JAMA Publishes Chiropractic Study on
Episodic Tension-Type Headache
Des Moines, Iowa The recent investigation into episodic
tension-type headache (ETTH) conducted in Denmark and published
in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA),
volume 280, pages 1576-1579, by Geoffrey Bove, D.C., Ph.D., and
Niels Nilsson, D.C., M.D., Ph.D., is admirable in its careful
design and simplicity and it is especially laudable in the
precise and sensitive interpretation of its data. In short, it is
exactly the kind of research that one would hope is conducted
throughout the health professions.
The study essentially points out that, between two types of
interventions carried out by the same chiropractor in response to
ETTH, there is no significant clinical difference in terms of the
improvements observed in both treatments. These recoveries refer
specifically to the number of hours of headache experienced and
the use of analgesics. Both treatments involve soft tissue
treatment in the form of deep friction massage and trigger point
therapy if indicated. In addition, the manipulation group
received joint manipulation in the form of diversified and/or
toggle-recoil techniques; while the additional component in the
remaining patient group consisted of low-power laser light, shown
previously [1] to produce no consequences other than
placebo effects.
One might conclude from a casual reading of this study that
chiropractic intervention produces no salutary effect in the
management of headaches. This particular interpretation, however,
is egregiously incorrect because:
The investigation examines the effect of a manipulative
technique (diversified and/or toggle-recoil) only. It actually
demonstrates a positive effect produced by other protocols
which are integral to the practice of chiropractic (deep friction
massage and trigger point therapy). The study scrupulously
avoids glossing over the clinical improvement observed in the
control group of patients and does not conclude (or even
insinuate) that the addition of chiropractic "provided no
benefit" errors which have flagrantly compromised the integrity
of another recent study addressed to the efficacy of chiropractic
in the management of asthma. [2]
The authors point out that the results for ETTH are in
"stark contrast" to those that they previously published for
cervicogenic headache. In the latter condition, the same
manipulative techniques published in the current JAMA article
produced clinically significant improvements in headache
duration, headache intensity, and the use of analgesics in
comparison to the control (massage and trigger point therapy)
This study therefore achieves the distinction of stimulating
further inquiry into the entire realm of the etiology and
classification of headache, as it demonstrates a major difference
in response (and presumably causative) mechanisms.
It also emphasizes the importance of performing an accurate
clinical diagnosis of headache patients, well within the training
and practice of chiropractors as well as medical practitioners.
These observations provide a rationale for our current
classification of ETTH and cervicogenic headache by emphasizing
the effectiveness of soft-tissue techniques in the management of
ETTH (presumably of muscular origin) and of manipulative
procedures which are more germane to what are possibly osseous
contributions to the origins of cervicogenic headache.
This study is to be applauded for its inclusion of a survey of
patient expectations of treatment in order to correct for
any difference between the treatment regimens in their ability to
generate a placebo effect (None were detected). This important
control was conspicuously absent in two recent chiropractic
studies involving both low-back pain [3] and
asthma [2] which appeared in The New England Journal
of Medicine and were unfortunately over-interpreted by their
respective authors to say nothing of the media.
Placebogenic effects also were minimized by the fact that
interventions of both experimental groups were conducted by the
same chiropractor. In addition, eligibility criteria were such
that more typical rather than mild or extreme cases were admitted
into the study.
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A Comparison of Active and Simulated Chiropractic Manipulation as Adjunctive Treatment
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A Comparison of Physical Therapy, Chiropractic Manipulation, and Provision of an
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