By Patricia G. Gayman, D.C.
As a parent you are or will be faced with some very important
decisions regarding immunization for your child.
The American
medical model has been one of encouraging vaccinations and
artificial immunizations as the way to prevent contracting a
disease and eradicating epidemics. The federal administration has
attempted to make vaccination mandatory, which certainly
eliminates freedom of choice regarding our own or our child's
Recent studies of the body-mind connection emphasize the fact
that the body is organized and maintained by an innate (inborn)
intelligence. This intelligence is capable of
creating the body
from two cells into a perfectly formed and fully functioning
organism within a few short months. This same
maintains the body in a state of homeostasis with its
environment, providing it has no interference, the principles of
good diet, rest and exercise are followed and the body is not
stressed beyond its limits to adapt.
It is the opinion of many that a healthy child raised in the
sanitary conditions prevalent in our society will be able to
fight off a disease or may indeed contract mild forms of some of
these generally benign conditions. The benefits
gained, whether the disease is contracted or successfully resisted, include lifelong immunity, which is established without the potentially
adverse effects of artificial immunity.
There is a growing body of evidence pointing out the hazards and
contraindications to mass vaccinations. The
long-term effects of artificially stimulating the immune system during childhood are beginning to surface as our population ages. There are many questions that have not been adequately answered. This
information is provided to give you a view from the other side of
this issue and some food for thought.
Although the information is admittedly biased against vaccination
on a wholesale basis, all statistics and hard facts are derived
from well-documented, reliable sources. I urge
to use this
information and the books included in the bibliography to make an
informed choice. Then you can decide whether or
to have your
child vaccinated from an informed position rather than because
"someone" told you it was the right thing to do.
Ask questions,
become informed, then make your decision.
There are some hard questions that need to be considered
1. Has vaccination actually eliminated epidemics or
are there
other explanations for the decline in certain
2. Why have several countries with much higher
ratings on the World Health Organization index discontinued the
widespread use of vaccines?
3. Why aren't known side effects discussed with
parents before
their children are injected with foreign material?
4. Could there be a connection between SIDS (sudden
infant death
syndrome) and vaccination?
5. Is there such a thing as "minimal brain
damager" when it is your child?
6. Is it possible that the increase in
cancer and other immune disorder diseases are directly related to
the widespread use of vaccination that began approximately 50
years ago?
7. Solid food is not normally introduced into the
digestive system of infants until after six months of age. Does
it make sense to inject foreign substances into the body of a
newborn infant to assault the immature immune system?
8. Are vaccines effective in creating immunity?
For how long?
9. Are vaccines worth the risk of adverse
reactions ranging from mild to severe, even death?
FYI (For Your Information)
In a review of vaccine literature it is significant to note that
the usual concern scientists show with having controlled studies
to demonstrate efficacy of therapies seem to be lacking.
Controlled, double- blind studies about vaccination and the long-
or short-term effects of artificial vaccination were not
conducted before introducing vaccinations on a mass
The major question, however, is what effect this lack of
scientific data has on our children. For instance,
a 20-month
period ending July 1992, vaccination reactions reported to the
federal government included:
-- More than 17,000 adverse
-- 2,525 severe
-- 360 deaths
Medical doctors who administer vaccines are required to report
the medical record of the vaccines, date of administration, name
of the manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine, name and work
address and title of the person who actually administers the
vaccine. They are also required to report any
In a NBC television news interview, David Kessler, MD, the former
head of the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), estimated that
physicians report only 10 percent of all adverse vaccine
Reactions to vaccines can be divided into two groups:
Immediate and delayed/or permanent.
Immediate reactions include: Fever,
fretfulness, vomiting, allergic reactions and
Delayed and permanent reactions include:
mental retardation, learning disabilities and paralysis, damage
to the immune system leading to auto-immune disorders and damage
to the nervous system.
Vaccines are prepared by a variety of methods, including the use
of live viruses. According to Cynthia Cournoyer in
her book,
What About Immunizations: Exposing The Vaccine
"Live attenuated viruses used for vaccines, implant foreign,
alien material derived from animal culture tissues into the human
genetic system."
In some cases of adverse reactions, the child's body may not be
reacting to the virus itself but rather to the ingredients used
in making the virus available for injection.
These are among the ingredients found in vaccines:
Acetone -a solvent used in fingernail
Alum -a preservative.
