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Table 1

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Descriptive information for the sample

PositiveNeutralNegativeTotal Samplep
Sex: Male:547160.55

Age in years (sd)22.95 (2.06)23.10 (3.49)23.20 (3.66)23.08 (3.10)0.97

Race: Caucasian:181416480.23

Education (years (sd))16.20 (1.32)16.21 (1.51)16.03 (1.26)16.14 (1.35)0.89

History of LBP: Yes:532100.70

Pain Threshold
 Temperature (sd)42.42 (5.25)42.99 (2.89)41.98 (3.12)42.46 (3.86)0.72
 NRS Rating (sd)13.89 (11.72)19.63 (20.33)17.40 (18.16)16.97 (17.01)0.57

Baseline Pain Testing
Lower Extremity NRS (sd)34.92 (23.24)34.01 (28.11)27.62 (20.93)32.10 (24.02)0.59
Low Back NRS (sd)46.22 (24.08)52.99 (27.05)43.86 (26.18)47.76 (25.64)0.52

Psychological Questionnaires
PCS (sd)15.15 (9.15)17.30 (9.53)14.75 (8.43)15.73 (8.96)0.63
FPQ (sd)72.25 (13.47)81.1 (19.43)76.65 (14.81)76.67 (16.24)0.23
Anxiety VAS (sd)23.20 (17.60)21.89 (23.96)24.30 (19.76)23.15 (20.21)0.94
Sample demographic, baseline pain perception, and psychological characteristics. Variables were all obtained prior to randomization. Significance set at p ≤ 0.05. Temperature measures are in degrees Celsius. Pain ratings obtained through 0 to 100 numeric rating scale (NRS).
PCS = Pain Catastrophizing Scale.
FPQ = Fear of Pain Questionnaire.
VAS = Visual Analog Scale.