Table 3.

Data on Usual Nutrient Intake Distributions From Foods and Beverages Alone and Total Intakes From Foods and Supplements and Prevalence Estimates Relative to the Dietary Reference Intake Recommendations of Pregnant Women Aged 20 to 40 Years in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2014

NutrientEAR [AI]aULFoods AloneFoods and Supplements
Mean (SE)% <EAR% >AI% >ULMean (SE)% <EAR% >AI% >UL
Vitamin A, μg/db,c7703000696 (27)27.7 (4.2)NA01283 (54)15.5 (2.1)NAESd
Thiamin, mg/d1.2NA1.8 (0.4)11.5 (2.9)NANA3.6 (0.3)5.7 (1.4)NANA
Riboflavin, mg/d1.2NA2.3 (0.05)5.0 (1.5)NANA4.1 (0.3)3.0 (0.8)NANA
Niacin, mg/de143524.4 (0.6)2.8 (1.5)NANA35.2 (1.2)1.3 (0.7)NANA
Vitamin B6, mg/d1.61002.1 (0.1)25.4 (3.2)NA07.8 (0.7)11.5 (1.5)NAESd
Folate, μg DFE/df5201000630 (25)35.8 (3.4)NA01451(51)16.4 (1.6)NA33.4 (2.8)
Cholineg[450]3500321 (10)NA7.7 (3.1)0322 (10.6)NA7.9 (3.2)0
Vitamin B12, μg/d2.2NA5.6 (0.2)2.4 (1.2)NANA19.2 (6.4)1.4 (0.6)NANA
Vitamin C, mg/d702000122 (6)24.7 (3.4)NA0199 (9.4)11.5 (1.9)NAESd
Vitamin D, μg/d101005.5 (0.2)92.1 (1.8)NA011.3 (0.4)46.4 (2.7)NAESd
Vitamin E, mg/db,h1210007.8 (0.8)91.8 (2.5)NANA21.0 (1.3)43.3 (2.7)NANA
Vitamin K, μg/d[90]NA98.2 (5)NA46.9 (4.4)NA99.5 (5.1)NA47.9 (4.3)NA
Calcium, mg/d80025001093 (28)21.2 (3.7)NAESd1311 (35)12.9 (2.4)NA3.0 (0.8)
Iron, mg/d224517.2 (0.5)83.8 (3.9)NAESd38.3 (2.0)36.2 (2.8)NA27.9 (2.8)
Magnesium, mg/di290350294 (6.4)53.3 (3.0)NANA314 (7.2)47.5 (2.8)NAESd
Selenium, μg/d49400110 (2.7)ESdNA0114 (2.9)ESdNA0
Phosphorus, mg/d58035001412 (29)ESdNA01422 (29)ESdNA0
Copper, mg/d0.8101.4 (0.03)5.4 (1.9)NA01.8 (0.1)4.5 (1.4)NA0
Zinc, mg/d9.54012.4 (0.4)21.5 (4.0)NA022.7 (0.8)10.9 (1.9)NA7.1 (1.6)
Sodium, mg/d[1500]23003637 (82)NA99.9 (0.2)93.6 (2.4)3639 (84)NA99.9 (0.2)95.0 (2.2)
Potassium, mg/d[2900]NA2778 (58)NA41 (2.8)NA2786 (58)NA42 (2.9)NA

Abbreviations: AI, Adequate Intake; DFE, dietary folate equivalent; EAR, Estimated Average Requirement; ES, estimate suppressed; NA, not applicable; UL, Tolerable Upper Intake Level.

aThe AI is presented in brackets because it reflects that population prevalence is greater than the AI.

bDietary supplement data were not available for survey years 2007 to 2014 and were estimated using previous databases of products.

cThe EAR is set based on retinol activity equivalents and the UL is set based on preformed retinol only.

dEstimate suppressed because of relative SE greater than 30% given that less than 0.5% of the population is represented.

eThe UL for niacin is based on nicotinamide and data on intake on this form are not available.

fThe EAR is set based on DFE; the UL is set based on folic acid form only in fortified foods and dietary supplements.

gThe sample size available for choline is 533.

hThe EAR is only for alpha tocopherol and 4 stereoisomers that occur in fortified foods and supplements; the ULs apply to all forms of supplemental alpha tocopherol, including the 8 stereoisomers present in synthetic vitamin E.\

iThe EAR is 290 mg/d in pregnancy for ages 19 to 30 years and 300 mg/d for ages 31 to 50 years. The UL for magnesium is only from supplemental sources and pharmacologic products.