Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine
PMC full text: | Published online 2016 Jan 13. doi: 10.1177/2156587215625399
Table 1.
Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Study Population.
Percentage Frequency Age of infant at first visit (n = 85) <7 days 10% 8 1-4 weeks 50% 43 5-8 weeks 28% 24 9-12 weeks 11% 9 >12 weeks 1% 1 Age of infants at follow-up (n = 72) 0-4 weeks 3% 2 5-8 weeks 14% 10 9-12 weeks 14% 10 13-16 weeks 22% 16 >16 weeks 47% 34 Mothers age, years (n = 84) <18 1% 1 19-30 34% 28 31-40 63% 53 >40 2% 2 Ethnic origin (n = 85) White British 85% 72 White (other) 11% 9 Indian, Pakistani 1% 1 Other Asian 1% 1 Black (other) 2% 2