Table 3

General population studies. Prevalence and incidence rates of musculoskeletal extremity complaints in the younger age groups

0–9 years of age9–12 years of age2–19 years of age
IncidencePrevalence, %IncidencePrevalence, %Prevalence, %
Anatomic Region/ SiteWeekly, %IRa OftenWeekly12 monthsIRa 2 weeksWeekly12 months
Upper extremity
in general
0.2 [14] 2.6–6.2 [51]0.5 [14]4.8 [47]0.4 [40]5.5–7 [41]5.1 [35]
Shoulder0.06 [39]0.01 [54]
Elbow0.03 [39]0.01 [54]
Wrist/hand/fingers0.14 [39] 3 [53]0.11 [54]b
Lower extremity
in general
1.0 [14] 14.6–21.1 [51]4.1 [14]10.9 [47]4.1 [40]18.3 [15]18–19 [41]5.8 [35]
Hip/groin0.06 [39]0.03 [54]3.4 [15]
Thigh0.07 [39]10.3 [15]
Knee0.40 [39] 11 [53]0.05 [54]1.8 [40]c 12.4 [15]
Shin0.12 [39]
Ankle/ft0.71 [39]0.19 [54]d 2.4 [40]10.6 [15]
[x]: reference number of included study

Bold: the study received high risk of bias in the quality assessment

a Incidence Rate per 1000 physical activity units

b Anatomical site relates to both lower arm, wrist, hand and fingers

c Anatomical site relates to both hip and knee

d Anatomical site relates to both shin and ankle/ft