Table 11

Presence of qualitative themes in quantitative studies

ThemeAhlqwist 2008 Sweden []Evans 2018  United States []Fanucchi 2009
South Africa []
Harringe 2007 Sweden []Jones 2007 United Kingdom [, ]Jung 2020
Korea []
Ng 2015 Australia []Selhorst 2015
United States []
Selhorst 2021 United States []Vitman 2022 [] IsraelTheme description
Coaching from care providersNINININININININININIThis theme consists of three subcategories: professional support; being aware of inherent capabilities; and trust in the physiotherapist and hope of recovery. Participants appreciated the attitude and professionalism of the physiotherapist
Seeking for information????This theme consists of three subcategories: information from the school nurse; information from the physiotherapist; insight and reorientation of back pain that relates to participants’ understanding and leads to change
Compliance with treatment????This theme consists of three subcategories: exercises provide structure; gaining energy from treatment; gaining confidence in exercises. Tailored exercises with the physiotherapist restored control to participants on physical as well as psychological levels
Gaining energy from pain-free momentsNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRNRThis theme consists of three subcategories: handling pain; ability to achieve change; distraction by recovery. Participants experienced a growing awareness of their bodies and their pain, as well as an increased easing of tension and a certain pain relief
Overall risk of biasHighUnclearHighHighHighHighHighHighHighHigh

unclear (limited information and cannot make a judgement); √ acceptable compliance

NI no information, NR not directly related to the treatment