PMC full text: | Published online 2014 Mar 24. doi: 10.1186/2045-709X-22-11
Table 4
Differences in provision of treatment interventions across professions
Interventions | Physical therapy versus chiropractic significance and direction |
Exercise | p = 0.01, PT–138 CH–107 |
Electrotherapeutics | No difference |
Thermal agents | No difference |
Phototherapeutics | p = 0.00, CH–23 PT–10 |
Sonic therapeutics | No difference |
Acupuncture | No difference |
Manual therapies | No difference |
Mechanical traction | No difference |
Orthoses/support devices | p = 0.05, PT–53 CH–26 |
Ergonomic interventions | No difference |
Work related interventions | No difference |
Other | p = 0.00, PT–29 CH–4 |
PT = Physical therapist, CH = Chiropractor.