This material is intended to serve: (1) postgraduate
departments as the minimal criteria necessary for annual ACRB
course re-
certification; (2) as a guide for instructors in course
preparation and test
question submition to the ACRB; and (3) as study guide and
reference resource
for the candidate preparing for national examination.
4) Quality assurance guidelines, risk management &
After rigorous
methodological review of the scientific literature, guidelines
for care have
emerged in Canada, the U.S. and Britian.(1-3)
Conclusions about
frequency and duration of care have been drawn. Essentially,
approximately 90%
of uncomplicated acute mechanical pain syndromes have a natural
history of 4-6
weeks. Thus, treatment of noncomplicated acute pain problems
should only
exceed that time frame occassionally. Mercy summarized factors
that may
predict a longer recovery.(4) Patients who do require
more than 4-
6 weeks in order to recover activity tolerance are at risk of
physical and psychological deconditioning, and thus management
should focus on
functional restoration.
Risk factors of chronicity can be identified on the first day
of patient
contact. These factors have been summarized in both the British
low back pain
guidelines and the Mercy guidelines.(3,4) The
patient who
presents with "red flags" of serious disease (i.e.
infection, etc.) can be identified with a thorough history and
examination. Confirming imaging or laboratory tests can be
ordered and and
appropriate referral made.(2) Patients with
cardiopulomonary risk
factors should be identified so they may be instructed not to
exert themselves
inappropriately during an exercise program.(5)
Evaluation should be based on tests that are reliable,
sensitive, and
specific (See #12).
Facilities should be able to provide active care advice and
training. This
does not necessarily require expensive equipment, but does
require space for
simple measures. A stationary bicycle, gymnastic balls, pulleys,
hand weights,
medicine balls, rocker boards, and stretching mats are examples
of cost-
effective rehabilitation tools that should be a minimum
requirement for a
rehabilitation specialist.(6) Other rehabilitation
may include computerized and noncomputerized
1. Spitzer
WO, LeBlanc FE, Dupuis M, et al: Scientific approach to the
assessment and
management of activity- related spinal
disorders: A monograph
for clinicicns. Report of the Quebec Task Force on Spinal
Spine 12 (Suppl 7):S1, 1987
2. Bigos S, Bower O, Braen G, et al.
Acute Low Back Problems in Adults. Clinical Practice Guideline No. 14.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research,
Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1994
3. Waddell G Feder G, McIntosh A, Lewis M, Hutchinson A
(1996) Low
Back Pain Evidence Review. London: Royal
College of
General Practitioners.
4. Haldeman S, Chapman-Smith D, Petersen DM. Frequency
and duration
of care. In Guidelines for chiropractic
Quality Assurance
and Practice Parameters. Aspen 1993, Gaithersburg.
5. ACSMrquote s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and
5th edition, Williams and Wilkins, 1995.
6. Liebenson CS. Rehabilitation of the Spine: A
s Manual, Liebenson C (ed). Williams and Wilkins,
7. Newton M, Waddell G. Trunk strength testing with
iso-machines, Part
1: review of a decade of scientific evidence.
5) Cost
effectiveness: ethics of health care & co-dependence
It is
recognized that 60 to 80% of the general population will suffer
lower back
pain at some point in their lives.(1-4) Most
acute pain patients recover within six weeks, but 5-15% are
unresponsive and
have continued disability.(5-6) This smaller group is
and accounts for up to 85% of the total cost of lower back
According to AHCPR and British back pain guidelines, patient
pain-relief methods, and exercise should be included in case
management.(11-12) Active care/functional restoration
should concentrate on quantification of functional deficits,
education, early return to work, and psychosocial intervention.
should be driven primarily by functional findings (i.e.
elimination of
activity limitations), and not solely upon changes to the local
area such as
the stages of tissue healing (histological remodeling of
Overutilization of expensive imaging techniques to make a
diagnosis should be avoided. Strict criteria for prescribing
acute pain care
such as passive modalities, bed rest or surgery should be
maintained. Passive
modalities are appropriate during acute pain episodes, but should
not be used
as an end in itself, rather as agents to facilitate active
rehabilitation or
functional restoration. Prolonged use of passive modalities
tends to promote
patient dependency.
Furthermore, the concept of doctor dependency should be
recognized. This
may be manfest in an number of ways, for example: (1) what is
commumicated to
the patient concerning the nature and prognosis of their
disorder; and (2)
whether the patient is provided the tools necessary to liberate
from professional care.
Appropriate management includes patients education about the
benign nature
of pain, the dangers of deconditioning, and encouragement about
the benefits
and safety of becoming more active. Home care/self-care
instructions should be
in the form of activity modifications and should be provided from
day one.
1. Cassidy
JD, Wedge H, The Epidemiology and Natural History of Low Back
Pain and Spinal
Degeneration. In: Kirkaldy-Willis, ed.
Manaiging Low Back
Pain. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1988;3 45.
2. Frymoyer JW, Pope MH, Costanza MC, et al:
Epidemiologic studies
of low-back pain Spine 1980; 5:419-423.
3. Svensson HO. Andesscn GBJ: Low back pain in forty to
year old men. 1. Frequency of occurrence and
inpact on
medical services. Scand J Relahil Med. 1982; 14:47-53.
4. Biering-Soenaen F: A prospective Study of low back pain
in a general
Population. 1. Occurrence, recurrence and etiology.
Scand S
Relabil Med 1983; 15:71-79.
5. Berm RT, Wood PH: Pain in the back: An attempt to
estimate the
size of the problem Rheumatol Rehabil 1975;
6. Berquist-Ullman M, Larsson U: Acute low back pain in
Acta Orthop Scand 1977; 170:1.117 (SuppI).
7. Snook SH: Low back Pain in indusiry. In White AA.
Gordon SL
(eds): Symposium on Idiopathic Low Back Pain. St
Louis, C.V.
Mosby, 1982.
8. Frymoyer JW, Pope MH, Clernents JH, et al: Risk Factors
in Low Back
Pain: An epidemiological study. J Bone Joint
surgery 1983;
9. Andeasson GBJ, Pope MH. Fryrnoyer JW:
Epidemiology, in Pope MH,
Frymoyer SW, Anderson G (eds): Occupational Low
Back Pain.
New York, Praeger, 1984, pp 101-114.
10. Frymoyer JW: Epidemiology. In Frymoyer SW, Gordon SL
Symposium on New Perspectives on Low Back Pain.
Park Ridge,
Amencan Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1989; 19-33.
12. Bigos S, Bower O, Braen G, et al.
Acute Low Back Problems in Adults. Clinical Practice Guideline No. 14.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research,
Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1994
11) Functional testing (physical performance of isolated
For the
purpose of outcomes management as well as rehabilitation
evaluation of physical performance is a crucial step. According
to the North
American Spine Society, "a major factor underlying
disability is an
actual physical inability to perform certain tasks because of
lost muscle
strength, lowered endurance and aerobic capacity, or decreased
mobility and
coordination." p 2063.(1) Physical Performance
(isolated muscles/joints) includes range of motion, strength,
and endurance
No strength measurements are performed in Acute patients.
Depending on
diagnosis and condition severity, subacute patients may have
strength tested.
Low-tech tests have been shown to be reliable and valid.
Further, normative
data on simple, inexpensive, squatting, trunk flexion, and trunk
tests has also been established.(4,5) Waddell and
Newton after
reviewing the scientific literature said, "no convincing
supports that iso-testing has greater utility than clinical
evaluation of
impairment, isometric testing or other simple tests."
Grip is assessed by the use of a Jamar grip
Spinal ROM should be measured on day one.(8,9)
The effect of
motion on pain should be noted. For instance, does pain increase
or decrease
with motion and do symptoms centralize or peripheralize with
Subacute patients (around 2nd week) may have key tight muscles
such as hip
flexors, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, and soleus
1. Mayer TG, Polatin P, Smith B, Smith C, Gatchel R,
Herring SA,
Hall H et al. Contemporary concepts in spine
care: spine
rehabilitation secondary and tertiary nonoperative care. Spine
2066, 1995.
