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Published online 2020 Nov 28. doi: 10.3390/nu12123672

Table 4

Summary of the pre-clinical and clinical evidence supporting the impact of stress on magnesium homeostasis.

Evidence of the Impact of Stress on Magnesium Homeostasis
Population TestedStress StimulusImpact on Magnesium
(N = 30)
Withdrawal of blood; infusion of catecholamines; potassium poisoning↑Blood Mg [122]
Guinea pigs (41)Noise↑Serum Mg, ↓Erythrocytes Mg [123]
Rats (88)Noise↑Serum Mg, ↓Erythrocytes Mg [124]
RatsNoise↓Serum Mg, ↓Erythrocytes Mg
DogsPhysical exercise, temperature↓Serum Mg [126]
RatsEthanol/Restraint stress↓Serum Mg [127]
RatsCold↓Tissue content of Mg [129]
SheepDietary Mg restriction, cold↓Plasma Mg [129]
ClinicalAdults (N = 8)Adrenaline infusion↓Plasma Mg [130]
Young adults (N = 35)Chronic or sub-chronic psychological stress↓Plasma Mg [43]
Healthy men (N = 16)Chronic sleep deprivation↓Erythrocyte Mg [131]
Young adults (N = 35)University exams↑Urinary Mg [44]
Young adults (N = 30)University exams↓Erythrocyte Mg [132]
Young adults (N = 25)Noise↑Urinary Mg ↑Serum Mg [133]
Healthy men (56)Noise↑Serum Mg, ↓Erythrocytes Mg; ↑Urinary Mg [134]
Healthy menShort- and long-term physical exercise↑Plasma Mg [135]
Mg, magnesium; ↑, increase; ↓, decrease.