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Table 4

Baseline data and covariates by intervention group

Non-MT group
MT group
Missing non-MT group*Missing MT group*
Sex, female, no (%)73 (63)78 (64)
Mean (CI)Mean (CI)
Age at inclusion12.6 (12.4 to 12.9)12.6 (12.3 to 12.9)
Follow-up time (days)492 (448 to 536)463 (423 to 504)
Pain intensity at baseline (NRS)5.3 (5.1 to 5.6)5.2 (4.9 to 5.5)
Proportion (CI)Proportion (CI)
Expectations of the clinical course
7.6% (3.4% to 16.1%)7.6% (3.4% to 16.1%)32% (37)35% (43)
Median (IQR)Median (IQR)
KID physical well-being44.7 (38.5 to 49.6)43.8 (40.5 to 49.6)4% (5)1% (1)
KID psychological well-being49.5 (44.8 to 56.0)48.5 (44.8 to 56.0)5% (6)2% (3)
KID autonomy and relation49.5 (45.2 to 55.8)49.5 (45.2 to 55.8)4% (5)2% (3)
KID social support and peers53.2 (46.9 to 57.8)53.2 (46.9 to 57.8)4% (5)1% (1)
KID school51.1 (45.4 to 58.2)51.1 (45.4 to 54.4)4% (5)1% (1)
*Number of children with missing data according to intervention group.

MT = manipulative therapy;
NRS = Numerical Rating Scale.