibition of mitochondrial CoQ10 enzymes. Models of the immune system including phagocytic rate, circulating antibody level, neoplasia, viral and parasitic infections were used to demonstrate that CoQ10 is an immunomodulating agent. It was concluded that CoQ10, at the mitochondrial level, is essential for the optimal function of the immune system.

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