PMC full text: | Published online 2010 Jun 14. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-10-26
Table 1
Demographic data from doctors of chiropractic with a diplomate in pediatrics (n = 135)
Total Female- n (%) 103 (73.6) Not Hispanic or Latino- n (%) 131 (93.6) Race: White- n (%) 130 (92.9) Marital Status- n (%) Married 111 (79.3) Hours/Week spent working- n (%) ≤ 10 hours 10 (7.1) 11-19 hours 15 (10.7) 20-29 hours 33 (23.6) 30-39 hours 58 (41.4) 40-49 hours 15 (10.7) ≥ 50 hours 4 (2.8) Gross Annual Income- n (%) ≤ $81,000 45 (32.1) $81,000 - $200,000 53 (37.9) ≥ $200,000 27 (19.3) Number of Patients Seen/Week- n (%) < 50 28 (20.0) 50-99 45 (32.1) 100-149 30 (21.4) 150-199 14 (10.0) ≥ 200 15 (10.6) Size of community City 50 (35.7) Suburb 44 (31.4) Small Town 18 (12.9) Rural 23 (16.4) Years in Practice- mean (SD) 14.6 (7.61) Highest non-chiropractic educ- n (%) Bachelor Degree 92 (65.7) Higher Degree 8 (5.7) Other Diplomate Yes 9 (6.4) Working 13 (9.3) Institution DC degree- n (%) Palmer College of Chiropractic- Davenport 65 (48.1) Life University (Life College) 6 (4.4) National University of Health Sciences 7 (5.2) New York Chiropractic College 8 (5.9) Northwestern Health Sciences University 8 (5.9) Others 41 (30.4)