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Fig. 2

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a Patterns of reporting LBP. Courses of the two least severe of the five definitions of Low Back Pain (LBP) across the three surveys. Each diagram is normalized to 100 individuals starting from our 293 participants tested at all three time points. The small boxes to the left illustrate the periods the data were sampled. The relative sizes of the various fractions are depicted by the width of the columns.

b Patterns of reporting LBP. Courses of the three most severe definitions of Low Back Pain (LBP) across the three surveys. Each diagram is normalized to 100 individuals starting from our 293 participants tested at all three time points. The small boxes to the left illustrate the periods the data were sampled. The relative sizes of the various fractions are depicted by the width of the columns. ‘Non-trivial LBP’ means pain >30 days + seeking care + reduced functional level at work and/or home