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[Space Divider]

Wallpaper for your Desktop

This section is maintained by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
Send all comments or additions to:   Frankp@chiro.org

Thanks to Fred Casselman of the Earth Echo Gallery for the use of his awesome art!   Drop by his site to see more.   If you want to use these as "wallpaper", click the small "thumb nail" photos to get to the large picture on his site.   Put your "cursor" over the large picture, and "right click" the photo, and select "Set as Wallpaper"...this will make the picture appear on your desktop.   Enjoy!

[Space Divider]

Aquila   Planetary   Nebulae


Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have obtained images of the planetary nebula NGC 6751.   Glowing in the constellation Aquila like a giant eye, the nebula is a cloud of gas ejected several thousand years ago from the hot star visible in its center.   'Planetary nebulae' are shells of gas thrown off by stars of masses similar to that of our own Sun, when the stars are nearing the ends of their lives.   The loss of the outer layers of the star into space exposes the hot stellar core. (NASA/Hubble Heritage Team via Reuters)   Enjoy!

G   A   L   A   X   Y


A   u   r   o   r   a

earth art image

S  k  y   Y  e  a  r  n  i  n  g

earth art image

T  h  o  u  g  h  t  s

earth art image

B  e  y  o  n  d    t  h  e    V   e   i   l


S  o  n  g   O   f   T  h  e   S  p  i  r  i  t


M  a  n  d  a  l  a    O  f    L  i  g  h  t

art image

T  r  e  e    O  f    L  i  g  h  t

art image

T  h  e    A  n  c  i  e  n  t   V  a  l  e


K   a   l   e   i   d   o   s   c   o   p   e    1

K   a   l   e   i   d   o   s   c   o   p   e    2

K   a   l   e   i   d   o   s   c   o   p   e    8

K   a   l   e   i   d   o   s   c   o   p   e    10

K   a   l   e   i   d   o   s   c   o   p   e    11

O  B u r n i n g  M o u n t a i n


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