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Table 4:

The American Academy of Neurology has released new guidelines on the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy (2011). 60
 Level of evidence
Level 1Strong evidence
 Recommended drug and dose
 Pregabalin, 300–600 mg/d 
Level 2Moderate evidence
 Recommended drug and doseNot recommended
 Gabapentin, 900–3,600 mg/dOxcarbazepine
 Sodium valproate, 500–1,200 mg/dLamotrigine
 Venlafaxine, 75–225 mg/dLacosamide
 Duloxetine, 60–120 mg/dClonidine
 Amitriptyline, 25–100 mg/dPentoxifylline
 Dextromethorphan, 400 mg/dMexiletine
 Morphine sulphate, titrated to 120 mg/dMagnetic field treatment
 Tramadol, 210 mg/dLow-intensity laser therapy
 Oxycodone, mean 37 mg/d, max 120 mg/dReiki therapy
 Capsaicin, 0.075% QID 
 Isosorbide dinitrate spray 
 Electrical stimulation, percutaneous nerve stimulation 3–4 weeks 
Level 3Weak evidence
 Lidoderm patch 
Level 4Insufficient evidence
 DesipramineCombination of nortriptyline and fluphenazine
 β-lipoic acidCombination of amitriptyline with electrotherapy