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Table 1
Acupuncture points used, and Traditional Chinese Medicine reasons, to treat gallbladder channel obstruction and liver qi stagnation
GB 1, Tong Zi | Local Ashi point, relieve pain of headache, crossing point of SI and TW |
GB 8, Shuai Gu | Local Ashi point, treats migraines, meeting point of GB and BL meridians |
GB 20, Feng Chi | Treats headaches, clears heat and wind from the liver |
GB 34, Yang Ling Quan | Lower He-Sea point |
GB 43, Xia Xi | Ying-Spring point, clears heat from GB meridian, treats headaches |
BL 18, Gan Shu | Back-Shu point of liver, regulates and nourishes liver blood, cools fires and clears damp heat |
BL 19, Dan Shu | Back-Shu point of gallbladder, resolves damp-heat from LV and GB, clears pathogenic factors from the shaoyang, tonifies and regulates GB Qi. |
LV 8, Quguan | Nourishes the liver |
LV 3, Tai Chong | Shu stream point. Opens the LV channel. Treats headaches and chronic pain obstruction, treats LV qi stagnation, calms the spirit, with LI 4 to effect flow of qi and blood in the body, resolving chronic painful obstruction. |
LI 4, He Gu | Alleviates headache, with LV 3 to move qi and blood in the body, resolving stagnation causing pain |
LV 5, Li Gou | Luo-connecting point, strengthen the liver |
Yintang | Local Ashi point, extra point to relieve headaches. |
TW 5, Waiguan | Luo-connecting point. Opens the GB channel. Relieve headaches and migraines. |
H 7, Shen Men | Tonify deficiencies of qi, heart, and blood |
PC 6, Nei Guan | Luo-connection point, regulate qi and decrease pain |
SI 3, Hou Xi | Master point of GV, to diminish neck pain, alleviate dizziness |
Taiyang | Extra point, combined with TW 17 and GB 8 for migraines, key headache point |
TW 17, Yi Feng | Intersection of TW and GB meridians, for migraines |
TW = triple warmer
L = liver
GB = gallbladder.