Pectoralis (clavicular and sternal divisions) | XX | |
Deep neck flexors | | XX |
Sternocleidomastoid (bilaterally) | | XX |
Upper trapezius | | XX (on right) |
Lower trapezius (bilaterally) | | XX |
Cervical extensors (bilaterally) | XX | |
Biceps and triceps (bilaterally) | XX | |
Deltoid, serratus anticus, subscapularis, teres minor | | XX (on right) |
Infraspinatus, supraspinatus, levator scapula, rhomboid, opponens pollicis, flexor digiti minimi brevis (bilaterally) | XX | |
Psoas (bilaterally) | | XX |
Rectus femoris (seated) | | XX (weakens with lumbar flexion |
Tensor fascia lata (bilaterally) | XX | |
Left gluteus medius | | XX |
Extensor hallucis (bilaterally) | XX | |
Flexor hallucis (bilaterally) | XX | |
Adductors (bilaterally) | XX | |
Piriformis | | XX (on right only) |
Gluteus maximus (bilaterally) | | XX |
Hamstrings (bilaterally) | | XX |
Rectus abdominus | | XX |
Posterior tibialis | | XX |
Anterior tibial and peroneus longus and brevis | XX | |