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No more bridges-to-nowhere for Alaska.
What will the GOP do next to get their way?
Karen Sherfick added 4 comments on this.
Karen Sherfick was
looking for recommendations.
Looking for recommendations for a good divorce attorney, for my niece. Possibly in Evansville, Loogootee?
New artist I really like

Sheila Ann Gray commented on this.
I don't believe I did what I just did! I deleted my part 2 video that showed the results . I'm not washing the car again. Well not for awhile. The video hasn't posted yet either.
Bulak Nacionales Nagtalon-Iguiz added 2 new photos to the album: Susej Gnisselb — with Giovann-Viclyn Inosanto-Iguiz.
My daily dose of happiness... her cuteness & smiles!!! ❤
Ashley Blough Piper is with Kevin Piper.
When your day takes a bad turn... your hubby knows what to do ❣️ #thewaytomyheart
Bob Ferguson and Kim Charmaine Tichinin shared a link.
Anyone represented by a Republican Senator might want to be on the phone reminding them of this unanimous opinion.
Kim Charmaine Tichinin shared a link.
Dave gives me a call to come rescue him and the bike. So I called a friend and now there's 10 going to dinner.
Lisa Heurich updated her cover photo.
Just another example of how sweet my husband is...NOT!!
"You have your period and are emotional. You got no sleep. Then you took 2 energy chews. No wonder your spastic."
I cried for all of 30 seconds today over some thing pretty serious and other then that it's like any other day other then a quick nap. At the time he said this I was happily sitting on the deck doing homework. He's good for a laugh but odd!
Diana Maltz checked in to San Diego International Airport.
Just arrived at the airport to see my son Dan!
Cheryl Benson Ramey shared Filmygyan's post.
Here for the weekend, attending the Women of Joy conference! 😀
Try 4 free weeks of our Sunday Home Delivery.
Bobbi Girard added 3 new photos — with Art Acevedo.
💕My other Granddaughter!
She's Actually an Auntie💞
Reid Bryce Robbins shared Simon's Cat's video.

Reid Bryce Robbins shared Larkin Poe's video.

Chuck Berry, you're in the sweet by and by - but your rock n roll records will FOREVER move people. We love you. #johnnybgoode
Bonnie Turner Zeman shared Becky Tucker Cash's post.
Let's just call this Freedom Friday. Freedom from what holds you back. Freedom from an ability to get the health needs of your family met. Freedom from Financia...l limitations. Freedom From Fear. Freedom from inability to move forward. 15 years ago, we were dependent on a paycheck. We didn't know how dependent we were on that paycheck until I needed to make a monthly purchase to get my then baby healthy. I remember listening to the lactation consultant on the other end of the phone and thinking, gosh this isn't really in the budget. But my baby was sick and so I made a leap and then a series of decisions that would prove to free Chris Cash and I not live in fear. Not live in fear of where the next paycheck was going to come from. Not live in fear of not being able to buy shoes if the kids shoes had holes in them. Not live in fear when my husband lost a job. Not live in fear Every single year when our insurance changes again. I made a decision to get my family healthy. Chris and I made that decision. Whether you are living in fear of your car breaking down, not being able to pay a mortgage payment, not being able to let your kids have ballet lessons, not being able to go to a chiropractor because your insurance doesn't cover it, not being able to replace the broken swing on the swing set, not being able to buy produce and having to accept what the food pantry offers, I invite you to Freedom Friday. I am blessed to know many of the women in this picture and to know that these stories and ours are very real. If you are looking for a waychill be able to do any of the above or go on a vacation or just not live in fear anymore and to get your family healthy and help others do the same, contact me. I'd like to tell you how the women in this image are doing what they are doing and how we can help you say yes to what is in your heart. We were not made to live in fear.
See MoreReid Bryce Robbins shared Animal Rescue Home's video.

Rebecca Heriz-Smith was live.
Alicia McCarthy
What!!?! This is soo cool

Claudia JS shared Thinking Humanity's video.

Candy Reimholz added a new photo.
What a great day so far! Got a chance to spend some time with 2 awesome mamas and show them how to make their skin glow. This is me taking a picture while 1 takes a picture of the other one's hands. 😜The difference between the one with YOUTH and the one without is pretty crazy! Thanks for coming over ladies! Can't wait to see your 'afters'!
😎 #glowbabyglow
A boost of energy combined with an immune booster to help keep me guarded from the nasties floating around!

Bonnie Turner Zeman shared Realtime Trump's video.

Sarah Kummer was tagged in a photo.
Renee Quam Braun added a new photo to the album: Volleyball — with Stacy Haverland and Sarah Kummer at Richland Junior-Senior High School.
Keith Charlton and 5 others liked this.
Christine Horon Goertz shared a link to the group: Evidence Based Chiropractors.
Why are clinical data registries important to the chiropractic profession? See my thoughts in this new Dynamic Chiropractic article.
Jeanne Rice Hunt shared Dan Seale's post.
Consider it a tribute to my hard working gutsy lil grandmother
If this offends you, don't look at it. Got this at the local Hobby Lobby. Share if you are not offended.
Stephen Chester posted 2 updates.
Stephen Chester shared theCHIVE's video.
Stephen Chester shared theCHIVE's video.
Dar and I had lunch on the Lake at the Sawmill, then took a drive to the Outlook on Rt. 12. We both agree, we are blessed to be
"Lake girls". 🛶
People You May Know
Jeanne Rice Hunt shared Womenworking.com's video.

Sharing with others about the new Shaklee Advanced Anti-aging Skin Care called YOUTH is more than just a business for me. I do it for the 'health' of it!! Yes, everything that Shaklee makes is to create healthier lives... and our skin in the largest organ so we'd better be intentional about what we are putting on it. Just this week when I was sharing about it with a friend, it was an a- ha moment when she learned from me how our botanicals " structurally help provide more nutrients and energy to the skin." Just because your products seem to work, doesn't mean they are safe to use. CLINICAL RESULTS WITHOUT COMPROMISE. Who wants to lend me a hand and see what I mean? www.beautysecretswithruth.com
Stephen Chester shared Goalcast's video.