2. Yeomans S. Liebenson C. TICC, March 1996.
3. Yeomans S. Liebenson C. TICC, September 1996.
4. Alaranta H, Hurri H, Heliovaara M, Soukka A, Harju
R. Non-dynametric trunk performance tests: reliability and normative data base. Scand J Rehab Med 1994;26:211-215.
5. Rissanen A, Alarant H, Sainio P, Harkonen H.
Isokinetic and non-
dynametric tests in low back pain patients
related to pain
and disability index. Spine 1994;19:1963-1967.
6. Newton M, Waddell G. Trunk strength testing with
Part 1: review of a decade of scientific
evidence. Spine 1993;
7. Swanson AB, Matev IB, de Groot Swanson G. The
strength of the
hand. Bull Prosthet Res Fall 1970; 145-53.
8. Mayer T, Gatchel RJ, Keeley J, Mayer H, Richling D.
A Male
incumbent worker industrial database. Spine
1994; 19:762-
9. Gatchel RJ, Mayer TG, Capra P, et al. Quantification of
function, Part 6: The use of psychological
measures in guiding
physical functional restoration. Spine 1986; 11:36-41.
10. Ekstrand J, Wiktorsson M, Oberg B, Gillquist J. Lower
extremity goniometric measurements: A study to determine
their reliability. Arch Phys Med Rehab 1982; 63:171-175.
12. Outcomes management: objective measurement of soft tissue
The purpose of outcomes management is to quantify
progress/status with
reliable, valid measurements. This can be used to document
medical necessity,
provide patient feedback, and often aid the doctor in clinical
Outcomes management can be acheived by gathering both
information (questionnaires), as well as objective data (physical
testing - see #11). The subjective tools include the
1. general health questionnaires (SF-36); (1)
2. pain assessment scale (VAS - visual analogue scale,
pain scale); (2, 3)
3. condition specific questionnaires (Oswestry,
(4, 5)
neck disability index, (6) headache
quesionnaire, (7)
and others);
4. psychometric questionnaires (SCL-90-R,(8)
Beckrquote s
Depression Screen,(9));
5. patient satisfaction questionnaires (Chiropractic
6. disability prediction questionnaires (Vermont
Sorensonrquote s test,(12) NIOSH
In addition, a soft tissue tenderness grading scheme has been
described which can "objectify" palpation.(14)
The criteria for a good outcomes assessment test are the
1. Safety
2. Reliability
3. Validity:
(a) discriminant (sensitivity,
(b) concurrent (correlates with "gold standard"
or other
4. Normative Database
5. Cost
6. Time factor
1. Goertz
CMH. Measuring functional health status in the chiropractic
office using
self-report questionnaires. Top Clin Chiro
1994; 1: 51-
2. Von Korff m, Deyo RA, Cherkin D, Barlow SF. Back
pain in primary
care: Outcomes at 1 year. Spine 1993; 18:855-
3. Dworkin SF, Von Korff M, Whitney WC, et al.
Measurement of
characteristic pain intensity in field research.
Pain Suppl
1990; 5:S290.
4. Oswestry LBPDQ : Fairbank J, Davies J, et al. The
Oswestry Low Back
Pain Disability Questionnaire. Physiother 1980;
66(18): 271-
5. Hudson-Cook N, Tomes-Nicholson K. The revised
Oswestry low back
pain disability questionnaire. Thesis; Anglo-
College of Chiropractic, 1988.
6. Vernon H, Mior S. The Neck Disability Index: A Study
of Reliability
and Validity. J Manip Phys Ther
7. Jacobson Gary P., Ramadan NM, et al., The Henry Ford
headache disability inventory (HDI). Neurology
8. Bernstein IH, Jaremko ME, Hinkley BS. On the utility
of the SCL-
90-R with low-back pain patients. Spine
1994;19:42- 48.
9. Beck A. Depression: Clinical, experimental and
aspects. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.
10. Coulter ID, Hays RD, Danielson CD. The chiropractic
questionnaire. Top Clin Chiro 1994; 1(4):40-
11. Vermont Q. (Short form): Hazard RG, Haugh LD, Reid S,
Preble JB,
MacDonald L. Early prediction of chronic
disability after
occupational low back injury. Spine 1996; 21:945-951.
12. Biering-Sorensen F: Physical measurements as risk
indicators for
low-back trouble over a one-year period. Spine
1984;9: 06-
13. Luoto S, Heliovaara M, Hurri H, Alaranta H. Static back
endurance and
the risk of low-back pain. Clin. Biomech. 1995;
14. Moffroid MT, Haugh LD. Henry SM, Short B.
Distinguishable groups
of musculoskeletal low back pain patients and
control subjects based on physical measures of the NIOSH low back
atlas. Spine
19:12;1350- 1358, 1994.
15. Wolfe F, Smythe HA, Yunus MB, et al. The American
College of
Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the
classification of
fibromyalgia. Arthritis Rheum. 1990; 33: 160-172.
13) Biomechanics & kinesiopathology of common tasks,
mechanism of injury, ergonomics & repetitive strain.
Common tasks
have been identified by the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and
include such
items as standing, sitting, walking, carrying, lifting,
etc.(1) Standing and sitting are mostly static
behaviors which
rely on posture. Walking, carrying, or lifting are examples of
activities which involve coordination, strength, and
Mechanisms of injury vary from task to task, but a general
rule is that
injury results from prolonged or repetitive activities involving
smaller loads
rather than single events involving a high magnitude
In particular most anatomical tissues are injured when loaded
at end
range, and preventive ergonomic, educational, or exercise
training strategies
are designed to train neutral joint positioning and/or
antagonistic muscle co-
Mechanisms of injury related to acute trauma (e.g. grades I
through IV
ligament sprains) are often unrelated to a history of
pre-existing repetitive
strain. Cervical whiplash may result from
Acceleration/Deceleration trauma.
A torn ACL or other exremity ligament injury may result from a
sport specific
trauma such as can occur from soccer, football, basketball,
When a movement arc occurs with a broad or erratic center
of rotation
around a joint, or the center of mass cannot be maintained over a
stable base
of support, injuries are more likely.(7-9) For
instance, if the
scapulae moves superiorly in the early part of an arm raising
activity (the
"setting phase") this has been correlated with shoulder
syndromes.(10) Similarly, when a forward head
posture is present
a greater incidence of headache can be
predicted.(11,12) Lower
back pain patients are distinguishable from non-sufferers by
having poor
control of anterior to posterior body sway on a balance board as
well as by
having an erratic sagital movement path after prolonged resisted
flexion/extension movements.(7,9)
1. Fishbain
DA, Abdel-Moty A, Cutler R, Khalil TM, Steele-Rosomoff R,
Rosomoff HL. A
method for measuring residual functional
capacity in chronic
low back pain patients based on the dictionary of occupational
titles. Spine
2. Lewit K. Chain reactions in disturbed function of the
system. Man Medicine 1987;3:27-29.
3. Bogduk N, Twomey LT. Clinical anatomy of the lumbar
spine. 2nd
edition. Churchill Livingstone Melbourne,
4. McGill SM. Low back exercises: prescription for the
healthy back
and when recovering from injury. ACSM Resource
Manual - 3rd ed.
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore (sched 1997).
5. Gollhafer A, Kryolainen H. Neuromuscular control of
the human leg
extensor muscles in jump exercises under various
stretch load
condition. International Journal of Sports Medicine
6. Ihara H, Nakayama A. Dynamic joint control training for
knee ligament
injuries. Am J Sports Med 14(4);309-315,
7. Paarnianpour M, Nordin M, Kahanovitz N, Frank V. The
coupling of torque generation of trunk muscles
isometric exertions and the effect of fatiguing isoinertial
movements on the
motor output and movement patterns. Spine
8. Panjabi MM. The stabilizing system of the spine.
Part 1.
Function, dysfunction, adaptation, and
enhancement. J
Spinal Disorders 1992; 5:383-389.
9. Byl NN, Sinnot PL. Variations in balance and body
sway in middle-
aged adults: subjects with healthy backs
compared with
subjects with low-back dysfunction. Spine 1991:16:325-330.
