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Table 3

Thematic analysis

‘Sports and play’Pain intensity (b)
Worrying about spinal pain (b)
Physical limitation (d, s)
Reduction in participation (d)
Talking with friends (d)
Social limitation (d)
Strategies to avoid pain (pf)
‘Axial loading’Pain intensity (b)
Spinal load (d)
Maintaining static postures (d)
Social limitation (d)
Cause of pain known/unknown (nc)
Worsening factors (nc)
‘Coping strategies’Difficulties to define the pain (b)
Worrying about spinal pain (b)
Physical limitation (d, s)
Talking with parents (d)
Talking with friends (d)
Do not want to talk with others about the pain (d)
Spinal load (d)
Social limitation (d)
Reduction in participation (d)
Improving factors (pf)
Strategies to avoid pain (pf)
Treatment tried/not tried (e)
Cause of pain known/unknown (nc)
Worsening factors (pf)
‘Mood changes’Affected sleep (b)
Worrying about spinal pain (b)
Talking with parents (d)
Social limitation (d)
Improving factors (pf)
‘Pain anxiety’Worrying about spinal pain (b)
Physical limitation (d, s)
The four codes ‘Worst is…’ are not included in the themes as they arose from a specific question. Some of the codes appear in several of the themes. The main ICF components are in parentheses: b, ‘body function’; d, ‘activities and participation’; e, ‘environmental factors’; s, ‘body structure’; pf, ‘personal factors’; nc, ‘not classifiable’.

ICF, international classification of function, disability and health.