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Table 1

Return to:   Effects of Chiropractic Care on Dizziness, Neck Pain, and Balance

Demographics and baseline characteristics (n = 19)

Demographicsn (%)
Sex, female12 (63%)

Median age in years (minimum, maximum)70 (44, 85)

 White18 (95%)
 Black/African American1 (5%)

Marital status
 Married/living with partner14 (74%)
 Living alone2 (10%)
 Living alone because of death of spouse3 (16%)

Educational level
 Some high school0
 High school graduate4 (21%)
 Some college5 (26%)
 College degree5 (26%)
 Trade or technical school3 (16%)
 Postgraduate degree2 (11%)

Employment status
 Employed full-time6 (32%)
 Employed part-time2 (10%)
 Retired11 (58%)

Health habits
 Alcohol use
  Never10 (53%)
  Former use1 (5%)
  Occasionally8 (42%)

 Tobacco use
  Current use1 (5%)
  Former use4 (21%)
  Never used14 (74%)

 Water/other liquid (median cups per day)8 (2, 16)

 Aerobic exercise like walking
  Never4 (21%)
  1-2 times/wk7 (37%)
  3 or more times/wk8 (42%)

 Other exercise (like stretching, gardening)
  Never2 (10%)
  1-2 times/wk7 (37%)
  3 or more times/wk10 (53%)

Health status
 Median no. of medications (minimum, maximum)4 (0, 10)
 Median body mass index (minimum, maximum)27 (21, 43)
 Artificial joints (knee, hip, or ankle)2 (10%)
 Median baseline FABQ score (minimum, maximum)a28 (0, 57)
 Median baseline FABQ-PA subscale score (minimum, maximum)b11 (0, 24)
 Median baseline NDI scorec (minimum, maximum)22 (2, 52)
 Median baseline DHI scored (minimum, maximum)33 (12, 52)
 Median baseline SF-BBS scoree (minimum, maximum)20 (16, 24)
aHigher FABQ scores indicate greater degree of fear and avoidance beliefs; maximum score is 96.
bHigher FABQ-PA scale scores indicate greater degree of fear and avoidance beliefs; maximum score is 24.
cHigher NDI scores indicate higher levels of pain-related disability; maximum score is 100%.
dHigher DHI scores indicate higher levels of dizziness-related disability; maximum score is 100.
eLower SF-BBS scores indicate poorer balance; maximum score is 28.