10. Babyar SR. Phys Ther 1996;76:226-238..
11. Watson, DH, Trott PH. Cephalgia 1993:13;272-284.
12. Treleaven J, Jull G. Cephalgia 1994:14;273-279.
14) Evaluation
of muscle imbalance (identification of tight & weak
imbalance describes the situation in which some muscles become
inhibited and
weak, while others become overactive. Muscles may be
categorized according
to their tendency toward developing tightness (e.g. hamstrings
and upper
trapezius) or inhibition (e.g. the gluteal and abdominal groups).
weakness and tightnesses do not occur randonly; rather, typical
imbalance patterns" are described. These imbalance patterns
may not
remain limited to the local symptomatic region, but facilitate a
reaction effecting other regions of the locomotor system. For
example, the
proximal crossed syndrome is a muscle imbalance pattern
characterized by
development of overactivity or tightness in the
suboccipitals, upper trapezius, levator, and pectoralis major;
and inhibition
of the deep neck flexors and lower scapular stabilizers. This
pattern of
muscle imbalance produces typical changes in posture and motion
that can be
evaluated by observation of muscle tone, postural analysis, gait
muscle length testing, and movement pattern evaluation (see #15
An alternative way to view muscle imbalance is the relative
power, or endurance of one muscle or muscle group in relation to
antagonistic muscle or muscle group. For instance, the
relationship betreen
hamstring verses quadriceps, or trunk flexors verses trunk
- Janda V: Muscle
strength in relation to muscle length, pain and muscle imbalance.
In Harms-
Rindahl K (ed): Muscle Strength. New York, Churchhill
- Janda V: Muscle Spasm - a proposed procedure for differential
diagnosis. J
Manual Med 6:136, 1991.
- Janda V. "Evaluation of Muscular Imbalance, In
Rehabilitation of the
Spine: A Practitioner's Manual, In Liebenson C (ed). Williams and Wilkins,
1996, pp 97-112.
- White SG, Sahrmann, SA. A movement system balance approach to
of musculoskeletal pain. Ruth Grant (ed.), Churchill
Livingstone, 2nd ed,
- Wathen D. "Muscle Balance" in Essesntials of
Strength and
Conditioning, Baechle TR editor, National Strength and
Association/ Human Kineticspb, 1994.
15) Evaluation
of motor control/movement patterns
These are
movements which typify the fundamental activities of humans such
as sitting,
standing, gait, prehension and forward bending of the trunk.
Certain key
movement stereotypes have been shown to be reflective of these
functions. These movement patterns include hip hyperextension,
hip abduction,
supine trunk flexion, neck flexion, arm abduction, push-up and
forward bending
of the trunk while standing.
Movement patterns may be altered by the presence of pain,
imbalance, trigger points, or joint dysfunction. Left
uncorrected, abnormal
movement patterns may be memorized just as normal gait or bicycle
riding is
When a movement pattern is altered, the activation sequence or
firing order
of different muscles involved in a specific movement is
altered. The
prime mover may be slow to activate, while synergists or
stabilizing muscles
substitute or become overactive. Biomechanically, the result is
a change in
the fulcrum (center of rotation) used for a particular movement.
The problem
may be perpetuated since inefficient or uneconomical movement
patterns create
further muscular imbalances and joint dysfunctions that are
associated with movement pattern abnormality.
Simply put, movement pattern evaluation describes assessement
of motor
control. For example, on the Kendall test for side lying
abduction, both the
tensor fascia lata (TFL) and the gluteus medius can raise the
leg. If there
is substitution of a dominant TFL for an inhibited gluteus
medius, the
movement pattern will be altered as the leg flexes excessively.
observation of the movement pattern quality is the key, not the
degree of
achieved resistance (quantity). Movement pattern evaluation is
based upon the
timing or sequencing of muscle activation, and the degree of
activity of the
prime movers and synergists, allowing the clinician to evaluate
abnormal substitution of muscle groups during testing
protocols. For
example, movement pattern evaluation allows the observer to note
that hip
extension may occur with the axis of rotation in the lumbar spine
hip extension") rather than in the hip joint.
This assessment when coorelated with other aspects of muscle
analysis (such as gait and postural analysis) leads to the
development of
patient specific treatment concerning which overactive or tight
muscles need
to be relaxed, which weak muscles need to be facilitated or
strengthened, and
what joints must be be adjusted.
- Janda V. "Evaluation of Muscular Imbalance, 1996,
pp 97-
112. In
of the Spine: A Practitioner's Manual, Liebenson C (ed). P.
Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1995.
- Kendall FP, McCreary EK. Muscles: Testing and Function.
Williams and
Wilkins, Baltimore, 1983, p.10.
16) Evaluation
of strength
strength refers to the maximal force that can be generated by a
muscle or muscle group.
Before evaluating muscle strength, consideration should be
given to the
patient's clinical condition since strength assessment involves
maximal efforts and could result in injury or exacerbation.
Appropriate body mechanics and warm-up are crucial.
Strength may be evaluated by static assessment (i.e.
isometrically) measuring force generated against a force plate or
tensiometer. Static strength assessment is performed without joint movement. The
peak value is expressed as maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Due to the
specific fixed joint angle and the muscle tested, these static tests are
minimally functional but have high reliability. The utility of this assessment is
improved when isometric tests are performed at multiple angles/positions
through a jointrquote s range of motion.
Strength may also
be evaluated dynamically, utilizing isotonic equipment with the
movement of a load through a range of motion. The simplest and safest
measurement of dynamic strength is the performance of a 10 RM (repetition
Maximum), where the 10 RM equals the maximal amount of weight an individual can lift
10 times. A
1 RM (repetition maximum) can also be performed and represents a
greater value
and indication of the individual's strength; however, again, it
is a maximal
test and good clinical judgment of the patient's condition should
be used.
Less commonly, isokinetic machines may be used where the
velocity of the
movement remains constant, and the amount of torque an
individual can
generate is measured. These machines are relatively expensive
and, like the
isometric machines, bear limited resemblance to "real world"
movements found
in everyday life.
- American college
of Sports Medicine's Guidelines for Exercising Testing and
Prescription -
Fifth Edition, Williams & Wilkins, 1995.
- Essesntials of Strength and Conditioning, Baechle TR editor,
Strength and Conditioning Association/ Human Kinetics pub,
17) Evaluation of endurance (muscular endurance)
endurance is the ability of a muscle or muscle group to execute
dynamic contractions over a period of sufficient time/duration to
muscular fatigue or to statically maintain a specific percentage
of MVC
(generally not to exceed 40% MVC) for a prolonged period of
There are several simple tests of muscular endurance that have
data bases that are particularly useful and applicable to
practitioner of rehabilitation (see #11). These tests have also
been shown to
be associated with the presence of low back pain in individuals.
These tests
can be helpful in establishing bench marks for evaluating a
patient's progress
during a spine rehabilitation program.
- American college
of Sports Medicine's Guidelines for Exercising Testing and
edition, Williams & Wilkins, 1995.
- Ito, et al., Lumbar Trunk Muscle Endurance Testing; An
Alternative to a Machine for Evaluation, in archives of Physical
Medicine and
Rehabilitation, volume 77, January 1996.
- Alaranta H, Hurri H, Heliovaara M, et al: Non-dynametric
performance tests: Reliability and normative data. Scand J Rehab
Med 26:211,
18) Evaluation
of flexibility
flexibility is considered synonymous with range of motion, it is
correctly considered a combined result of musculotendenous and
function. The most accurate tests for flexibility are those in
which a
goniometer or inclinometer is used to measure the actual degrees
of rotation
of various joints. In the spine, movement is best measured using
which accurately measure the movement between anatomic landmarks.
Tests are specific to each joint, muscle group and connective
tissue area.
Flexibility/ROM is assessed several ways: (1) Active ROM: the
patient moves
the limb or involved structure and measurements are taken. (2)
Passive ROM:
the examiner moves the limb or involved structure with the
patient providing
no assistance. In addition, manual examination of joint play and
will add specific information about individual joint function.
