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Table 3B

Pre- and Post-SMT Measures of Normalized Unit (nu) of Heart Rate Variability and the Ratio of Low Frequency (LF) to High Frequency (HF) in Patient’s Group (n = 10)

Upper cervical
SDNN70.48 ± 18a90.23 ± 20b
nu LF52.89 ± 738.38 ± 6b
nu HF41.18 ± 748.54 ± 8b
LF/HF1.33 ± 0.3a0.81 ± 0.2b
Lower cervical
SDNN75.19 ± 16a97.52 ± 22b
nu LF49.13 ± 1439.44 ± 13b
nu HF44. 13 ± 853.25 ± 12b
LF/HF1.22 ± 0.4a0.86 ± 0.3b

Values are presented in mean ± SD.

SDNN, standard deviation of average normal to normal R-R intervals; SMT, spinal manipulative therapy.

aP < .05 between volunteer and patient groups.
bP < .05, relative to baseline value.
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