PMC full text: | Published online 2014 Oct 15. doi: 10.1186/s12998-014-0027-6
Table 1
Description of four articles reporting on five studies on puberty and back pain
Reference number [ 33 ] [ 33 ] [ 35 ] [ 34 ] [ 32 ] 1st author Jansens Jansens Wedderkopp LeResche Hulsegge Year 2011 2011 2005 2005 2011 Country Netherland USA Denmark USA Netherland Design Longitudinal Longitudinal Cross-sectional Cross-sectional Cross-sectional Sample size BL: 2935 BL: 4079 419 3101 2698 FU: 1816 FU: 1817 Response rate BL:76% BL: 49% 51% 49% 66% 1st FU: 73% FU: 45% 2nd FU: 62% Age BL: 11.1 BL: 11 8-10 and 14-16 11-17 11 FU: 15.1 FU: 14 Sex distribution (% of girls) 51 51 100 50 49 Description of puberty 4 stages 4 stages 5 stages 4 stages 4 stages Data collection for puberty Questionnaire PDS Telephone itw PDS Physical examination Tanner stages Telephone itw PDS Questionnaire PDS Description of back pain BP = frequency BP = frequency BP = areas (LBP/MBP/NP) BP = duration (>one day or more) BP = duration (>1 month) Data collection for back pain Questionnaire Telephone itw Semi-structured itw Telephone itw Questionnaire Recall period for back 3 months 3 months 1 month 3 months 12 months Other extrinsic factors than age and sex Pubertal status at BL Pubertal status at BL Overweight Smoke Previous pain Depression Not in the analysis for back pain BP at BL BP at BL Dose–response analysis possible Prevalence estimate AND frequency of symptoms in relation to puberty stages Prevalence estimate AND frequency of symptoms in relation to puberty stages Prevalence estimate in relation to puberty stages Prevalence estimate in relation to puberty stages Prevalence estimate in relation to puberty stages BL = baseline
FU = follow up
Itw = interview
PDS = pubertal development scales
BP = back pain.