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Table 1

Age, diagnostic testing, and treatment of patients.

First author and referenceAgeDiagnostic techniquesTreatment techniquesTreatment duration and outcome
Adams JP1922Palpation, leg length, AKHVLA to T/S and sacrum Uterine manipulation and lymphatic drainage20 months ‘Healthy baby’ delivered
Anderson-Peacock E2035Palpation, postural exam, ROMs, leg length, thermography, electromyography, x-rayLow Force to C/S, T/S, L/S and sacrum2.5 months to conception Birth not reported
Anderson-Peacock E2036Palpation, postural exam, ROMs, leg length, thermography, electromyography, x-rayLow Force to C/S, T/S, L/S, sacrum and cranium Home exercise~ 2 months to conception Delivered full term
Bedell L2127Palpation, leg length, AK, postural exam, electromyography, thermographyLow Force C/S and sacrum Nutritional advice Craniosacral therapy2 months to conception Birth not reported
Borkhuis S2231Palpation, postural exam, x-ray, thermography, SEMG, HRVHVLA to unspecified sites Nutritional advice Exercise1 month to conception Followed to 6 months of pregnancy
Kaminski TM2331Palpation, thermography, SEMG, leg lengthHVLA and Low Force to unspecified sites9 months to conception Delivered full term
Ko M2439Palpation, postural exam, ROMs, AK, leg length, x-rayHVLA to T/S, L/S and sacrum Nutritional advice Exercise8 months to resolution of amenorrhea No pregnancy reported
Lyons DD2527Thermography, SEMG, x-rayHVLA to C/S, T/S, L/S and sacrum1 month to conception Delivered healthy baby in 8th month
Phillips G2637Palpation, MMT, leg lengthHVLA to C/S, T/S, L/S and sacrum4 months to ovulation and IVF Delivered full term
Schwanz JW2729Palpation, thermometry x-rayHVLA to sacrum1 month to conception Birth not reported
Wolcott E2828Palpation, postural exam x-rayHVLA to unspecified sitesTime to conception not reported Delivered full term
AK = applied kinesiology;
ROMs = ranges of motion;
SEMG = surface electromyography;
HRV = heart rate variability;
MMT = manual muscle testing;
HVLA = high velocity, low amplitude adjustment