Objective quantification tests of specific tight muscles or
stiff joints
are a part of physical performance testing (see #11). Certain
muscles, when
tight, may interfere with movement patterns. For example, in the
evaluation of
low back pain, evaluation of trunk flexion, extension and
lateral bending is
a typical starting point. Specific muscles which can be evaluated
hamstrings, rectus femoris, iliopsoas, and tensor fascia lata.
measurements provide important important baseline measure and
helps document
therapeutic outcomes.
Guides to the
Evaluation of Permant Impairment, 4th Edition.
- Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Practitionerrquote s Manual,
Liebenson C
(ed). P. 73-95 Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1995.
- Alter, M. Science of Flexibility and Stretching. Human
Kinetics, 2nd
edition, 1996.
19) Evaluation
of aerobic capacity/fitness, including cardiorespiratory risk
factors with
exertional activities
capacity is synonymous with cardiorespiratory endurance. These
terms relate
to the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to acquire,
and deliver oxygen to the muscles followed by elimination of
waste products.
The criterion used to measure cardiorespitory endurance is
which is how many milliliters of oxygen the body can use per
kilogram of body
weight per minute. The greater this value, the greater the level
cardiovascular fitness.
Aerobic capacity can be measured directly in
settings measuring the volume of expired gases exhaled or,
practically, by indirect measures utilizing heart rate
terminations at a
specific power output or test protocol.
Given the expense and risk associated with maximal
testing, submaximal testing is much more commonly done.
cycle ergometer tests are probably the most practical
for most
patients, and two common protocols are the YMCA protocol and the
Reiming protocol. Treadmill tests include the Bruce and Balke
The three-minute step test is inexpensive and has been used for
mass testing.
There are also field tests, including the Cooper 12-minute test,
the 1.5-mile
test (run) for time, and the rockport one-mile fitness walking
test. In fit
individuals, VO2 max should be tested using the same or similar
activity that the patient uses (e.g. a bicyclist should be tested
on a bke,
not a treadmill).
To attain maximal gains in cardiovascular fitness, an activity
incorporate large muscles and be performed for a prolonged period
of time in a
continuous fashion. Examples include walking, swimming, jogging,
and cross-
country skiing.
Before an individual is put on an exercise program
cardiopulomonary risk
factors must be assessed. The PAR-Q can be used to identify
patients for whom
physical activity might be inappropriate or should have medical
advice. The
patient should be evaluated for signs & symptoms suggestive
cardiopulmonary disease or coronary artery disease. These include
pain; discomfort in the chest, neck, jaw, arms; shortness of
breath at rest or
with mild exertion; dizziness or syncope; orthopnea or paroxysmal
dyspnea; ankle edema; palpitations or tachycardia; intermittent
known heart murmur; or unusual fatigue or shortness of breath
with usual
activities. Other coronary artery risk factors that should be
screened for in
the history, examination, and with laboratory tests include the
following: age
- men >45, women > 55; family History - MI or sudden death
< 55 yrs
of age in father/brother or <65 in mother/sister; current
smoking; hypertension -> 140/90; hypercholesterolemia - total
cholesterol > 200 mg/dL or HDL < 35 mg/dL; diabetes
mellitus; or a
sedentary lifestyle.
Patients risk with exercise can be ranked by the following
approach: (1) Apparently healthy: asymptomatic & no more
than 1 major
coronary risk factor; (2) increased risk: signs & symptoms of
cardiopulmonary and metabolic disease or two or more coronary
risk factors; or
(3) known cardiac, pulmonary or metabolic disease. Patients with
risk or with known disease must first be cleared for rehab by
physician. Electrocardiogram is obtained for patients at
To achieve a cardiorespiatory training effect, it is necessary
to train at
50 to 85% of VO2 max. However, unfit individuals should begin at
40 to 50% of functional capacity (VO2max) and
gradually increase
training intensity over time. This may vary greatly in the
population dependent upon the degree of deconditioning and
initial level of
cardiovascular fitness. Because a direct relationship exists
between heart
rate and exercise intensity, heart rate can be effectively
utilized to
prescibe and monitor intensity. Training range may be estimated
by the
Karvonan method, or assessed during exercise stress test.
for Exercise Testing and Prescrintion. 5th Ed, Williams &
Wilkins 1995.
- Hornberg, J. Exercise Physiology Guidelines. Rehabilitation
for Chiropractic, Chiropractic Rehabilitation Association, 1992,
pages 11-
20) Activities
of daily living (ADL) & Health habits
ADLrquote s
are defined as activities causing physical demands that occur on
a regular
basis due to the patientrquote s lifestyle, home-life, hobbies,
or demands of
employment.(1,) Repetitive micro-trauma from home or
overstrain (e.g. lifting, sitting, material handling, etc.) is a
major factor
in soft tissue injury (see biomechanics #6).
Patients should be educated about how to modify their ADLs of
demands of
employment (DE) at the outset of care. Advice and education are
important in
the treatment process.(2) Advice about body mechanics
and posture;
chairs and work stations; sleep positions, pillows, matresses;
lifting and
carrying techniques; pushing and pulling; and common household
Appropriate lifting technique should be taught to patients.
This may
include advice about maintaining the normal lordosis; not lifting
prolonged flexion or rising from bed; co-contracting back and
muscles during lifting; reducing the lever arm; and avoidance of
(3). Ergonomic workstation advice might include
suggestions about seat
and arm rest height; seat angle; use of a document holder;
computer monitor
height; light source and screen glare; etc.(4)
The dangers of deconditioning and the positive effects of
activity should
both be emphasized. Reassurance about the benefits of low-stress
like swimming, walking or biking should be recommended as soon as
Hochschiler et al, Rehabilitation of the Spine, 1993, Mosby,
2. Bigos S, Bower O, Braen G, et al.
Acute Low Back Problems in Adults. Clinical Practice Guideline No. 14.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research,
Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1994
3.McGill S, Norman
RW. Low back
biomechanics in industry: The prevention of injury through safer
lifting. In
Grabiner M (ed): Current Issues in Biomechanics.
IL, Human Kinetics, 1993.
4. Liebensen C. Oslance J. Patient Education in
Rehabilitation of
the Spine: A Practitioner's Manual, Liebenson C (ed). Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,
1995, pages
5. Ortiz D, Smith R. Ergonomic Considerations. In
Basmajian JV,
Nyberg R (eds): Rational Manual Therapies.
Baltimore, Williams
& Wilkins, 1993, pp 441-450.
21) Diagnosis:
history, vitals, imaging
History taking
is the most important part of the diagnostic process. History
alone can
reliably carry out diagnostic triage with a high degree of
sensitivity and
specificity. The goal of the diagnostic triage is to classify
patients into
meaningful treatment categories. For instance, in the lower back,
history can
rule out lquote Red Flagsrquote of disease, diagnose relevant
(e.g. Nerve Root Compression) and determine if pain is of a
Red Flags of infection, tumor, severe trauma, or cauda equina
should be identified. Cancer or infection should be suspected as
a cause of
musculoskeletal pain if any of the following are present - past
history of
cancer, unexplained weight loss, fever over 100 deg F,
recent infection, IV drug use, prolonged use of corticosteroids,
back pain not
better with rest, or age over 50.
Spinal fracture should be suspected if there is a
history of
significant trauma, recent mild trauma in an individual over the
age of 50,
prolonged use of steroids, osteoporosis, or anyone over the age
of 70. Any
patient with red flags of serious disease should be either
referred to the
appropriate specialist, emergency room (e.g. cauda equina
syndrome), or have
appropriate laboratory or imaging tests performed.
Nerve root compression can be concluded if in the
history it is
discovered there are leg symptoms below the knee and in the
examination there
are + nerve root tension signs (e.g. + SLR or M,S, R exam).
Vital signs include blood pressure, pulse, temperature,
respiration, height
and weight. These serve as general screen in the clinical
Imaging decisions can usually be postponed until after the
first month of
treatment. X-rays & lab tests are generally unnecessary in
the 1st
month unless a "red flag" is noted.