Aluminum and oil adjuvants
-cancer producing in
laboratory mice.
Aluminum phosphate -used in deodorants.
Formaldehyde -a known cancer-causing agent
which is
commonly used to embalm corpses.
Phenol (carbonic acid) -a deadly
Thimerosal (a mercury derivative) -a toxic
that is not easily eliminated from the body.
Immunizations Commonly Recommended:
There are many vaccines being used today. The
following is a list
of the most commonly used and the recommended schedule for
administration of the vaccines, primarily from the Lange
Medical Book.
Symbol Name Age of Administration
DPT Diphtheria 2,4, & 6 months
Pertussis Used for 4th & 5th doses
OPV/IPV Oral live virus/ 2, 4, & 18 months, 6 years
inactivated "killed"
polio virus
E-IPV Enhanced potency 2, 4, & 18 months
inactivated polio & 6 years
MMR Measles 15 months, 4-6 years
Mumps or 11-12 years
HIB Hemophilus influenza 1-2,4, & 6 months
Type B
Varicella Chicken Pox Not yet in regular use'
Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Birth, 1-2, 4,
& 6 months**
Current Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment;
Lange Medical Book
edited by: William W. Hay, Jr., Jessie R. Groothuis, Anthony R.
Hayward, & Myron J. Levin.
Chicken pox vaccine recently recommended by the American Academy
of Pediatrics for inclusion in the schedule for
** This is a new vaccine, the schedule noted above was derived
from The Vaccine Guide: Making an Informed Choice,
Randall Neustaedter, OMD.
The best defense against any disease, from the common cold to the
diseases that are commonly being vaccinated against, is a strong,
healthy immune system. There are measures that can
taken to
strengthen the body's ability resist or respond to disease.
to childhood diseases in a healthy individual will strengthen the
immune system and impart lifelong immunity to the disease in most
cases. In high-risk individuals or in special
vaccination, which may help develop some immunity, may be
Measures to Enhance the Immune System Without Invasion
- Breastfeeding
- Avoid feeding solid food until a child is more than 6 months old.
- Chiropractic care.
- Knowledge of family history of allergies. Avoid known allergens until a child is
at least 12 months old.
- Avoid conventional medicines that often weaken the body's natural immune system.
- Careful sanitation.
- Low-stress environment.
-Good nutrition including ample vitamin C and A.
Chiropractic is based on the premise that the body is a
organism. A body that is guided by an innate
intelligence, that can
create a fully developed person from two cells in only nine
most certainly has the ability to run the organism and to
good health.
Chiropractic recognizes that the body, under certain
may respond to the environment by manifesting a "disease."
It also has
the innate ability to heal itself. The role of
chiropractic care is to
keep the body free of interference and to maintain a fully
nervous system.
If the vertebrae of the spine become misaligned in the birth
or later through mechanical or chemical means, it creates a
known as a subluxation.
The correction of subluxations is the domain of a chiropractor.
adjustment to re-align the spine is accomplished by a specific,
gentle, non-invasive movement of the vertebrae.
allows unimpaired
flow of the nervous system and full flow of the body's ability to
maintain the highest possible level of health.
Have your child checked by a doctor of chiropractic whether or
decide to have your child immunized. It will give
him/her the best
possible chance to adapt to any stresses to which he/she may be
Homeopathy is the medical system that uses natural substances
mineral and animal products) that purportedly stimulate a healing
response within the body and encourage a curative reaction to
Homeopathy claims to support the functions of the immune system
way that helps the body resist disease viruses. Use of
products may enhance the body's ability to react to the disease
patient experiences milder symptoms when the disease is
Patricia G. Gayman, DC, recently retired as Dean of Clinics at
Chiropractic College West in San Lorenzo, Calif. A private
practitioner for 28 years, she wrote this book to help
patients make an informed decision about whether to vaccinate
children. Dr. Gayman has been honored by the Parker Chiropractic
Resource Foundation as Chiropractor of the Year in 1990 and Woman
Doctor of the Year in 1987. She is a Founding Mother of the World
Congress of Women Chiropractors and a member of the Royal
Knights of the Round Table.
Gayman was kind enough to supply this information to the
profession. If you would be interested in copies of
the complete 24-page book, including a detailed explanation
of possible reactions to all recommended vaccines, and a full
of references for further study, you may contact the
Patricia G. Gayman, DC
Empowerment Press
775 Scout Circle
Gardnerville, NV 89410