Table 1.

Community Sample and Randomized Clinical Trial Sample Characteristics

 Community sampleClinical trials
CharacteristicAll (n = 163)Retest subsample (n = 71)BTH (n = 72)MAP (n = 72)POYSE (n = 100)
 20–30 years, % (n)27.0 (44)22.5 (16)15.5 (11)13.9 (10)2.0 (2)
 31–40 years, % (n)20.9 (34)21.1 (15)21.1 (15)9.7 (7)7.0 (7)
 41–50 years, % (n)20.2 (33)25.4 (18)25.4 (18)18.1 (13)18.0 (18)
 51–60 years, % (n)22.7 (37)22.5 (16)33.8 (24)29.2 (21)34.0 (34)
 61–70 years, % (n)9.2 (15)8.5 (6)4.2 (3)29.2 (21)33.0 (33)
 ≥71 years, % (n)00006.0 (6)
Female, % (n)57.7 (94)52.1 (37)62.5 (45)62.5 (45)31.0 (31)
 Asian/Pacific islander, % (n)1.9 (3)1.4 (1)4.2 (3)4.2 (3)0
 Black, % (n)9.9 (16)16.9 (12)55.6 (40)1.4 (1)35.7 (35)
 More than one, % (n)6.8 (11)7.0 (5)6.9 (5)07.1 (7)
 Other, % (n)2.5 (4)4.2 (3)9.7 (7)1.4 (1)3.1 (3)
 White, % (n)78.9 (127)70.4 (50)23.6 (17)93.0 (66)54.1 (53)
 Hispanic, % (n)9.3 (15)7.0 (5)12.5 (9)2.8 (2)4.2 (4)
PHQ-2 (0–6), M (SD)2.85 (2.14)2.53 (2.02)   
Average pain intensity past week (0–10 scale), M (SD)6.72 (1.75)6.68 (1.73)4.9 (2.3)5.8 (1.4)6.4 (1.9)
Days with back pain, last 3 months, M (SD)75.05 (16.76)74.18 (16.1)   
Receiving disability compensation for pain, % (n)8.8 (14)11.6 (8)   
RMDQ, M (SD)16.47 (5.58)17.21 (5.36)15.3 (5.3)11.1 (4.8) 
FIQR, M (SD)    56.5 (16.6)
Ever had a back injection, % (n)30.1 (49)32.4 (23)   
Ever had back surgery, % (n)12.9 (21)8.5 (6)   
Pain below the knee in last month, % (n)44.8 (73)40.8 (29)   
Use of prescription medicine for back pain in last week, % (n)74.8 (122)80.3 (57)   
Treatment initiating
 Acupuncture, % (n)35.6 (58)42.3 (30)   
 Chiropractic, % (n)24.5 (40)19.7 (14)   
 Massage, % (n)20.2 (33)18.3 (13)   
 Yoga, % (n)19.6 (32)19.7 (14)50.0 (36)048.0 (48)
 MBSR, % (n)  061.1 (44)0
 CBT, % (n)  038.9 (28)0
 PT, % (n)  50.0 (36)00
 SEP, % (n)  0052.0 (52)
Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire (7)
 Credibility subscale (range 3–27), M (SD)19.52 (5.13)19.27 (5.57)   
 Expectancy subscale (range 3–27), M (SD)11.13 (4.27)10.65 (4.37)   
 Total score (range 6–54), M (SD)30.64 (8.78)29.92 (9.29)   
Acupuncture Expectancy Scale (range 4–20, (8)), M (SD)12.53 (4.15)12.13 (4.05)   
Helpfulness of treatment (range 0–10), M (SD)6.72 (2.45)6.56 (2.63)   
BTH, Back to Health trial; CBT, cognitive–behavioral therapy; FIQR, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire Revised; MAP, Mind–Body Approaches to Pain trial; MBSR, mindfulness-based stress reduction; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire; POYSE, Pain Outcomes Comparing Yoga versus Structure Exercise; PT, physical therapy; RMDQ, Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire; SEP, Structured Exercise Program; SD, standard deviation.