When taking a history of a patient who may be put on an
exertional exercise
program, it is important to screen for cardiopulmonary risk
factors (see
1. Bigos S, Bower O, Braen G, et al.
Acute Low Back Problems in Adults. Clinical Practice Guideline No. 14.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research,
Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1994
2. Waddell G Feder G, McIntosh A, Lewis M, Hutchinson A
(1996) Low
Back Pain Evidence Review. London: Royal College
of General
Introduction to McKenzie principles & assessment
The McKenzie
protocol (1,2) is a rehabilitation approach that
explores patient
generated movement and positioning strategies during both the
acute and
chronic phase. The McKenzie approach predicates treatment on
mechanical and
symptomatic responses to dynamic and static spinal loading.
Consistent with
the principles of rehabilitation, independence through self-care
is the
primary goal. Activity therapy, especially in the acute phase,
minimizes the
potential for the physical and psychological sequela of
(deconditioning and abnormal illnes behavior).
Based upon mechanical and symptomatic responses to loading, it
determined if a patient can be included in one of three syndrome
patterns of
conditions amenable to "mechanical therapy" that
McKenzie terms the
posture, dysfunction, and derangement syndromes.
In the McKenzie protocol, end-range loading is used as both a
and therapeutic tool. Progression of treatment is provided with
increase of forces, as necessary, providing continuous passive
spinal motion
strategically performed by the patient.
- Jacob G,
Barenburg D, Starler S, Therapeutic Loading Criteria; Aspen
Publishing (in
- Jacob G, McKenzie RA. Mechanical and Symptomatic Responses to
Loading. Chapter in Rehabilitaiton of the Spine, C. Liebensen
Williams & Wilkins, 1996.
- McKenzie, RA. The Cervical and Thoracic Spine: Mechanical
Diagnosis and
Therapy. Waikanae, New Zealand. Spinal Publications, 1991.
- McKenzie, RA. The Lurnbar Spine. Mechanical Diagnosis and
Waikanae, New Zealand. Spinal Publications, 1981.
23) Stabilization exercise
exercise refers to trunk exercises which maximally activates key
muscles while minimizing joint strain. The focus is on reducing
within the locomotor system so that spinal segmental stability
can be re-
The goal of spinal stabilization is to promote spinal
stability during activities of daily living and demands of employment. This is
accomplished by training the patient to control posturally destabilizing forces
by reconditioning key spinal stabilizers through a series of
progressively more complex movements focusing on neuromuscular re-education
(coordination, balance), endurance training, and strength.
Spinal stabilization is generally initiated during the
subacute stage. Exercises progress from nonweight-bearing stable positions to
functional weight-bearing positions. Labile surfaces such as rocker board
or gymastic balls are utilized to increase the stabilization demand.
Exercises initially
focus on the promotion of lumbar and lumbopelvic stability and
then progress to exercises involving distal mobility. The objective of initial
training is the development of motor control: speed of contraction,
coordination and endurance. Through repetitive training, motor control
progressively improves until contraction of the spinal stabilizing muscles becomes
automatized during activities of daily living and demands of employment.
Exercises are presented in a track format for ease of
learning. The track
provides a pathway for gradually
progressing to more challenging exercises. Should the patient
loose appropriate motor control with the progression to more advanced
exercises, the doctor can prescribe that the patient "peel back"
to easier movements within the track.
A simplified example of a spinal stabilization track is the
from an isometric co-contraction of deep abdominal and spinal
muscles, to co-
contraction combined with arm movements, to progression involving
elevation of opposite arms and legs ("the dead
- Hyman, J. and
Liebenson, C. "Spinal Stabilization Exercise Program"
in C.
Liebensenrquote s Rehabilitation of the Spine: A
Practitionerrquote s Manual,
1996, pp 293-317.
- McGill SM. Low back exercises: prescription for the healthy
back and when
recovering from injury. ACSM Resource Manual - 3rd ed. Williams
& Wilkins,
Baltimore (sched 1997).
24) PNF
(psycho-motor skills development)
Proprioceptive neural facilitaiton (PNF) focuses on neuromuscular control of
movement. It's signature phrase is proximal stability before distal mobility.
The workhorse techniques of PNF are specific Manual Resistance Techniques (MRT)
that promotes or stimulates the response of the neuromuscular
mechanism through stimulation of appropriate proprioceptors. More specifically, PNF
promotes normal, natural neuromotor response in individuals who display
neuromuscular deficiencies. The physiologic principles of this
therapy include: (1) Autogenic Inhibition, (2) Reciprocal Inhibition, (3)
Successive Induction, and (4) Irradiation. In a clinical context, PNF
techniques are commonly used to relax overactive muscles or stretch shortened
muscles and their fascia. Depending upon the clinical application, a number
of techniques may be used. Two of the most common are hold-relax and
contract-relax. PNF techniques may serve as a bridge to active care since they are
easily tolerated like passive methods, but also involve the patient in
an active way, thus limiting patient dependency.
A number of facilitation techniques are utilized. These
include patient pre-positioning, hand contacts, tissue stimulation, and verbal
cues or commands. To progress a patient, procedures are used which
include passive
modeling, active assistance, isometric holds vs resistance,
motion vs resistance, and eccentric motion vs resistance.
- Voss
DE, Ionta
MK, Meyers, BJ: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation ,
Patterns and
Techniques. 3rd Ed. Harper and Row, Publishers; Copyright 1985,
- Liebensen, C. "Manual Resistance Techniques and Self
Stretches for
Improving Flexibility/Mobility" in C. Liebensenrquote s
of the Spine: A Practitioners Manual, 1996, pp. 253-292.
25) Propriosensory training
is the ability to determine joint position. Proprioceptive
ability should be a
major consideration when developing a rehabilitation
because proprioception is central in performing physical skills correctly and safely.
that may affect the relative proprioceptive skill of a patient
include age,
joint degeneration, joint laxity, and prior injury. Although
awareness at a conscious level may increase performance and avoid
problems,(5,6) many patients are not conscious of
information after a skill pattern is learned.(7) This
returns to conscious control when the patient has altered
efferent information
that affects a skill pattern.(2,6) Biofeedback that
differs from
the healthy norm could create motor patterns that are not used
with the
healthy body, leading to problems when the patient is returned to
activities of daily living.(2)
training is designed to produce concentrated stimulation of
afferents from the foot/ankle region to the central nervous
system in order to
re-educate subcortical motor programs. This training was
originally proposed
by Freeman and Wyke(8) in rehabilitating ankle sprain
patients. The
basic training involves stable positioning of the foot (i.e, "the
small foot")
in order to simulate proprioceptors and mechanoreceptors with the
aim of re-
educating both lumbar and cervical spine pain patients who have
postural patterns. (9) Treatment objectives include
programming basic sensory-motor pathways and increasing the speed
and response
of reflex muscle contraction. Specific procedures and protocols
training on labile surfaces such as balance boards, balance
trampolines, exercise balls, Styrofoam rolls etc. Therapeutic
applications of
unexpected pertubations. i.e, pushes to the patient facilitate
1. Notterman
JM. Comment on Jones' query: "Is proprioception important for
performance?". J Motor Behavior. 1975; 7: 217-8.
2. Thieme HA. "Cooling Does Not Effect Knee Proprioception,"
Ath Tr. 1996;
31 (1).
3. Tomaszewski D. "T-Band Kicks" ankle proprioception
program. Ath Tr.
1991; 26: 216-219.
4. Tropp H, Ekstrand J, Gillquist J. Stabilometry in
instability of the ankle and its value in predicting injury. Med
Sci Sports
Ex. 1984; 16: 64-66.
5. Cutietta R. Biofeedback training in music: from
experimental to
clinical applications. Council for Res in Music Educ. 1986; 87: 35-42.
6. Kirschenbaum DS. Self-Regulation and sports psychology:
nurturing an
emerging symbiosis. J Sports Psych. 1984; 6: 159-183.
7. Barrack RL, Skinner HB, Brunet ME, Haddad RJ. Functional
performance of
the knee after intraarticular anesthesia. Am J Sports Med.
