Table 1

Therapeutic System 1.0
GoalApproachRationale and References
Optimize diet: minimize simple CHO, minimize inflammation.Patients given choice of several low glycemic, low inflammatory, low grain diets.Minimize inflammation, minimize insulin resistance.

Enhance autophagy, ketogenesisFast 12 hr each night, including 3 hr prior to bedtime.Reduce insulin levels, reduce Aβ.

Reduce stressPersonalized—yoga or meditation or music, etc.Reduction of cortisol, CRF, stress axis.

Optimize sleep8 hr sleep per night; melatonin 0.5mg po qhs; Trp 500mg po 3x/wk if awakening. Exclude sleep apnea.[36]

Exercise30-60′ per day, 4-6 days/wk[37, 38]

Brain stimulationPosit or related[39]

Homocysteine <7Me-B12, MTHF, P5P; TMG if necessary[40]

Serum B12 >500Me-B12[41]

CRP <1.0; A/G >1.5Anti-inflammatory diet; curcumin; DHA/EPA; optimize hygieneCritical role of inflammation in AD

Fasting insulin <7; HgbA1c <5.5Diet as aboveType II diabetes-AD relationship

Hormone balanceOptimize fT3, fT4, E2, T, progesterone, pregnenolone, cortisol[5, 42]

GI healthRepair if needed; prebiotics and probioticsAvoid inflammation, autoimmunity

Reduction of A-betaCurcumin, Ashwagandha43-45

Cognitive enhancementBacopa monniera, MgT[46, 47]

25OH-D3 = 50-100ng/mlVitamins D3, K2[48]

Increase NGFH. erinaceus or ALCAR[49, 50]

Provide synaptic structural componentsCiticoline, DHA[51].

Optimize antioxidantsMixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, Se, blueberries, NAC, ascorbate, α-lipoic acid[52]

Optimize Zn:fCu ratioDepends on values obtained[53]

Ensure nocturnal oxygenationExclude or treat sleep apnea[54]

Optimize mitochondrial functionCoQ or ubiquinol, α-lipoic acid, PQQ, NAC, ALCAR, Se, Zn, resveratrol, ascorbate, thiamine[55]

Increase focusPantothenic acidAcetylcholine synthesis requirement

Increase SirT1 functionResveratrol[32]

Exclude heavy metal toxicityEvaluate Hg, Pb, Cd; chelate if indicatedCNS effects of heavy metals

MCT effectsCoconut oil or Axona[56]
CHO, carbohydrates; Hg, mercury; Pb, lead; Cd, cadmium; MCT, medium chain triglycerides; PQQ, polyquinoline quinone; NAC, N-acetyl cysteine; CoQ, coenzyme Q; ALCAR, acetyl-L-carnitine; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; MgT, magnesium threonate; fT3, free triiodothyronine; fT4, free thyroxine; E2, estradiol; T, testosterone; Me-B12, methylcobalamin; MTHF, methyltetrahydrofolate; P5P, pyridoxal-5-phosphate; TMG, trimethylglycine; Trp, tryptophan