Table 4
Time Required to Return to 95% of Baseline MF & MIF After Pulstar MAM
Time required to return to 95% of baseline mean frequency (MF) and mean instantaneous frequency (MIF) discharge for a minimum of 1s following Pulstar mechanical-assisted manipulation (MAM). Different subpopulations of spindle afferents appear to exist according to the time required to return to MF/MIF baseline. The reported values are the percentage of afferents returning to MF/MIF baseline discharge for the respective time period.
Mean Frequency (MF) Mean Instantaneous Frequency (MIF) Force
Time (s)22N
(n=15)0 – 1.99 11% 0% 13% 39% 22% 13% 2 – 3.99 17% 11% 7% 22% 33% 33% 4 – 5.99 28% 11% 0% 28% 17% 20% 6 – 7.99 5% 17% 20% 0% 11% 7% 8 –10 5% 5% 13% 5% 6% 0% >10 34% 56% 47% 6% 11% 27%