1983; 11: 258-
8.Freeman MAR, Wyke BD. Articular contributions to limb muscle
J. Physiol (lond) 171:20p,1964.
9. Janda, V "Sensory motor stimulation" in C. Liebenson's
Rehabilitation of
the Spine,1996. p.319.
Rehabilitation of muscular imbalances
imbalances are noted by the presence of both tight and weak
muscles in an
individual. The first step in the restoration of normal muscle
balance is to
adjust/mobilize dysfunctional joints to normalize neuromuscular
This is followed by stretching or relaxation of tight or
hypertonic muscles.
Then the patient may be taught strategies they can utilize to
more effectively
carry out movement patterns in a coordinated fashion.
Facilitation techniques
such as rhythmic stabilization may be necessary prior to the
institution of
these strategies.
If tight muscles and weak muscles are not improved by the
above measures,
then subcortical reflex training may be necessary (see #25).
- Lewit K.
Manipulative therapy in rehabilitation of the motor system. 2nd
London: Butterworths, 1991.
- Liebensen, C. Active Rehabilitation Protocols. In
Rehabilitation of the
Spine: A Practitionerrquote s Manual, Liebenson C (ed). Williams
and Wilkins,
Baltimore, 1995, pages 355-390.
27) Strength training
Strength is
the capacity of a muscle or muscle group to generate
Training involves applications of resistance protocols designed
to increase
ones capacity to exert a higher maximal force against a known
Strength is dependent upon both neural and muscular function.
Initial strength
gains are the result of neural changes, with secondary strength
gains the
result of muscular hypertrophy.(2,3) Components for
prescription of a strength training protocol include frequency,
volume, and duration of training, and mode of
Depending on the clinical goals of the protocol, these variables
may be
manipulated in such a way to elicit different training effects
persuant to the
SAID principle (specific adaptation to imposed demands) which
recognizes that
the human body responds to given exercise demands with a specific
predictable adaptation. (5,6)
Strength training can be provided a number of
depending upon clinical objectives:
(1) Isometric training is performed against fixed
resistance without
movement of the joint. The muscle maintains a fixed length,
with the
tension generated equal to the resistance encountered.
Isometrics are
probably the least effective form of strength training, but
is the safest
because there is no joint motion. Strength gains occur at
the joint angle
plus or minus 10 degrees due to physiologic overflow. Therefore,
angle isometric training to strengthen a joint through ROM is
(2) Isotonic means a joint is moving through a range of
motion against
the restance of a fixed weight. Isotonic work
consists of
concentric and eccentric contractions. Concentric occurs when
the joint
angle decreases, the muscle shortens and the weight is
lifted. Eccentric
occurs when the muscle resists its lengthening and the weight
is lowered.
Eccentric contraction is more stressful than concentric, but also
in greater strength gains.
Application of isotonic protocols are divided into
constant or variable
resistance. An example of constant resistance isotonic
exercise is the
use of barbells. As the weights are lifted and lowered, the
remains the same. Variable resistance isotonic exercises
requires use of
commericial machinery such as Nautilus or Eagle that are
engineered with a
cam to cause change in the length of the lever arm. Although
the weight
is fixed, resistance varies through the range.
(3) Isokinetic exercise is an accomodating variable
resistance, in
which the speed of motion is set and the resistance
accomodates to
match the applied force.
Strength training is dependent upon threshold/overload and
progression. An
overload stimulus demands that the exercised region work harder
than normal.
Strength gains are expected if a muscle is trained at or above
90% of the MVC
for the muscle.(8) This provides both
neurofacilitative and
hypertrophic benefits. Progression allows for the gradual
increase of
overload across time. There are a variety of protocols such as
Watkins and Zinovieff, among others, that manipulate the above
variables in
order to accomplish desired clinical objectives.
The employment of strength training in the rehabilitation of
pathology places special emphasis on trunk function. In the
normal spine, a
"hierarchy" of torso strengths exist with extension
> flexion
> lateral bending.(9) The agonist/antagonist
strength ratios
for the trunk musculature vary by assessment ratio (isokinetic,
etc.) but the most commonly cited ratio of trunk extensor to
flexors is 1.3:1
for healthy individuals.(9) Isotonic and isokinetic
machines can
be used to facilitate torso strengthening. Training should be as
specific as
possible to prepare for activities of daily living and employment
Strength training a patient is different than training a
healthy individual
due to risk of reinjury. Proper form must be trained so as to
proximal joint stability and thus avoid high repetitive strain to
joints. In particular, abnormal muscle substitution patterns
should be
identified and corrected before either resistance or repetitions
are increased
to injurious levels.(10)
1. Anderson
GBJ: Evaluation of muscle function, in The Adult Spine:
Principles and
Practice. New York, Raven Press, 1991, pp
2 Sale DG. Neural
to resistance training. Med Sci Sp Exer 20:137-145, 1988.
3. Boucher JP, In
Rehabilitation of the
Spine: A Practitionerrquote s Manual, Liebenson C (ed). Williams
and Wilkins,
Baltimore, 1995.
4. Pollock, ML, Graves, JE, et al: Muscle, in
Rehabilitation of the
Spine: Science and Practice. Philadelphia,
Mosby, 1993, pp
5. Essentials of Strength and Conditioning, Baechle TR
National Strength and Conditioning Association,
Human Kinetics pub, 1994.
6. Rutherford OM. Muscular coordination and strength
implications for injury rehabilitation. Sports Med 5:196,
7. Christensen, K. Chiropractic Rehabilitation,
Volume 1:
Protocols, Chiropractic Rehabilitation Association,
pages 21-27, 42-45.
8. McArdle WD, Katch FI, Katch VL. Exercise physiology,
nutrition and human performance 3rd edn. Lea Febiger,
Philadelphia ch 20.
1991; p 384-417.
9. Beimborn D, Morrissey MC. A review of the literature related to trunk
performance. Spine 1988;13(6)655-60.
Kendall FP,
McCreary EK. Muscles: Testing and Function. 3rd Edition, page
Williams and Wilkins 1983.
28) Endurance training
endurance is defined as the ability of a muscle or muscle group
to work at
less than a maximal level for an extended period of
Improvements in endurance are demonstrated from a conditioning
program that
applies low resistance and high repititions against the muscle.
training should occur with resistance of less than 40% of MVC.
development of adequate levels of muscular endurance affords the
patient the
ability to to perform repeated muscular contractions or work
tasks for a
prolonged period of time. As with strength, endurance training
follows the
SAID principle.
One example of muscular endurance training would be circuit
training, performing 10 to 15 repetitions at each station with a
15 to 30
second rest between stations. There are minimal
cardiorespiratory or aerobic
training benefits from this activity; however, there can be
increases in muscular endurance.
- Amierican College
of Sports Medicine is Guidelines for Exercising Testing and
Fifth Edition, Williams & Wilkins, 1995.
- Ito, et al. Lumbar Trunk Muscle Endurance Testing: An
Alternative to a Machine for Evaluation, in archives of Physical
Medicine and
Rehabilitation, Volume 77, January 1996.
- Alaranta H, Hurri H, Heliovaara M, et al: Non-dynametric
performance tests: Reliability and normative data. Scand J Rehab
Med 26:211,
- Boucher, JP. in Rehabilitation of the Spine, by Craig
Liebenson(ed.) Aspen
Publishers, 1996; Pages 48-49.
29) Flexibility training
training refers to exercises aimed at enhancing muscle
relaxation, myofascial
extensibility, and joint mobility. Traditional methods include
stretching, dynamic/ballistic stretching and proprioceptive
facilitation techniques. Further, joint mobilizaton, traction,
and joint
manipulation are often used to improve joint mobility.
Exercise progression begins with passive range of motion,
moving to passive
assistive, passive resistive, active assistive, and active
Recent approaches to improve flexibility emphasize both
relaxation and reciprocal inhibition techniques. Static and
stretching have been de-emphasized (see PNF #24)..
Appropriate techniques require precise psychomotor skills in
positioning, application of resistance (force, duration and
vector) and doctor
- Evjenth, O,
Hamberg J. Muscle Stretching in Manula Therapy. Volume 1 and 2.
