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Table 3

Four-year patterns of reporting LBP

41 → 45 years45 → 49 years
Percentage of individuals reporting:Odds of reporting recurrent LBPPercentage of individuals reporting:Odds of reporting recurrent LBP
Category LBPnew at 45recurrentOR[95% CI]new at 49recurrentOR[95% CI]
‘year’50%77%3.5[2.2; 5.6]47%79%4.3[2.5; 7.4]
‘month’37%65%3.1[2.0; 4.9]29%54%2.9[1.8; 4.8]
‘>30 days’15%63%9.9[5.6; 17.5]15%51%5.9[3.2; 10.7]
‘seeking care’20%52%4.2[2.5; 6.9]25%64%5.2[3.0; 9.0]
‘non-trivial’13%56%8.8[4.7; 16.2]12%53%8[4.2; 15.5]

Overview of individuals reporting new or recurrent LBP after 4 years and odds ratios (OR) for recurrence with 95% confidence intervals (CI) as a measure of positive LBP relative to negative LBP. N = 293 participating at all three time points

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