Energy Transformations in the Biosynthesis of the Immune System: Their Relevance to the Progression and Treatment of AIDS

Energy Transformations in the Biosynthesis
of the Immune System: Their Relevance to
the Progression and Treatment of AIDS

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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FROM:   Med Hypotheses 1992 (Aug);   38 (4):   315–321

Tanner HA

Dysfunction of the immune system is observed in diseases where metabolic respiration is inhibited. Anabolites that enhance oxidative phosphorylation will provide the ATP essential for the biosynthesis of the cellular components and antibodies of the immune system. The induction of Coenzyme Q10 has been observed to protect against tumor growth and to enhance viral immunity in experimental animals. In a pilot study in AIDS patients the energy mediating catalyst elicited remarkable improvement. Additional cellular respiratory stimulants are considered as palliative synergists designed to enhance immunity in HIV infection. Competing antagonists to metabolic respiration acting to negate the effect of F delta in mediating optimal immune response to HIV are evaluated.

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Since 8-19-2001
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