Rehab, 1984.
- Liebenson CS. Manual Resistance Techniques and
Self-Stretches for
Improved Flexibility/Mobility in Rehabilitation of the Spine: A
Practitionerrquote s Manual, Liebenson C (ed)., Williams and
Wilkins, 1996,
pages 253-292.
- Alter, M. Science of Flexibility and Stretching. Human
Kinetics, 2nd
edition, 1996.
30) Aerobic
conditioning is the performance of activities that use large
muscle groups in
a continuous and sustained manner at 60 to 90 percent of an
maximal heart rate for greater than 20 minutes at least three
days per week.
Examples include distance running, aerobic dance, cycling, fast
distance swimming, rowing, etc.
Benefits from aerobic conditioning include decreased risk for
disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stroke, peripheral
vascular disease,
cancer, osteoporosis, and low back pain. The physiologic effects
of aerobic
conditioning include increased oxygen uptake, increased cardiac
output during
exercise, decreased resting heart rate, increased stroke volume,
cellular sufficiency (A -V02 difference), decreased
concentrations of LDL, and
increased HDL cholesterol.
- American College
ot Sports Medicine's Guidelines for Exercising Testing and
Edition, Williams & Wilkins, 1995.
Introduction to McKenzie protocols
protocols explore self-treatment movement strategies. The
underlying treatment for those patients who can be classified
within one of
the McKenzie syndromes are the "3 Rrquote s,"
Re-education of
posture for the Postural syndrome, Remodeling adaptively
shortened tissue for
the Dysfunction syndrome, and Reducing deranged tissue in the
Both diagnosis and treatment is based upon mechanical and
responses to static and dynamic end-range spinal loading. The
protocol progresses from active, patient-generated movement to
to mainipulation.
- McKenzie RA. The
cervical and thoracic spine: mechanical diagnosis and therapy.
Waikanae, New
Zealand, Spinal Publications, 1991
- McKenzie RA. The lumbar spine: mechanical diagnosis and
Waikanae, New Zealand, Spinal Publications, 1981
32) Patient education: transformation from passive recipient to
participant -- how to improve compliance & motivation
education involves the utilization of various clinical methods to
patients that they have to assume responsibility for their own
health and
serve as a critical member of the health-care team if significant
and positive
changes in their long-term health status is to be reasonably
According to AHCPR, patient reassurance, advice, and activity
modifications, are the cornerstones of early care.
If no red flags are detected during evaluation, patient
education begins
with reassurance that there is no serious medical disease and
that the natural
history of the conditon is excellent. The second step is to
educate the
patient that the goals of care are both pain relief and reduction
of activity
intolerance. Finally, the patient is educated that recovery does
not mean
absence of pain but rather restoration of function. In fact,
recurrences are
to be expected. However, the patient will be taught
self-treatment for
control of their symptoms.
Advice about activity modificaitons should be given at the
beginning of
care. Such advice includes sitting and lifting recommendations.
Depending on
the clinical presentation, patients should be encouraged that
swimming, biking, and other similar activities are generally safe
and that
bedrest is an inappropriate treatment. Bedrest should only be
recommended if
it is the only position that offers relief. It is not a treatment
for pain,
but rather a result of severe pain.
Bigos S, Bower O, Braen G, et al.
Acute Low Back Problems in Adults. Clinical Practice Guideline No. 14.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research,
Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1994
- Waddell G Feder G, McIntosh A, Lewis M, Hutchinson A (1996)
Low Back Pain
Evidence Review. London: Royal College of General
- Liebenson CS. Rehabilitation of the Spine: A
Practitionerrquote s Manual,
Liebenson C (ed)., Williams and Wilkins. Pages
33) Manual procedures: chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue
& time limited passive modalities.
procedures that are physically provided by a care-giver. These
manual procedures such as chiropractic adjusting, trigger point
therapy, and
cross friction massage. Passive modalities include all
procedures applied by
a care-giver to a patient who "passively" receives the
Examples include ultrasound, heat, and cold. Passive modalities
have specific
proven or theoretical physiologic effects. Their application
should be
consistent with therapeutic effects and objectives of each phase
of recovery.
The physiologic effects and derived clinical benefits of passive
are time and intensity limited. Intensity is generally inversely
to patient recovery.
An overemphasis on passive modalities beyond the early stages
of acute care
reflects the dichotomy between typical chiropractic practice and
rehabilitation standards. Passive modalities such as thermal
or electrical
physical agents applied for pain relief or to reduce inflammation
have a
limited role in the management of musculoskeletal problems. There
is a
definite tendency to overemphasize the promotion of tissue
healing and
reduction of inflammation which results in overutilization of
approaches. The danger of the injury/inflammation model is that
it promotes
overutilization of physical agents which in turn promote patient
illness behavior, and both physical and psychological
overuse of
passive modalities combined with protracted treatment regimes is
a direct
result of the failure to apply the principles of rehabilitation
from day one.
The Mercy document says, "It is beneficial to proceed to
rehabilitation phase
as rapidly as possible, and to minimize dependency upon passive
forms of
treatment/care." (p110) The implication is that patient
dependency is to be
avoided by transitioning as early as possible to
approaches. This is especially true if two suggested trials (1-2
weeks each)
of manipulative (manual) therapy fail to produce any positive
results. "All
episodes of symptoms that remain unchanged for 2-3 weeks should
be evaluated
for risk factors of pending chronicity. Patients at risk for
becoming chronic
should have treatment plans altered to de-emphasize passive care
and refocus
on active care approaches." (1, p.125)
The British Clinical Standards Advisory Group Back Pain
Guidelines are even
stronger in their opposition to the prolonged passive
"At present, the main emphasis of physical therapy for back pain
is on
symptomatic relief of pain, despite evidence that many of the
modalities used
are ineffective. Symptomatic measures to control pain are
required but this
should be used to embark on active rehabilitation rather than be
seen as an
end in itself."(2) They recommend that "there should
be a change
of emphasis and redirection of resources from symptomatic
treatment, to the
provision of active rehabilitation."
Agency for
Health Care Policy & Research actually had less direct advice
about this
controversy.(2) But, it is clear that physical
agentrquote s
role is being reduced. "Physical modalities such as massage,
ultrasound, biofeedback, and transcutaneous electrical nerve
(TENS) also have no proven efficacy in the treatment of acute low
symptoms."(2, p.12)
Once subacute,the patient should be transitioned from passive
modalities to
stabilization/motor control exercises (see # 23) followed by
other components
of rehabilitative care including torque production
1. Haldeman
S, Chapman-Smith D, Petersen DM. Frequency and duration of care.
In Guidelines
for chiropractic Quality Assurance and
Parameters. Aspen 1993, Gaithersburg.
2. Waddell G Feder G, McIntosh A, Lewis M, Hutchinson A
(1996) Low
Back Pain Evidence Review. London: Royal College
of General
34) Urgent care
issues in the rehab facility
that may arise while the patient is under care in the facility;
conditions may be pre-existing (e.g. a patient with diabetes
mellitus), or may
be caused by the rehabilitative care itself. Treatment may range
from simple
first aide such as ice application for acute strain, to basic
life saving
techniques such as CPR for heart attack or the Heimlich maneuver
for airway
All rehabilitation facilities should have a pre-existing,
course of action for any health care problem that may arise, with
equipment and personnel trained in emergency care available at
all times.
- Arnheim D. Modern
Principles of Athletic Training, Times Mirror/Mosby, 1996.
- Armitage-Johnson SL. "Preparing for Emergencies"
in Essentials
of Strength and Conditioning, Baechle TR editor, National
Strength and
Conditioning Association/Human Kitetics pub, 1994
- Heartsaver Manual: A Student Handbook for Cardiopulmonary
American Heart Association.
Appendix A:
Participants who
attain a certificate for 100 hours postgraduate study in
rehabilitation will
master the following:
1. Will be able to introduce effective, time-limited
active care
into their practice profile.
