Table 3.

Fit Indexes for the Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses in the Community Sample and the Clinical Trials Samples

Exploratory analyses: community sample (17 items)Confirmatory analysis: clinical trials, one-factor solution (10 items)
 One-factor solution (n = 141)Two-factor solution (n = 141) BTH yoga study (n = 55)MAP study (n = 41)POYSE study (n = 85)
Total % variance explained0.620.71Total % variance explained0.610.650.74


Chi-square df119103ML chi-square124.957.0141.2

p-Value<0.001<0.001Chi-square df353535

RMSEA (90% CI)0.23 (0.21–0.23)0.18 (0.16–0.19)ML chi-square p-value<0.0010.01<0.001

RMSR0.100.05ML RMSEA (90% CI)0.22 (0.18–0.26)0.12 (0.06–0.18)0.19 (0.16–0.22)

TLI0.650.79ML TLI0.750.920.86

BIC337.818.1ML CFI0.810.940.89
   Robust chi-square54.3649.9080.18
   Robust chi-square p-value0.020.049<0.001
   Robust RMSEA (90% CI)0.10 (0.06–0.13)0.10 (0.02–0.16)0.12 (0.10–0.15)
   Robust TLI0.930.870.92
   Robust CFI0.940.900.94
BIC, Bayesian information criterion; CFI, comparative fit index; CI, confidence interval; df, degrees of freedom; ML, maximum likelihood; RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation; SRMSR, standardized root mean square residual; TLI, Tucker–Lewis index.