Table 3

Characteristics of interventions evaluated in publications targeting persons with musculoskeletal disorders. Abbreviations: LBP: low back pain; MSD: musculoskeletal disorders. Empty cells mean either that the intervention did not focus on the aspect or that it was not described in the publication.

First Author
CountryTargeted PopulationStrategy (Name)Strategy (Description)MultidisciplinaryInteragency CollaborationIndividualizedEarly InterventionEducation ParticipantsEducation OthersSelf-ManagementWorkplace or Employer InvolvedPTSL AllowedData Support Effect on Outcomes
Du Bois M.
BelgiumEmployees, sick listed (> one month) with LBPInformation and adviceInformation and advice to stay active by medical advisers after a disability evaluation. YesYes Yes Yes
Jensen L.D.
DenmarkEmployed LBP patients expressing concerns about the ability to maintain their current jobCounsellingCounselling by an occupational physician addressing experienced workplace barriers and physical activity. YesYesYesYesYesYes Unclear
Vermeulen S.
The NetherlandsUnemployed and temporary agency workers; back, neck, other painMultidisciplinary interventionStepwise communication process to identify and solve obstacles for return to work, resulting in a consensus-based plan. The role of the return to work coordinator is to stimulate a high degree of involvement of both the sick-listed worker and the labour expert. A vocational rehabilitation agency was contracted to find a suitable workplace matching with the RTW plan.YesYesYesYes Yes YesYesYes
Jensen C.
Jensen C.
Stapelfeldt C.M.
DenmarkEmployees, sick listed with LBP for 3 to 16 weeksMultidisciplinary interventionExamination by a rehabilitation doctor and a physiotherapist and reassuring explanations.
A case manager conducts a comprehensive interview and designs a tailored rehabilitation plan to be discussed in the multidisciplinary team; the case manager contacts the work place and the municipal job centre to discuss and coordinate initiatives.
YesYesYesYesYes YesYesYesNo(Jensen C. 2011)
Yes, per group
(Jensen C. 2012 and Stapelfeldt C.M. 2011)
Viikari-Juntura E.
FinlandEmployed, sick-listed with MSDsPart-time sick leaveReduced work hours with task modification, if required. YesYes YesYesUnclear
Shiri R.
FinlandEmployed; seeking help for upper-extremity pain (different diagnoses)Ergonomic interventionErgonomic intervention. After the clinical examination, the physician contacts the employer, and a visit by the occupational physiotherapist is scheduled. The workplace is assessed and possible accommodations discussed with the employee and supervisor.Yes YesYesYesYes YesYesUnclear
Myhre K.
Marchand G.H.
NorwayEmployed neck and back pain patients, sick-listed for 1 to 12 months and referred to secondary careWork-focused rehabilitationA case worker analyses together with the patient work and RTW difficulties; they develop a RTW schedule; they and discuss relevant issues for a meeting with the employer; if sick-leave compensation is an issue, the caseworkers contact municipal social services.YesYesYes Yes YesYesYesNo added value to multidisciplinary intervention (2014)
Support for subgroup effects(2015)
Steiner A.A.
SwitzerlandPersons with chronic LBP, non-specific LBP with or without radiating leg painMultidisciplinary functional rehabilitation programSessions included: (1) cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular flexibility, stabilization exercises, relaxation, proprioception and water gymnastics; (2) occupational therapy with emphasis on individual professional and daily life situations; (3) patient education sessions based on a non-injury model and the biopsychosocial model; and (4) one hour per week of support group led by a psychiatrist. Personalized, realistic and measurable objectives were defined individually.Yes Yes Yes YesIntervention at the workplace not possible for all participants Unclear