2. Will be able to rehabilitate common NMS problems of spinal
origin (this
will include early activation of the acute patient, as well
as subacute,
chronic and chronic recurrent conditions).
3. Will be able to render rehabilitative care in a low tech,
4. Will know when and how to refer to a tertiary
rehabilitation facility
and how to co-treat with other health care professionals
5. Will be able to successfully transition patients to
exercise programs at home or in a health club
6. Will be able to manage cases based on reliable and valid
7. Will be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of
consensus-based management guidelines.
8. Will be able to effectively educate patients concerning
basic activities
of daily living.
9. Will have attained a basic competency in the psychomotor
skills specific
to the variety of evaluation and treatment procedures
outlined in the core
Appendix B:
material for
the first 100 hours of rehab course work consists of the
following topics. The American Chiropractic Rehab Board (ACRB) maintains multiple
examinations for this course. Among the examinations, the distribution of test questions
from each topic area averages:
I) General
1 - 1) Functional pathology of the motor system (the
interrelation between dysfunction of the muscular, articular, & motor
control systems)
4 - 2) Biopsychosocial approach: identification of physical
psychosocial risk factors/predictors
3 -
3) Case management: introduction to assessment/treatment
which integrate muscle & joint dysfunction
3 - 4) Quality assurance guidelines, risk management &
2 - 5) Cost effectiveness: ethics of health care &
II) Basic Science
3 - 6) Clinical biomechanics (stress/strain
3 - 7) Principles of human locomotion, including
arthrokinematic events
& kinesiology
4 - 8) Exercise science
1 - 9) Motor learning
1 - 10) Behavior modification
III) Assessment
4 - 11) Functional testing (physical performance of
4 - 12) Outcomes management: objective measurement of soft
tissue injury
4 - 13) Biomechanics & kinesiopathology of common tasks,
mechanism of injury, ergonomics & repetitive strain.
4 - 14) Evaluation of muscle imbalance (identification of
tight & weak
5 - 15) Evaluation of motor control/movement patterns
4 - 16) Evaluation of strength
3 - 17) Evaluation of endurance
3 - 18) Evaluation of flexibility
3 - 19) Evaluation of aerobic capacity/fitness, including
risk factors with exertional activities
1 - 20) Activities of daily living & Health habits
1 - 21) Diagnosis: history, vitals, imaging
2 - 22) Introduction to McKenzie principles &
Rehabilitation Treatment
4 - 23) Stabilization exercise
3 - 24) PNF (psycho-motor skills development)
3 - 25) Propriosensory training
4 - 26) Rehabilitation of muscular imbalances
4 - 27) Strength training
2 - 28) Endurance training
2 - 29) Flexibility training
2 - 30) Aerobic conditioning
1 - 31) Introduction to McKenzie protocols
3 - 32) Patient education: transformation from passive
recipient to active
participant -- how to improve compliance & motivation
3 - 33) Manual procedures: chiropractic adjustments, soft
procedures (e.g. trigger points) & time limited passive
2 - 34) Urgent care issues in the rehab facility
V) Management Topics
2 - 35) Timliness, indications &
contraindications in the
rehabilitation of condition specific spinal disorders
2 - 36) Functional restoration/ multidisciplinary (office
outside referral)
Appendix C
Test Questions:
Delphi Topic
6. Answer A.
The stress/strain curve for a viscoelastic tissue such as a ligament:
a. shows the relationship of the applied load (stress)
to the
deformation (strain) of the structure.
b. does not give any indication of the strength of the
c. does not give any indication of the stiffness of the
d. does not give any indication when microfailure of the
structure may
start to occur.
Delphi Topic 8. Answer C.
The molecular basis of muscle contraction involves:
a. active shortening of the sarcomere as a result of
actual shortening
of ONLY the myosin filaments.
b. actual shortening of ONLY the actin filaments.
c. active shortening of the sarcomere and therefore of
the muscle,
resulting from the relative sliding of the actin
and myosin
filaments past one another, while retaining their
d. coiling of the sarcomere, but not shortening of the
Delphi Topic 12. Answer D.
Which of the following is an example of a "General Health Questionnaire?"
a. Oswestry LBP Disability Questionnaire
b. Neck Disability Index
c. Beck Depression Index
d. SF-36
Delphi Topic 14. Answer B.
Pelvic crossed syndrome is characterized by which of the following muscle dysfunction?
a. tight hip flexors/tight hip extensors & strong
b. tight hip flexors/tight lumbar erectors & weak abdominals/weak gluteals
c.weak hip flexors/weak lumbar erectors & tight
d. tight gluteus medius/tight quadratus lumborum &
hamstrings/weak quadriceps
Delphi Topic 15. Answer D.
In a faulty (altered) shoulder abduction movement pattern, the muscle likely dysfunction would be:
a.tight/overactive lower trapezius and weak/inhibited
upper trapezius
& levator scaplae
b. tight/overactive lower trapezius and weak/inhibited
c. tight/overactive deltoid and weak/inhibited lower
d. tight/overactive upper trapezius and levator scapulae and weak/inhibited deltoid
Delphi Topic 18. Answer C.
According to the 4th edition of the AMA Guides, which of the following assessment techniques MOST accurately measures lumbar ranges of motion?
(A) Visual
(B) Goniometric
(C) Inclinometric
(D) Tape measure
Delphi Topic 19. Answer B.
Which of the following is a major coronary risk factor according to the 4th edition of the ACSM Guidelines for Exercise Testing
and Participation?
a. history of high blood pressure above 145/95
b. cigarette smoking
c. family history of coronary heart disease in
parents or siblings
over the age of 50
d. elevated total cholesterol above 200 mg/dl
Delphi Topic 21. Answer C.
According to the AHCPR, xray studies of the low back are not recommended during the first month of symptoms EXCEPT if:
(A) they are provided as part of a comprehensive full spine study
(B) examination reveals loss of lumbar range of motion
(C) red flags are present
(D) the patient is pregnant
Delphi Topic 22. Answer B.
A patient whose pain is not provoked by any examination procedures but is worse after prolonged static activities is classified with
which of the following McKenzie diagnosis:
(A) derangement syndrome
(B) postural syndrome
(C) dysfunction syndrome
(D) ligamnetous syndrome
Delphi Topic 23. Answer D.
In a spinal stabilization program, all of the following will be trained except:
(A) kinesthetic awareness
(B) coordination
(C) strength
(D) flexibilty
Delphi Topic 25. Answer D
To best improve sensorimotor coordination, exercises should be performed until:
(A) post-exercise soreness develops
(B) volitional muscle fatigue
(C) heart rate reaches aerobic minimum
D) patient is unable to maintain proper form
Delphi Topic 27. Answer C.
During which set of the Delorme-Watkin technique of isotonic resistance
exercise does the patient attempt to perform 11 repititions?
(A) first and third sets
(B) second and third sets
(C) third set only
(D) fourth set only
Delphi Topic 29. Answer
Postisometric relaxation is BEST used for:
a. myofascial trigger points
b. muscle tightness
c. interneuron dysfunction
d. limbic system dysfunction
Delphi Topic 30. Answer C.
Which of the following BEST describes why measuring exercise heart rate
during aerobic activity is an effective means by which exercise
intensity can be measured?
(A) There is a direct relationship between basal metabolic
rate and
cardiovascular function.
B) Oxygen uptake and metabolic function must be elevated
to that the
heart can accommodate systemic
(C) There is a linear relationship between heart rate and
(D) As the work demand increases, heart rate may remain
unchanged, thus
effecting oxygen uptake.
Delpi Topic 31. Answer C.
Centralization of sciatic radicular pain:
(A) is rarely effected by spinal loading stimuli.
(B) is a common consequence of postural neglect.
(C) that occurs as a result or therapeutic exercise is a
good sign.
(D) is a red flag according to AHCPR guidelines.
Delphi Topic 36. Answer D.
Rehabilitation of disabling chronic back pain:
(A) Is more difficult with degenerative disc disease.
(B) Monitors progress with qualifiable outcomes.
(C) Commonly incorporates passive modalities.
(D) Should include functional goals that promote return to