Homeopathy Addresses Osteoporosis

Homeopathy should not be relied upon by itself to correct osteoporosis, but it can nevertheless be used as an adjuvant. The homeopathic calciums are the most effective and are best applied in low potency, over long periods. [1, 2]

Arg-met (silver) is well suited for treating osteoporosis, and is also indicated for juvenile bone growth disorders and for fractures of the metatarsal, scaphoid, tarsal and anterior tibia bones.

Calc-carb (calcium carbonate) is one of the main homeopathic remedies for osteoporosis.

Calc-phos (calcium phosphate) is another main remedy for osteoporosis. It may be used for sports-related injuries and occupational diseases.

Calc-fluor (calcium fluoride) is indicated for osteoporosis and other disorders such as Albright's disease, Paget's disease and Recklinghausen's disease.

Potentized cortisone has the exact opposite action of its pharmaceutical form. Overprescribing regular cortisone causes a reduction in bone matrix and may induce osteoporosis. In homeopathic doses, cortisone helps reverse this condition.

Symphytum (comfrey root) is indicated for osteoporosis and is known for "knitting" bones that refuse to mend or are slow to fuse after fracture or break.

—by Richard Hahnemann, a homeopathic researcher and consultant in Arizona.


1. Hershoff A.
Homeopathy for musculoskeletal healing.
Berkeley (CA): North Atlantic Books; 1996. GPS. p 157, 161, 233, 247, 257.

2. Julian OA.
Materia Medica of new homeopathic remedies.
Beaconsfield (UK): Beaconsfield Publishers Ltd.; 1990. GPS. p 77, 192, 357, 384, 392, 476, 607.

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