Responses to
Previously Published Research

This section was compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
Send all comments or additions to:

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Chiropractic Care for Children?
Is Chiropractic care for children a controversial topic? Point-of-view (POV) pieces, like the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine article cited below, may be viewed as a sound basis for more research, or as a "call to arms" for those who consider chiropractic an unsupported "fringe" therapy. This page is devoted to discussing the literature supporting the need for, safety, and the benefits of chiropractic care for children.

Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders: A Review of Literature
Relative to Chiropractic Care of Children

J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2001;   24 (3) Mar-Apr:   199–205

Chiropractic care may represent a nonpharmaceutical health care approach for pediatric epileptic patients. Current anecdotal evidence suggests that correction of upper cervical vertebral subluxation complex might be most beneficial. It is suggested that chiropractic care be further investigated regarding its role in the overall health care management of pediatric epileptic patients.

Study Finds Benefits for Colic with Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation
The first controlled randomized clinical trial involving the chiropractic management of infantile colic has just been published by a research group in Denmark at Odense University and in private practice. Although previous studies dating back over the last 10 years have been encouraging, this is the first demonstration of the clear clinical advantage conferred upon infants by spinal manipulation as compared to a control group given dimethicone, commonly used in medical treatment of colic.

JAMA Publishes Chiropractic Study on Episodic Tension-Type Headache
The recent investigation into episodic tension-type headache (ETTH) conducted in Denmark and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), volume 280, pages 1576-1579, by Geoffrey Bove, D.C., Ph.D., and Niels Nilsson, D.C., M.D., Ph.D., is admirable in its careful design and simplicity and it is especially laudable in the precise and sensitive interpretation of its data. In short, it is exactly the kind of research that one would hope is conducted throughout the health professions.

Response to the "Manual Therapy for Asthma" Cochrane Review
Anthony Rosner, PhD, director of research
Hondras' recently published systematic review of randomized clinical trials1 addressed to manual therapy represents a sincere effort to summarize those investigations in what is commonly regarded as the gold standard of clinical research. That said, however, one has to remain particularly vigilant against accepting randomized clinical trials at face value, particularly in those instances involving physical interventions, in which the complete blinding of practitioners [and most likely patients as well] in the traditional RCT design is all but impossible.

Response to the Dysmenorrhea Study
Published April 1999 in the Pain Journal

Anthony Rosner, PhD, director of research
Patricia Brennan's dysmenorrhea study, a full-scale clinical trial begun in 1992, has resulted in a paper accepted for publication in April 1999 by the journal Pain.1 It was preceded by a pilot study addressed to the same issue which was published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics in 19922. Unfortunately, the recent publication in Pain suffers from a number of design flaws, omissions of data, and unexplained contradictions with the earlier pilot study--all of which significantly compromise its validity and leave more questions unanswered than resolved. One wishes that greater efforts were made by the authors to resolve what had appeared to be a positive result in the earlier investigation with the negative findings obtained in the more recent publication, above and beyond what sometimes might be expected with the differences of population types and numbers between the two investigations.

Responses to the 1998 New England Journal of Medicine Articles
on Asthma and Low Back Pain

Includes responses by the Research and Academic Community.

Responses to the Nov 1998 JAMA Article on
Episodic Tension-Type Headache

Includes correspondence with the author, Dr. Bove and from the Research and Academic Community.

Responses to the July 1998 Paul Shekelle AIM Article
About Appropriateness For Low Back Pain

Includes responses by the Research and Academic Community.

The Role of the Chiropractic Adjustment in the Care and Treatment
of 332 Children with Otitis Media

Jou Clin Chiro Ped 1997;   2 (2) Oct

To our knowledge this is the first time that tympanography has been used as an objectifying tool with respect to the efficacy of the chiropractic adjustment in the treatment of children with otitis media. In addition, the role of the occipital adjustment needs to be examined. This study begins the process of examining the role of the vertebral cranial subluxation complex in the pathogenesis of otitis media, and the efficacy of the chiropractic adjustment in its resolution.

EMGs Show Reflex Response Associated with Spinal Manipulation
A landmark paper published in Spine demonstrates that spinal manipulative treatments (SMTs) result in consistent electromyographic (EMG) reflex responses. The authors recorded EMGs for 10 asymptomatic male subjects while they each underwent 11 SMTs. While there have been several studies on the mechanical and neurophysiologic responses to SMT, this is the first paper to show the existence and extent of electromyographic responses from different SMT treatments. Furthermore, the results showed that spinal and sacroiliac joint treatments could elicit reflex activation in the upper and lower limb muscles .

Vertebral Subluxation Hypothesis Tree
This PowerPoint presentation was originally given at the 4th Research Agenda Conference on July 25, 1999, in Chicago, IL.

An Upper-Cervical Chiropractic Approach to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
This case study describes chiropractic care of a randomly selected subject, medically diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, according to CDC guidelines. The subject participated in a pilot study investigating the effect of an upper cervical chiropractic correction (NUCCA) on quality of life, as measured with the SF-36. If you have any comments or questions, please contact Dr. Chuck Woodfield


Since 8-01-1999

Updated 7-17-2014
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