Anticancer Constituents

Catechins are powerful antioxidants found in green tea. They differ slightly in chemical structure from other flavonoids but share their protective properties.

Ellagic acid is a polyphenol that aids in scavenging and detoxifying carcinogenic substances. Ellagic acid is found is Rubus species including raspberries and blackberries, and also apples, grapes and strawberries.

Glutathione is a sulfur-containing antioxidant nutrient with strong anticancer activity. Glutathione is involved with the detoxification of harmful substances. Rich sources of glutathione include asparagus, avocados, broccoli and watermelon.

Isoflavones, particularly genistein and daidzein, have been shown to inhibit tumor growth by inhibiting vascularization of the tumor. Isoflavones also cause tumor cells to become less aggressive. Isoflavones are present in Trifolium species (clover),soybeans and many other legumes. Isoflavones can interfere with the mitotic process of cancer cells.1

Lignans, present in berries, flaxseeds and whole grains, are thought to protect against hormonal cancers due to their antiestrogen activity.

Sulfur-containing compounds such as allyl sulfides and other isothiocyantes promote the glutathione S-transferase system of detoxification, which helps the liver break down carcinogenic substances. Glucosinolates in crucifers, such as cabbage, broccoli and especially their sprouts, promote immune response by enhancing cytokine release and inhibiting enzymes involved with tumor growth.

Terpenes include the carotenoids and limonoids, which have demonstrated potential anticancer effects. They function as antioxidants, protecting lipids, blood and other body fluids from assault by free radicals.

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