AMA’s “Contain and Eliminate” Tactics Are Alive and Well

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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FROM:   Dynamic Chiropractic ~ 7–15–2010

As a modern-day doctor of chiropractic, you may think this article is born of ancient paranoia. Perhaps you're convinced this is about AMA bashing and yesterday's news. But just look around and you will see clear and compelling evidence that the long-standing war between the AMA and everyone else who does not come under the AMA umbrella is far from over.

The names have changed, the venue has changed, the approach has changed and the legality has changed, but the intent has remained the same: to maintain monopolistic control over the delivery of health care.

AMA Policies Continue to Discriminate

It was not that long ago - 1963, to be exact - that the AMA formed its infamous "Committee on Quackery," whose mission was to "contain and eliminate" the chiropractic profession. Please let those two words, contain and eliminate, resonate for a moment, because 47 years later, the AMA House of Delegates, more specifically the Ophthalmology and Anesthesiology delegates, have introduced a resolution regarding scope of practice.

Specifically, they are targeting the Public Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), because it contains language deemed "troubling" based on AMA policy;

for example:

H-405.969, Definition of a Physician: "The AMA affirms that a physician is an individual who has received a 'Doctor of Medicine' or a 'Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine' degree," and

H-160.936, Comprehensive Physical Examinations by Appropriate Practitioners, which declares that "the performance of comprehensive physical examinations to diagnose medical conditions [should be limited] to licensed MDs/DOs or those practitioners who are directly supervised by licensed MDs/DOs."

It does not get much clearer than that. This is a declaration of war
on any health practitioner who is not an MD or DO.

Unfortunately, other indicators abound that not only the AMA, but also individual state medical associations, are mobilizing their forces, or are already on the offensive.

Efforts to Limit Scope of Practice

As many of you know, the Texas Medical Board of Examiners filed an action against the Texas Chiropractic Board of Examiners alleging that the chiropractic board has no authority to authorize DCs to do manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) or needle electromyogram (EMG). If that were not bad enough, the Texas medical board also suggested that "diagnosis" can only be performed by a doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy.

Editorial Comment:   For all of you who file HCFAs for your patients, you know that if the Diagnosis boxes (Box 21) are empty, the Company does not need to pay. Think on that. Imagine, the last 50 years of progress wiped out with the stroke of a pen. Perhaps it's time to mobilize?

Please review the rest of article now:
AMA's “Contain and Eliminate” Tactics Are Alive and Well


Since 7–15–2010

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